Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 869: World Purgatory Wandu knife temperature (middle)

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"... Five years ago, I was transferred to Zhizhou, Tanzhou. When I arrived in Beijing, I was called by Mei Gong after the poetry meeting. The old man told me at the time that Miao Xinjiang had a lot of troubles and problems. Be cautious. At that time, the Xiao Cang River battle ended, the black flag was badly wounded, but with the Jurchen three years of war, it was really hard to shake the world."

"...This Miaojiang area, this is a black flag among the tyrants, and earlier the Fangla launched the Yongle chaos, and has been female since then, until the beginning of the Xiao Canghe war, only to have a big move. Jianye five years The main force of the tyrants moved westward, preparing for the Xiao Canghe black flag south escape. Apart from the family members of Miaojiang, there were only 10,000 people who could fight, but even so, I have never had the slightest contempt... Unfortunately, the subsequent development has not been as I expected, the worry of Ji Sun, not in the hustle and bustle, but also within the Xiao wall..."

Guling County. The autumn is near, the garden is golden, the most expensive restaurant in the county, the woman who is helping to play is playing a sweet little song. The middle-aged official in his forties is holding a glass of wine, and he is facing the opposite body. The military commander spoke, and in the speech, there was occasional self-deprecation, but the tone was also very sincere.

"... After the brothers were transferred to Tanzhou, they cleaned up the military affairs, handed over to the parties, and inquired about the news of Miaojiang. They set a plan to block first and then annihilate. However, in the eight, nine, and ten years of Jianye, they sent troops five times. The least mobilization of 80,000 people, the most is to mobilize 200,000 troops into the mountains, but in the end, the dragging ... is the people around."

The middle-aged official waved his hand slowly: "Three years! Five times! The next time you return without success, here you want to fight, the southwest side, the parties began to talk about business, the business is finished, and private things start to happen." I took a lot of money and thought that I was very cheap in the hands of Mr. Nain. The brothers were bitter, the brothers were not lazy... Jianye nine years, the summer, Zhu Xiong, you are sorry for me."

The opposite rude general raised a toast: "Drinking."

"...not to say, drink."

The two men touched the cup, the middle-aged official’s face was red, and the wine was poured: “I know, I’m Yin Changxia’s lobbying today, Zhu Xiong, to Zhu Xi’s personality, I have to look down on me, but I’m going to say, you I am the official of the Wu Dynasty, I am the state of Tanzhou, you should be temperate. Unfortunately, the Wu Dynasty is in the middle of the end, everyone has their own ideas, it does not matter, Yinmou only came as a friend today, said If Zhu Xiong can hear it, he can't listen to it."

The official name of Yin Changxia is with alcohol. The Tanzhou of Wu Dynasty is the later city of Changsha. It is also the road where Jinghu South Road is located. As a state of Tanzhou, he is one of the highest officials of the provincial capital. However, the small county near Tanzhou is nominally natural to Yin Changxia. Yin Changxia said this by alcohol, and Zhu’s military officer apologized with a cup: "Yin Daren is serious, and he has three small cups and three cups."

"Drink together." Yin Changxia drank three glasses of wine with the other party and took it on the table. "I just said... Zhu Xiu wants to look down on me, it doesn't matter, the black flag army said Yin is a traitor. What is a traitor? With them Right is the traitor? Zhu Xiong, I am also a Han Chinese, I am the official of the Wu Dynasty, I am the official of the state of Tanzhou, I am a chess trick, I recognize! The main government of Tanzhou for five years, I have more than 50,000 People, I have never scored in Miaojiang once, what is the reason, no one listens, I recognize!"

He waved his hand: "I have underestimated their fighting power for so many years! In June, they came out and said that breaking Changsha would break Changsha, saying that when they hit Linxiang, they would hit Linxiang, the city defense would be a mess, and even someone would open the door for them. I I also recognize that the world has changed, the Chinese army is powerful, and the Jurchen people are also powerful. We are left behind, and we can’t accept it, but what is it next? Zhu Xiong?”

