Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 88: Fierce blade (middle)

The hot air balloon rises in the sky, and the wind whispers, blowing through the rolling hills of the field of vision.

The mountains in the early winter are grayed out, and the ups and downs are like a strange ocean. The road between the mountains is like a dragon that breaks the ocean and spreads forward as the army marches. The woods in the distance are ups and downs, and there are hidden abyss in the forest.

The terrain is magnificent, Li Bai once said: It is difficult to get through the road. But in fact, this road, which has been described as difficult to get to the sky, is already a relatively easy way to enter the depression.

Jiange is going west, Jinniu Road is going north, and later is called a place in the Longmenshan fault zone, which belongs to the real Tianzhu. The size of Jianshan to the south, although the road is rugged, the cliffs are densely covered, but the Jinniu Road passes through the mountains and crosses the hills. Many stations and villages are attached to the roads, and the merchants are sent to and from the mountains. There are also hunters in the mountains.

In the past, it was possible to walk through such rugged mountains. After all, it was only the old hunters who were poor in the neighborhood. Intensive mountain forests, rugged terrain, ordinary people entering the forest soon, they may get lost in the mountains, and can no longer turn. In mid-October, the first wave of scale fighting broke out in such terrain.

The hot air balloon that was lifted off or the watchtower built on the heights, occasionally can see the explosions appear in the distant jungle or in the mountains.

The Huaxia Army Scout carries an explosive called a grenade, and the female scouts carry a fire ray that can be ignited by an open flame. In addition to the violent sounds caused by the two, the majority of the forests are not easy to see, but there will be screams coming from far away. Occasionally, you can see the smoke rising from the forest, or you don’t know where to go from. The "砰" sound coming from afar, the troops on the road knew that the killing was going on.

In the first few days, there were still fierce but distracting battles in the forest. The two units that began to play against each other carefully tested the strength of their opponents, far and near the sporadic explosion, about a dozen times a day, and occasionally injured people from The forest was withdrawn, and the head of the Jurchen Scout, who was the head of the Jurchen, reported the Huaxia Army’s scouting power.

These scouts are the most elite veterans of the Jurchen army. They are the hunters who have been trained in the harshest environments in the northern mountains, or the survivors of the sacred mountains. They feel keen and put them into the mountains to find a way to survive. Or killing Xionghu, it’s not a problem. And many people are quite famous in the military, and in which army they are trusted by the generals. Yu Yu used these confidants from the beginning, one of which is to trust them, and the other is to get the most accurate feedback.

The feedback from the first fight was quickly transmitted back with the injured and the repulsed scout team. The Huaxia Army Scout, which has been developing in the southwest for several years, has no strangeness to the mountainous area of ​​Sichuan and Chongqing. The first batch of elites who entered the forest and played against the Huaxia Army. The scouts have achieved some results, but the casualties are not small.

In the first few days of friction, in fact, it is impossible to judge the exact casualty ratio - but this situation does not have the accident of the upper Jurchen. In the small-scale conflict of less than 100 people, even the military of the Wu Dynasty can often With the record of two eyes, the Han people are not lacking in the brave people, let alone the black flag army who killed the dim room and resigned.

Twenty, the pre-arranged follow-up scouts have entered the mountains one after another. For these non-Jurshes scouts, the military high-level officials have offered a very high reward: the black-flagged soldiers are rewarded with money, and the officers are increasing on this basis. At the company level, there is a field, a title, or even a title, and it is tripled.

The gap between the rich and the poor in the Wu Dynasty is huge. The poor people spend a lot of money in a year, but they are relatively wealthy from the eight-month period of the eight-country order. Here, a common person will be worth a lot of money, and the scouts will be mostly elite in the army. If you kill a few shoulders with flowers, then you will be wealthy and worry-free.

The gold and silver used for the rewards are placed in the box on the road next to several military camps, which are dazzling, which is directly accessible to the army scouts. As for the army’s killing on the battlefield, the rewards are first attributed to the military’s military merits. After the beatings, they will be unified and rewarded, but basically they will be almost the same as the heads of the scouts. Even if the army is dead, as long as the military is in place, the reward will remain in the future. Will be sent to everyone's home.

In terms of such a reward, "buy" the head of the entire Huaxia Army, and the money that Yan Zonghan needs to spend is at least tens of millions of people going up, but he does not mind.

