Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 863: Ashiya Birch (top)

In mid-August, the Chengdu Plain was completed in the autumn, and a large amount of grain was concentrated on this plain. It was over-reported, taxed, transported, and warehousing. The Huaxia Army’s law enforcement team entered every inch of the plain. Supervise the implementation of the entire situation.

Zhangcun, the core of the Huaxia Army, is still warm after the night. In the small village town of Yuehua Rushui, patrolling soldiers walked across the street and passed by the adults and children living here.

In the study in the small yard, Ning Yi was buried in a pile of information, buried his writing, and occasionally sat up, and reached out to press the right side of the neck, and he said. Red put a bowl of black herbal tea from the outside and put it beside him.

"The herbal tea has been put out for a while, let's drink it first."

In the voice of the red voice, Ning Yi’s eyes still stayed on the desk’s information. He picked up the tea bowl and snorted and drank it. He put down the bowl and whispered: “Difficult to drink.”

His voice was a little hoarse, his throat was hurting, and the red one took the bowl. He came over and gently pressed his neck: "You have been too busy recently, thinking too much, just resting..."

Ning Yi licked his mouth and talked. The red reminder said: "Oh, don't say it, let's do something first."

Ning Yi will lean forward and continue to summarize the information on a piece of information. After a while, it was a dull discourse: "The General Staff has not completely decided on the operational plan."

Red made him lick his neck: "Well."

"But yesterday, when I raised the code of war, I said that I should strategically despise the enemy and tactically attach importance to the enemy. The guy who helped the floor shop thought for a while, and told me in the afternoon... cough, say it is called 'Father love'..."

The night is calm, Ning Yi is dealing with the message on the table, the words are relatively calm, and the red reminder is slightly stunned: "Hey..." After a moment, I realized that I couldn’t help but laugh, Ning Yi also laughed, and the couple laughed. Trembling, Ning Yi made a hoarse voice, and then whispered after a moment: "Oh, it hurts..."

Due to the accumulation of many things, Ning Yi has been busy in recent months, but after a few moments he saw Su Tan, who came back from outside, and he repeated the joke again. Taner frowned and criticized her husband. This kind of unconformity behavior...


To the east of Chengdu, a small village outside Yupu County.

"Yu Knife" Qian Luoning was guided through the dark road. When entering the room, the watermelon was sitting at the table and frowning about what was calculated. The hand was holding a charcoal pen to write and draw.

The vague voice came from the room on the other side of the courtyard.

"...In Xiao Canghe, when I killed the real woman, I made a contribution! I made a contribution! At that time, my head was Feng Min. When Gongshan moved, we were behind, and the Jurchen took The tens of thousands of dog thieves who surrendered and killed, and the blood flow into the river, I did not retreat! I have thirteen knives in my body, my hands are gone, my feet still hurt every year. I am a fighting hero, Mr. Ning said ...you, you..."

"So from now on, you will start to compensate yourself, join Lin Guanghe, be the emperor. At first, is he looking for him or is he looking for you?"

"...I, I want to see Master Feng."

"We have seen Feng Min before we came. He asked us to check the facts. If it is true, he only hates that he can't send you on the road in the same year. Let's say, Lin Guanghe said it was your idea. You started to look at his home. Woman..."

"He has blood and people"

The noisy voice widened for a moment and then fell again. The martial arts of Qian Luoning and watermelon are both high, and these sounds can't avoid them. The watermelon frowned and sighed.

"It's a pity. You guy, how are you there?"

"In the past few months, the old bulls have been restrained internally. For reaching out to the north and not touching the Huaxia Army, a consensus has been reached. For the situation in the world, there is internal discussion. I think that although the people split from the Huaxia Army, many of them are still Mr. Ning’s disciple, the world is rising and falling, no one can stay out of the way, everyone is recognized, so I sent a letter to this side one month earlier, saying that if there is any problem with Huaxia Army, even if it is open, it is not a fake, but Mr. Ning’s Rejecting them makes them feel a little shameful. Of course, most of the middle-level people feel that this is Mr. Ning’s kindness and gratitude."

"Which side are you, do you care about it?"

"I am very willing to stand on their side, but Chen Shanzhen and Li Ximing, they seem to be more willing to regard me as a contact with you. The innovation of the old bullhead is going on, many people are actively responding. In fact, even me, I don't quite understand Mr. Ning's decision. Look at this..."

Qian Luo Ning spread his hand and sighed. He is the youngest of all the disciples of Liu Dazhao, but the savvy talent was originally the highest. At this time, nearly 40 years old, in fact, on the martial arts, he has already fascinated to catch up with the masters. For the concept of equality of watermelon, others are only attached, and his understanding is also the deepest.

