Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 879: Fierce blade (on)

How to describe the beginning of a war?

Just like the ordinary and long life you have been living in, one day in the long, almost boring journey, you have almost adapted to this and enjoy everything. You walk, chat, eat, drink, cultivate, harvest, sleep, repair, talk, play, and pass by with your neighbors. In the day-to-day life, you see the same scenery that seems to be unchanging...

Someone will take you out of this and take it for granted.

No psychological preparation - of course, it is almost something that will not be built anyway in advance. You feel angry, angry... Then you see the blood of your neighbor's head and scarlet, your head and soul are still unacceptable and accommodating, in your long life as if you are carrying heaven and earth. The most blood I have ever seen is the result of the push of a neighbor when fighting, or the execution of a cheer when the bandit killer is in the county. Is there such a bad thing in the world? Why is it coming on this day again? Why do you let yourself be born in the world?

It takes a long time to think about it all...


Zhou Yuanzhang is a small member of the suburb of Qingchuan County west of Jiange. Zhou Jiashi lived in Qingchuan, and his ancestors came out to raise people. They lived in this small place. There are hundreds of acres of good land in their homes. Ten miles and eight townships can be regarded as poetry and book family.

Although it is close to the Jiange, but in the southwest, there have been no wars for two hundred years. The Jiange River is rugged and there are occasional accidents in the mountains, but it is not too big. In recent years, both the interest groups that trade with the southwest and the sects who guard the Jiange are deliberately maintaining the order on this road. Qingchuan and other places are more peaceful than the paradise.

Zhou Yuanzhang lived to the age of twenty-four, and received a wealthy family business. He had a wife and a daughter. He had a son and a daughter. His daughter was six years old and his son was four years old. Come all the way, peace and joy.

This is not slowly lost.

In the early days, people in nearby townships and counties occasionally talked about the seemingly far-reaching war. Some people talked about the cruelty of Jurchens, and considered whether they should leave or not, and some people said that no matter where the Jurchens are, 岂Don't you have to keep people to grow food?

This kind of discussion is only a little bit of a star, and did not let most people react excessively. Zhou Yuanzhang only seriously thought about it several times in his mind.

On the night of October 17th, he was suddenly dragged out of bed in a sleepy sleep. Most of the monks who rushed into the yard looked like Han soldiers. Only the leading people wore strange foreign clothes. At this time, the outside village has already cried into a piece. These people seem to think that Zhou Yuanzhang is a better-off member, and they have led the women to really "adult" to search.

Zhou Yuanzhang and his wife, children, and servants were pulled out of the room. A Han Chinese headed asked him where the grain was stored. The money in the house was hidden there. Zhou Yuanzhang was still awkward, but the foreigners did not say much. They dragged their homes. A servant, hanging a man on a tree, took a knife and cut the stomach, and the **** atmosphere intimidated everyone.

Zhou Yuanxuan confessed to the place where the family kept the grain, collecting the antiques of gold and silver in the calligraphy and painting. He cried and said, "I will give you everything, don't kill." When the people went to search, the foreigners dragged his wife and entered the room. .

The wife cried and rebelled. The foreigner slaps on her head, and the woman's head slams on the steps. The mouth vomits blood, and her eyes are scattered. The daughter who saw her mother’s accident rushed up and hugged the other’s leg to bite. The foreigner killed the little girl and then dragged his diverticulum into it.

The diverticulum did not dare to resist. Several foreigners went in. Then other people took turns. The wife lay on the ground and twitched. His eyes seemed to have a reaction. Zhou Yuanzhang wanted to pass and was overturned. He hugged four years old. The son, who has completely failed to respond, is only thinking: This is not a nightmare to do at night.

The night was getting darker and stronger, and the crying and screaming outside was gradually subtle. Zhou Yuanzhang couldn’t see the diverticulum in the room again. The wife with blood on her head was lying under the eaves in the courtyard. The eyes looked like they were watching. He, also looking at the young child, Zhou Yuanxi fell to the ground and wept and pleaded. Soon after, he was dragged out of the **** courtyard. He hugged his young son in his arms. The last thing he saw was the wife lying down in the cold house, the dim room in the room, he never saw it again.

The fog was raised in the long mountain road, people were tied by ropes and driven away. In the process of going forward, someone was killed on the side of the road.

All this seems so unreal.

In the next few days, Zhou Yuanzhang thought more than once in his mind, is the daughter dead? Is the wife dead? The scene in his mind flashed when people were smashed - what is the scene in the world?