When the Liao Dynasty was still in existence, the Wu Dynasty paid the Liao Kingdom’s annual currency only a hundred dollars, and it relied on the trade Wuchao to make a profit. In the same year, Tong Tong redeemed Yan Yun and Sixteen States, and together with the northern and western families and the bureaucrats of the DPRK, they collected thousands of pieces of property. In the end, he recovered his vitality and recovered Yan Yun. His reputation was fierce. Whether the property will be recovered from the hands of the people.

And when the Jin State stepped down to the Central Plains and destroyed the Wu Dynasty, it broke the family and destroyed the family along the way. The gold and silver that were copied and the slaves who were able to recover the gold and silver produced in the Northland were more than that. If you can "buy" the Huaxia Army with tens of millions of gold and silver, then Zong Han, Xi Yin and others will not be a bit embarrassed.

This is the last battle of the world.

In such a huge interest and glory, not only scouts, but even the soldiers in the lower middle class are gearing up and eager to move.

Twenty-two, the clash of the scouts in the vast forests suddenly began to become fierce. The forces invested by the Jurchens and the troops invested by the Huaxia Army chose to increase the code at the same time and on the same node.

From the afternoon of the 22nd, the most obvious conflict features that can be seen between the rugged mountains are not the explosions that are occasionally heard, but the black columns and hillfires that rise from the forest: this is After the fight in the chaotic environment of the woodland, many people chose the strategy of confusing the situation, some of the mountain fires swirled out, and some mountain fires spread in the relatively dry environment in the early winter, and the north wind of the whistling wind set off. A great momentum.

The thick smoke flutters in the mountains, and the traces of burning are clearly visible in and out of the dozens. The animals living in the woodland are running away, and the smashing of the explosion or the outbreak is carried out in such a chaotic situation.

Most of the fires in the forest were caused by the Bohai people of the Jurchen side, the Liaodong people, and the Han army scouts.

Although the huge rewards offered by the Jurchens made the elites who were daring in the art world eager to enter the mountains and kill the enemy, but when they entered the vast forest, they really faced the Chinese military. Will fall on everyone's body.

The mountains and forests of Sichuan and Chongqing seem to be vast and vast. Those who are good at running in the mountains can indeed find many roads, but the rugged terrain makes these roads appear narrow and dangerous. I have never met the enemy and said that once the enemy is met, the most intense and embarrassing fight will be carried out.

In the group of ten people, the Huaxia Army, which was originally prepared for training in the forest, is wearing a costume with a color similar to that of the forest. Each person carries a powerful handcuff. When the encounter was met, ten members blocked the road from different directions, but the first wave of arrows from different angles was enough to make people feel chilly.

In addition to the arrow, the throwing grenade carries two or three people each, and if such an explosion occurs on a narrow road, it is a dilemma.

In addition to handcuffs, fire slings, etc., the ten members each have different emphasis and cooperation. Some team members have steel claws for easy climbing, pulley blocks that can make people like a monkey, and a small number of elite groups. With a sniper rifle moving forward, they occupied the high place, observed with a telescope, and signaled to the nearby squad.

In the Jurchen Scout, there are also Haidongqing, there are many hundred-step shooters who wear Yang, and those who are good at climbing the dangerous peaks of the mountains, but in the cooperation and pre-press of these Chinese military squads, this day first encounters the enemy. The scouts suffered huge casualties.

Hundreds of scouts are still crowded and lively on the road to the mountain pass. They enter the forest and choose different roads to spread out. From time to time, they will encounter the retreat of the Jurchen Scout who has entered the mountain in the past few days. As a substitute for the new force, hundreds of special operations squads of the Huaxia Army have also been killed. In the afternoon, the forests smothered the chaos, and some of the surviving scouts put up the fire, and some flames burned.

Partially, the scouts of the Jurchen side were crying, and they were "a lot of people" in this forest, but the strength of each team was high and low, the styles were different, and the coordination and progress of each other. There are also differences. Some troops are killing in front, and seeing the rear flames spread over...

On the other hand, the various special operations squads of the Huaxia Army had an approximate operational plan earlier. This is still the beginning of the war, the ties between the squads are closely linked, and the core teams occupying the various commanding heights in different regions are deployed, and the advancement and retreat are orderly and basic. There have been no teams that have been too aggressive.

These days, although I have encountered unusually powerful veterans, hunters and other characters in the other team, some suddenly appeared, one arrow sealed the throat, and some hidden in the dead leaves, violently killing, produced a lot Casualties, but in terms of exchange ratio, Huaxia Army has always occupied huge profits.

