Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 877: Eve (Middle)

In the Yunzhong House, the crowds are bustling, the traffic is soaring, the trees next to the road fall with the yellow leaves, the early winter has arrived, and the atmosphere of the Xiaochen has not invaded this prosperous big city.

The carriage passed by the street, and Chen Wenjun in the car opened the curtain and looked at the hustle and bustle of the city. The hawking of the traders came in from the outside: "The fried fruit from the old 汴 beam! The old 汴 beam came! The famous fried fruit! Have a taste of it -"

"Pig head meat! Authentic southern craftsmanship pig meat! Fine..."

"Southern Dynasty Royal Feast Chef, this store is exclusive..."

Jurchen hunters were born, and they were bitter and haha ​​in their early years. Although traditions and cultures existed, they were mostly rudimentary. After the annihilation of the dynasty, the two dynasties were relatively taboo, but with the ruin of Jingping, a large number of Han slaves were given for it, and many things about Liao and Wu culture were no longer avoided. After all, they were upright. Conquer, then enjoy, you can't be guilty.

Nowadays, many luxury goods and food and beverage outlets in the name of Lao Liaoguo and Wuchao have long been common in Xijing.

The two sons sat in the carriage opposite Chen Wenjun, listening to the sound of the outside, and the second son finished with a smile and talked about the pros and cons of the other shops. The eldest son, Yan De, said: "Is the mother thinking of the South?"

"This cloud in the future is not too long, I am afraid it will become no different from the Liangliang." Looking at the row of rows of buildings in the street, Chen Wenjun smiled slightly, "but what the old smashed Fruit, authentic southern pig's head meat...is all said."

"After this time, if the world is settled, my son will accompany his mother to the south to see it. Maybe the father is willing to go together." End Yande said, "When the time comes, if there is anything wrong with seeing the south side." Expectant mothers to give pointers, many things believe that there is a safe way."

In the words of Yan Yan Dezhong, Chen Wenjun can understand what he meant. She smiled and nodded.

In the future, the Jurchens will have all the world. With the face of the Valley Gods, even if you want to cut off the shackles or the larger Central Plains, it is not a big deal. The mother’s heart is the suffering of the Han people. She went to the south to open her mouth. Many people can be much better than this. The mother’s mind must be stable. This is the thought that Dezhong and the two brothers want to worry about the mother. In fact, there is not much problem.

The carriage passed through the city and stopped in front of Zheng Guogong’s door. Zheng Guogong was the title of the time of love. The old man was crutches and smiled from the main entrance. He gave the greatest courtesy to the official visit of Mrs. Gu Shen and his children.

When the gold annihilated Liao, when he became a gold official, he was a famous Confucian. Although he worshipped under the name of Zongwang, he actually had the most cooperation with Xiyuan, who had a profound knowledge of Sinology. Chen Wenjun, who is next to Xi Yin, is also a Han Chinese. Although he is a South Han who is generally despised by the Han Chinese in Liaodong, Chen Wenjun knows the book and manages it. He has won the respect of the other party.

Of course, Shi Liai is a high official, Chen Wenjun is a guilty, the two should theoretically not have too much involvement, but this time things that will happen in the cloud are, after all, somewhat complicated.

After the army's southern expedition, the first batch of Han Chinese prisoners sent from the south, about five hundred people, will arrive in the cloud within a few days.

In the wars of more than a decade, the slaves from the south by the army were inexplicable, and there is no need to elaborate here. This time the Nanzheng, the first batch of Hannu who were taken in, has its own symbolic meaning. These more than 500 people are the officials of the officials or generals who participated in the resistance during the Nanzheng period.

For Jurchens, they are the children of the enemy, so that they are not as good as death, and have the effect of killing chickens and monkeys.

But for the Han people, these are the blood of the hero.

The news came over, Chen Wenjun, who had never been on the bright side for many years, showed his face as a wife of Gu Shen, hoping to rescue this batch of 500 prisoners. She could not do these things in the early years. But now her status has been stabilized, and her two sons, Dezhong and Yiyi, have already grown up, and they have made it clear that they will inherit the throne to make great things in the future. She came out at this time, and she did not make it. The consequences - at least not that she would not be put in.

