Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 878: Eve (bottom)

Winter has come, and the moisture in the mountains rises.

The Jiange changed its flag to the flag. In the mountains between the southeast of the Jiange, the military camp of the Jin State stretched out and could not be seen at first glance.

The various military flags are mixed, the most is the pennant on the red side of the Phnom Penh, the rest of the five-color tower, the dragon black border, etc., are the flag of the pure Jurchen army.

In addition, the monks, the Liao people, and the Liaodong Han people each have different flags. Some of them have the totems of Haidongqing, wolf, and Wuhuan, and they guard the huge handsome flag on one side. Every handsome flag symbolizes the name of a hero who once shocked the world.

Among them, the 20,000-year-old female Yan Shanwei, who was once led by the God of War, and the direct army of more than 10,000 who had resigned in the same year still kept the establishment. In the past few years, under the hands of Zong Han, the two military flags were white and trained, and the Nanzheng was regarded as a shameful battle. The direct command of them was the Baoshan King.

Huaxia Army and Jurchen have enmity, and the Jurchen side also regards the dilapidated room and the resigned sacrifice as a shameful shame. The Nanzheng came all the way, and this army is waiting for the Chinese army to discuss the blood debt that the Lord will be killed.

After a few days of running the Chinese military, the most important Wenchen military commanders in the Nanzheng Chinese and Western Army were all arrived.

In addition to Xi Yin, Yin Shu can still be in charge of the Eastern Front affairs at this time, the Jurchen generals gathered here now, with Yan Zonghan as the head, under the speed of pulling out, the end of the face, the real pearls, Wang Yan, Ma, Baoshan Dawang Wanyan oblique protection, Gaoqing, Gaoli, Daxun, Yuyu... Most of them are veterans who participated in the second Nanzheng. In addition, the Hanchen Han enterprises, which are heavily used by Zonghan, firstly manage materials and food. Operations.

In addition, there are quite a few surrendered women on this road, such as Li Huan, Guo Tie-dy, Hou Ji... and so on, who were called to attend the meeting.

A huge map depicting the situation of the Jiange to Chengdu and other places was hanged. The person responsible for the explanation is the Gaoqing who is both civil and military. Compared with the mind-minded Hanchen Han enterprises, Gao Qing’s character is strong and strong, and it is the foreign minister who can best suppress one side. In the plan of the Southern Expedition, Zong Han and Xi Yin originally planned to stay in the cloud with him, but he later took him to lead the 30,000 troops in the Nanzheng team.

"The sword is down, the battle is coming soon!"

Going to the crowd, Gao Qing’s eyebrows in soft armor are extremely thick. He used to be Liao Chen in the past, and later used it again under Zong Han’s martial arts. He usually cultivates literary affairs and can lead the army in wartime. He is an extremely rare talent. . What people are most impressed with is the eyebrows that he has been hanging down all the year round. If you look at the godless eyes, you will have murderousness when you open your eyes. Once you take the shots, you will be decisive and resolute.

"In the past few days, all of you have already prepared for the war with the so-called Huaxia Army. Today, the marshals are called to tell you, this is what you are in front of you. Everyone has passed the sword, every move, please act in accordance with the military law. There is no one in the past, and the military law is not tolerant. This is what was mentioned before the war."

Gao Qing’s eyebrows swept over the rear of the camp, without excessively accentuating tone, and then picked up the pole and turned his gaze to the map on the back.

"In front of us, the fifth flag of the Huaxia, which is guarded by the black flag in the southwest, totals 60,000. Now it has been fully pushed to the first line of Zhangzhou, Huangming County and Yushuixi. From the front of Huangming, Yushuixi to Zhangzhou The scope of more than forty miles is the most crucial part of the Nanzheng."

He painted a circle with wooden poles, from Jiange to Zhangzhou, with a total distance of one hundred miles and two roads. Huangming County and Yushui River are close to the boundary points of these two roads. The Huaxia Army pushed the front line here. Obviously, it is not just a plan to fight a city war in Zhangzhou.

