Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 868: World Purgatory Wandu knife temperature (on)

In September, the autumn colors are splendid, on the land of Sanxiang, the mountains are undulating, the green yellow red leaves are mixed together, the rivers are crossed by the mountains, the riverside is the farmland that has been harvested, and the small villages. Distributed throughout.

Among the trees in the mountains, there are people in the faint sacred gathering. In the ditch that is washed by the stagnant water and the gravel and chaos, the nine figures are gathering together. The headed channel is simple to put a few small stones on the ground. Next to the soil composition, the words are low.

"...The news has been confirmed. I have been chasing it. There are more than a thousand people in total. There are also one or two thousand people who have been killed in front of Pingjiang. It seems that Liu took the sound of the two people and they have already made a choice. We can go west to the south, but they are the head snakes. Once we touch our heads, we are very passive, so let’s take Liu’s voice and go.”

"... Liu has more than a thousand people, and there are more than 60 horses in front of him. Wang Wujiang, who is led by the team, is said to be a fierce player. Two years ago, he took his men to fight the bandits on Lu Wangzhai. The soldiers used their lives, so they were very convinced by their men... This time it was almost the old rules. Their team came over from there, the mountain road narrowed, and the back could not be seen. The front would be blocked first, the artillery first hit seven inches, Li After that, one of your platoons will play the first stage and make a sound. Zuo Heng is responsible for the response..."

"...They are locals. More than a thousand people are chasing the 200-person team. They are not out of touch. They are already cautious... The war is open, the latter part of the mountain is invisible, Wang Wujiang has two choices, or the return is either fixed. Let’s take a look. If he does not move, Li Ji and Zuo Heng will try to eat the back section and push the people forward. Once Wang Wujiang starts to move, let’s attack, and Zhuo Yongqing leads. Pull the horse team apart and focus on Wang Wujiang."

"...here responsible for the partition, Yu Yu, grenades, bows are all prepared, whoever wants to rush to save will fight who ..."

In the low and fast voice, Quqing had made arrangements. Several classes and platoon leaders simply nodded and took the order to leave. Qu Qing raised the telescope and looked at the surrounding hills, and his mouth was still whispering.

"...Wang Wujiang's purpose is to pursue, the speed can not be too slow, although there will be scouts released, but the possibility of hiding here is great, even if they can't hide, Li Suwen they intercepted on the mountain, as long as they kill on the spot, Wang Wujiang will not respond. Zhuo brothers, change the hat."

He said, untied the small bag on the side of the body and threw it to the side. Zhuo Yongqing took the bag and threw the baggage on his side to the channel. There was a helmet in the bag.

At the moment, in the baggage of the hands of Qu Qing, there will be a cluster of scarlet long scorpions on the top of the hat. This is a conspicuous sign that the Zhuo Yongqing team has since they came out of Chengdu. As soon as he negotiated and negotiated with others, Zhuo Yongqing wore the red crown and the red cloak behind him. He said to the outside world that he was the trophy of the smashing room, which was particularly arrogant.

When he was attacked on the way or lured the enemy, Zhuo Yongqing and Qu Qing took turns to bring the hat. After nine months in Chengdu, their team suffered many attacks and suffered a lot of downsizing. Life is big, I am lucky to survive. At this time, Zhuo Yongqing’s body still has unhealed injuries.

He opened the baggage thrown by Canal, took a protective helmet, and shook his neck. More than nine months of hardship, although there is still a team in the dark is always in the protection of them, but at this time everyone in the team including Zhuo Yongqing has been full of vicissitudes of life, full of anger.

"Alright, you brought Wang Wujiang over, I personally did him... my mother's Liu took the sound, on the surface, he turned and sent someone, traitor, I remember..."

The enemy has not arrived yet, and Quqing did not take out the red helmet. It just whispered: "The two negotiations were made early, and the people who turned face on the spot were all inexplicable. Liu took the sound and guessed that we were in the dark and ambushed. When we left, the secret hand in the dark also left, he sent people to pursue, the internal estimates have begun to check and clean up... You should not look down on Wang Wujiang, this guy opened the martial arts that year, known as the first knife in Xiangbei, martial arts high strength, very hand of."

"Oh..." Zhuo Yongqing thought for a moment, "The first knife in Xiangbei, so domineering... How does it compare with Liu Dawei in the past? How is it compared to Mr. Ning..."