Yin Changxia reached out and said: "In June, Chen Fan killed them and said that they would kill me. I have no way to hide. The neighbors said that they would fight against the black flag and fight against the gold. Yu Dafang of Pingjiang can't wait to go to the southwest to see Mr. Ning. In Pingjiang County, Mr. Ning is a saint. Xiangxiang and other places also say that they want to cast a black flag. Unfortunately, in August, it is different."

"Zhu Xiong, I lost Changsha, Linxiang and other places in June, and I hid it. I started to come out in August. Everywhere I responded, I started to fight against the black flag. Do you think Yin has this appeal?" Yin Changxia shook her head. "Yin Mou is insignificant. Zhu Xiong, telling the truth, Xiang people are strong, and dare to be the first in the world, Yin is a foreigner, so you can't move you. What really makes you move is the outsiders... ..."

His words are spoken here, sighing slightly, his eyes looking out of the window of the restaurant.

Crossing the small yard, the outside is the county town and downtown. Juling is the place where Liuyang lived in the future. It is not a big city at the moment. It looks like a bustling city, but even so, pedestrians come and go, and there is a quiet atmosphere. The sun shines through the tree gap, the leaves are yellow, the insects ring, the roadside is resting, the children are running...

Yin Changxia said: "In August, the woman really finished Yan Xiyin has ordered the attack on Jinghu, Guo Baohuai, Yu Gusheng, Li Yuhe... The three terracotta warriors are up to 200,000 people. They The first batch will be killed, and then there will be hundreds of thousands of people in the army, and there will be a woman who will be in the middle of the town. They will be in Linan and have made corrections. Now they are on the way. Zhu Brother, what's there?"

He smiled ironically: "The black flags of Miaojiang are even worse than those of Xiao Canghe. The more than 10,000 people came out to account for Changsha and Linxiang. They are out of the limelight. Then, hundreds of thousands of troops came under pressure, they couldn’t beat them. They went back to the mountains, even if they had the bones, they were dying, and one of them stood on their side. No one could live. In the northwest, it was still white. It."

The opposite Zhu surnamed nodded. "Yeah, it's not good."

"And, the female real **** Shen Yan Yin, and the two emperors in the east are different." Yin Changxia drank a glass of wine, "the founding veteran, the most difficult, they are not like Zong Fu, Zong Yi, driving people Going to war, but prematurely set the rules of reward and punishment, played, and made meritorious, land, people, weapons and cannons, what are people suggesting? One day they will go north, When the time comes... Zhu Xiong, if you say something big, the people in the south, the Jurchen people will see everyone cracking the earth, so it’s best for them. For the Jurchen people, everyone is reluctant to fight for themselves, or Playing for Wuchao...saying the truth, everyone can still play."

The opposite general took a sip of wine: "Is this also for the Wu Dynasty?"

The cup in Yin Changxia’s hand smashed, and after a while, he took the jug and even drank a few cups. He said with a low voice: “Zhu Xiong, this is not the case, but now the situation... You let everyone say... ... the emperor abandoned the city and left, Jiangnan lost and landed, all surrendered, the new emperor has a heart to cheer, very good, a few days ago came the news, in Jiangning defeated Yan Zongfu, but then, how to escape do not know ... Zhu Brother, let the people of the world get up, go to Jiangning to kill the past, kill the female real person, do you think... is it possible?"

He shook his head: "Jiangnan has fallen, more than one million people, around his own Prince, Jiangnan West Road, and hundreds of thousands of people surrender, the most affluent place in Wu Dynasty, the cheaper autumn harvest I was occupied by Jurchen, and I went out to fight. Who wouldn’t want to. I’m in Tanzhou for a few years, and I want to play against Miao’s army. This is the case. I’ve been to Pingjiang in the past few days, I thought I was convinced. He? He has already seen it. Since the Jurchen, tens of thousands of people in Pingjiang have died, and Zhu Xiong, that is the people outside."

"If there is no such black flag, everyone will not die. Jurchens will not regard this as a stab in the eyes. Ten thousand black flag army, Zhu brother, and millions of people have to be buried with them. Hehe." ”

Yin Changxia said this, tears in his eyes. Zhu Jing, the opposite commander of the rude army, stood up and looked at the outside scene at the window, muttering to himself: "Yes, 10,000 people for a million people..."

