Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 865: Ashiya Birch (bottom)

In the Jindi area, the rolling hills and the low valleys have spread together, and they have entered the night, and the stars above the hills are full of stars. Next to the big stone on the hill, a cluster of bonfires is burning, and the squirrels on the firewood are being roasted with meat.

In the small iron pot on the side, the broth with some rat meat has already been cooked. Two large and small figures with extremely different differences are sitting next to the fire. The small figure will be smashed in a bowl. Pour the hard **** into the stockpot.

The broken **** was opened for a moment, the small figure cut the rat meat with a knife, and the broth of the steamed bun was poured into two bowls, and the big bowl of broth and the relatively large half of the hamster were given. A fat figure like Maitreya.

"Master, have a meal."

"Yeah." The figure like a mountain nodded, took the soup bowl, and then put the mouse meat in front of the child. "The old class said that the poor and the rich, the martial arts, the family must be rich, otherwise it makes There is no strength in boxing. When you are a long body, eat more meat."

"But... Master has to be strong, Master is so fat..."

"When Master left, he ate a single food."

"Eating a single food..."

"I sneak away in the dark, eating a lot of things in places you can't see. You don't know these things."

The fat figure stood up in the soup bowl and spoke while taking a sip. The child next to him was obviously confused. He held the bowl: "...Master lie to me?"

"Do you think that Master will not carry you to eat?"


Although the child is still not big, but the weather has been frosty, there are many holes on the face that are cut by the wind and even hard skin. At this time, there is not much blush, and the fat figure pats his head.

"During these days, although you have made progress against the enemy, but the heart is still too soft on weekdays, the few children you saved the day before, obviously lie to you to eat, you are also eager to find them to eat. Later, I have to recognize you as the leader, but I want to rely on you to raise them. Later, when you say that you want to go, they are privately trying to steal your things. If they are not coming to the teacher in the middle of the night, maybe they will take the stone. Your skull... You are too good, after all, you have to suffer."

"...but Master is not them."

The child whispered a word.

"How much difference is there for the teacher and the teacher? Peace, do you think that the teacher’s fat body is not the result of eating the soil? The world is in chaos, and then it is more chaotic. When you can’t hold it, don’t say the mentor. They are fathers and sons, and they may have to eat each other. In the past year, you have seen all kinds of things. You will not eat you for the teacher, but from now on, you should not be naive. Think of the human heart as a bad one, or else you have to suffer big losses."


The child blocked his mouth with a soup bowl and screamed and screamed. His face was slightly aggrieved, but in the past one or two years, he came to the purgatory of Jindi. Such a disappointment was nothing.

After eating the things, the masters and the men walked around the big stones on the hills, and began to punch when they walked. At first, they seemed to be soothing. After the warm-up, the boxing was gradually opened, and the boxing of the hands became Dangerous. The huge figure hand is like a grinding disc, and the foot is like a plow. When you look at the body, it looks like a dangerous vortex. This is the idea of ​​melting into the Taiji round, and there is a fat figure in your life. It is already this. The best of the world.

There is no such power in the promotion of the children in the rear. However, the boxing in the hand is like stirring the water of the river. It seems to be slow and slow, and it seems to be slow and heavy. It is also the weather of a famous teacher. The foundation of the inner work is to fine-tune the whole body's qi and blood trend with the help of the exercises. The most important thing before the age of ten, and the foundation of the children in the eyes, has actually approached completion, and will come to a young, young and strong, a martial arts world. There are not too many problems.

But the fat figure named Lin Zongwu is not only for the children, but also for the real world after the boxing routine. The child with a long knife pounces on the body of the fat master, in Lin Zongwu’s Constantly corrected and provocative, killing more and more.

"Teach you for so long? Is this martial arts-"

"Think about how the Jiangbei Santu in April humiliated you! Kill the people you want to save, but also force you to eat! The teacher is next to him, and the teacher is too lazy to help-"

"It’s not a good person for the teacher! It’s really not eaten, you have to be used by me to stuff your teeth, and you can get out of the knife and get out of the knife... This knife is good, you see, you are coming to the neck of the teacher... ”

"You are not a good thing -"

The screams in this screaming voice gradually gave birth to anger. The child named Ping An also killed a lot of people in the past two years. Some of them were forced to kill. Some of them were deliberately going to kill. When they came out, the eyes were also red. The suffocating suffocating, sipping the master who killed him, the knife and knife all handed to the other side.

Lin Zongwu laughed happily: "Yes! Life and death do not have to keep hands! Think about the fire in your heart! Think about the miscellaneous things you saw! I have told you that the teacher has been promoted by the seven passions." The stronger the desire, the more powerful the kung fu! Come and come, everyone is filthy! Everyone can kill! Since the king’s fire has been burned out, the earth must be cleaned—"

The hurricane whistling, Lin Zongwu and his disciples are too far apart, even if the peace is angry again, it will naturally not hurt him. After the pair was finished, the child panted and almost pulled out. Lin Zongwu asked him to sit down and helped him to stabilize his mind in the Manichaeism. After a while, the child sat cross-legged and settled, Lin Zongwu was also next to him, and he crossed his legs.