When the old bullhead split, the people who went out were indifferent to Ning Yi. They were only prepared for rumors. Who knows that they later became a coup, and then Ning Yi put them on a road, which makes all Some people can't figure it out.

Compared with Ning Yi, those who believe in the concept of equality in these years may have deeper feelings about watermelon. It is only in this matter that watermelon finally chose to believe and accompany Ning Yi, and Qian Luoning volunteered to join the opposite team spontaneously. First, he had such an idea. Secondly, as Ning Yi said, when things are irreparable, perhaps only a series of watermelons can save some of the survivors.

However, as far as the current situation is concerned, the situation in the Chengdu Plain has become complicated due to internal and external turmoil. The situation of the Chinese military side may not be as exciting as the old bulls’ minds are unified and ready to go.

I heard Qian Luoning sigh, watermelon rose from the seat, and sighed. She opened the window behind the earthen house. I saw the courtyard outside the window exquisite and simple. It obviously took a lot of thought, and a warm spring came in from outside the courtyard. And go out from the other side, one side of the path extends to the back of the room.

"The house is a thatched house, but look at this particular look. People are the fighting heroes of Xiao Canghe. But after coming to this side, Liu Guanghe began to collect money. People have not read books, but they are really smart. He and Liu Guanghe have combined. Huaxia Army supervised the inspections, falsely reported the acres and made false accounts, and played more than a dozen beautiful girls in the nearby villages and counties. After the game, they introduced the children of other families to the Huaxia Army. They also thanked him... Still check it too late."

Watermelon shook his head: "From the beginning of the old bullhead, Liheng is already predicting the next state of affairs. The Wu Dynasty has lost too fast. The situation in the world is bound to turn sharply. The time left for us is not much, and before the autumn harvest, Li Heng said that the autumn harvest will become a big problem. In the past, the imperial power did not go down the county. All kinds of things were done by these landlords. Now they have to be controlled by us. They have seen us fierce in the past year or two. Fear, until now, the first wave of resistance has begun..."

Qian Luoning nodded. "So, from the internal rectification in May, the excessive trend to the outside of June, it is to deal with the situation in advance... Sister, your family is really worthwhile, but it is because of this, I am It’s even more strange about his approach. First, let this situation change. You and the big people will fight sooner or later. He accepts Chen Shan’s rumors. Isn’t it better? Second, if you don’t accept Chen’s rumors, When they are in such a crisis, they will be arrested and locked up, and everyone will understand it. Now it’s not going to go up, he has to work hard to do the next thing..."

Watermelon was silent for a moment: "Liheng is very tired recently... I said it, I can't tell you, but Liheng is there, he is very sure, you will encounter huge problems in the middle and late period, and in me It seems that he thinks that even if it is a failure, you also have a lot of meaning... So he sighed a little earlier, saying that he made his own pot, crying and carrying it up. I heard that the scorpion is broken these days. Not very able to speak."

As such, the watermelon smiled and smiled, seeming to feel helpless for having such a husband. Qian Luo Ning frowned and said: "Mr. Ning, he really... so sure?"


"According to the results of many years of calculations by Mr. Ning, who can not pay attention to his ideas?"

"There is also such a statement within the Huaxia Army, but Li Heng is not happy, saying that it is hard to get rid of his own influence, so that everyone can think a little independently, and the result is that they have to personally worship. But this is not The way, he is to keep a little bit of the results of the old bull's head ... you have to be careful when you are there, you can always behave happily ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ When the accident happens, I am afraid that it will be the first I am looking for you."

"Yeah." Qian Luoning nodded. "I came here this time because they are not too reluctant to be excluded from the battle against Jurchens. After all, they are brothers, interrupting the bones and still ribbing. Now there is there. Many people have also participated in the war in Xiao Cang River. They have had **** hatred with Jurchens. I hope that the voice of common fighting is very loud. Chen Shanzhen still hopes that I will walk your way privately and ask you to reply."

Watermelon shakes his head: "I think different things from Li Heng. I still listen to him when I fight. You are more than 3,000 people, half of them are still engaged in administration, what are they running over, and the unified command is also troublesome. The war with Jurchen may be divided into two lines. The first battle is Changsha. There are still some time here. You advise Chen Shanzhen, and peace of mind to develop the first thing in the turmoil of the Wu dynasty to swallow the place and expand the manpower."

Qian Luoning nodded and the two walked toward the door. The monitoring team in the courtyard was playing the gold and silver wares in the cellar, and the figures of both were hidden in the shadows.

"As for this embarrassment, you don't have to worry too much." Watermelon's voice is light and partial. "Dayang has already started moving. This time, we will leave Zonghan here."

Yuehua is like water, and Qian Luoning nodded slightly.

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