"Not only the death of the 10,000 people." Yin Changxia sat at the table and ate the food, and reached out and wiped his face. "There are millions of innocent people who live and die, from Pingjiang to Daju to Jurassic, then to Liu, everyone. They decided to avoid it. Zhu Xiong, the left side is left in the mausoleum, you have more than 10,000 people, plus the population of 40,000 to 50,000, Guo Baohuai, they can't stop it... Of course, I am only Chen said that it is very powerful. Zhu Xiu looked at the people outside, let them die for the black flag of the monks? My heart is unwilling."

Zhu Jing, who looks rough and sturdy, pressed his hands on the window sill, frowning and looking forward. For a long time, he did not speak. Yin Changxia knew that his words had arrived at the other party's heart. He pretended to eat the dishes on the table casually and suppressed the tension in his heart.

When Chen Fan attacked Changsha and Linxiang in June, Yin Changxia’s first reaction was naturally a counterattack. Who knows that the Huaxia Army had passed through a few days, and he could not even figure out who sold him, Changsha, Lin Xiang was opened to the city gate. Lin Xiang was smashed into fashion at night. It is said that the decapitation of Chen Fan took him straight to kill him and wanted him to take his first class. Yin Changxia’s dress was not rushing to escape, and he did not dare to take the lead after hiding for two months.

In August, Wu Kaimei, who is now in the high court of Lin’an, has been with him, and he dared to come out and lobby the parties. At this time, the Jurchen’s voice directly pressed Tanzhou, and because the Huaxia Army’s strength here was too small to fully integrate the surrounding forces, many people were afraid of the millions of troops that might be killed at any time. Yin Changxia came out to lobby. The two sides hit it off and decided to stay out of the game in this conflict between the Jurchen and the Huaxia Army.

Even if you can't get out of the way, you have to find a way to live for at least tens of thousands of innocent people.

Right now, as long as we persuaded Zhu Jing to abandon the Mausoleum, the road to the east of Tanzhou will be completely opened.

I am indeed in the field, and I have fulfilled my responsibility as a parent of Tanzhou.

He thinks this way.

In the sunlight outside the window, the leaves will be exhausted.

The general named Zhu Jing looked out the window and was silent for a long time.

"Yin Daren, is the person who grew up in Jiangnan?"

"Brothers are born in Suzhou." Yin Changxia said.

"When the Central Plains fell, I was killing pigs in the Liangliang." The rough-looking figure, who was slightly obese, looked at the autumn color outside and said quietly. "I later followed the group and fled back to my hometown before I started to serve as a soldier." When the Central Plains fell, how many million people died, I have seen it. Yin Daren is fortunate and has been living in Jiangnan."

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p; "... When I searched the mountains and checked the sea, I also saw how people died. So, let them die without value."

"Yeah, you have to die." Zhu Jing put his fist on the palm of his hand. "I am killing pigs in the shackles, killing pigs, and always sturdy black and white characters. Sometimes I have to take the knife and kill people. There is a sentence on the road." Words, people are not standing still, it makes sense... The Central Plains fell for ten years, Yin Dayen’s words today, I really understand, even if I hide in a small place like Juling, the original million The tragic death of a man is finally chased."

Yin Changxia’s eyes are twitching: “...Zhu Xiong, this...can still avoid it...”

"Yin Daren, why do you have to find ways to avoid it, and you will always be a Han Chinese?"

"You are... it’s a horn, it’s not something you can do alone..."

"Two years ago, Zhu broke the Shuangqiao Village, and the Zhaizi lived in the mountains. It was easy to defend and difficult to attack. In the past two months, I packed it up. If I couldn’t keep it, I took people into the mountains. Like Miaojiang, you said, you are dead."

Zhu Jing turned his head. The man with a quiet and rough appearance was so crazy that he was scared. Yin Changxia stood up: "You, you are..."

"Yesterday, Chen Fan took the soldiers to borrow from me. He said that it makes sense. The army will not be able to beat Jurchens in the same way as before. The Black Flag Army does not force the slickers in the big teeth to join the gang, but it is also a no-brainer. Only when you are in the front of the world when you are in a deadlock can you be a brother."

