Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 884: Industry fire, low wind and low wind (below)

The long snow has also fallen in Shandong.

Since the end of the Battle of the Great Names, in the past year, the people of Shandong have been hungry and the people are not happy.

The more than 200,000 Han troops sent by Yan Chang to the Liangshan Mountain completely destroyed the order that had already collapsed in the local area. The ordinary people could not survive. The hungry chaos, the emigrants, the horse thieves and the mountains were no longer too The big difference is that the grain that has been planted is not mature enough to be harvested by various forces. A hilly field carries the blood of a hill. A car is often accompanied by more than one car. Some survivors have even begun to get used to human flesh. the taste of.

Since the summer, the Yellow River has broken the embankment several times, and each time it has taken a lot of life. Near the Liangshan Mountain, the various troops living by the water have relied on the fish to prolong their lives. There is occasional confrontation between the two sides, but it is only for eating two meals.

After the autumn harvest was better than nothing, the killing of the two sides was the most intense. Zhu Xi and Wang Shanyue led the elite in the mountains to play an autumn wind. Two Han troops with more than 30,000 people in the south of Liangshan were completely disbanded. The food they searched was transported back to Liangshan.

After the army was broken up, the soldiers could only become displaced people, and even whether they could survive this winter became a problem. Some of the Han army changed their moods. Some of the troops that were temporarily separated because of the lack of food supply nearby were close together. After the leading generals met, many people privately contacted Liangshan, hoping that they would stop "playing their own people." ".

"...we can't live anymore. I was rushed by Yan Chang. You are fierce, you are going to finish Yan Chang. There is really no food around, why don't you come to fight us... so, just lift Raise your hand, we are willing to hand over some food..."

People who live between the cracks will always make some ridiculous things. The army that was originally rushed to encircle Liangshan has privately handed over a "protection fee" to Liangshan. Zhu, Wang and others are also welcome. After collecting the food, secretly began to send people to draw and rebel against the **** generals of these teams.

That is, shortly after the autumn harvest, Liu Chengzong’s troops arrived in Liangshan, and the large-scale attack re-opened, defeating the surrounding network near the water mooring. Several troops who had been reluctant in the previous "protection fee" behavior were disbanded, and the rest of the team fled and fled, retreating to see the development of things.

In November, Wan Yanchang ordered Gao Zongbao to lead the 40,000 troops to dispose of Liangshan Black Flag. These 40,000 people were not the Han army that had been rushed to collect, but the official army that was mobilized from the territory of the Jin State after the end of the town’s Central Plains. Gao Zongbao was a famous member of the Bohai Sea. When he first destroyed the Liao Kingdom, he also made many Combat.

In the view of Wan Yanchang, in the battle of the famous palace, the black flag and the Wu dynasty army in Shandong had lost more than half of them, and they existed in name only. In the past year, he has been ruining Shandong into a dead place. The people inside have been hungry into firewood, and the fighting power is bound to be difficult. The only thing that can be considered is Liu Chengzong’s army, but they used to work in Xuzhou before, and they played back and forth a lot of battles. Now the number is only 5,000, and the supply has already been exhausted. The female real army has been pressed up, even if the other party is difficult to attack in hiding in the water, but the loss should not be eaten.

This is just his idea.

Among the actual soldiers, in mid-November, Gao Zongbao and Black Flag won the first battle. Liu Chengzong and others retreated and seemed to want to retreat into the water. Gao Zongbao was in a good mood, and the spurt of the spurt, Zhu Xi, Wang Shanyue and others were waiting for the moment he was rushing into the air. He quickly entered the army and seized Gao Zongbao. The grain and grass were heavy, and Gao Zongbao wanted to return to the rescue. They were once defeated by them. Liu Chengzong’s troops suddenly showed their edge and stormed.

The 40,000-strong army transferred from the Golden State does have a part of the veterans as the skeleton, but when it comes to combat power, it is still not comparable to the real Jurchen elite. Gao Zongbao realized that he was not right at this moment. When he rectified the troops and fully fought, he discovered that no matter whether it was ahead or behind, what he encountered was already a hundred steels with no fancy and water.

Gao Zongbao still wants to set fire to death. However, the 40,000-strong army crashed and Gao Zongbao was chased all the way. Before the end of November, he fled back to Yan Chang’s account and forced us to "not an opponent." And the other army is actually the elite of the black flag. For example, a assault group led by Luoye, who followed his **** and pursued his way, is said to have won the first prize in the internal competition of the Black Flag Army. Both offense and defense are strong, and the most difficult "crazy" team.

Wan Yanchang was beaten by this defeat and Gao Zongbao’s bullishness for the failure of whitewashing. In the past few months, not only has Liangshan’s situation begun to become tense, but Liao Yiren’s original advantage in the Jindi area has also been defeated by the offensives of Lou Shuzhen and Yu Yulin, and continues to be true to the Jurchen aspect. Request support.