Under the starlight, the night was getting darker. A snake came to the side from the side, and Lin Zongwu was silently pinched to death. He stayed aside and stayed in the middle of the night. The huge figure stood up silently. Going to the distance.

Wang Nantuo rode on the horse to the agreed halfway up the mountain and saw Lin Zongwu's figure slowly appearing on the hills of the rocky stone. Not too many movements, it was like a stream of water.

"Congratulations to my brother, I haven't seen you for a long time, and martial arts has improved."

Lin Zongwu's gaze swept away on Wang Nanda, and then just smiled: "The old man is old, there is an old style of play, and he can't talk about it. But recently he taught the child to see him young and weak, think about it. How many of you have some feelings, and you may wish to try it."

"I am also old, some things, and the thoughts of picking up from the beginning are also a little light, just like this." Wang Nanda is half-white, and since the night, Lin Chong's arm was almost stabbed to death, his martial arts was abolished. Most of the time, there is not much thought to pick up again. Perhaps because of the chaos in this world, I realized that the manpower is poor, but I am disheartened.

However, on the bright side, with Lin Zongwu’s thoughts on the descendants, the superficial things of the Jinguang Daguangming are still smashed by Wang Nantuo. Every once in a while, the two have met and communicated. no.

"The things of the Wu Dynasty, the brothers are already clear?"

"Yeah." Lin Zongwu nodded and sighed. "Zhou is too late, Jiang Ning is dead. I am afraid that the new king will also be in this country. The Wu Dynasty is gone. The Jurchen is sent to the southwest by the soldiers of the whole country. The situation on the side of Ning Deer’s head is also difficult to support alone. This is the martial art world, after all, it is necessary to lose all.

Although he sighed, but the words still seemed calm - some things really happened, although some are unacceptable, but over the years, many clues have already been put in front of you, since giving up Manichaeism and focusing on the apprentices, Lin Zongwu In fact, I have been waiting for these days.

After the world is dying, after a long struggle, everyone will be unable to return to heaven.

"Ning Ning's head responded to Xi Yin's words, but it was still very hard."

"Ning Liheng... He responded to everyone's words, and he was very hard. Even if he couldn't keep up with him, he would have to admit that he was a golden man and a generation of people. Unfortunately, Wu Dynasty died. He was there. Xiao Cang River, against the millions of troops in the world, will eventually have to flee to the southwest and linger. As it is now, the Jurchens will not look at the Han people. Jiangnan is just a standing army. There are more than two million, plus Jurchen. Drive and search, fill the southwest with millions, 3 million, 5 million people...even 10 million people, I don’t think they have any regrets..."

When he said this, he sighed: "You said, where can you support the southwest? It is not the time of Xiao Canghe. It is all over the world. He hides and hides nowhere."

Wang Nanda was silent for a moment and sighed: "... However, recently the surname of the building is launching a believer, wanting to fight back against Gaizhou, she greeted me, I came to the brothers to discuss."

"The descendant of the world..." Lin Zongwu nodded. "Let's go with her, the Wuchao is almost finished, and the Jurchen does not know when to turn back. It is the disaster of the top. I think she is also anxious... useless. Teacher, I don’t understand military affairs, it’s hard for you. I don’t have to look at her, she’s going to go...”

When the world was in chaos, Lin Zongwu shot several times and wanted to get something, but he finally lost his mind. At this time, he was disheartened, and Wang Niantuo could see it completely. In fact, in the early years, Lin Zongwu wanted to combine the strength of Shu Shu's power to make a gossip, and to come up with a descendant of the world. In the Daguangming School, the "God of the World" and the "Ming Wang" showed signs of resistance. At this time, Lou Shuzhen has the name of a mysterious woman among the congregation. In the folk, there are also female and sages. The Ming Wang series basically went to the command of the mysterious woman.

In today's Jindi, Lin Zongwu is not allowed, Lou Shuzhen is going to be strong, and there is no way to force the assassination of the world's first master. And even if you want to assassinate Lou Shuzhen, the dragon king Shi Jin, who is followed by the other side, is definitely not killed by Lin Zongwu.

The brothers and brothers walked for a moment in the mountains. Wang Nantuo said: "The priest who was a priest, how has he been taught recently?"

"There is talent and perseverance, but the heart is still a lot worse. When it is so dangerous today, he believes that there are too many letters."

"After all, it is still a child."

"Yeah, it will be better." Lin Zongwu smiled. "In addition, he always wanted to go back and find his father."