Zhu Jing’s mouth reveals Sensen’s white teeth: “Chen General is a true hero. He is crazy. Zhu is very admired. I am not only going to join Zhu Jing. I am holding more than 33,000 people. I don’t care, I will I am going to the Huaxia Army for training and reorganization. Yin Daren, you came over today and said a big pass, and you can’t help yourself. Zhu will let you die.

"Chen Fan, you..." Yin Changxia’s brain was chaotic for a moment. He was able to come in person. Naturally, he had the trustworthy intelligence and assurance. Who knows that in such a situation, he took a deep breath and let the confused thoughts calm down slightly: Anyone who borrows from you...what does he borrow, where to go..."

"As you said, Yu Gusheng and Guo Baohuai are coming, and General Chen will welcome them."

"He has more than 10,000 people, and he is not enough to take Changsha and Linxiang. How can he send troops?"

"Haha, Yin Daren is right. He is more than 10,000 people. What are you doing in the two cities, waiting for the millions of military forces? Yin Daren saw it. Huaxia Army is a madman. If Chen Fan and I are not with me. By the way, I really can't make up my mind to catch Yin Daren and you come to sacrifice the flag..."

The sun shines into the window, and the dust in the air is like an ominous atmosphere. The music in the room has already stopped. Yin Changxia looks out the window. There are pedestrians walking in the distance. He sets his mind and tries to make his own. Looks right and serious, hands on the table:

"You are crazy, don't take your life as one thing, it doesn't matter. This is the tens of thousands of people who live in the tomb! This is a million, thousands of people in this state of Jingzhou, this Jinghu South Road! How dare you bring They are going to die! What are your qualifications - to do something like this!"

His voice, shivering, Zhu Jing looked at him and licked his tongue.

"So, if they don't want to, they have to pick up their own knives and try to kill me - there is always no second way in the world."


In the distance from the foothills, there are small villages that are rising from the smoke, and the red leaves on the top of the mountain fall. The big, graceful and sultry monk dressed in a cloak walked along the small road and greeted several people on the side of the mountain camp.

This camp is waiting for the fat monk to arrive. It is Zhuo Yongqing and the injured channel. When I see each other, Zhuo Yongqing’s face is not good: "Well, you have a surname Feng, you dare to come over!" I know that on the other side of the big tooth is the one that you personally betrayed - such a big thing without prior consultation!?"

"Zhuo heroes have eliminated their anger. I heard that the old man was injured and the small one took the last wounded medicine." The fat monk looked amiable and took out a pack of wound medicine from the cloak to present the tribute to Zhuo Yongqing. Zhuo Yongqing took it subconsciously. After I took it, I felt that something was wrong, so I was not too worried.

Since the beginning of the dozens of agents to kill the southwest, Zhuo Yongqing has received the most attention and the most special. A group of people led by Qu Qing and Zhuo Yongqing walked on the bright side. At the same time, one or two teams secretly responded. Feng Zhen, nicknamed "The Honest Monk", is a well-known intelligence dealer in Jinghunan and Jiangnanxi. In the past nine months, there have been many people who have been stunned by the policy, and the relationship between the two sides has been mixed well, but occasionally there will be an emergency.

That Feng Zhen smiled: "The situation is urgent, too late to discuss, Yin Changxia's people have been in contact with the big teeth many times in the dark, and the heart is moving. There is no way, I can only push the boat, just arrange two people to meet. The big tooth sent troops to chase after you. I didn’t immediately let people know it. I’m surprised, I know that there’s nothing wrong with the brothers.”

"There will be nothing, the reaction is a little slower, people are around, three thousand, not right... four thousand hits two hundred! Even if we react, we will go back and fight more than a thousand..."

"Just more than a thousand, no problem, small scene, Zhuo brothers, you are not the first time you met... Listen to my explanation, listen to me, I can't help, Yin Changxia is very alert, courageous, Don't give him a little sweetness, he won't get hooked. I combined him with the big teeth, and then it is much easier to organize his trip. I arranged him to see Zhu Jing a few days earlier. If not wrong, this guy casts himself. Luo Net, now has been caught."

"...Is Zhu Jing reliable?"