Although in order to support the war in the south and to consider the future rule, the completion of the search for the Central Plains is based on the desire to exhaust the fish and consume all the potential of the Central Plains. But at this moment, these incompetent and incompetent incompetences are indeed shocking.

They can't even swell up the last power to fight for their own living space.

After the battle of Gao Zongbao's defeat, Zhu Xi, Liu Chengzong and others have mastered Shandong in fact, although there is not much change in such a snowy winter. Wan Yanchang sent some troops to the south to gather and defeat the soldiers, and then ordered the Han army to strengthen the defense. He is in Baoding, and his 20,000 elites are still inactive.

On the third day of December, a piece of Baiding in Baoding Prefecture, the wind and snow called, a man wearing a big fashion braved the wind and snow into the palace of Yanchang, and Yan Yanchang, who was dealing with the official affairs, smiled and greeted him.

The visit was made by the Jurchen general who was almost seriously injured in the war at the beginning of the year. At this time, the woman really crossed a deep scar on her face and glanced at it, but it was still difficult to hide the anger of the soldiers in the tall body.

"At the end, I will hear about the defeat of Gao Zongbao. I can't help but want to ask Wang Ye, what is the plan for Liang Shan's enemies."

Wan Yanchang and the speed of the surgery are also considered to be comrades-in-arms for a lifetime. The speed of the train is a pure general, and the end of Yan Yan, who is the cousin of the Agu, has been assisted by Zong Wang and Zong Fu, and is more like a reliable old uncle. When the two met, after entering the living room, they directly spoke out the doubts in their hearts.

"Does the general have to teach me?"

"The end will be willing to lead the troops, the change of Pingliangshan!"

"The general wants to take revenge?"

"Wang Ye wants to change in the same way?"

"Of course, if you want to be jealous, I have already ordered people. In March, I will mobilize the army of 150,000 and attack Liangshan."

"Wang Ye please forgive the end and will bluntly say that the battle of Xiao Canghe is in front of him. In the face of the black flag, the Han army has to go more, but the chickens are in the air. The situation in the Central Plains is here, and my reputation is unfavorable. Therefore, I will use the lord to ask me to be a soldier. I will... I will fight and fight!"

At the beginning of the year, in the face of the black flag, the speed of the line was originally determined to be invincible. Who knows that he later exchanged a knife with Lu Junyi, and the horse rushed to leave a life for both of them. After that, every time I read this, I am ashamed. At this time, the Jurchen will talk about the battle again, and there is a fierce death on the face.

Wan Yanchang knew the heroic and loyalty of these companions, and was silent for a moment.

"...After the battle of the famous palace, Liangshan’s strength has been hurt. At this moment, even if the new Liu Chengzong department is added, there are only a thousand troops in the war. The damage in the Central Plains is limited. Moreover, the east and west roads are under the army. The benefits of the autumn harvest, and now Jiangnan grain and grass are my hands, Zong Fu is also good, sticky or nothing, there is no food and grass in the six months. I really have more than 20,000 soldiers, but think about it, no need to take risks, once When the army returns, Liangshan or the land is natural, it is naturally swept away. This is also the idea of ​​everyone."

The "gang" in his mouth, naturally, there are many people who are interested in the relationship. This is what he can say with the speed of the machine. As for other reasons that cannot be clearly stated but understand each other, perhaps the speed of the game is the general of the Western Dynasties, and the end of the court, and the reasons for the support of the East Court, Zongfu and Zongtang. .

The speed of the spell was silent for a moment.

"...This Southern Expedition, the Grand Master, Gu Shen and so on, is not the hardship of the battle, but the security of my big money in recent years... Wang Ye can still remember that when the Taizu was in trouble, then that What a mood is heroic, and the Guardian Dagang wins with 20,000 hits of 700,000 troops, and has played the momentum that my female realm is invincible... In the past, there were 20,000 soldiers in the hands, which can smash the world, now... Wang Ye Ah, are we here, don’t we dare to go out?”

The speech of the speed of the speed is actually a bit fierce, but the temperament of Wan Yanchang is mild, but he is not angry. He stood there and watched the snow outside the hall with the speed of the train. He sighed for a while.

"...The general said, I don't know... I think about it."

This may be perfunctory, but the speed of the surgery has not persisted. At this time, the wind and snow call was being encouraged to come in from outside the door. Although the age of the two was getting older, they did not sit down at this time.

"When the heroic, I will remember in my heart... If the prince makes a decision, he will die for the Juror!"

However, until the spring of the following year, Wan Yanchang did not determine the determination to attack.


The situation in the Central Plains made Wan Yan feel bitter, so naturally, Lou Shu and others on the other side tasted a little more sweetness.

In Yu Yulin’s siege, Liao Yiren’s retreat was lost. When the snow fell on the mountain, although the total amount on the books was felt, there were still a lot of tensions waiting to be fed, but in general, the dawn of hope was finally revealed.