According to later statistics, 22nd, the Jurchen affiliated scout troops who died in the forest killing were about 600 or more, and the Huaxia Army suffered more than 100 casualties. Twenty-three, twenty-four, both sides suffered a reduction in casualties. The Huaxia Army's scout line was pushed forward overall, but there were also several Jurchen scouts who became more familiar with the mountains and occupied several important observation points in front of the forest. This is still a small loss before the war.

The rest adapted to this situation and made several adjustments to the mountain operations, but in general, he would not care too much about the blunt response of some of the vassal forces in combat.

Twenty-five, the tens of thousands of troops led by the pull-out rate were prepared outside the city of Huangming County. Thousands of Han Chinese captives were driven to the direction of the county wall.

Huangming County was developed from the town of Qizhan, which was originally located here, not Jiancheng. Its wall is only three feet high, and the total length of the side facing the mountain pass is 460 feet, which is the 1,500 meters of the later generation. The city wall has been swayed from the open area to the south side of the hillside. The **** of the hillside is steep, which makes the defense of this section form an "L" shape underneath. Several slings with far-defense distances are placed together with the cannons. The hot air balloon responsible for observation is also floating above the city's head.

The northern end of the city wall is adjacent to a mountain of six or seven miles, but there is also a city road near the city wall. As the captives were driven away, the soldiers on the head of the city shouted loudly and let the captives walk around the north of the city to survive. The Jurchens in the rear would naturally not allow them. They first rushed the captives to the south with arrows, and then set up cannons and catapults to start launching towards the northern end of the crowd.

The crowd cried, crowded toward the bottom of the city wall, arrows, stones, shells fell in the back of the pile of people, explosions, crying, screaming mixed together, **** smell spread.

The captives who crowded under the wall were considered to be out of the range of shells, pitchers, etc. Some of them shouted under the city to hope that the Huaxia Army opened the gate, and some hoped to throw ropes above, but the Huaxia soldiers on the wall did not As a result of the move, some people spread toward the north of the city, and some people ran to the rugged hillsides of the south of the city.

In fact, at this time, only the small road between the foothills of the city and the city wall is the only way to escape. In the Jurchen army, I watched the prisoners escaping to the bottom of the city wall. There was no mine in the middle. When the crowd began to crowd in the north, he ordered the second batch of about a thousand. The captives drove out.

Mixed among the prisoners is a bow and arrow team of about 100 people. They used the cover of the Han prisoners to draw closer to the wall and began to shoot arrows toward the captives who fled north under the wall. Some arrows were zero. Stars fell on the city.

Pang Luan ordered the firing.

Three rounds of artillery shells roared from the walls of Huangming County and fell into the crowd of archers. At this time, the Jurchens also spawned to the rear of the running captives. The three rounds of artillery shells flew in, and they were not seen in a shout and smoke. They pulled the thighs and immediately patted the thighs. The eyes had bloodthirsty taste.

He waved his orders and released the third group of prisoners.

There are also thousands of prisoners in this group. Unlike the previous ones, the Jurchens distributed dozens of rough ladders to these prisoners.

"...I want to escape to the north of the city, you can't go! The city walls in front of the county are not high. The black flag army lives in China. If you go up, they won't kill! Take the ladder and escape! Run slowly, beware of women. Real man's cannon!"

Being shouted in front of the captives was an original official of the Wu Dynasty. He had blood on his body and his face was swollen to convey the meaning of the Jurchen to the prisoners. Among the captives, a large number of people who dragged their homes, slammed the ladder and cried and ran forward. Some people hold the child, and the mouth is unable to hear the meaning of pleading.

At this moment, the Chinese soldiers on the wall are putting shields, knives, door panels and other objects in the crowd below the city to let them defend against the flow. Seeing that at the end of the battlefield, someone picked up the ladder and Pang Luan and the chief of staff, Guo Wei, were only silent for a moment.

"... people are shouting, telling them not to take the ladder, there are spies in the crowd, and don't take the Jurchen's plan."

Guo Wei ordered this, and then ordered the artillery side: "calibration distance."

The soldiers at the Tuen Mun Gate shouted in front of the city with a simple horn.

Above the "battlefield" in front, there are no soldiers, only the crowds fleeing, the crowds shouting, the crowds crying, the smell of blood rises, mixed in the smoke and the internal organs.