Isn’t it good to say that no matter where you are, do you have to keep some food?

I gave the food myself, gave it to Jane, and gave me all the savings. Why is it not enough?

The fog in the mountains came and went. He held the child in the slippery mountain road and was sent some pork porridge in the middle. The child seems to be scared too much, and there is not much crying.

They went all the way with the army, and then did not know when, people had strange things in front of them, the low walls of the old county, the rows of trenches on the hills outside the county, the black stretches of military flags, they They were surrounded and watched for a day or two, and then someone drove them to the front.


Huangming County.

When seeing the opposite position began to move, Pang Liuan, standing on the wall, put down the telescope.

The second division of the Fifth Army of China, who came from Zhangzhou, has now been defended here. In the past few days, the female real brigade has come one after another. It can be seen in the flag of the opposite side, responsible for Huangming County. The battlefield is the core team of the Jurchen Suspension.

The open space in front of Huangming County and the mountains can not accommodate too many troops. As the Jurchen army rushes in, the trees on the surrounding mountains are dumped, and they are quickly turned into defensive fortifications and fences. The hot air balloons on both sides rise. Looking at the opposite movement.

While Pang Luan was watching the city wall, he could also vaguely see the generals on the opposite slope. For the mobilization of the battlefield, both sides are doing it. The Chinese soldiers who are responsible for the defense inside and outside the Huangming County are preparing for the defending in the silence. In the opposite military camp, occasionally they can see a team of tigers. Concentrated scenes.

The siege equipment and the stone-throwing vehicles were quickly assembled in the range of their sights.

The confrontation with the strongest military force in this era is officially included in the field of vision.

On the morning of October 25, in the morning, the speed was pulled out and the order was placed in the military camp.

"Try them."

The people who used the cannon fodder were driven away.

Pang Luan put down the telescope and shook his fist: "Fuck."

The muzzle on the head of the city fine-tuned the direction and the drums sounded.


On the battlefield of the two armies, people cried.

Zhou Yuanzhang was holding the child, and unconsciously, the crowd was crowded to the forefront. Both sides of the field of vision have a chilling sound.

Zhou Yuanzhang’s head was slightly awake.

"Let my child -"

He raised his four-year-old son and used all his strength to cry out before the two armies. However, countless people are crying, and his voice is drowned.

Soon after, the four-year-old child was trampled to death in crowds and runs.

In the short time that has passed by, the encounter of life is the distance between heaven and earth. In less than half an hour after the start of the war in Huangming County on October 25, the entire family that used Zhou Yuanzhang as the pillar has completely disappeared into the world. There is no point to stop, and there is no preferential treatment for women and children.

This is the epitome of thousands of families and people's experiences near the Pavilion. Even if someone survives, this experience will completely change their lives.

However, no amount of anger will provoke a wave of turmoil in the battlefield. People who are mixed with countless family interests, inclinations, and wills in the north and south of the sea are being hedged under this sky.

In the winter of the last year of the establishment of the Wu Dynasty, the battle that broke out between the mountains of the southwest and decided to move the whole world was like an elegy that sang for a great empire that lasted for more than two hundred years, and it was like a new one. The era is nurturing the sound of the explosion. It is like a big river coming, surging, but steady and thick.

People know that all accumulation and silence will be revealed here.

For this battle, the Jurchen is ready for everything.

With the release of Yan Zonghan’s order, hundreds of thousands of troops began to move in an orderly manner. At this time, the first batch of engineering troopers have already explored and set up the road, and the pioneering forces with the strongest Jurchen power have also occupied a key position on the way.

There are more than 50 miles from Jiange to Huangming County and to Yushuixi. It is said that the long and short mountain roads only bear the responsibility of the caravans, and they are immediately under the mass of hundreds of thousands of troops. It is very fragile.

Only on the third day after the official withdrawal of the army, the strikers led by the pull-off speed and the squadron arrived at the scheduled battle position and began to camp. And countless troops spread and grew up between the mountain roads that lasted for dozens of miles. In the winter, the mountains were cold and the mountain roads that were still solid were soon muddy, but the Korean enterprises, Gao Qing and other generals have already done well for these things. ready.

The engineering troopers and the well-retained Han army carefully filled the roads, built roads, and consolidated the foundations. On the more open nodes where the dozens of miles of mountain roads extended forward, such as the ten-mile episodes that were originally inhabited, , Huangtouyan and other places - the Jurchen troops tied down the military camp, and then prompted the Han army to cut down trees, level the ground, set the level.