She first let the news in the mouth of the Yunzhong government, and then visited several bureaucrats and offices in the city, and moved out of the will to give preferential treatment to the Han people and the world, and said a message in front of officials. She is not awkward. She persuaded people to be merciful in front of officials at all levels. Sometimes she shed tears. Mrs. Gu Shen made such a gesture. All the officials were unassuming, but they did not dare to let go. In a short time, they saw their mother’s emotions. The fierce German and instrumentality also participated in this lobbying.

Wan Yande reloaded his father’s teachings on weekdays and explained to the Jurchen officials the way of virtue. The Yan Yanyi also believed that the Nanwu side was destroyed and the resistance was weak. At this time, killing chickens and monkeys is not the most important thing. The people of the world express the kindness and generosity of the Golden State. This is the foundation of the future of the Jurchen.

The mother and the child made such a public opinion. After the gesture was set, they went to visit Zheng Guogong and loved him. For this matter, the brothers may be just to help the mother, Chen Wenjun is relatively determined, all her lobbying is actually to say hello in advance, waiting for the elderly to have enough time to think, this is the official visit .

Shi Liai gave considerable respect. Everyone settled in and settled down. The old man asked many thoughts about the recent completion of Yan Dezhong and the two brothers. Chen Wenjun only mentioned the prisoner. When Li Li loved the crutches and sank for a long time, he only spoke with a hoarse tone.

"For this matter, I have thought about it for a few days. I don't know what kind of result the lady wants to get in this matter?"

"If it is possible, I naturally hope that the imperial court will be able to smash these five hundred people. In recent years, it has been the trend of the past for the past grievances. I am the king of the world, and the Han people in the south are also the people of the country. What's more, this time Different from the past, my army went south, and the Wu Dynasty passed down. Nowadays, the south is mainly based on recruiting. If more than 500 people can be treated well, they can receive the merits of Qianjin City."

As a southern Han Chinese, Chen Wenjun was still somewhat squeezed out in the circle of Dajin’s wife. She has been settled in the Golden Kingdom. Her position in the Xiyin House has gradually stabilized. When attending a party occasionally, she has always been low-key, even if she wants The opening is just to talk about the wind and the snow, and only a few people know that she has the mind and the ability to keep her eyebrows. At this point, the opening logic is clear and convincing. When standing, holding both hands and holding a cane, just listening.

"Nature, these reasons are just the general trend. In the face of the bosses, they are not willing to hide. For the five hundred people to plead, the main reason is not all for this world, but because the whole body comes from the south, In the more than two hundred years of the Wu Dynasty, the general trend has gone. If it is too smoky, it is inevitable that there will be some confusion in the body and mind. Xi Yin is a great hero. He has been married to him for so many years. He did not dare to say anything about these things in the past, but now..."

Chen Wenjun took a deep breath: "Now... Wu Dynasty is dead after all, and these people can be killed and put away, and they have to come to the bosses and think of ways. Although the Han people in the south are incompetent, they will be ruined by the ancestors. In this way, the dead is dead, and the living is still alive. The five hundred people in the south, the people in the south, can die less, and the Han people who are still alive in the South can live better in the future. ...remember the grace of the old man."

"The word of Ende, the lady said it is heavy." Shi Li loves to bow his head, first said a sentence, and then silence for a moment, "Mrs. thoughts of the core, some words will not sell off."

Chen Wenjun nodded: "Please ask the boss to speak out."

"Old aging into the big gold for the official, although the name follows the prince of the lord, but talking about the time of the official, the longest in the cloud. Gu Shen adults are knowledgeable, is the most concerned about the oldest and most admired Shangguan, With this reason, it is reasonable to say that the lady is coming to the door today, and she should not hesitate to do it for her wife. But... I’m so blunt, there are big concerns in the old heart, and the lady is also dishonest.”

Chen Wenjun looked at the old man, did not argue, nodded gently, waiting for him to speak.

"My wife said that five hundred prisoners, killing chickens and monkeys to the Han people, is no longer necessary. This is correct. When today, although there is still a black flag in the southwest, the Wu Dynasty Han people have no more power, but decided The day is going to go down, not necessarily only Han Chinese. Nowadays, the most worrying person, in the inside of my big gold, the gold country for more than 30 years, the momentum of fresh flowers and oil cooking, has now reached the most critical time. This matter, the middle and the bottom officials are ignorant, but the lady must understand."