"Oh, it is because Miaojiang has a tyrants, so this green forest, for decades, no one dared to take the name of the first knife of Hunan. But compared with Mr. Ning..." Qu Qing did not know what to think of The face showed a complex look for a moment, then reacted and said with certainty, "Well, of course it is better than nothing."

"I know..." Zhuo Yongqing nodded confidently. The two were hiding in the gully, and there were shrubs in the back. After a while, Zhuo Yongqing’s face was disintegrated. When I lived and laughed, Qu Qing almost laughed at the same time, and the two laughed for a while.

"I will tell this to Mr. Ning after I go back."


"... At that time, he took a shot and hit it on your face, telling you the consequences of making fun of the superior, that is, death is like Lu Tuo..."

"Haha cough..."

Zhuo Yongqing finally couldn't help it, his head slammed into the mud and trembled for a while. Huaxia Junzhong Ning Yi likes to pretend to be a master of martial arts. It is only spread among a few people. It is a strange "leader's anecdote" that only senior people can understand. Every time they talk about each other, they can appropriately reduce the pressure. In fact, Mr. Ning is now one of the best figures in the whole world. Qu Qing’s Zhuo Yongqing took these interesting things a little bit of teasing, and he also had a passion in his chest.

The afternoon sun gradually turned obliquely. In the road under the mountains, the chasing troops stirred up the dust and wandered toward it. The front was the armed horse team. The middle and rear were the infantry that had lost shape in the pursuit. The Huaxia Army veterans who have long been accustomed to various forms of combat in the bushes and bushes in the mountains have a general understanding of the quality of each other.

Crossing the sheltered shrubs, Ding Qing raised his right hand and bent his fingers silently.





The sound of the guns rang.

Zhuo Yongqing wiped the cheeks of the loess and his eyes were completely calm. Press the handle.

On the mountain road, it is the blood of the sky -


The northwestern end of Dongting Lake, the suburb of Huarong County.

The mighty snuggling passed through the road between the mountains, and the military camp in front was watching. Liu Guangshi opened the curtain of the carriage and looked deep into the banner of the Wu dynasty floating in the military camp ahead.

In a short time, the team arrived at the barracks, and the generals who had already waited for them greeted them from the inside. They introduced Liu Guangshi and his entourage into the barracks. The generals stationed here were named Nie Chao, and the remaining soldiers were more than 40,000. They were occupied by Liu Guangshi. It has been more than two months.

Crossing Huarong to the east, both into the Dongting Lake area. At this time, Liu Guangshi led more than 300,000 yuan, and the area north of Dongting Lake was firmly occupied. Only the Yueyang Lake in the south of Dongting Lake was still the place where the parties competed. The southward Changsha was occupied by Chen Fan at this time. Jurchens don’t come, afraid that no one can get away.

The Dongting Lake is the rear of Liu Guangshi's operation. Once the Wu Dynasty collapses completely, the front line cannot be kept. Liu Guangshi's army will stick to the lake area and will always stick to it for a while. After Nie Chao occupied Huarong, Liu Guangshi was invited to inspect several times. Liu Guangshi had been operating in front of him. At this time, he finally came to the end of the preparations for the North to face the glutton.

From the south of Xiangfan, the army was scattered as far as possible in the north of Dongting Lake. With the greatest strength, the fruits of the autumn harvest were saved as much as possible. In the past few months, Liu Guangshi was running around, his hair almost became white, and his face was also Some tired. After the promotion, he gave encouragement to the generals of Nie Chao, and when everyone retired, Nie Zhao took out the list of accounts and handed it over to Liu Guangshi. Liu Guangshi looked at Nie Zhao’s gaze.

At some point, he held his head and whispered: "Well open, have you ever thought about what will happen next?"

Nie Chao’s words were opened, and when he heard the coach’s inquiry, he said, “I’m a martial artist, a dead country.”

"Yeah." Liu Guangshi nodded. "So you think about it, bring people, kill Jiangning to save the car."

Nie Chao’s hands were still there, and at this time he was stunned. The atmosphere in the big account was chilled. He lowered his head: "The handsome man, the sergeant of my martial arts, can see the Prince being trapped at this moment. And seeing death can't save. Since the marshal already knows, then the words are much better..."

"You know, you will all die on the road?"