For the squadrons who have been fighting for many years, this time the strength is more difficult to understand than the strategy adopted by the other side. The Jurchen West Road Army had a total of 300,000 people in the south. There were damages on the road. The main force to reach the Jiange was only about 200,000. However, several Wushu troops were assembled on the way, and two or three hundred thousand were arrested near the Jiange. The Han Chinese civilians made cannon fodder. If they pushed forward as a whole, they could be called the army of millions in ancient times.

The opposite of the Huaxia Army, the main force is only 60,000.

It’s not enough to stagnate the city, let alone push the line to the middle of the road. Even if there are many mountains between the Jiange and Zhangzhou, it’s better to be defensive, and it’s better than the wall.

But in the face of the Huaxia Army before the "last battle", the Jurchen generals did not blindly support the big, at least in this meeting, Gao Qingxian did not intend to comment on this. He makes people put a list of words on the map.

"In the Black Flag Army, the Fifth Army of China is the main force of Ning Yi. Their army is different from the Wu Dynasty and the Dajin. The army is called the division, and then the brigade, the regiment... The general of the division, He Zhicheng, Hedong Ninghua, Jing Han in the Qin Shaoqian under the Wurui camp for the general, followed by Ning Yi rebellion. Xiao Canghe battle, he is the Huaxiajun deputy, with Ning Yi finally evacuated south. With the soldiers, step by step, there is no bright spot, but you can't care about it. He is the most comfortable chess that Ning Yi uses. When he is on him, you will be confronted with Ning Yi."

"The first division of the Fifth Army, the commander Han Jing, who was the head of Qingmuzhai of Luliang Mountain, is now the leader of the Luliang Mountain in the Huaxia Army. As far as we know, this is the earliest route training for Ning Yi. The first time the 汴梁大战, this person led two thousand Aoki cavalry to the south, and the bottom of the sneak attack on the 牟 牟 ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... It is highly probable that people will be arranged to prepare teams and respond to rescue."

"...The Fifth Army of China, the second division, the commander Pang Liuan, the former general of Wuruiying, the Qin Shaoqian counter-revolutionary system, watching this person use soldiers, steady, good, not good attack, good frontal combat, but not underestimate, according to previous intelligence, The second division has the largest number of iron cannons. If it really fights with it, I am afraid that no one can rush to him in front of his iron cannon array... For this person, you need to have a strange soldier."

"The third division, the commander Liu Chengzong, took people to Xuzhou last year. In September this year, he was transferred to the Liangshan area. It was the trouble of His Royal Highness Lu Wang (Wan Yanchang). Wu Ruiying Qin Shaoqian had several generals, but this person has handsome talents. Here, perhaps the most difficult person to deal with, but now, don't bother him."

"The fourth division commander, Qu Zhengyan, this is the black flag army to reintegrate before joining, the line that was promoted by Ning Yi, after Wu Jingping, he joined the black flag army, starting from the bottom soldiers, in the northwest and Xiao Canghe Rapidly picked up during the years of war."

"...Now the Chinese military generals, most of them are the meritorious deeds of Ning Yi. When Wu Ruiying, He Zhicheng, Li Yi, Pang Liuan and Liu Chengzong were all in high positions, if they were really unreasonable, then Wurui camp was in them. There was no bright spot under his command. Later, Qin Shaoqian took advantage of his father's background, concentrated on training, and then went to the battle of Xia Cun. Ning Yi's hard work inspired some of their ambitions. These people can now have corresponding status and ability. It can be said that Ning Yi and others know how to make good use of it and slowly bring it out, but this is not the same as the saying..."

"After joining the Black Flag Army, this person first appeared in the battle with Xixia, but at that time he became a leader of the Black Flag Army, that is, the ten commanders. Until the end of the three years of the Xiao Cang River, he gradually entered the crowd. In the field of vision, in the three years of the war, he was active in Luliang and the northwestern places, and was ordered several times. Later, he also compiled a large number of Hanzhong Hanjun. By the end of the three years of war, this person led nearly 10,000, of which 70% were The Central Plains army was rushed to compile, but under his command, he was able to make some achievements."

