Zhui Xu

: World Purgatory Wandu knife temperature (below)

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The newly cut branches squeaked in the fire, and the blue smoke filled the sky. In the middle of the night, a tent in the top of the mountain was dotted with the light of the bonfire.

On the night of September 16th, 45,000 Wufengying soldiers were stationed in the mountains of Liudaoliang, hundreds of miles west of Pingjiang.

At the end of the autumn, the nearby mountains and fields are still peaceful, and the military camp is filled with a downturn. Wufengying is a weaker force in the Wu's army. It was originally stationed in Jiangxi and other places with the basic task of Putian, and many of the soldiers were farmers. After the reform of the Jianye Year, the status of the army was improved, and Wufeng Battalion strengthened the formal training. The elite troops gradually began to have the capital of bullying the villagers. This is also the inevitable result of the army and the writers robbing power.

The increase in the strength of the army and the friction with the township Wenchen around the station have laid the foundation for the formation of the valley as a local hegemon. In all fairness, the status of the generals has been continuously reduced for more than two hundred years in the Wu Dynasty. In the past few years, it has become the most moisturizing period in the life of Gusheng.

After the collapse of the Wu Dynasty, I understood that the situation was stronger than the people. He pulled the army and rushed over to Jinghu South Road. Of course, there was an idea in the minds of these worlds, but the mood of the soldiers in the army. But it may not be so high.

Some soldiers are unbelievable about the status quo of the armed forces in the Wu Dynasty. After the autumn harvest, a large amount of money was returned to Jurchen, and this group of people was driven to come to fight the black flag. The soldiers were embarrassed and feared. Although the military was strictly rigorous during this period, and even a lot of people were replaced and many middle-level officers were replaced to stabilize the situation. However, with the advancement of the road, the daily discussion and confusion will be inevitable.

September 16 is also such a simple night, there are more than a hundred miles from Pingjiang, so the distance to fight, there are still a few days. The soldiers in the camp gathered together, talking, confused, sighing... Some talked about the fierceness of the black flag, and some talked about the sage of the prince in the legend...

"I can't say... Where will the emperor's master come back?"

"After a few days, I have to surround the black flag. It is a person who is not to be killed. If you die, you have to tear off your opponent’s piece of meat. It’s really met... each has his life..."

Shortly after the discussion, the time of entering the curfew and rest in the camp, even though they were all worried and uneasy, they also made their own plans, but after all, there was still a period of war, and the stability of a few days could still sleep.

On September 17th, in the early morning, when the ugly time was three, the night sky was star-studded. The camp was completely quiet. Only the watch tower on the edge of the camp and the torches patrolled by the soldiers were swimming. They were located under the rough watch tower on the southeast side of Liudaoliang. The two figures silently sneaked from inside the camp.

Soon, the two guards on the tower fell down.

At the same time, the thousands of people led by Chen Fan arrived in the woods on the east side of Liudaoliang. He hid in the trees and observed the outline of the military camp ahead.

Yuwen Feidu, carrying a long gun, also climbed into the grass and put away the telescope: "The people on the tower have changed."

Chen Fan nodded, then looked up to see the moon in the sky, crossed the mountain beam, the other side of the military camp, there is also a team in the darkness staring at the moonlight, this team of more than 6,000 people, the battle of Ji Qian Children and Zhuo Xiaofeng and other generals are calculating the past of time.

On the southeast side of the mountain, Chen Fan led the first team from the woods, and walked along the hidden mountain beams to the sentinel that had been replaced. The front is only a temporary camp. Although the placement of the lookout points of the sentry towers is still a rule of law, only on the southeast side, with the replacement of a guard on the sentry tower, the road behind it becomes an observation. Blind spot.

As he approached the hustle and bustle, Yu Wenfei crossed the tower and occupied the commanding heights. To the west, the Six Thousand Black Flag Army began to cautiously push forward according to the scheduled plan.

The night is walking to the deepest moment, although the noise of the sudden come - I do not know who is shouting in the night. Subsequently, the loud bang slammed the mountain, and a library of gunpowder on the side of the military battalion was ignited. The black smoke rose to the sky, and the swells flew over the tent. Someone shouted: "Night attack -"

"The black flag is coming -"

The guards on the sentry tower raised the telescope. In the night on the east and west sides, the figures were rolling in. In the camp on the east side, I did not know how many people entered the military camp, and the fire ignited the tent. The soldiers who woke up from their slumber rushed out of the camp and saw the fire flying in the sky. A rocket flew to the flagpole in the middle of the military camp and lit the handsome flag.

The bombing camp has been unable to contain it.

The battle of Jinghu started.

On the morning of September 17, Zhuo Yongqing and Qu Qing led the team to Liu Daoliang. On the way, they saw the figures of several escaped soldiers. After grasping the inquiry, they understood that the battle with Wufengying had come to an end.

In the morning sun, the six-way beam of smoke has been flat, and only the **** atmosphere remains. The heavy materials in the military camp are still intact. This prisoner of war has more than 6,000 people and is taken care of in the foothills on the west side of the military camp.

After Zhuo Yongqing and Qu Qing arrived, several teams arrived one after another. The team of more than 7,000 people led by Chen Fan lost more than 100 people in the battle last night. The scouts who asked Zhu Jing to send prisoners and transport materials in Juling County have been sent.

A group of Chinese soldiers gathered on the side of the battlefield. Although it seems to have a happy color, the discipline is still serious, and the ministries are still tight, and this is ready to continue -->>, the fastest update赘婿latest chapter!