This is the most "gentle" beginning on the entire battlefield, with a bloodthirsty fanatic in the eyes of the speeding, watching it all.

For Jurchen, this is just a simple slaughter that hasn't even been hand-picked, but he enjoys the dilemma of the enemy's advancement and retreat, and what is revealed to the opposing generals – whether it is decisive or angry, will satisfy him.

For the Huaxia Army, this is also a cruel but incomparable psychological test. Many people have already experienced it since the Xiao Canghe period. Today, a large number of soldiers have to go through it again.

The Jurchens swept the world. If they needed to be captured, hundreds of millions would not be able to talk to them. They would drive them away, chase them and kill them. If the soldiers on the wall show their slightest softness or flaws, after thousands of people, they will not be able to catch up with 100,000 people and kill them in front of the battlefield. .

The captives holding the ladder were driven away, and they pulled closer and began to remit the former prisoners. The soldiers shouting on the wall shouted. Pang Luan took a breath.


On the wall, the soldiers dropped the torch, and the muzzle of the iron cannon made a loud noise. The shells rushed out of the fire and flew over the crowd of people like the sea.

After a round of shells, it was another round, followed by a third round. During the spurt of the air, some people were blown out and flew out. Someone broke their hands and feet and cried.

"Ha ha ha ha ..." pulled out quickly and laughed at the war immediately, and the subsequent orders were issued in an orderly manner.

The slingers in all directions of the battlefield began to advance forward with such chaos, and the artillery array advanced. The fourth group of prisoners were driven out... In the camp of the Jurchen, Meng An (Qianfu) 兀Ritan and A group of people are ready to go, and they are waiting for departure.

This is the pioneering warrior of the Jurchens who have experienced many battles. As long as the A-Bone is still there, Ritual is the brave man who pulls away from the speed. The attack on the Huaxia Army was of great significance to Zong Han and Xi Yin. Many people also regarded it as the last obstacle to conquer the world. However, the cautiousness and preparation of the soldiers did not mean that the people in the army lost the original. Sharp.

Faced with this obstacle of Huangming County, after pulling away from the speed, Li Titan will ask the Lord for his life, hoping to be able to take the lead in this battle, to win the revenge of the marshal, and to resign. The first move of the war. Pull off the speed and promised to come down.

As the prisoners were driven out one after another, the formation of the Jurchen army was slowly advancing. Around midday, the slinger with the longest range gradually included the Huangming County wall into the attack range. The Huaxia Army, who was waiting for the work, first attacked the Jurchen camping camp with a catapult, and the Jurchen quickly fixed the device to launch a counterattack. At this time, the number of people who could escape the battlefield from the north lane of Huangming County was less than eleven. The meat grinder that had been turned into a civilian on the battlefield.

At the moment, at the most troublesome and tired time in the afternoon, the first wave of climax broke out on the **** battlefield. The thousands of people led by Li Titan changed their dresses slightly, and wrapped a group of civilians toward the wall. Started to advance. He booked the attack site and divided the thousand teams into ten batches, killing them from different paths.

Pulling off the speed ride in the battle, his eyes calmly looked at the battlefield. At some point, his brow slammed slightly.

On the battlefield, they still cried, and the slingers on both sides attacked each other. The slinger set up by the Jurchen has been smashed by five. Under the wall of Huangming County, many people have been boiled into bolognese. . The flying of the stone brought great damage, and it didn't stop for a moment~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But at the head of the city of Huangming County, at some point, the atmosphere seemed to be quiet.

I felt the silence of this moment when I pulled out.

Above the wall, Pang Luan suddenly rushed forward. He picked up the telescope and quickly scanned the battlefield. Some of the veterans of the Chinese soldiers who were in the city’s head were also feeling what they felt. They looked out under the cover of the shield. Some of the novices in the army who had not had much experience looked at the veterans who had experienced the Xiao Canghe period. The movement.

"Oh... his mother, the end, the daring, the daring, the sorrow, the coming,..."

The long knife was pulled out of the scabbard, and the sound from the throat was suppressed into the bone marrow. The spread of the city's head was like the slaughter of the slaughterhouse.

"...come over, do you want to fire?"

The walls of Huangming County are only three feet. If the enemy is close, they can quickly go to the city to fight. Pang Luan’s eyes swept through the battlefield filled with **** and screaming crying, and the teeth were grinded.

"...see the blood first."

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