Gao Qing’s eyes swept over the four weeks, and he paused a little: "There was no excuse for the leader to attack the northwest, break the Yanzhou, and Ning Yi led the troops quickly. The generals of Daban were in the vicinity, and they wanted to resign. He attacked Ning Yi, and the result was blocked by a Chinese army. Although the military strength was not strong, the interception and harassment continued, and eventually dragged General Daban one day and night, so that Ning Yi broke the city from the secret road and resigned. Handsome in Yanzhou."

"The army at that time was a group of Central Plains soldiers who had been rushed to the mouth, and the trained Huaxia Army was less than two thousand... These news were later explored under the auspices of Gu Shen’s adults. ""

As soon as he said this, everyone can't help but move. Daxun clenched his fists with both hands and looked steadfast, but did not say anything. At that time, in order to avenge the dim room, he did not lose the chance to levy the army in the northwest. He was one of the deputy generals who went to Xiao Canghe to quit and was killed. Northwest It’s really being slain and blood flow into the river. You both come and go, and you don’t die.

At that time, the Huaxia Army had already smashed its eyes. People were less than a day, and morale was higher than one day. Facing the offensive of the Jurchen’s turn, the Central Plains’ successive reinforcements, the Huaxia Army continued to fight back. With the stock to pull the sense of desperation in the world.

For such a madman, a little rational person can not help but feel scared. The Central Plains’s million Han army was frightened and timid in the later period, and after returning to death, they reached the end of their lives and took the Jurchen army and the Huaxia Army. At that time, he also I am thinking about how to not be dragged by these guys.

Of course, they later learned that in the second half of the Xiao Cang River War, Ning Yi had already arranged for a transfer to the south. He placed a spy in the million Han army and launched a public opinion war, rendering the Hua Xia Army out of all the people. The atmosphere is secretly in the dark. Daxie and others were fascinated by the fierce attack on the front line, and finally failed to prevent the Huaxia Army from taking the South.

Later, although he and the silversmiths and others led the army to vent their anger in the northwest, the whole thing was still the most memorable shame in his life.

In the battle against the Huaxia Army, the Daozhen has already been fighting in private for several times. At this time, there is not much to open. Everyone whispered a word or two, and the Gaoqing people continued to talk.

"... This channel is in the Huaxia Army. It is regarded as a disciple of Ning Yi. He has participated in Ning Yi’s lectures, but it is his own talent to do this on the battlefield. This person’s force Not strong, but in the use of soldiers, but won the 'Han Xin soldiers, more and more good', can not be underestimated, and may even be the most difficult general in the Southwest China Army."

"... In addition, the fourth division of the Fifth Army of China, which is rumored to be called a special warfare officer, is the disciple of Ning Yi, who is a disciple of the chief of staff who advises and implements military affairs, and Ning Yi has every whimsy. It is also verified in this fourth division. The next big battle, the right words of the upper channel, how the warfare may appear, you can't take it lightly."

"...The Fifth Division of the Fifth Army, the commander of Yu Zhongdao, the Northwestern, the family of the Western Army, can be regarded as a kind of singer after the death. This person does not show the dew in the Western Army, join the Chinese After the military, there was no outstanding record, but the military affairs were well organized. Ning Yi’s command to the fifth division was also like an arm. Before the Huaxia army came out of Liangshan, against the battle of Luqiaoshan, the main attack was Huaxia. Third, the fifth division, the 100,000 martial arts army, ruining and ruining, is not troublesome. If I am too underestimated, I may not be able to go anywhere in the future."

"In addition, there was news from the west. Ning Yi arranged for 20,000 elites in the Dayang tribe at the border of Tubo and Dali. It has already been promoted to the east. More than 20,000 people participated in the Xiao Cang River battle, and most of them were finally evacuated. The elite team. The **** of the gods sent an envoy to try to instigate the pharmacist who was now avoiding Tubo, and smuggled the bottom of the squad... but Guo Pharmacist smelled the color and did not dare to do it..."

Gao Qingzhi tells the participants of this war, and now the top of the Huaxia Army - this is only the beginning, the Jurchen may have a lot of arguments on weekdays, but the Wu Chao generals who surrendered at the back are inevitably stunned.

For many of the things in the Chinese army, their understanding is not as detailed as that of the Gaoqing people. In the message of this pile, it is conceivable that the Jurchens are preparing for this war, probably a few years ago. It has already begun in all aspects.