"In the Jinghu area, he should be regarded as the most reliable. Chen’s deputy has also asked Zhu Jing in detail. He said that he borrowed from Zhu Jing yesterday. It should be not far from us..."

Feng Zhen whispered, pointing to the rear of the mountain, Zhuo Yongqing frowned: "Yu Gusheng, Guo Baohuai is not far from us, adding up to about 100,000 people, Chen Fushuai came over there. How many?"

"Seven or eight thousand." Feng Zhen said with a smile, "So I am also coming to order, and it will be merged according to plan."

Several people have done each other, Zhuo Yongqing has turned back, the sunset is shining in the misty mountains, people in the village who live and work in love are probably not able to feel anything. He looked at the channel and touched the still hurting injury. In the past nine months, the two have been in such a situation of injury, but this task has finally changed from small-scale operations to large-scale gatherings.

"It’s finally going to fight." He gave a sigh of relief, and he just said it.


It’s going to be fought... This kind of thing, there is not much feeling in the army that has been killed all the way.

The sky gradually darkened, and more than 45,000 people in the original Wufeng camp led by Gu Sheng had camped early in the mountains. After entering the boundary of Jinghu South Road, the army began to slow down. On the one hand, it steadily moved forward, and on the other hand, it was waiting for the arrival of Guo Baohuai and Li Yinghe, who had a slow pace.

After entering the night, Yu Gusheng took his son Yu Mingzhou to inspect in the camp. While walking, the father and son discussed the military strategy. As the eldest son of Gu Sheng, Yu Mingzhou, who has been determined to lead the army since he was a child, is 21 years old. He is tall and straight-eyed and has a clear mind. He was regarded as a unicorn at home since childhood. At this time, the young general was wearing an armor, with a long knife and a slap in the face.

Compared with Yu Gusheng, who has been swaying in the ruined military system of Wu Dynasty, the young Yu Mingzhou is the worst era and the best. Even though the world is falling, the identity of the armed people is getting higher. Yu Mingzhou does not have to look at the face of a scholar like his father for a lifetime. At this time, Yu Mingzhou’s gestures are full of enthusiasm, and his appearance is the most satisfying look of Yu Gusheng as a father.

"...This attack on Tanzhou, according to his son's thoughts, first of all, you don't have to cross the Pingjiang and Juling lines. Although in Tanzhou, there are many people in the crowd, and the surrounding areas have been returned, but on the top. The Black Flag Army, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people in the Uighurs, may still be unable to win the battle. For the sake of the present, the first-time person should not be broken by each other as much as possible, in order to win the surrounding forces, stabilize the front line, and slowly advance to the top... ”

"...In order to explain to the Jurchen in the rear, the son will prepare a book for this matter, and the father is best to hand it over to the hands of Gu Shen. The Jurchen Valley God was the hero of the time, and he must be able to understand the necessity of this strategy. Of course, on the surface, he will have some urging. At that time, our team has been connected with Guo Daren and Li Daren, and the troops in the vicinity have been compiled..."

"... In fact, there are other considerations in the middle. Although the world is now framing, there are still many people who are in the heart of the Wu Dynasty. Although we have to fight against Black Flag, we must consider it with our son~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is best not to be the first army to see the blood. Don't look like we are going to sell our lives to Jurchens in a hurry. So, many things in the future must be much better..."

The autumn wind is pleasant, the bonfire burns, and the words of Ming Zhou are so that Gu Sheng nods from time to time, and will go to the Chinese military camp to inspect it again, and he has appreciative of the steady style of his son's presiding camp. Although it is far from Tanzhou at this time, in order to be a person, it is always necessary to be cautious about everything, and there are children. Although there is a decline in the fall of today, there is much comfort in his heart.


When Gu Sheng inspected the calm military camp, Chen Fanzhen took a little rest in the dark mountains. He held a fire in the depression of the mountain wall and looked at the information he had just received.

Ji Qianer came in from the outside and took a small bag with dry food: "How? Really planning to go tonight? A little bit rushed?"

"When I was young, Master told me that I knew each other and know what to do." Chen Fan gave the intelligence and fire to his wife and exchanged for the dry food bag. He also lost a moment of disappointment and his expression was weird.

"I was the first time I met... such detailed enemy information..."

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