Even if the Huaxia Army is really fierce and brave, the front line is victorious. The level consisting of elites on this key node is enough to block the army of the low-quality Cangjie retreat and avoid the defeat of the bead curtain. Under the support of these nodes, some relatively elite Han forces in the rear can be pushed forward to exert the power they can play.

After more than 20 years of the founding of the Jurchen, Yan Zonghan has played countless times to win the record with less wins. The generals under him have long been used to experiencing a wave of life, and the opposite side is like a tidal wave. In the actual combat, such a calm attitude, perhaps the first time in Zonghan, but considering the dilemma and the resignation, not many people in the Jurchen army feel redundant.

In the mountains, there are not many troops that can be opened at one time. The Huaxia Army’s several key nodes in the mountains will prevent them from collapsing in a short period of time. However, as long as the access is maintained, there will be no major problems. The actress's elite force is on the ground, this is a fierce offensive that no one in the world can survive. At least for now, this idea is still the consensus of the whole world.

The car is stunned by horses. The figure of the soldiers stretches among the mountains like an ant colony. Various kinds of military flags are displayed in the jungle. The huge hot air balloons rise from time to time in the sky, above the jungle, and there is a sea east green spin. The army with a count of 100,000 counts like a flood that fills a narrow road. As long as it breaks through the front of the Gaze point, they will be in front of them.

Or, at least half of the victory.

At the end of October, the first wave of temptations on the frontal battlefield appeared on the mountain road of Huangming County on the east road front. This day is October 25.

As early as three days ago, from the rugged mountains of Huangming County and Yushui River to the direction of the Jiange, the incomparable scouts began to escalate.

Throughout the ages, no matter which army is in the army, it is the most trustworthy confidant and elite in the military.

Putting it into an era when modern military consciousness has not yet awakened, this principle is extremely simple: when people who eat and sell are humble, low-lying, and without subjective initiative, even if they want to drive the soldiers forward on the battlefield, they can be extremely strict military law. Constrained, wanting to put the soldiers out, can complete the task without the control of the bundle, such soldiers can only be the most elite of the army.

For the close-knit of the generals, the family of the family, or the tigers and wolves who are supported, at least those who can benefit from the development of the war can be born with such active combat. ..

Thirty-two-year-old Zou Hu is one of the scouts of the original Wu dynasty army. He led a nine-member scout squadron and sold his life to the Wu dynasty generals. He once participated in the resistance of the Xiangfan defense line. Hou Ji’s army violated too many military laws and received a lot of gas before Yue Fei. He claimed to be attacked by the enemy, and he was under great pressure. He finally surrendered to the Jurchen.

Zou Hu has no opinion on this.

He was born in the middle of the mountain, and he was poor when he was young. However, under the careful guidance of his father, he had developed a skill in crossing the mountains. When he joined the army for more than ten years, he was in good health and had seen blood early. He was trained as a tiger cub in Hou Jijun.

Hou Ji is a general of temperament tradition, training soldiers pay attention to a fierce. I think that there is no tiger wolf's temper, how to fight against the enemy? Over the past ten years, the resources of the Wu Dynasty have begun to lean toward the army. The leaders of Houji have also been supported by some officials. Under the shackles of Houji, the soldiers’ arrogance and bullying are not rare. . Zou Hu's temperament was fairly simple at first, and after more than ten years in such an environment, his temperament has already become fierce.

The wolf is eating meat for thousands of miles, and the dog is eating a thousand miles. In this world, the weak meat is strong, and the person who can't afford the knife is supposed to be bullied.

Those who eat themselves have a life to fight in front of them, and others are hiding behind them. In such a situation, if they are not good, then it is really unfair.

- Hou Ji's elite, has always lived in such a voice, to some friction, the test of the link, his violent and fierce tiger wolf, how many can earn some face. This made them stronger and stronger.

Later, when the army dispatched the Xiangfan defense line, Yue Fei’s six parents did not recognize the military discipline, and Houji became one of the key points. The Xiangfan war was fierce, and the pressure on the front line was not small. Zou Hu believed that he was sent out every time - although not many times - he tied his head to the belt on his belt to survive, how to endure that there are people behind him. .