For more than ten years, although in the Wu Dynasty, people often sang the ruined country, saying that they will quickly embark on the end of the sorrow and death, but this time the South levy proves that their strength has not decayed too much. From the attention of the generals of Zong Han and Gao Qing, they can gradually see clearly, what is the outline and face of the black flag on the opposite side...


After the morning battle meeting was over, the team of the Second Division of the Fifth Army was to be opened from Zhangzhou.

At noon, tens of thousands of Huaxia soldiers gathered in the canopy of the canteen on the side of the military camp. Officers and soldiers were discussing what might happen in this war.

On the side of the long shed, Ning Yi and many high-ranking officers also took a seat here. The chief of staff, Li Yi, the second division commander, Pang Liuan, the first division commander Han Jing, the fourth division’s Qu Zhengyan and others gathered here. There are some brigades and heads of the second division. The crowd gathered to discuss the war, but it did not evade the soldiers around.

"This time, it’s not good to fight..."

"It’s been so many years, I haven’t seen any good fights.”

"After the death of Ayan, I am still alive in the founding fathers of the Golden State. It is basically here... Well, only Wu Hao, Xi Yin, Yin Shu can be..."

"The main force is 200,000 yuan. The Han army who surrendered will casually make up two or three hundred thousand, 500,000 people... They are not afraid of being crushed to death on the road."

"They also grabbed hundreds of thousands of people, add up to be a step guard, haha."

"Optimism can be, don't underestimate the enemy... Pulling away from speed, Sabal, Yuyu, Yulili, Gaoqing, Zonghan's family... are all the stalwarts who attacked the scorpion ten years ago, and their lives are countless, not The old men were more than they were. They laughed at them before, and now the grave trees are all fruitful."

"No enemy, I am sweating now, look, but ah, I know, there is no way to retreat... 500,000 people, they don't necessarily win."

"No, whoever will grow a tree..."

"...I have to think like this, Xiao Canghe played for three years, and then this side has been reduced for five or six years. The Central Plains has fallen, and we should be out of the limelight. Otherwise, people say that they say that the Chinese army is lucky. Rebels run northwest, Xiao Canghe can't beat, all the way to the southwest, and later hit a Luqiaoshan, many people think it is not counted... This opportunity is coming."

"In theory, the strength of the army is very different, and the defending of the city is indeed safe..."

"There is no way... Five or sixty thousand people together with Mr. Ning are all in Cangzhou. They really can't fight, but if I am Zonghan, I will use the fine soldiers to encircle the Cangzhou, and the Wucha army will go all the way to Cangzhou and burn. Killing and looting. In Zhangzhou, after a horse Pingchuan, we can only watch, that is a dead word. To play less, it is nothing more than borrowing the terrain, stirring the water, will see if you can touch the fish... For example, touch The fish of Zong Han’s two sons, hehe..."

"Oh... your fourth army has a bad stomach, this idea can be played..."

"This is called attacking it, it is confidential, confidential... oh..."

"Understand, understand...hey..."

In the middle and high-ranking officers of China, the basic idea of ​​this war has been unified. At this time, the chat at the dinner table is certainly not a real secret. It is nothing but the tension before the war. Several officers of different military forces met. It’s cool and refreshing.

Ning Yi does not stop this kind of thing, and occasionally he will participate in it and pour bad water. Looking at the head of the next table and the staff members, he and Han Jing, Qu Zhengyan and others are also arguing.

It’s not realistic for a Jurchen to kill, and it’s not realistic to stay in Cangzhou. It’s only from Zhangzhou, and it’s a fuss about the rugged terrain. The second division led by Pang Liuan was the main force of the sniper. After the camp was held in the afternoon, the second division was followed by a team of 5,000 horses. This was originally the full horse of the Huaxia Military Commercial Department. Now assigned to Han Jing command.

Although there are Chengdu Plains in the southwest, they are all rugged mountain roads outside the Chengdu Plain. The mountain roads need short-legged Hummers. Although the battlefields are not easy to use, they are superior in endurance and suitable for mountain roads. . On the battlefield of Zhangzhou to Jiange, if there is any need for rescue, the horse team will provide the best capacity.