When Li Li loves to talk, while looking at the side of Dezhong and the Yi Brothers, in fact, it is also teaching and mentioning. End Yande’s gaze was alienated but nodded. The end of Yan Yan’s instrument was a slight frown. Even though he said the reason, he understood the rejection of the other’s words. The two brothers were somewhat uncomfortable. This time, after all, they are accompanying their mothers to come to the door. They have made a long-term struggle. If they stand up for love, the face of Xi Yin’s family is too much to pass.

If Xi Yin’s family really lost this face, then the family will never feel good.

Shi Li’s gaze was mild, and a little hoarse words slowly said: “My fourth visit to the Wu Dynasty by the Jin State stems from the friction between the East and the West. Even if the Wu Dynasty is destroyed, the foreigners’ words are in my country. The battle between the East and the West is also possible at any time. His knees have been in bed for a long time, and now he is struggling to support, waiting for the moment when the war ends. At that time, Kim will encounter the biggest test in 30 years. Even in the future, life and death will be decided at that moment."

"The 500 people who were first brought in were not for the Han people, but for the people inside Dajin." The old man said, "Since the army has begun to go out, I am inside the Golden Country, some people are eager to move, and there are small things outside, I am Grandchildren... After the death of Yuanji, there have been people in the private sector who have been working in the private situation. Those who can’t see the situation think that I am dead at home. In the middle of the cloud, there must be someone doing things. The short-sighted person bets in advance. This is Normally, someone is provocative, which is the reason for the intensification."

"Since the death of Yuanji, from the Beijing to the cloud, there have been countless fires. In July, Zhongsheng waited for Yan Xiuzhang and even participated in private rushing, and was taken by the strongman. The whole family was killed for 61. The killing loyalty of the strong man is still in the fire of the seven seven eight eight, the official government failed to find the clue. But if someone is stalking, to my big gold at this time, there are several strong people will eat full I ran to kill a county full of Hou. The way of doing things, and the death of Yuanji, also have something in common... the good disciple of the South..."

The old man’s eyes were as calm as water. When he said this, it seemed to look at Chen Wenjun unusually, and Chen Wenjun looked at it calmly. The old man lowered his eyes.

"I am worried about the internal troubles of the big money... If these words are in front of others, the old man will not say it. 'Mrs. Han' Bodhisattva, the things that have been done in these years, and the admiration in the old heart, even last year’s death of Yuanji, The old age did not bother the lady..."

When the old man said it, there was a thorn in the words, and Yan Yande, who was on the side, stood up and said, "Is there something wrong with the boss?"

Chen Wenjun waved his hand to his son: "The old man has a big heart and is admirable. Over the years, he has indeed saved many people suffering from the south in private. This is also known to the gods. The old man, the Wu Dynasty, The black flag people have had several temptations in their private bodies, but they are unwilling to have more contacts with them. One is that they can't be human. Second, they are also selfish. They want to protect them, at least they don't want them to have an accident. It is because of the sake of the whole body. It is also clear to the old man."

"Human sentiments." Shi Li love's crutches on the ground, slowly nodded, then sighed slightly, "one person, compared with home country, it is too slight, the world is like a river, rushing past, It is hard to resist anyone. Yuanji is my most loved grandson. I thought I could inherit the family business. Suddenly, there is no one. The old age is one, and I often feel that the fate is coming, the future wind and rain, the old is I can't see it, but my wife still has to look at it. He is serious and has a good instrument. You have to look at it, and you have to turn it around. It is very difficult."

When the old man said this, several talents knew that the sharpness in his words was also a point of mentioning that Yan Yande had a good time. Chen Wenjun gave the two people a thank you, and both of them also got up and saluted. When Li Li loved it.

"Five hundred prisoners rushed in, for the sake of everyone to see, the south has won the battle, and my female real enemy will be the end of this, and also for the future if there is friction, let people see the ability of the west Because of this matter, the lady said that it should be released. It is impossible for me to let the captives swim in the streets. I want to show them to the outside. This is a sinner’s family and will be killed. Maybe it will be sold. Some of these things have to be done in the end."

