Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 864: Gray night birch (middle)

In September, Jiangning City on the south bank of the Yangtze River was surrounded by imprisoned prisoners.

The light of the evening blew the sky, and the walls under the sky, like the hills, are showing signs of smashing and broken. From the beginning of this year, Jiangning has experienced nearly eight months of attacks, one on the wall. The rupture, a little twist, the blood drenched the city into red, and then was burned black by the fire, the sandbags and the rolling woods were higher than the moat, and the countless bodies were on the battlefield between the city wall and the Jurchen military camp. ,rot.

The corpse smelled and the crows flew in a row. From time to time, they descended on the ground. In the south of the city and in the east of the city, several places of attack were attacked. Several slings were still unable to throw the boulder through the corpse.

On the head of the city, the soldiers of the Wu Dynasty, such as the stone, are still standing by.

Crossing the corpse outside the city, the first line of the siege, the second line is the Jurchen main force under Zongfu and some of the Central Plains Han army who have become sweet in the plunder. Extending from the center of the sturdy camp, in the setting sun, a variety of rudimentary military camps were scattered on the ground, pushing towards the distant distance.

After surrendering to Jurchen, he was later driven to the Wucha army near Jiangning, and now it is as many as one million. At this time, these soldiers were taken away from half of the weapons and were being divided into relatively closed camps. There were gaps between the camps. The Jurchen cavalry occasionally patrolled and killed people.

Every day, Zong Fu will select several troops to drive them to the city to fight. In order to break Jiangning early, Zong Fu’s reward for the troops entering the city is extremely high, but for more than two months, the so-called rewards are still not available. There are more and more troops, more and more dead and injured.

The flames burned, and the pillars of smoke were raised between the dilapidated tents. The wok cooking the porridge was placed on the fire. There was a wild-headed wild vegetable in the firehead, and the ragged soldiers walked over: "That Can the dish be eaten, it’s like that!"

"If you have eaten, you can read it."

"Throw the black away."

"I can't eat Laozi has been thrown once, can't eat you!"

"Your mother"

The thin soldiers are not arguing with the powerful fire-headed army. The two sides squinted and watched for a moment. The soldier reached out and rubbed his face, turned and walked in resentment, and the face of the soldiers around him was flashing a sorrow. The head of the firehead is red.

"I want something to eat. I will give you these pigs. You are going to get the food. This is not yet winter. If you have just finished the mother, you have to cook me."

The fire-headed army was smoked with smoke, and tears slid down in the speech, and the black and gray sticky on the face was rushed together, and some people persuaded them.

"Okay, you have no fat meat."

In the voice between the open spaces, the soldier who had left before suddenly ran back. He was resentful and apparently unable to understand. He rushed toward the wild vegetables in the hands of the firearms. Someone blocked him: "What?"

"It's dark and can't eat-"

"Fuck your mother, look for something!"

"Let me kill! Come on! Kill me!" The tears in the eyes of the soldiers, unplugged the clothes and exposed the skinny chest. "I only harvested in autumn, my family planted the land! They were taken away by the Jurchens." Now, we still have to help them fight, what are you doing! You don’t dare to talk to these gangs! Kill me! Go and tell the gangsters, sooner or later, die! That black can’t eat ——”

He cried, and the soldier who had pushed him before wanted to hit him with his fist, biting his teeth and pushing him away. Someone in the crowd said: "He is crazy."

Someone took him: "Go ahead, go a little farther, you are harming everyone."

"What else can you do, you want to rebel?"

The voice was high or low, and it was noisy at the same time. The fire-headed army bite its teeth and reached out and took a little bit of wild vegetables. After a while, the former soldiers were taken away, and some people sounded: " Laozi is going to die anyway. This matter is here. If anyone goes to inform, I will do it for him!"

Not far from a dilapidated tent, Iron Tianying squatted, watching the scene quietly, then turned and left.

The orange sunset was throwing down from the sky. It seemed that the chaotic camps and the weak soldiers were gathering and eating. He followed the soldiers who had previously challenged and turned the crowd.