In the Huaxia Army, Han Jing used the troops to move and commanded the horse team. It was suitable for the firefighting team in the middle. However, in the past few days, the four divisions’ division commander has been wrapped up in him, and he has been divided into three hundred with him. A horse, then I want to have two hundred more. Every day, Han Jing said, "I have an idea. It is very likely to be useful in the future. Han brother thinks about helping me..."

For Qu Zhengyan, who is full of sorrow and grief, and another "small old man" who is thinking about things, Han Jing is sometimes willing to help, sometimes it is more collapsed: "Just kidding, for you to be a good person and worthy of The plan, I want to order the order to the company, you walk away and you go away, you let the following people concentrate on fighting!"

"No need, Han, I just chose a few points on the side you are keeping. The Jurchen is very likely to be fooled. You just have to say hello to some of the group cadres who arranged with you in advance. I have a way to signal. , our plan you can look at..."

"Look at your egg, it's too complicated, I can't understand it."

"No, right, the Korean teacher is flexible and unconstrained, just to cooperate with...".

"I used to be a bandit! I don't understand the calculations of these scholars! Don't praise me!"

"...you divide me two hundred horses."

"...I..." Han Jing was too angry, "I will divide you!"

This kind of thing happens occasionally, Han Jing will take a meal to Ning Yi here to complain, Ning Yi waved his hand and did not participate: "It’s not my business, it’s not my business, or you can beat him, Qu Zhengyan I won’t see it when I watch it..."

In fact, such a thing is not a mess of words. In the Huaxia Army, the division’s acting style is relatively special. It’s not so much a soldier. More often, he is like a chess player who is always on the exam. He is thin, frowning and serious. He has excellent talents in command, training, command and operation. This is the trait that was revealed in the years of the Xiao Cang River.

In the most brutal battles of those three years, the members of the Huaxia Army were continually dying, and there were many talents in the middle. The righteousness of the channel was the most eye-catching one. He first took over the position of platoon leader in a big battle, then saved several staff members headed by Chen Yu, and then smashed hundreds of brave Central Han army, slightly reorganized and intimidated, will Into the battlefield.

With the foundations of these hundreds of Han troops, he saved hundreds of trapped Chinese soldiers, and then the two sides fought side by side. In a brutal run and battle, the righteousness of the channel is almost perfect for the enemy's strategy and tactics, and then once again on the edge of life and death with the help of Chen Hao and others, sometimes even like deliberately testing The bottom line of the prince.

For example, with a team of less than 2,000 people, the tens of thousands of main forces of the Central Plains Han army attacked Daxu. The two thousand people were also divided into two batches, one group played the main force, and a group of defenders were defeated. At that time, "aids" just happened to give their own people a boost. In the most dangerous battles played by Xiao Canghe, he plays the role of God and plays ghosts, not only deceiving the enemy, but also deceiving himself - of course, the most deceived is the Han army surrendering, and these survivors of the Han army are now It is also a full member of the Huaxia Army.

This time, the tightrope is just helpless. Many times it is only a few milliseconds. Maybe it’s going to collapse on the whole line. But every time, I’m going to make the fish feel successful. Sometimes Ning Yi’s operation is ridiculous. Get up and have a cold back.

It is also because of this record, after the end of the Xiao Cang River war, the channel was promoted to the brigade commander, and later the strength increased, it was logical to go to the position of the division commander, of course, because of this style, the Huaxia Army said the fifth army fourth Teachers, especially like to describe them with "a bad stomach."

The behavior of Qu Zhengyan can be successful. Naturally, it is not just luck. One is his judgment on the battlefield, the judgment and grasp of the enemy's intention, and the second is his clear cognition and control over his soldiers. In this respect, Ning Yi pays more attention to achieving this with data, but in the case of Qu Zhengyan, more is pure talent. He is more like a calm player, accurately understanding the enemy's intentions and accurately grasping the hands. The use of the pieces accurately puts them in the right place.

On the other hand, it is in the staff of the staff, Chen Hao and others assist him.