At this time, Shi Li love took out a list from his arms and did not start. Chen Wenjun opened his mouth: "The old man, I have asked about the views of Gu Shen for things, and everyone feels that things are on both sides. There must be a big chaos, but the views of Gu Shen are not the same."


"Gu Shen once said that the handsome man is arrogant and arrogant. His life is only for the sake of the Jurchen, not for the status of rights. Even if one day, the situation has changed, the coach will not participate in this competition. I want to suppress these hidden dangers with the record."

"... If the two of the lords of Zongfu Zongzi were in trouble, would the coach wait and see?"

"If the coach can win this battle, the two Highnesses may not be in trouble."

"..." When Li loves to be silent for a while, then pushes the list on the coffee table and pushes it over. "It’s just like the lady said, it’s also the West has a chance to win, and the world is not a big problem. The five hundred prisoners are on the streets. This is to add chips to the west. For this matter, please forgive the old can not easily loosen the mouth. But after the street shows the crowd, except for some people who are not able to let go, the list of 200 people is listed, and the lady can take them over. Arrange by yourself."

Five hundred captives gave 40%, this is the face of Xiyin House, Chen Wenjun looked at the list, silent and did not reach out, she also wanted to save more people, the old man has let go of the palm:

"...not only these five hundred people, once the war is over, the Han people who came over in the south will still count hundreds of thousands. Who is more clear about the lives of these five hundred people compared with the lives of more than 100,000 people? Although it comes from the south, it has different habits from the southern Han Chinese flies and timid dogs. However, in the face of the world, the lady saved thousands of people, but it was just a game. Bitter, Mrs. Wenjun is self-sufficient."

Chen Wenjun slowly reached out and took the list: "As the old man said, the body of one person is too small, and the world is like a river in the river. I am waiting for the small people to do something to comfort themselves. After all, I came from the south, no change, married Jurchen, this life will not change... These capricious requests make it difficult for the boss to do it, and know what to do, and also to the boss to understand one or two."

She is forced to come to the door by the power of Xiyin House. The old man must be difficult to do, but the time is also a person of wisdom. His words are slightly thorny, some things are broken, and some things are not broken - such as Chen Wenjun and Nanwu. Whether there is any relationship between the black flag and the time, what is the thought in the love of the time, other people naturally can not know, even if the grandson is dead, he did not pursue the past to Chen Wenjun, this is the heart and wisdom for the overall situation. .

The list of two hundred people, the face of both sides, is still decent. Chen Wenjun accepted the list and felt bitter in her heart. She knew that all her efforts might come here. Shi Li loved to smile: "If the lady is not so smart, and the real will hit the door, the future may be better."

Chen Wenjun did not answer with a smile. He said: "After the incident, if the remaining 300 people can still have room, they will still hope that the boss will take care of them."

Shi Li love nodded: "Sure."

Having said that, there is no business to talk about. Chen Wenjun cares about the body when he is in love, and he chills a few words. The old man got up and the crutches slowly sent the mother and son out. After all, the old man is already very old. When he said such a while, he was obviously able to see the fatigue on his body. He was coughing from time to time during the farewell. The next person who took the medicine came to remind the old man to drink medicine. The old man also waved his hand and insisted that After Chen Wenjun and his mother left, they would do this again.

Although they all belong to each other in terms of identity, in all fairness, the great gold of the past era, whether Jurchen, Liaochen, and Hanchen, actually have their own powerful side. At that time, Li Ai was also a high-ranking official at the end of the Liao Dynasty. Later, when Liao was destroyed by Jin Xing, the world changed greatly. The Wu Dynasty made every effort to recruit the northern Chinese officials. Zhang Jue therefore voted for the past, but he was determined to be unmoved. Although he is a Han Chinese, he has never been able to understand the habits of the Han Chinese in the south.

In these years of relying on the Golden State, Shili Ai made a plan for the court. He did something big. Now, although he is old, he still stands firmly in the last class, which is considered to be the mainstay in the cloud.

Last year, Tang Minjie killed his son, secretly stirring the wind and stirring the rain, but most of the conspiracy was moved to the outside of the cloud. It must be said that the wrist of the time has given the other party great pressure. .