Later, after the development of the war situation, the coefficients of various camps around Xiangfan were pulled out, Houji surrendered on the front line, and everyone was relieved. On weekdays, I will say that my own people are selling their lives on the front line. The court’s re-use of the small officials of Yue Fei, who are young and white, is even more addictive. Even the Yue Fei children are mostly the long princesses who are sexually sensual in the court. There is a leg, so it is promoted - or it has an unclear relationship with the **** prince...

The court is so faint, you can't die!

Participating in the Jurchen army, the days are much better. On the way from Xiangfan to Jiange, although the really wealthy big towns have been returned to the Jurchens, as the elite scouts of Houji, many of the time they can always get some oil and water – and there are almost no enemies. Faced with the march of the Jurchen veteran Yan Zonghan, after the defeat of the Xiangfan defense line, the next step is to ruin all the way. Even if there is occasional resistance, the resistance is extremely weak.

The male child was born in the world, so it is so refreshing!

Everyone talks about it every day, and this is how to vote for a good family. Hou Ji did not have much emotion for the Wu Dynasty. He was poor and poor. He was always bullied by the landlord in the mountains. After he was a soldier, he bullied others. His heart had already persuaded himself that this was heaven and earth.

After a few months of relying on the Jurchen, when Hou Ji talked to his brothers, he could gradually say something more "reasonable". For example, the Wu Dynasty was corrupted, and the demise was determined by the world. The rise of Daikin is in line with the fixed number of the world. This time, with Daikin, the descendants of the children will have two or three hundred years of happiness - you can understand it with the Wu Dynasty. Everyone will choose the side in time and make a contribution. In the future, they will have a place in this world.

In short, after finishing this, you have to enjoy it!

In August and September, the army continued to arrive at the Jiange, and there was naturally fear in the hearts of the Han army. The swordsman is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Once he starts playing, most of the Han troops attached to him will be regarded as the first-time players. But not long after, the swordsman actually opened the door and surrendered. Doesn't this prove that the fate of my big gold country?

Without the Jiange, the battle of the Southwest, it was half successful.

In October, the army gradually passed the customs. Houji’s main force was arranged to press the grain in the back of the sword court. Zou Hu and other scouts were first sent in. On October 12, the Chinese officer of the military registered and reviewed the rosters and materials of each person. Zou Hu understood that this was to prevent them from defecting or preparing for the enemy. Then, the scouts of the various armies were assembled.

The number of scouts who are mobilized is as many as 10,000, and the elite of the Jurchens is more than two thousand. The one responsible for commanding the scouts is Jin Guosu.

"...there are more than 10,000 light scouts...the battle of destroying the country, this shelf is set up..."

When talking with the brothers around him, Zou Hu mimicked the tone he heard when he was watching the opera in his usual poetry. His words were quite contemptuous, but his heart was also shocked and honored.

"...the black flag in front of you is not a good one."

When someone in the team said this, Zou Hu also nodded and took the exporting zen meditation: "The wolf is eating meat for thousands of miles, and the dog is eating a thousand miles. This world is reasonable, everyone can still see enough, the coaches have been raising them for so many years, Everything is all over, why? If you are fierce, you have to eat... Wu Dynasty has long been absent, and the surname Ning is indeed fierce, killing the emperor, we can’t stand the guys. By the side, it is also the most fierce person in the world... In the future, you will eat meat or eat cockroaches, and in the southwest, no one can gossip."

"...Why are you coming in, others are arranged to transport food outside the Pavilion? Because... this is the place where the most fierce people can come in!"

Zou Hu was so angry with his soldiers that he had both fear and excitement. After relying on Jurchen, he was quite mindful about the nickname of the traitor. I am not a traitor, nor a coward. I am a warrior who is as ferocious as a Jurchen. The court is fainting, and I am forced to defeat myself! Such as the heart of the Ning Yi general!

Nowadays everyone is gathering in the southwest. This is the most powerful battlefield under the sun. After finishing this battle, they have earned a lot of fame. The people of the world naturally have to look at themselves. Of course, by that time, you don't have to explain anything yourself. The world is a big gold, and naturally there will be a rich waiting in front of you.

When the scouts gathered, and the Jurchen was on the high platform, Zou Hu confirmed this. On the school ground where the tour was conducted, there were elite tigers in the front and rear. The scouts belonging to the Jurchens were the most difficult veterans who came from the blood of the corpse. This is one of the most reliant troops of Yan Zonghan.

