Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 867: New crown

The desolate autumn wind blew in the wild, and the black smoke column burning the body rose to the sky, and the odor of the body spread everywhere.

After the war, Jiangning was caged in a gray and dead air.

The lights in the city and the drums and drums can't hide the sorrow on the wilderness outside the city. Not long ago, millions of troops fought and dispersed here. Many people died in the roar and killing of artillery. The surviving soldiers had different directions.

Some of the soldiers with the command of the generals turned to the new king of the Wu Dynasty again.

Some of the generals or leaders took their brothers from the same place and went to relatively rich but remote places.

Some soldiers have long had no courage in this war. After losing their preparations, they dragged their hunger and exhausted body and walked alone on the long road to return home.

The dispersion of the crowd is more like a symbol of troubled times. In a few days, spread on hundreds of miles outside the city of Jiangning, between the mountains, are all deserted deserters.

In the process of being housed by Jurchens, the soldiers have long lost the supplies of life, and after a **** battle in Jiangning, the soldiers who fled can not trust the Wu Dynasty, but also fear the Jurchen, on the way, for the sake of The killing of eating is quickly born.

The people with obsessiveness fell on the road, and the hungry soldiers who were in good shape escaped from hunting and killing the same family. Some soldiers who wanted to leave the theater quickly began to swallow the scattered soldiers around. There is no such thing as miserable and horrible things in the middle.

Most of the soldiers who voted for Xinjun were not properly placed at one time. After a few months in the besieged city, I also missed the autumn harvest. The food in Jiangning City is also coming to an end. Junwu and Yue Fei and others have smashed the sorrowful sorrow of the boat, and in fact they have been desperate to the extreme counterattack. The joy of victory has not completely fallen to the bottom of my heart, and new problems have already come to the fore.

The number of former Wushu soldiers who have increased by more than 400,000 or even increased is going to criticize this side. The first thing they want to reach is the large amount of grain, military money, and drugs. But in a short period of time, the monarchs even have so many people’s residences. It is impossible to get together.

After the 11-year and nine-month battles in Jianye, the bodies outside Jiangning City were piled up, and the epidemic was actually spreading. In the camp where the former crowds gathered, the Jurchens even massacred the entire wounded battalion several times and then set it on. . After the previous battles, even the collection and burning of the corpses in the following days was a problem. The reserves used for epidemic prevention in Jiangning City, such as lime, were quickly seen in the two or three days after the end of the war. .

These are still small things. On the really harsh level of reality, the biggest problem is the defeat of the Yan Yanzong army in Taiping.

Although in the transformation and counterattack of a million people, the Jurchen army, which was attacked by Zhenhai and the two armies, suffered heavy losses and escaped, but Wan Yanzong was not dead. The core of the Jurchen army was not attacked. collapse. Once Zong Fu, Zong Yi and others regrouped, they no longer treated the Wu dynasty with the non-human high-pressure policy. Once again, Jiang Ningcheng, who was bitten on, will forever lose the opportunity to encircle millions of people.

Even the hundreds of thousands of troops who have come to China will become seriously burdened by the monarchs. In a short period of time, these soldiers are hard to produce any combat power, and even taking them into Jiangning City is an adventure. People have been hungry for two months outside the city, and they are not locals in Jiangning. Once they enter the city and are hungry, I am afraid that it will not last long. I have to squat in the city and sell the city for a bite.

The black smoke continued to rise and the moon rose, and hundreds of thousands of people continued to work on the remnants of the battlefield. The camps formed by the old tents and shacks were built again. The military uniforms were tied with white towels and entered the inner city. In addition, there is a short break between days, and the bureaucrats at all levels are even more busy.

The first time after the victory of the war, the messengers who had lobbied around the Wu dynasty had been sent out. Afterwards, there were various kinds of affairs of treatment, appeasement, collection, and release. The people in the city should be encouraged and even celebrated. In addition, the daily porridge rice and drug expenditures are all ordinary accounts.

Three days after the victory of this war, I have begun to look at the future's aides to bring together various views. Jun Wu's eyes are red and bloodshot. On the evening of September 11th, Shen Ruxin went to the city hall to give a meal to Junwu, and saw that he was standing in the red sunset and silently looking forward.