In September, the black flag army of Shandong sneaked to the Jindi, and borrowed a little supply for Liu Chengzong’s north upstairs Shu Shu. Lou Shuzhen will transport some of the food that will be saved from the teeth to the other side. During this period, the Chinese military ambassador who whispered for help will not want to do it. In the presence of the Huaxia Army officials, they swear for half a month. Did not dare to talk back, so she felt the spiritual satisfaction.

By October, Liu Chengzong and others had defeated Gao Zongbao’s army near Liangshan. This news not only contributed to the morale of Jindi’s anti-Golden armed forces, but also the people of Huaxia Army’s return to Jindi. A lot of weights are a gift. Lou Shuzhen made a big profit in this investment, and the whole person seemed to eat fat three points.

In December, the "female" was in a good mood, and often said that she could have a good year.

In fact, for the first time in many years since he left Hangzhou, Lou Shuzhen was the first time he had mentioned the matter of "New Year".

The southwest was shrouded in war. In the whole of November, there were not many breakthrough changes. Occasionally, the news broke out that the offensive and defensive sides of the two sides were either "tough" or "anxious." In the gaze of the outside world, Yan Zonghan, the hand of the Jurchen Optimus, opened his strongest fighting power and the firmest determination to open a hole in the southwestern world. The Huaxia Army blocked the rush of the mountain, and the mouth of the southwest did not move. For a whole month, what the outside world can vaguely see is only the tragic casualties and unwilling will of the Jurchen side. In the firm willpower of Jurchen, no one will doubt that the black flag of the southwest can stand there. It must also pay a huge price.

If in the previous arguments and fantasies, there is still some suspicion or contempt for the southwestern army's combat power, at this moment, the longer and longer offensive and defensive time is enough to erase the superficial suspicion of everyone's heart. Now that the Central Plains has been trapped and the Wu Dynasty has died, what can really be called the strongest in the world is the two forces that are facing the southwest.

The fact that the southwest can support the first wave of attacks is also one of the reasons why Lou Shuzhen is better. She is reluctantly expecting the Huaxia Army to survive this war. Of course, it is best to The Jurchen people are both hurt, and the people of the world will rejoice.

In this mood, there is also a small episode in the land she ruled - a force from the northwest seems to be a newly emerging force, sending people to contact them in the Central Plains, wanting to Lou Shuzhen The purchase of iron cannons, explosives, etc., is said to have bribe officials with a lot of money.

Lou Shuzhen made a rejection.

The northwest has always been a small corner that the people of the world don't pay attention to. After the war in Xiaocang River, it has never been able to recover. In the past, it was the family of the Jurchens who supported the family. The rest was nothing more than a mess of earthen buns. Occasionally, I wanted to get the benefits of the Central Plains. The only result was that I was smashed.

Recently, the Jindi area was too chaotic, and Lou Shuzhen was indifferent to it. I only heard that the town of Fenjia Town could not stop the civil strife. It is conceivable that there must be countless horses rushing to compete for the mountain.

This force wants to buy guns from the Central Plains. The courage and ambition are not small, but the materials on the side of Lou Shuyi are tense, and the use of them is not enough. Where else can be sold. This is no longer a prerequisite for trading. On the other hand, when the days are too tight, Lou Shuyu has made great efforts to maintain the integrity and fairness of the officials below, and maintain her good reputation in the people who have won the gold and silver antiques bribery officials. It’s not about bringing the grain – it’s a bit worse for the comfort of the building.

She rejected the offer of the businessmen.

In the same period, a group of people who came with the same purpose visited Liao Yiren, who was still in charge of a large area at this time.

The Central Plains couldn't see it, and the site under his knees was not guaranteed by Lou Shuyu and Yu Yulin's aggressive attack on the dogs and men. Liao Yiren continued to ask for help from Jurchen, and on the other hand, he was thinking about the road ahead. The treasures of the original family collection brought by the Northwest Caravan are exactly what he is doing - once he wants to go to the big gold country to support the old ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ naturally can only play with Jin Yinzhen to open the road, the other party is still Can he be allowed to bring the army and the knife and guns over?

On the other hand, the other party needs a lot of iron cannons, gunpowder, etc., indicating that there are people in the other hand, and they are all desperate people coming from the northwest. This kind of cognition made Liao Yiren count on his heart. After tempting each other, Liao Yiren proposed a new idea to the other party.

In the eleventh year of Wu Jianyu, December 27, in the blizzard of the sky, Liao Yiren and a group of Liao’s children saw the horse team from the snow and the forefront of the horse with a novel look. That tall figure.

The leader of the Zhalanda tribe in Mongolia, Zamuhe, with the legendary steppe Khan Wang Tiemu, will, in the last days of this troubled year - officially set foot in the Central Plains.

Liao Yiren, open the door to hackers.


At this moment, the wind and snow screamed in the past.

His passionate voice left traces on the historical scrolls of later generations. Please read the latest domain name when reading this site.

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