Since Junjun’s troops broke into Jiangning in June, both Yan Zongfu and the onlookers of various forces are waiting for the moment when the last ray of Wu Dynasty is extinguished. In July, the sea tactics began wave after wave. After scouring, Zong Fu tried to open the situation in the soldiers who attacked the city. Jiang Ning’s city was also broken several times. However, they were killed again soon – even in several battles, it is said that The princes of the Wu Dynasty had personally went into battle and commanded the rush.

By mid-August, people began to become numb for such an offensive. For the stubborn resistance of the city's 200,000 troops, some people even had some awe.

However, all of this does not help the situation.

Zhou Yi’s escape devastated the anger of all the Wu dynasty people, and the army surrendered one after another, gradually forming a huge avalanche trend. Some generals are really descending, and some generals feel that they are virtual and arrogant, waiting for the opportunity to slowly plan, waiting for the opportunity anyway, but after arriving in Jiangning City, their materials and food are controlled by Jurchen, even most of the weapons are Was released, until the siege of the city to issue inferior materials.

At this stage, the command of surrender is more of a general choice. The soldiers still cannot understand the fact that the Wu Dynasty has already begun to die. In the process of attacking Jiangning, some soldiers still want to vote on the battlefield and enter Jiangning. His Majesty the Prince helped kill the enemy. But the ones who greeted them were the unbearable eyes and the determined swords and guns of the city’s soldiers.

In the course of the entire attack, Wan Yanzong has already given orders to some units to randomly surrender. In the current situation, the defenders in Jiangning City did not even have the room to take in, isolate, and distinguish between the enemy and the enemy. There were as many as a million Han troops outside the city. In the case of inferiority, if the other party shouted, I would accept it anyway. These troops will soon become an uncontrollable powder magazine in Jiangning City.

People soon discovered that more than 200,000 Jiangning defenders in the city did not accept any investors. The morale of the Han army who was driven to the battlefield was in a downturn. They could not compete with the soldiers at the city, nor did they surrender. Some soldiers provoked the last bloodyness and rushed to the rear of the Jurchen camp. Not surprisingly.

In the two months or so, the military camps that surrendered to the Han army also experienced several changes. The Jurchen’s squadron killed a large number of people trying to escape. The materials in the military camp were separated by the Han army involved in the suppression. The Wuchao, who is in charge of and lack of cooperation, will be dragged out by the Jurchen to show off the public. So during the month, although the atmosphere shrouded in the military camp became more and more desperate, but the resistance has become less and less, some generals and soldiers are even looking forward to the early collapse of Jiangning City.

As long as Jiangning City is broken, everyone will not have to suffer in this dilemma.

After more than ten years, the people who swayed and swayed finally managed to avoid the inaccessible road.

At the end of April, Tie Tianying was seriously injured in the assassination of the Jurchen messenger. Later, in May, Lin’an City was broken. Although he was lucky enough to leave a life, he was extremely difficult to escape and then the injury increased. When the injury healed in August, he secretly came to Jiangning, and what he could see was just such a desperate situation.

There are still many forces in the world that still support the Wu Dynasty in name, but no one dares to rush to Jiangning and face the JD. In Jiangning City, more than 200,000 defenders were formed by the reorganization of the army, the town navy, the former Zhenjiang Shoujun, and the Jiangning Shoujun. But even in the tenacious support of the prince, Jiangning City was in the past few months. The Wu dynasty army fell silent every day under the attack, but after more than two months, the situation in the city has reached a difficult level, and Iron Tianying can not see clearly.

In late August, the news of Zhou Jun, who passed to the sea, was brought to the shore and quickly spread throughout the world. This means that in the eyes of those who are willing to believe, the prince in Jiangning City is now the orthodox emperor of the Wu Dynasty, but it is difficult to stir up too many embarrassments in the camps outside Jiangning City. Even the emperor, he is also a Jedi-like Jedi.

Seeing such a situation, even the long-time wind and ice of the Iron Eagle can not help but tears - if such a decision is half a year, the current situation in the world, I am afraid it will be completely different.

He considered taking risks into Jiangning and merging with the Prince and others; he also considered mixing with the soldiers to wait for the opportunity to smear Yan Zongfu. In addition, there are many ideas, but in the near future, relying on years of experience, he also found some people who are still inactive and still in action in such a desperate situation.

On the fifth day of September, he followed the back of the thin soldier and walked all the way to the hiding place where the other side was on the line. The person in front of him suddenly slowed down and looked north.