Shen Ruxin went to the front and asked, and Jun Wu was silent for a long time before he reacted. The inner officer moved the table on the city building, Shen Ruxin put on a simple food, Jun Wu sat in the sun, looked at the tableware on the table and the few side dishes on the table, his eyes were more bloody, and he couldn’t speak with his teeth. Come.

There is a faint scream of celebration in the city.

Shen Ruxin said: "Your Majesty, after all, it is a victory, you will have to follow the emperor’s position, how..."

Jun Wu took the chopsticks' hand and waved it out: "The successor succeeds to the throne! How can I have such an emperor! I have a face as an emperor!"

His reaction scared Shen Ruxin, and quickly got up and picked up the chopsticks. He whispered: "Your Majesty, what happened?" The first two days of the victory, Jun Wu was happy even if he was tired, but at the moment, he finally seemed to be What is overwhelming.

"...we want to abandon the city and go." Jun Wu was silent for a long time before he put down his rice bowl and said such a sentence. He staggered and stood up, staggering to the door of the city house, tone as much as possible. Calm: "Not enough."

"... defeated the Jurchen, did not grab it at all?" Shen Ruxin whispered.

"Hundreds of thousands of people have killed the same, hungry ghosts, can not be robbed, or burned by Jurchens... Even if they can leave the logistics of Zongfu, it is not very useful, more than 400,000 people outside the city. It’s cumbersome. The Jurchen is coming again, we can’t go there. To the southwest is the Taiping Prefecture that Zongfu occupied. To the east, Zhenjiang is already in ruins. To the south, it will only hit the Jurchen head-on, going north across the Yangtze River, we even The boat is not enough..."

Junwudao: "We are three months late, the power of the Wu Dynasty has already died, and the Jiangnan area has surrendered the most. Even if we can be loyal, we can't stay in this place for a long time. The Jurchen takes advantage of the autumn harvest, the general trend. Yes, General Yue also said that I can only escape, and I can no longer be besieged by Jurchens. Otherwise, no matter where I am, I can only wait for the Jurchen to rise and rise. I am out of my life. Victory, but can only run. If Xin, you know what will happen to Jiangning people after I ran?"

He walked out from the door, the high watchtower of the city, the wall below, the houses and houses in Jiangning City. The wall that experienced a year of **** battle became extraordinarily in the sunset, standing in the city. The soldier's armor is old, but it seems to have an incomparable sigh of incomparable vicissitudes.

"I grew up in Jiangning since I was a child. I lived in Jiangning for most of the ten years. I lived in Jiangning. I used the people here to treat me as my own people. Some of them trust me like Trusting my children, so in the past few months, it’s hard for them to say no hardship in the city. We’ve gotten to the point, but I’m going to... succeed in their eyes... and then run away? ”

When he said that his eyes were in vain, Shen Ruxin had fully understood that she could not make a trade-off between these things. Such a thing was a nightmare for her to choose: "Really... can't keep it?"

"There is no food in the city. It is possible to hold on for a year and a half by eating people. In the past, Wu Hao bought it, or there was a chance to live, but he was beaten to this extent. Once he was surrounded by Jiangning, even Wu Hao bought it. They will not go back easily." Jun Wu closed his eyes. "...I can only collect as many ships as possible, send people over the Yangtze River, and each escapes..."

He stood on the watchtower for a while, the sunset was flowing, and there was a little bit of fire. The lights above and below the city wall lit up, illuminating the outline of the city, the cold iron clothes on the city wall, the entrance to the antique house in the city, the flowing water and the bridge on the Qinhuai River, those who survived from childhood, Ning Yi I have also seen places with novelty.

"I know... what is right, I know what to do..." Jun Wu’s voice came out of his throat, a little hoarse. "In that year... the teacher spoke to his soldiers in Xia Cun and said, you It’s hard to fight a life and win a battle. But don’t think that you can win. You have to win ten times, win hundreds of times, and have a thousand times of hardships. These things will end... the seventh day I thought I should end up when I was out, but I understand now, like Xin, it’s the hardest to win, and there will be hundreds of times in the first place... I think it’s ...... ”

"But even if you can't figure it out..." He gritted his teeth. "...they are too bitter."