In addition, the team of the Bohai people, the Liao people, and the Liaodong Han people are also the most elite scout members in the whole world. It’s the ones that have been chosen by the various attached forces, and which one is not the elite of the elite who has counted blood donation on their hands – a little bit worse, only with the back plundering and plundering the grain, even the swords Can't get in, because this is too **** crowded.

Such a lineup kills the past, how do you lose yourself?

The Jurchen announced to the scouts the rules for killing the enemy, and the scouting troops were dispatched in batches shortly. In the vicinity of the mountain roads that are dozens of miles long, the surrounding scouts must first be established. It is a defense line that is up to 100 feet long. This is to avoid the black flag scouting sneak attack on the Jurchen generals and the destruction of the road. A group of people were released to the rugged mountains to find a path that could pass.

Surrounded by mountains near the Jiange Pavilion, it is difficult to drive a horse. However, after passing the most rugged Dajianshan Xiaojianshan Mountain Pass, although there are cliffs and cliffs, it is not that they can’t walk at all. The Jurchen troops are full of people. The narrow road, and then let the insignificant Han army in the past - whether the damage is huge or not - will completely break the black flag army's blocking plan.

Because the power of her own is still not trusted, Zou Hu and the people around him were initially arranged on fixed posts on the opposite side. They were guarded at the commanding heights between the rugged mountains and the manpower was still sufficient. The danger of such an arrangement is not great. As the friction in front increases, some people in the team are fortunate, and some people are instigated. They are all elites in the military, and they all have the stunts to survive in the mountains. Many people can’t wait to show them. , to make some brilliant results.

The Han army may not be as good as the Jurchen on the battlefield. It is a bunch of oil and mud that can't help the wall. However, if there is a single skill, there are a lot of high-spirited characters in the scout. Some are not exhausted in the mountains for a day, some are wearing mountains and crossing the mountains, some are good at hiding, some are murderous and exposed to beasts, they are shivering, some traps are delicate and often difficult to avoid, they also in the past I have received much attention. Since it has dropped, I naturally want to be surprised by the Jurchen who is higher than the top.

Starting from Jiange to Huangming County, where there is a ten-mile place, there is a relatively open settlement called Shiliji. At this time, it has been widened into a military camp. The Zouhu squad guarded the land in the nearby mountains. Every day, watching the densely-stricken soldiers cut down the trees. Every day, it looks like the power of moving mountains and reclamation.

He rests at the military camp near the Ten Miles every night, not far from another camp of elites: it is the gathering place of the rivers and lakes attached to the Jurchens, about 800 people, these are In the year, they were attached to the masters of the green forests of Zong Han. Some of them were enemies with the black flag. Some of them even participated in the Xiao Cang River war of the year. The leading people in the group had made great contributions in the battle of the year. .

These green foresters are mostly Han Chinese. The staff of both sides occasionally have contacts. The Greenwood people have more martial arts skills in their hands. The original eyes are higher than the top. Zou Hu and other elite scouts also have stunts. They show each other and they all have one point. Pay tribute. Opposite as one of the leaders, a greenwood tycoon named Ren Hengchong, nicknamed "The Hem of the Blood", met with Zou Hu, and talked about the Huaxia Army in front of him, and said: "Ning Yi also Nothing remarkable, when the scorpion was forced to be like the grandson, even if Xiao Canghe, Laozi killed his little scorpion and killed a lot."

Zou Hu knew that the other party had recognized Ning Yi in the first time, and the battle of Xiao Canghe had a record. At the moment, he asked for advice. When he talked about the battle with the Huaxia Army in Xiaocanghe, he said that he was the same year. After finishing the Liangzi with Ning Yi in the capital, he vowed to kill Ning Yi.

- Before this, many Greenwood people were folded in the hands of Ning Yi because of this incident. Ren Hengchong summed up the lessons and did not face Ning Yi recklessly. During the Battle of Xiao Canghe, he led a group of disciples, Sun Jinshan, and killed many members of the Huaxia Army under his hand. His original nickname was "Red Boxing", and later became "Heavenly Blood Boxing" to show hegemony. .

After the Battle of Xiao Canghe, Ren Hengchong was appreciative of Jurchen, secretly funded, and specialized in researching things with the Chinese military. After the Huaxia Army turned to the southwest, he had made several damages in the cross, and he was not caught. Last year, the Chinese military smuggled the order, listed it, and placed it on the side. The value was soaring. The expedition brought him as an elite.