Ning Yi’s lectures in the Huaxia Army were more important in the early stage and more important in the late stage. Chen Hao, Tang Minjie and others, all born in the early stage of the emphasis on surgery, the analysis of various means, the emphasis on the purpose, for the purpose of doing everything is extremely ... the fourth division of the staff, Ning There are many students in Yi, and the usual creed is "there is no idea that can't be used, just how you can implement it." Chen Yu is a pragmatic faction. What he frowns all day is how to implement various ideas.

They are not pursuing brainstorms, but no matter what kind of problem, Chen Yu only considers implementation, and may be called a master of action in later generations. It is also the assistant of Chen Yu, and the many acts of death that can be implemented in a proper manner.

This pair of partners frowns all day long, and occasionally will be said by Ning Yi to be a crushing duo, but the dialect is more like a simple chess player, others are positive about him, Chen Hao occasionally will be satisfied after the success of the plan. Laughter, it is considered by a group of people to be "a monk."

The fourth division has many plans and plans, some can only be completed by themselves, some need to cooperate with the friendly forces, and the righteousness of the channel runs to harass Han Jing. In fact, it is also a way of communication. If the plan is reliable, Han Jing knows a lot. If Han Jing is fiercely opposed, Qu Zhengyan also has a good understanding of the attitude and inclination of the first division.

He also harassed Pang Lu'an and Yu Zhongdao before, Pang Lu'an atmosphere, and Yu Zhongdao's negotiations, the negotiations between the two sides, did not be so dramatic with Han Jing.

"Right, I still have an idea, I didn't say it clearly..."

"Say you an egg, eat."

"Dayu over there, in the battle of Xiao Canghe, I had to rescue Yanzhou. I dragged him day and night. As a result, he was killed by the teacher. He must not be reconciled. I will not face him this time. When he left, I thought about going to the right. When he went to the right, I chose to go. If there was anything, Han brother helped me to drag him. I just said that, of course, it was the beginning of the war, or the overall situation. ”

"What? Are you afraid of him?"

"Chen Chen said, it is better to first dry it and dry it. I think it makes sense."

"...hey, you really have a bad stomach."

"...we still have an idea, he appeared, you can use my bait to lure him."

"...well, how come?"

"The war situation is changing rapidly. The specific nature will come back later, but I have to run faster. General Han will divide me two hundred horses..."

"……go away."

"It’s all for China."

Dang Zhengyan frowned and looked sincere.

In this way, the two sides are arguing with each other, and Ning Yi occasionally participates in it. Soon after, people picked up their moods, and the military queues on the military camps were squared. The soldiers’ ears echoed the words of mobilization, and their minds might think of their loved ones in the back.

The smoke is solemn and murderous, and the main force of the second division is set. Ning Yi and Li Yi, Qu Zhengyan, Han Jing and others stood on the wooden platform on the side of the road and solemnly salute.

Tens of miles away from the front line, there are also early forces to defend. Between the more complex and vast mountains and mountains, the scouts and killings of the scouts have been unfolding and lasting for several days...


In the big account of the Jurchen military camp, Gao Qingzhi put the wooden pole on the map.

"... At this time, our scouts have been in the mountains between the 30th and 60th centuries in the southwest, and they are connected with the black flag army's scouts. According to the scouts, they are on the road that can be walked slightly between the southwestern forests. Have buried mines..."

"...In the past few years, the Black Flag Army has developed in the southwest, and the firearms are the strongest. The frontal battle is not afraid of the mines. It is only a while to drive the Han people. But if you encounter this minefield when you are caught off guard, the situation may be very dangerous... ..."

Gao Qingshi said that the people in the rear Zonghan looked at the camp and opened their mouths: "If the Huaxia Army relies too much on this mine, the mountains in the southwest can go a little more."

"The handsome man said very much." Gao Qingji nodded, and then raised the pole again. "In addition to the soil mine, the Chinese army has a reliance on it. The first is the iron cannon. The Chinese army is hand-powered. The opposite iron cannon has more than a range. We have ten steps..."

"... As in our case, at this time, in the Huaxia Army, there have been a large number of hands throwing fire mines, throwing them with one hand, and it is possible to reach dozens of steps. On this object, the infantry has no power..."