"When you just saved him, have you already returned to Wozhou?"

"I haven't found it after all. I recently learned martial arts and wanted to go back all the way."

"There is a big mess in Wolverong..."

"So it is also a good thing, the sky will be reduced to the people of the S, also must first work hard, hungry body, empty body ... I will not stop him, then follow him." Lin Zongwu stood on the mountainside, I took a breath. "You see, this star is all over the sky. After a few more years, I am afraid that it will be gone. At that time... you and I may not be there anymore. It will be a new world, a new dynasty... only him. Will survive in the new chaos, live beautiful and bright, as for the car in front of the world, will eventually be slowly crushed by the general trend... Three hundred years, three hundred years dark, Wuchao world sitting It’s been a long time, it’s time for this chaotic world to be replaced...”

Wang Nantuo said bitterly.

Lin Zongwu sighed.

"In the past, there was chaos in Anshi, there were five chaos... This Han Chinese chaos, maybe just started..."


The same night, the northwestern state, the wind is blowing ominously across the wilderness.

The fire was occasionally lit, and the sound of screams and the sound of horses rang. Under the night sky, the Mongolian flag and the horse team were sweeping the earth.

Located on the stone mountain beam on the north bank of the Yellow River, Fuzhou City, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack, is now caught in a spotted fire.

This night, the killing is over, but the slaughter is not yet in place. Located on the fold of the Fuzhou Square in Fuzhou, the west of the army is a river, and the heads of the people are built into Jingguan. The half-length blood-stained folds can be tied to the pillars in front of the square. On his side, the heads of family members and children are scattered on the ground.

Someone is laughing in the night wind: "...you can ask for it today! You betray the Wu Dynasty, you betray the northwest! Can't think of it, you have tasted it today-"

The sorrowful cry of the niece of the family is still not far away. The big middle-aged man in the square is laughing at the fold. He grabs a human head on the ground and folds his face. Kicking up, you can ask for blood, and you are struggling on the pillars while you are low, but of course it does not help.

"...Look at the head of your little son! Very good, haha ​​- my son's head is also cut off by the Jurchen! You traitor! Beast! The bastard! Now the Wu Dynasty is also dead! You flee No! You can't escape home! You look at me! You want to kill me? Want to kill me? I am exactly the same as you! You are a three-name slave, old beast--"

The madness of this middle-aged man spread out in the wind, and the excitement was almost mad.

Since the shame of Jingping, all kinds of teachers and cultivators have died on the way to resisting gold. Zhou Hao succeeded to move south and gave up the Central Plains. The will of the family to resist gold has not been strong. Later, when the Xiao Cang River battle, the Jurchens came to the forefront, and the pseudo-Qi was also a few million, and the family officially lowered the gold.

After the end of World War I in the northwest, the remnants of the Huaxia Army and the northwestern family left the northwest with some people, and the Jurchens angered and turned the entire northwest into a white land.

The Jurchen people in the northwest were degraded by two founding generals. The family did not dare to touch the mold, and the strength was contracted to the original Lin, Fu, and Feng Sanzhou. They only sought self-protection. When the people in the northwest died almost, they broke out. Even the three states were all involved, and after that, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the remaining northwestern people were all owned by the family.

Some people are glad that they are still alive in the catastrophe, and naturally there are people who are resentful—and now that the Jurchen and the Huaxia Army have left, this resentment will naturally fall into the family.

The northwest has lived for several years, and the rebellion in the dark has always existed, and the orthodox name of the Wu Dynasty has been lost. When the northwest suffered a huge tragedy, it has been huddled up. The brave northwestern men are actually not so convinced. At the end of June this year, the mighty cavalry jumped out of Yokoyama, and the Western Army made resistance, so that the enemy could only sway outside the city of Sanzhou. However, in September, someone finally contacted the invaders outside. With the other side's offensive, once launched, opened the Fuzhou City Gate.

The first person to resist is the middle-aged man named Chen Shiqun. He was an official of the Wu Dynasty in the northwest. His family was slaughtered when the Jurchen swept the northwest. Later, he surrendered and surrendered. The resistance he led was like a curse. Followed by the other side, lingering, at this time, this curse finally broke out in front of the demand.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah... oh..."

Folding can be struggling, shouting loudly, the voice is not known to be roaring or smirking, the two are still yelling at each other, suddenly, only heard the sound of the bang, followed by a bang and a total of five Sound cannons. At the edge of the square, some people ignited the artillery and blasted the artillery shells toward the houses in the city.

The wind was raging, and in the explosion, I saw it on the edge of the square. The conqueror opened his hand and enjoyed the loud noise in the laughter. His flag floated in the night, and the strange Mongolian language spread.

"There are such weapons to lose, you - all damn!"

Mongolia, thirteen wings.

- Zamuhe.

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