"I am not alone. I am not going to be a soldier. I am not only waiting for me to die on the road. As long as I have enough death, I can save the Prince... I was so depressed and frustrated because I was incompetent. Politics, so the world has declined to this point. At this time, since there is a prince, such as the Mingjun, who has entered Jiangning and fought the Jurchen for several months without saying anything, I can't wait for it."

"Do you know that you have already voted for a Jurchen who has persuaded you to send troops?"

Nie Zhao stunned slightly.

Liu Guangshi took a stack of letters from his body and pushed it forward: "This is... a letter that he has a private connection with Jurchen, look at it."

"How is Rong Rong? He said earlier that he would go home to worship his mother..." Nie Zhao picked up the letter and shivered and opened it.

"He said that his mother is a fake, and the connection with the Jurchen is true. When he arrested him, he was stubborn... he was dead." Liu Guangshi said, "But we found these letters."

"Yong and the end will meet each other at a young age. He wants to connect with the Jurchen, do not have to go out, and since there is a correspondence, why should he take the excuses of visiting the mother to take risks?"

"When he wants to settle down his family, he will also see him with the connector. Nie General, I have all the investigation documents and processes here, and I am afraid that you will not believe it."

"These things, do you know that it is not a fake?"

"Can you doubt me so much?" The white-haired general looked at him.

Nie Chao looked back: "Only because of the words of Rong Rong, it is the end... I want to go to Qin Wang."

"Noisy." Liu Guangshi said a word, "You have a plan for Jurchen."

The big account was quiet, and the two generals looked at each other for a while. Nie Zhao took the letters and showed his sadness.

"The end will go... think about it."

Liu Guangshi nodded and waited until Nie Zhao retreated to the door, only to open: "Nie General, the coach is coming, not unprepared, no matter what decision you make... please think twice."


Nie Zhao slowly retired.

The light in the big account was bright, and the curtain was lowered and then darkened. Liu Guangshi sat quietly, his eyes swaying, listening to the sound of the outside. After a while, someone came in and was the aide who came with him.

"How's it going?"

"It seems... General Nie has not acted impulsively."

"This is good..." Liu Guangshi closed his eyes and took a long sigh of relief. He only heard the scene saying: "As long as there is nothing to do today, General Nie will not start, half a month later, the handsome I can change him..."


Responding to the aides is Liu Guangshi’s heavy, tired sigh...


Since the days when Zhou Yi fled to the sea, there has been almost no calm place in the whole world.

Near Changsha and around the Dongting Lake area, conflicts and frictions of large and small gradually erupted, just as water droplets dripped into the rolling oil, and the oil pan continued to roll.

These frictions are not large-scale military conflicts, but the constant collision of the world, the hearts and minds of people, the people who want self-protection, the people who are helpless, the heroic and generous people, the people who follow the tide... Under the manipulation and plucking, the gradual beginning of the statement, began to erupt many countless small-scale killing.

Since July, the lobbyists of Huaxia Army are in action, the lobbyists of Jurchen are in action, the lobbyists of Liu Guangshi are in action, and the people who are spontaneously motivated by the Wu Dynasty are in action, around Changsha, from Tanzhou (later Liuyang) To Pingjiang, to Miluo, to Xiangyin, to Linxiang, the killing of large and small forces has not known how many times.

In mid-July, the governor of Pingjiang, Rong Ji, was scared to hang the crown because of two assassinations.

In late July, the rivers and mountains near the Miluo landed the name of the Xingfu Wuchao attacking the county seat. Linxiang, known as the Maiyishe, took more than 300 people to the streets, forced the official residence to attach to Liu Guangshi, and the city’s army suppressed and killed the river. .

In August, Xiangyin, who had more than 7,000 Wushou garrisons, was acquainted with the Jurchen traitor and the original Changsha Zhifu Niu Baoyuan’s lobbying. The rebel was immediately uprising. The city was killed for two days, and the small half of the city was burnt down. After that, the head of the rebel was hung on the wall.

In mid-August, late August... Similar conflicts continue. This is actually a fierce performance of all people hoarding and plundering materials before and after the autumn harvest. Although Chen Fan won Changsha, the total number of Miaojiang troops was not much, and they kept the city. It is already the limit. Several special operations teams evacuated from the south of the Yangtze River have been active, and they have won a lot of victorious materials. They have also lobbied and won some of their forces’ attitude toward the Chinese military.