When Jun Wu remembered the arrow that flew outside Zhenjiang City and shot it into his stomach, he thought "but that is the case." He thought that he would not be afraid or sad again if he went forward, but of course this is not the case. After a difficult time, he finally saw the danger of a hundred times in front of him. This evening, I am afraid that he was the first to leave tears as an emperor.

That night, he remembered the existence of Master, called to smell the people, and asked him to look for the progress of the members of the Chinese Army. In the previous camp outside Jiangning City, the personnel responsible for the tandem and incitement in the dark were clearly aware of the other. In the activities of a force, when the war began, a large number of unidentified people participated in the counter-attack work of surrendering generals and soldiers.

After the war, Junwu arranged a person to be in charge of liaising with the other party. He originally thought that he had succeeded at this time. Many things were different, and the contact would be smooth, but the strange thing is that after these days, Contact the "Bamboo" members of Master.

On the night of September 13th, Jun Wu was seen in the mansion as a dry and thin man named by Wen Man, who was named Jiang Yuan, who was originally a middle member of the Huaxia Army.

During the conversation with the other party, Jun Wu knew that the collapse of the Wu Dynasty was too fast and too urgent. In order to protect some people in it, Zhu Ji had already opened up the risk of revealing his identity, especially in this Jiangning war. Among them, the leader who was originally sent by Ning Yi to take charge of the situation in Lin'an had already passed away. At this time, another responsible person in Jiangning was also seriously injured and comatose. This fashion does not know whether he can wake up. The rest of the staff After the 6th contact, I decided to meet with Jun Wu.

Jun Wu nodded his head and in the seemingly simple statement of the other party, he could guess how many things were born.

"... Originally, Mr. Ning made a **** order at the beginning of the year and sent us to come. It is hoped that the will of the Wu Dynasty will be strengthened. But now it seems that we have not been able to fulfill our responsibilities, but instead Yin and others are taking advantage of..."

In Jiang Yuan’s speech, Jun Wu waved his hand: “This is not your business. At the beginning of the year, your dispatch, the old hero of Fulu, helped us a lot. The morale of the army was not strong. It’s just a matter of success. It’s necessary to be a city, and if you have a few bad things, Wu’s own loss, no wonder you.”

"Your Majesty is reasonable, Wufu is a blessing." That Jiang Yuan no expression, thank you.

"...you, Mr. Nanning, have taught me a lot of things. Now I have to go to the throne. I can talk a lot about things. I have already sent people to take drugs. You don’t know how many people are here. If there is anything else that needs help, I can do it. I know that you have sent many people out before, if you need to eat, we still have some..."

"...Is still enough to eat~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Jiangyuan arched his hands and his eyes trembled. "There are not many people. ”

His sentence was short and cruel. Jun Wu opened his mouth and couldn’t speak, but he saw the original expressionless Jiang Yuanqiang smiled and explained: “Actually... most people have gone at the end of May. Going to Changsha, preparing for the battle, leaving the two teams who are here to act under the command of the squad... enough to eat."

Jun Wu nodded. At the end of May, the Wu dynasty had seen the trend. In June, the whole line collapsed. After Chen Fanqi attacked Changsha, the Huaxia Army was ready to go all out with Jurchen. He met with the people of the Huaxia Army. He had some hope in his heart. He hoped that the teacher left a little behind his hand. Maybe he didn't have to choose to leave Jiangning. There are other ways to go. But at this time, Junwu The fists pressed tightly on the knees and pressed the open mind.

The depression in the heart has solved a lot.

Who can have more money when this world is overturned? The Chinese soldiers in front of us, the teachers in the southwest, and which other man did not come in the Jedi?

"I am enthroned on the fifteenth... But Jiangning has become a dead place. I will join them with General Yue, blocking the Jurchens and trying to remove all the people in the city. You can help too much. When you are, please take care. If it is OK, I will Arrange for you to leave by car and boat, don't refuse."

On September 15th, Junwu became the emperor in Jiangning City, and the number was “Revitalization”.

Xinjun succeeded to the throne, Jiangning City was full of people, and the lanterns were like dragons. Jun Wu sat on the street where he had been familiar with, and looked at the crowd cheering on the side of the road. He reached out and robbed the robes. Under the sun, he only felt sorrow in his heart, like a knife...

At the same time, between the big and small pools near Changsha, the first round of killing has already flown into the river.

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