"... Moreover, all the generals need to be careful. There are special muskets in the Chinese army. The projectiles can be launched far away from the distance. According to the return of the spies, the Huaxia Army launched this thing in the jungle, so the troops marched forward. In addition, the scouts must be scattered, and there is a hidden danger in the clearance.

"……hot air balloon……"

"...gun array..."

In the huge camp, the Gaoqing people listed the killer cockroaches owned by the Huaxia Army. The voice is like knocking on everyone's heart. The Han will gradually change its color. The former Jinjun generals will Most of them showed a bloodthirsty, decisive look.

The wind blew, and there seemed to be fog flowing in the mountains. The golden princes who used to be old hunters carefully walked through the forest. When they saw unusual movements and landforms, they threw stones. The Chinese army scouts with long knives are also sneaking from different places.

Kill and smack, and occasionally even the explosion of mines, sometimes even see the rare birds still in the forest fly.

These voices are the prelude to this war.

In the Yanjin military camp where hundreds of thousands of troops are stationed, the Jurchens are ready for everything. This is the accumulation of Jurchens as early as a few years ago under the auspices of Zonghan and Xiyin. After the Gaoqing people told the story of the whole situation, the Yan Zonghan stood up from the seat, and then began his formation.

To the north of the Yellow River, the third division of the Fifth Army of China, led by Liu Chengzong, has crossed the Da Ming Fu.

Last year, a rescue to Wang Shanyue and others, the Huaxia Army led by Zhu Xi, who lost more than half of the name in the Daming House, and the Jurchens slaughtered the city, causing the plague. Today, this city is just a lonely ruin of the moon.

The army paid homage to the dead comrades in front of the ruins. Later, they turned to Liangshanpo, which was still surrounded by the Han army. They wanted to attack the inside and outside of Zhu Xi and Wang Shanyue inside Liangshan and cut this blockade.

All the way to the top of the hungry, Shandong has been **** in adulthood.


The counterattack of Jindi has already begun.

At the beginning of October, Yu Yulin led his troops to kill Weisheng, and Liao Yiren and others ran away.

Lou Shuzhen returned to this city that once invested in infinite enthusiasm. At this time, the city that had been burned by the fire had not recovered. There were only a few hungry people like ghosts and ghosts in the ruins of the flames.

But not long after, I heard that the women killed the news of Weisheng, and the nearby hungry people gradually began to gather in the direction of Weisheng. For Jindi, Liao Yiren and other ethnic groups are continually recruiting and exploiting for victory, but only the heart of the Bodhisattva will care about the people's livelihood - people have already begun to know this.

The field that was originally opened has been abandoned. At the beginning, the splendid palace was already smashed, but as long as there were people, it would all be built again.

The imminent message of the Southwest War has also spread here.

Lou Shuzhen set up the reconstruction plan of Wasion, but the premise of all this is still established under the conditions that the southwest can support.

"Don't let me down... Ning Yi."

As winter approaches, the field can no longer be planted. She ordered the army to continue to attack the city and plunder the land. In reality, it is still running for the hunger of the hungry people. In such a gap, she will also consciously stare at the southwest, clench her hands, and scream for the enemy who is far away from the sky...


On the sea in the southeast, the Dragon Boat Fleet rested on the island and added supplies.

Zhou Pei cleared some people with two hearts and minds. After that, he closed his official wish and cheered his morale. He turned around and waited for another team chasing after him.

The Taihu Fleet, the general of the team leader, was called Hu Sunming. After the gold fell, he led the team to pursue the sea. At this time, he was near.

Can not escape forever, under the power of Jurchen, it is not easy to beach. Zhou Pei clenched the last strength in her hand and knew that she must win this battle!

At this moment, she also opened up everything about her.


At the same time, Junwu took the soldiers to kill Jiangning, and began to travel to Fujian in the direction of Fujian.

This humiliating journey is both tempering and training. In any case, he can no longer be surrounded by the female real army on the banks of the Yangtze River...


Jiangnan West Road.

After defeating the three Han army, Chen Fan took his army down and began to quickly transfer westward, avoiding the pursuit of the speeding cavalry.

The team climbed over the high mountains, and Zhuo Yongqing looked across the head to see the magnificent sunset, and the red light shone in the rolling hills.