In July of this year, several people in the east of Yunzhongfu participated in the population business. In the past, in the army, for the loyalty of the army, the 61-member of the family was affected, and the men, women and children were almost slaughtered. This kind of thing, even if not asked in person, but Chen Wenjun can also guess that only the madman Tang Minjie can do it.

If you don’t want to sit in the middle of the cloud, maybe the madman will make waves in the city, and he will really be able to dismantle the Yunzhong Fuda Courtyard.

She thought about it in her heart and silently collected the list of time. After a day, she secretly met the contact person of the black flag here. This time, Lu Mingfang was not in the cloud. When she saw Tang Minjie, who was the person in charge, she was smashed and her eyes were lowered. The figure is sturdy, it seems that Hannu’s coolness is like a general appearance. I want to come to the melon vegetable shop. I haven’t known what I’m planning.

Chen Wenjun hopes that the two sides can join hands and try to save the five hundred heroes who have been escorted. Because of the positive business, Tang Minjie did not show the slick image of the previous, quietly listening to Chen Wenjun's proposal, he nodded: "This kind of thing, since Mrs. Chen is interested, as long as there are plans and hopes for success, China The army naturally tried its best to help."

"The ugly will not have but not mentioned?" Chen Wenjun smiled and stabbed him. In the past one or two years, with the increasing number of Tang Minjie's actions, the name of the clown in the North is not only a district, but a great disaster for many people to change. Chen Wenjun said at this time. Ugly, in fact, can be regarded as the rules of the Daoist joint.

Tang Minjie’s eyes are calm: “But since things happen in the cloud, the time is inevitable, and Mrs. Chen must be aware of it. Saying that saving people, Huaxia Army can trust you, if you already have Wanquan's plan, what kind of help is needed, you speak, we contribute. If there is no perfect solution, then I have to ask the next question."

"The five hundred people went north to the cloud and touched all aspects, but the escorting army did not have five thousand. What can be done? The ugly lord is good at planning and playing with people. I want to hear the idea of ​​the ugly man here. ""

"That depends on how determined Mrs. Chen’s thoughts are."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, in the mind of the lady, these things are now seen as leisure in the leisure time, to please some of the adjustments of their own. Or still as a war between the two countries, do everything without the end, endless killing."

At this moment, Tang Minjie’s look is serious and deep, and his performance is serious and professional. In fact, Chen Wenjun’s perception is much better. But when it came to this, she still slightly raised her brow, Tang Minjie did not care, he sat on the stool, looked down and looked at his fingers.

"Of course, for the lady's mind, there is no other idea under it. No matter what kind of expectation, the lady has already done everything she can. As a Han, she must regard you as a hero. These ideas are only related to the way of doing things. s difference."

Tang Minjie said: "If it is the former, the lady wants to save the five hundred people, but she is not willing to over-damage herself. At least she does not want to put herself in, then we will have a stop-and-go situation when we do things here. Things can't be done, we don't do it, we try to retreat."

"...if the latter." Tang Minjie paused. "If the lady regards these things as omnipotent killings, if the lady anticipates her own affairs, it is actually harming the interests of the gold country. We must shred It, to fight it, the ultimate goal is to destroy the gold country, let all your husband's establishment finally pay for it - our people will try to take some risks, consider murder, kidnapping, threats... even I will pick it up, and my teacher’s stop loss will be lower. Because if you have such an expectation, we will be willing to accompany you."

Tang Minjie lowered his head, Chen Wenjun stared at him, and the room was silent for a long time. Chen Wenjun finally said: "You are not a disciple of the devil."

"Just to coordinate things together, if things are too big, some people are rushing forward, some are going backwards, and finally a large group of people are going to die. Just do things, my wife is heavy."

"...Do you really feel that you can destroy the entire Golden State?"

"We just got here for this, aren't we?"

"...you, can you do it?"

Tang Minjie looked up at her and smiled and looked down at his fingers: "The relationship between Jin Guo and Wu Dynasty and the relationship with the Huaxia Army have become difficult to become as balanced as Liaowu. There are two hundred years of peace. So the final result must be that you live and die. I have imagined the scene of the entire Chinese army's defeat. I imagined the scene when I was caught and thought about it hundreds of times, but Mrs. Chen, Have you ever thought about the consequences of your work, Wan Yan Xi Yin will die, your two sons will also die. You choose the side station, this is the consequence of the election, if you do not choose to stand ... we have at least Know where to stop."