Ren Hengchong is a very savvy person. He has a good martial arts and is half-hearted. At that time, the situation of the Liangliang was changing, and the great Guangming teaching master launched the world group of heroes into Beijing. Ren Hengchong was the leader of Huainan Green Forest. At that time, he became famous for more than ten years. He was known as the Green Forest. He was actually in his early thirties. It was a great future. Some of the characters who went to Beijing were old, even if martial arts were stronger than him, he did not put it. In the eyes.

At that time, Ren Hengchong seemed to be the martial arts master of Zhou Wei, Fang La, and Lin Zongwu in the future. At that time, Qin Yuyuan, who had been in power for a while, stepped down, and the Jurchen was repulsed, and the land of Beijing was wide, and he waited for him to perform on stage. Who knows that a group of people chased after Qin Yuyuan, everything was buried in the massacre.

On the day outside the city of Liangliang, Ren Hengchong and others saw that the demon, Ning Yi, stood on the **** of the distance, looking pale and resentful, Lin Zongwu and others went up to laugh at him. In the middle of the heart, I wanted to challenge the big devil who had the status of "master" in this rumor. What he thought was all the big things, but the next moment was the countless cavalry jumping out from the rear.

Even Lin Zongwu, the world's number one, turned around and ran at the time. Ren Hengchong was nicknamed "Red Boxing", but in the face of cavalry collisions, the boxing method was really not fart. He was hit by a war horse, fell to the ground and smashed a tooth, full of blood, and later dragged on the ground to rub, the pants were worn away, and the whole body was hurt. A group of Greenwooders were chased by the cavalry until the evening. He was barely loaded in the body of his body, and he was shot without a shot on his butt. This saved his life.

For Ren Hengchong, who was a prudent person, this was the most humiliating moment of his life. No one knew it, but since then, he has become more and more self-respecting. He tried his best to fight against the Huaxia army. Unlike the Lulin Greenwood people, after the massacre, Ren Hengchong understood the importance of the army and the organization. He trained the disciples to cooperate with each other, secretly waiting for an opportunity to kill, and weakened in this way. The power of the Huaxia Army is also because of this, he once received the interview of Yan Xiyin.

Even in the face of the Jurchen who is above the top, Ren Hengchong does not fall to the bottom. The army finally succumbed to the southwest. He was eager to be like the Xiao Cang River in the past, and then killed a group of members of the Huaxia Army to stand up, and his heart was already boiling. Speaking with Zou Hu and others, I would like to encourage you to give the gangsters a "sigh".

In the past few days, the elite actresses who have explored the roads have been injured and sent back. Some of them were injured by mines, and some of them fell into the cooperation of the Chinese army. For the fierceness of the Huaxia Army, Someone has felt it.

Soon after, they got a chance to move forward.

On October 19th, the striker’s troops had already set up camps on the confrontation line to build fortifications. The rest gave orders to more scouts, and they began to push toward the boundary line in order to kill the Huaxia Army’s scouts with a number of advantages. The Huaxia Army’s mountain defense line was broken with brute force.

Ren Hengchong led the rest of the hundreds of disciples and set off on the same day.

Zou Hu is the next batch. At this time, he has not felt much too much ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ as a slain team, in theory, even if they rush to the front, the opportunity left to them Not much more. The Sichuan-Yunnan mountain is complex, and there are so many roads that can be taken. Thousands of people are plowed in front of hundreds of batches, and there is not much left for the rear.

The mountain road was difficult, and the pressure that the scouts pushed forward was pushed forward to the front line position two days later.

At this time, the head of the Huaxia Army scouting the army was the Fangshu Chang, who was born in the tyrant. On the afternoon of the 20th, when he met with the Chief of Staff of the Fourth Division, Chen Hao, he received an offensive order from the other party. Ning Yi and Qu Zhengyan said: "To start playing, lick their eyes."

At this time, there were more than 4,000 scouts allotted to the uniforms of the party, and half of them were from the special divisions of the fourth division, Zheng Zhengyan, who trained for the purpose of infiltration, hunting, and beheading. The mountain roads and terrain near the Jiange have been repeatedly explored for the first half of the year. The fourth division staff has planned the combat and cooperation plans for almost every key location. By the time of the twenty, everything was completely determined.

Arrangements and mobilization meetings before departure were organized in the afternoon and evening. Twenty-one, in addition to the more than 1,500 people who originally fought in the mountains, and the 500 reserve teams reserved by Fang Shuchang, there are 200 basic special operations units of scale, which are invested in different directions. Go to the mountains in front.

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