Qu Qing came from the rear: "Great river and mountains."

As a result, the middle-aged man walked forward in a vigorous manner.

Zhuo Yongqing ran two steps, chasing the front in the extended team.



The atmosphere before the war was not always intense.

At the Guankoukou near Yingzuiyan, the last batch of preparation materials before the war was sent by the horse team. There were also women in the Lama team. The Huaxia Army had a shortage of human resources. Women had already begun to work in the workshop. Some military families In the war, they also took on their responsibilities - leading Mao Yishan, who was stationed here, to see his wife Chen Xia also mixed in the team.

It's a bit like using power for personal gain.

"You haven't been back for a long time, and people want to come and see you before they fight."

Chen Xia is a fierce northwestern woman. Her family died in the war of that year. Later, she married Mao Yishan, and she was properly and properly guarded at home and abroad. This group led by Mao Yishan is the elite of the fifth division. He is highly dependent on the attacking group. Facing the situation that the Jurchen is approaching, he has been dispatched to the front and has no chance to go home in the past few months. Perhaps aware of the unusualness of this war, his wife took the initiative to find it.

"Well, this is nothing." Mao Yishan acquiesced to his wife's behavior. "Is there something at home? Is there anything in the stone?"

Mao Yishan and Chen Xia's children's nickname stone - the small stone under the mountain - three years old this year, with Mao Yishan, did not show much cleverness, but honestly do not need too much worry.

Chen Xia shook her head: "Nothing, the stone is fine."

"Well..." Mao Yishan nodded. "The front is our position."

Some of the southwestern mountains were cold and humid. The husband and wife walked away from the position. Mao Yishan introduced his position to his wife and introduced her to the eagle-headed rock that is not far from the front. Chen Xia just Listen like this. There was concern in her heart, and later she could not help but say: "This kind of embarrassment is very dangerous."

"After playing, rest assured."

"It’s dangerous to play. There are more than 500,000 Jurchens."

"Well... I will always die." Mao Yishan said, "There is no way."

"When is it a head..."

Mao Yishan was silent for a while.

"...I became a soldier more than ten years ago. When I was in Xia Cun, I was still a hairy boy. It was difficult to play at that time... but Mr. Ning is right, you have a victory and ten miles." There are still a hundred miles after the Ten Commandments. You must have killed your enemy, or you are dead..."

"The army rebelled, went to Qingmu Village, went to Xiao Canghe, and Dong Zhiyuan went to war. The people around him died almost halfway... Playing with the squatting room, playing with the Jurchen, smashing and smashing, and now, I followed. The person who started the incident, there are not many people around..."

Mao Yishan recalled these things. He remembered the battle in Xia Cun. He had just awakened from a small soldier. Now, the battle in this field seems to be still endless... Chen Xia’s eyes overflow with tears: "I, I am afraid of you..."

"...but if no one is going to fight, we will always be the end of the northwest... Come, be happy, I have been playing for half a lifetime, at least not dead now, nor will it die next... In fact, the most important If I am alive, I will have nothing to play for a lifetime, and the stone should not be used for the rest of my life. We are for the stone. Um?"

He held the face of a rough, somewhat fat wife, squatting in the wild, taking his forehead against the forehead of the other person, red on the face of the woman who shed tears, reaching out to wipe away the tears.

"And, Mr. Ning said before, if this battle can win, we will be embarrassed in this life..."

"Our people's embarrassment in this life..." Mao Yishan looked at the eagle mouth rock in the distance: "It should be halfway through. www.wuxiaspot.com~ The dark sky will be sucked in by the stones in the mountains, the couple will go Here, I saw the unbeatable scenery, so I spent the last peaceful time before the war.

After the wife left, Mao Yishan polished his knife according to the usual practice. Although he has rarely rushed on the front line after becoming the head of the team, this time, there may be a chance.

Every meeting with your family can be a permanent experience.

But what's important is that there are family members behind.

They can only be the Great Wall at the forefront, ending all that is in front of them.

Whether it is 60,000, 6,000, 600 or even six...

In late October, nearly ten times as many enemies arrived in the battlefield. Killing, ignited the curtain of this winter...

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