However, by the beginning of September, a total of 140,000 Han troops who had been surrendered to Jiangnan West Road began to march in the direction of Changsha, and the disputes between the forces of size and strength in Changsha gradually subsided. The statement, or the lack of expression, actually surrendered to the real power of women, and gradually increased.


As the sun sets, the smoke in the mountains fills in, and the blood stagnates.

The fleeing soldiers swayed into the distance, or were driven to run across the fields, jumping into the nearby river, drifting downstream, scattered on the battlefield of the body, soldiers struggling to escape the horses, and some were in the wounded And the captives, stabbed the gunpoint on the horse that was dying by the shells.

Zhuo Yongqing, wearing a software helmet, carried his head and walked up the hillside. He was sitting on the side of several bodies, and his body was full of blood. The army's doctor was bandaging the wound on his left side.

"Ah, it hurts..." He snorted and snorted.

Zhuo Yongqing took off the red dragon crown on his head: "It’s fine to die, grab some horses, you can take you away."

"I have to go faster... What do you do with the head?"

"The first knife in Xiangbei, let me see."

"晦气..." Qu Qing smacked his mouth, then looked at the head of the man. "Oh, don't take it everywhere. Although it is a green forester, it used to be a hero, a hero, and a neighbor. At the foot of the mountain, it was also a heroic and heroic person. Before going to Liu to take the sound, Feng Zhen explored the information. In the most intense time, the hero can consider fighting for it."

"That is to say, he chased him with more than a thousand people, and it is possible to let us go." Zhuo Yongqing picked up the head of the man and looked at him with four eyes.

"..." Qu Qing looked at him and said, "It hurts."

Zhuo Yongqing’s question naturally has no answer. For more than nine months, dozens of lives and deaths, they can’t put their own safety on this small possibility. Zhuo Yongqing inserted the other person's head on the stick on the side of the road. When he came over, he saw that Quqing was calculating the situation nearby.

"Chongyang Liu takes the sound, Pingjiang is in the big teeth, if the two sides are connected in tandem, this piece will be connected, more than a hundred miles, tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians. This guy in the big tooth, it seems that the grass is born with loyalty, coming to the head Doing this kind of thing - he wants to take your name and mix a good eye in front of the Jurchen..."

Zhuo Yongqing sat down: "When did Guo Baohuai kill them?"

"Guo Baohuai 50,000 people, Yu Gusheng 40,000 people, plus more than 40,000 people in Li Yinghe, three directions, Yu Gusheng first arrived, it is estimated that after five to seven days, you can enter the Pingjiang area, just the Han army, now ten 40,000, plus the ones that come one after another, plus the ones that have been sincerely invested... On our side, there are only more than 15,000 people in Changsha, and we are brave with our squadrons..."

Qu Qing draws a map on the soil, draws it here, and looks back. The small battlefield below has been cleaned up quickly. The wounded on his side has basically been treated, but the traces of the blood and the dead are not eliminated. The words in his mouth also said here, I don’t know why, he was almost laughed at by the disappointing and desperate situation in his mouth.

"His mother, how do you fight this..." Qu Qing found out the common swear words in the General Staff.

Zhuo Yongqing also lamented: "Yes."

The two men sighed there for a while. After a while, the team was reorganized, and they were ready to leave. Quqing wiped off the pictures on the ground with his feet, and with the support of Zhuo Yongqing, he was struggling to launch.

"... There are still five to seven days. Feng Zhen’s estimate is already making a heart. Let’s put us in the big tooth. Let’s go around and see if we can find a way to do it...”

"Listen to your ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You think about it, when did you use your brain, Zhuo brothers, I found that you are getting lazy after you come out, you are not like this when you are in Zhangcun... ”

"Chu Da Ge, I trust you."

"...Forget it, next time you wear a red hat, it's fine. I won't rob you. Anyway, even if your brain is blown up, it is not a big loss for our Chinese army."

"Ha ha ha ha..."

The setting sun fell on the horizon, and the team that had just experienced the smashing was folded in the final silhouette on the other side of the mountain road. Zhuo Yongqing seemed to have a heroic and hearty laughter with the wind of the evening.

In mid-September, this was just a glimpse of countless tragic killings near Changsha. Soon after, the first batch of assaulted Han troops of up to 140,000 people will arrive here, launching the first wave of offensive against Chen Fan, who has only 10,000 people.

But not long after, the real first wave of offensive was first launched by Chen Fan.

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