At the end of the northern view is the ruined and broken wall that is still subject to the sling attack. At the moment of the setting sun, a huge white scorpion slowly descends on the city, even after a few miles. That white color is clearly visible in people's eyes.

Iron Tianying’s heart flashed doubts. At this moment, his footsteps became a little weak. He didn’t know what happened. The news of the death of the Prince was reflected in his mind for the first time.

The voice of whispers spread like a tide in every military camp, but soon after the Jurchen raised the reward for Zhou Junwu, people knew the news of Zhou Hao’s death, so the Jianye’s cognition was over. People have formed in their minds.

Some people can't help but shed tears.

But what about it?

In such a Jedi, even if the former Prince was tenacious and how wise his death was only a matter of time.

The sound of the hustle and bustle spread over the land outside Jiangning City, and in the Jiangning City, a wave was formed.

At the moment when the sky is full of colorful tides, Jun Wu is a good man, coming out of the room, the same white Shen Ruxin is waiting for him. He looks at the sunset and walks to the front hall: "You see this glow, like The present of the Wu Dynasty"

"Looking at the treasures"

Jun Wu pressed the sword at the waist. He actually didn't have much consciousness as a king. His face had tears that had just been erased, and there was a smile: "The night is coming, but no matter how long the night is, the sun will Then rise again."

The difference is who can see it.

His eyes were chilled, and the words in his heart did not continue. The news of Zhou’s death was introduced into the city last night. At this time, some decisions have been made. The city is full of sorrows, the front hall, hundreds of The famous man was wearing a linen coat and a white towel, waiting quietly for his arrival.

This may be the last emperor of the Wu Dynasty. His successor came too late and there was no way around, but the more it was, the more people felt the tragic emotion.

"The soldiers!"

The sunset gradually did not go, the fire burned, and Jun Wu stood on the steps in front of the temple to let the sound go.

"Today has learned that my father was dead at sea on the 7th, which means that the Jianye years of the Wu Dynasty have passed. I have heard since childhood that the Wu Dynasty has been in the mountains for more than two hundred years. But today, here, I have to say that it is not important -"

In the rising fire, he pulled out the sword.

"Today, I am with you in Jiangning City. We are in front of the Jurchen and the surrendering women. Everyone knows that we have no way to go! I still have this city behind me, but we The world has been invaded and paralyzed by Jurchens. Our family and relatives have died in their original homes. They died on the road to flight and suffered humiliation. Our heads have no way to go. I am not a prince or a martial. The emperor of the DPRK, the soldiers, here I am just a humiliating man, the world is falling, I can’t do anything, I can’t wait to die here—"

The long sword in his hand waved a little, looking down from the sky in the night, there was only a little bit of fire in the square. After that, the tragic guardian music sounded in the city, passing through the night and a glimpse.

The news was fermented in military camps outside the city.

On the seventh day of September, it was sunny.

The huge dragon flag rose in the head of Jiangning City surrounded by white clouds. After an hour, along with the tragic sound, Jiang Ning opened the gate. After staying for more than two months, facing the millions of troops, Jiangning City opened its doors for the first time. Everyone was alarmed at the first time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The first reaction of people was The prince is ready to break through.

However no.

The mighty army was wearing a sturdy army. At this time, under the leadership of the Emperor Wu of the Wu Dynasty, it was rushed to the Cheng Yan Zongfu camp in the west of the city. The town navy came out from the front, and the recital army was copied from the south of the city. Leading the army, killing different gates and welcoming the millions of troops ahead.

"I am just a humiliating man here, the world is falling, I can't do anything, I can't wait to die here-"

"I am with you!"

At this moment, the boat will smash and the sorrow will win. After more than two months of hard work, the Jiangning army that can take the battlefield is only over 120,000 people, but no one has retreated at this moment - the consequences of retreat and surrender, in the previous two months, already by the city The millions of troops outside did enough demonstrations and they rushed to the crowd.

"Today I am the same death, as a Han Chinese, killing the golden dog with me, and smashing Yan Zongfu -"

Soldiers and generals who rushed out of the city yelled in the killing. Soon after, outside the city of Jiangning, millions of people were washed into the tide of rewinding.

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