Chen Wenjun’s fists have been tightened, nails are embedded in the palm of his hand, and his body is slightly trembling. She looks at Tang Minjie: “It’s very interesting to say all these things. Is it that you are very smart? Is it that I don’t do things, you Happy?"

"...On the contrary, I admire the sacrifice you made." Tang Minjie looked at her. "You have come to this step, it is not easy. My teacher once said that most of the time, the world hopes that you can Covering your head, you may get better the next day, but it's actually impossible. What you avoid today, one day, I will find it back. It must be counted even with interest. You are a great hero, think early. Knowing what you are doing, going backwards... will be better."

His words stung Chen Wenjun. She stood up from her seat and walked two steps in the room. Then she said, "Do you really have any future? The war in the southwest is about to fight, you are far away in the clouds. I have seen the sticky, I have seen Xi Yin, I have been with Xi Yin for a lifetime! We know who they are! I know how they fight the Liao Kingdom! They are the people of the world! Tough and unyielding the world! If Xi Yin is not me The husband is my enemy, I will be afraid to shake my whole body!"

Chen Wenjun’s pressure is suppressed, and his teeth are cut: “The sword has fallen! The southwest has already fought! The leader is the sticky, and the half of the kingdom of the kingdom is all he has hit! He is not a mediocrity like Zongfu Zongtang. They are going south, Wu The Chaos is just a head! The Southwest Black Flag is where they are dying! At all costs! Do you really feel any future? In the future, the Han Chinese will be gone, you have to thank me for your kindness!"

"If you really get to that step, the surviving Han people may only depend on the kindness of the lady. But the wife also does not know what kind of teacher my teacher is, and it is a good friend, Xi Yin, even if the bones are resurrected, this battle I I also believe in my companions in the southwest, they will certainly win."

Tang Minjie did not move for Chen Wenjun’s words, but said indifferently: "Mrs. Chen, if the Chinese army is really defeated, it may be the best result for the wife. But if things are slightly biased, the army will return to the south. At that time, it is the beginning of the chaos in the Jin State. We will do many things. Even if it does not happen, the Huaxia Army will come over one day. The wife’s age is only forty years old, and she will live to see that day, if true. One day, Xi Yin died, and your two sons are not spared. Can you accept that you let them go this step?"

"If you anticipate such a result, you have to cooperate, we will give you the life. If you do not want to have such a result, just to comfort yourself, of course we also try our best to help save people. If you take another step... Mrs. Chen, With the face of the Valley God's family, the two hundred people saved are very remarkable. Mrs. Han rescued and rescued the Buddha. Everyone will thank you."

Tang Minjie said here, no longer speaks, quietly waiting for the fermentation of these words in Chen Wenjun's heart. Chen Wenjun was silent for a long time, and suddenly remembered the conversation he had made on the previous day in the Aifu House. The old man said: "Even if the grandson is in trouble, the old age does not bother the lady..."

This sentence was insinuated. At first, Chen Wenjun felt that it was a few counterattacks and sharp points that he made to force himself to go to the door. At this time, she vaguely felt that the old man also saw the storm of the Golden State and saw himself. The swaying of the left and right will inevitably encounter the dilemma, so I will wake up.

Of course, Shili loves to break the purpose of this matter~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I hope that I will recognize the position of Mrs. Gu Shen from now on, and don’t make any big scorpions. Tang Minjie’s break at this time may be that he hopes that his will to fight against gold will be more determined, that he can make more and more outrageous things, and ultimately even shake the foundation of the entire Golden State.

The way smart people do, even though they stand differently, is so similar.

"...you really think, are you likely to win?"

"I do not know."


Chen Wenjun closed his eyes and couldn't make a choice. The prosperous pulse of Yunzhongfu was faintly coming from the foot and from the wind. This is the accumulation of more than 20 years of Dajin Liguo. Countless people have fought and killed, and the world has become like this. There are not many people who can imagine its collapse.

"...I have to think about it."

"You should think about it."

Tang Minjie said.

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