Signs of combat.

Zhuo Yongqing and Qu Qing participated in the subsequent operational meetings. In addition to Chen Fan, Ji Qianer, Zhuo Xiaofeng and other generals who belonged to the 29th Army, there were several former leaders who came out from the southwest. In addition to the "old monk" Feng Zhen, the intelligence dealers are still outside the activities. Half of the teams released before the time have already moved closer to Chen Fan.

Nowadays, the deputy commander of the 29th Army of China is named, but Chen Fan, who is actually managing the Miaojiang military affairs, is a middle-aged man who is nearly 40 years old. His appearance does not see too much aging, and he is still in a calm state. Even with some laziness and sunshine, but at the moment after the war, his blood on his armor has not faded, and his face is also with a sigh of breath. If there are old people who have participated in the Yongle Uprising, they may find that Chen Fan and the Seven Buddhas on the battlefield were somewhat similar in temperament.

Probably simply washed his hands and face, Chen Fan smashed the water stains on his hands and rubbed his palms, letting people put the map on the table that was collected.

"...Breakfast camp last night, most people fled to the east, Yu Gusheng and his son with thousands of people, we are sure to go to the northeast. Guo Baohuai is just outside the hundred miles, 50,000 people, playing It may be a little stronger than Gusheng. Then there is Li Yuhe, which is farther southeast, with a total of 100,000 people."

He clicked his finger on the map a few times.

"...the silver can be beaten before they arrive."


Feng Zhen rode on the eastbound carriageway of Ma Yi Road. In the afternoon, he arrived at a waste village in the east of Pingxiang. Some horses were gathering in the village.

He is obese, full of flesh, riding on the road, and people and horses are tired enough. Near the village, but did not rush into it, panting on the back of the village, a middle-aged man who looks like a sullen, like a hard old farmer has been waiting here.

"Comrade Feng, hard work." The other side seems to be miserable, the voice of the words is not high, and the name after the opening is quite formal. Feng Zhen gave him a ritual, but he did not dare to be slow. Everyone in the Huaxia Army was a madman who was indecent. This person is one of them.

The name of the man was Tian Song, who was originally a blacksmith of the Liangliang. He was diligent and simple. Later, the shame of Jingping was captured in the north and rescued from the north by the Huaxia Army. At this time, although the appearance looks sad and simple, it is really to kill the enemy. Feng Zhen knows how much the person's means are.

After talking a few words to each other, they walked down the hill and reached a hidden mountain beam on the mountainside. Tian Song sent the guards arranged here and took out the telescope to hand over to Feng Zhen, the village below Feng Zhenchao. Looked inside, I saw many people in the village wearing the Jurchen's armor.

Tian Song took out a small album from his arms: "There is no problem with the armor, and the 'Little Wang Ye' has been arranged. This plan has been prepared for several years. At the beginning, Yan Yanqing was mining in the mountains. I have been imitating, this time it seems that there is no serious problem. Comrade Feng, the plan of the 29th Army has already been set..."

His words are low and even weak, but only from the deepest part of the tone, Feng Zhen can hear the warmth of the other party's voice. He saw the "Little King" who was giving orders in the crowd below, and watched for a while. After that, I only opened.

"Guo Baohuai has already arranged there. In theory, Guo Baohuai will be played first, then Li Yinghe will be played. Chen Shuai hopes that you will act on the plane and be able to do it when you are sure. The current consideration is that although Xiao Wangye starts from Jiangzhou. They have been stared at by the predecessors of Flow, but for the time being, I don’t know how long they can wrap them. If you first come to Li’s investment, Xiao Wang’s guard is sent to you, and you still have a lot of risks. ""

"Well, it is like this." Tian Song nodded.

Feng Zhen sighed in his heart. He walked in the rivers and lakes throughout his life and saw countless desperados. Most of the normal ones would say "the way of seeking wealth and danger", and even more mad will say "planned", only Tian Song like this, it seems sincere and sincere, I am afraid I have never considered the risks he said. He said: "Everything is still in your own judgment, seeing the opportunity to act, but be sure to pay attention to safety and try to take care."

"Of course." Tian Song nodded, and a cruel smile on his crumpled face, said, "Li Yuhe's head ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ we will bring it."

After the matter was finished, it was nearing the evening, and the leader of the old farmer’s team walked toward the waste village. Soon after, the team composed of “Little Wangye” and the martial arts masters would go to the southwestern Li. The direction is going forward.

Feng Zhen rode on the horse and continued to move in the direction of the northeast. The entanglement of Fulu’s leading greenwood people and Wan Yanqing continued. Before he realized that the situation was wrong, he was also responsible for stirring the water. It is more turbid.

At the same time, Yu Gusheng and Yu Mingzhou’s squadrons, who had been escaping all the way, had already taken the lead with Guo Baohuai’s scouts.

Over the years, the various plans and cards that the Huaxia Army has been weaving are gradually being opened.

In the eleventh year of Jianye, in the middle and late September, with the gradual collapse of the Zhou Dynasty. At the time when many people have not yet reacted, the 29th Army of China, with a total of only 10,000, was led by Chen Fan, and only half of the troops rushed out of Changsha and marched eastward, launching the entire Jinghu Lake. The prelude to the battle.

At the end of September, more than 100,000 troops were in the face of Chen Fan’s 7,000 Huaxia Army. The front line was directly cut into the hinterland of Jiangnan West Road by Chen Fan with a fierce attitude.

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