Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 885: Wild beast (on)

The mountains stretched and the intense ups and downs were outlined on the southwestern ground.

Under the surging lead clouds, the white snow fell on the ground. From Xiangfan to Jiange, a thousand miles, some chaos, some dead.

The sturdy city of the city has been knocked open in the past few months, and the damage caused by hundreds of thousands of troops has not yet retreated. Among the dark ruins, there are still people with worn-out clothes looking for the last hope; in the villages where the soldiers are raging, the old couple are dying in the cold home; the refugees who are drifting gather in this land are still a few Outside the city that had not been broken, after the heavy snow fell, a large number of people were frozen and starved to death.

The earth extends to the squad, and hundreds of thousands of troops are densely packed like ants, and new ecological communities are being built on the gradual colder land. In the mountains adjacent to the military camp, the trees have been cut down. Every day, the heated columns of smoke rise in the huge military camps, like the woods of the towering clouds. In each of the military camps, new war materials were built every day. Under the transportation of the cattle carts, they went to the battlefield at the end of the sword court. Some self-sufficient troops were still raging on the Han Chinese land farther away.

In the past autumn, the autumn harvest of the army swept through thousands of miles, most of which have already been collected here. Correspondingly, there are millions of Han people who have completely lost their winter food and saved their past savings. The logistics camp used to support the Southwest War has hundreds of thousands of troops and hundreds of miles of radiation.

In November, Wan Yanxi Yin has arrived here to sit in the town. What he waited for and warned was a black flag team of 20,000 people who came from the mountains of Tubo. This is the most elite revenge unit of the Huaxia Army, which was experienced by the blood of Xiao Cang River. It was led by Qin Shaoqian, like a poisonous snake, pointing the blade to the hundreds of thousands of troops outside the Golden State gathering.

If it was not for Xi Yin to prepare for the attack on the black flag for several years, the situation of this army was investigated in detail. The defense of the Jurchen army may be defeated by this army. At that time, the Jurchen who has entered the southwest is afraid of even the sword. It is difficult to come out, the iron locks across the river, not up and down.

So in November, Xi Yin arrived here and took over the tens of thousands of women's elite commanding powers. It was aimed at this army and fell heavily. Qin Shaoqian understood that his own actions had been discovered, and more than 20,000 people had quietly stopped in the mountains. At this time, no action had been taken.

Some things are hard to believe when they are not made, but Xi Yin understands that if the southwest war is defeated. This quietly watched 20,000 people in the battle, will cut the most fierce knife on the road behind the Jurchen.

Will the Juror will lose? - No one is doing this idea for himself. But the black-flagged army, which is waiting for revenge, is clearly considering this as a realistic future.

Not long before the war started, Ning Yi put down the steel knife in the back, sneak attack, speculation... or even waiting for the Jurchen to escape, the entire West Road Army was wiped out. This kind of boldness and arrogance made Xi Yin feel unhappy.

He calmly reorganized and trained the Han troops who had surrendered in the rear, and selected the available soldiers step by step, while organizing sufficient logistical supplies to support the front line.

The line of sight starts from here, and passes through the Jiange Pavilion, extending all the way. Between the mountains of the sky, the spreading team woven a long dragon, and there was a military camp on the node of the dragon body. The traces of human activity radiated from the military camp. In the forest, there was also a scene of dark and baldness. The killing and the flame created an ugly gimmick.

In December, there were occasional rain and snow under the lead-green sky. The road was muddy and slippery. Although the Jurchens organized a large number of logisticians to maintain the road, the forward capacity gradually became more difficult. The marching army is accompanied by a oxcart, slipping in the muddy water. Sometimes people crowded into the mountains, and every node of the capacity can see the scene of the soldiers sitting in front of the fire.

In front of the sword, the figure of the person, the figure of the ox cart and the carriage filled the muddy mountain road that stretched for 50 miles. Under the encouragement and mobilization of the Jurchen Marshal Zonghan, the forward Jurchen troops appeared to be strong, and the Han army team forced to move forward appeared numb, but the team was still extending. Some of the rugged places in the mountains have even opened up new roads by people. Some people shouted in the mountains, and the scouts with strangely dressed and different expressions came out from the forest from time to time, helping their companions, carrying the wounded, and resting. Another wave went into the mountains.

In order to reduce the pressure on the road, the wounded on the front line basically no longer moved to the rear, and the deceased was uniformly burned near the battlefield. The wounded were also left on the front line for treatment.

When the weather is fine, the hot air balloon will rise high in the sky. When it is rainy and windy, people are wary of small-scale raids that may occur between the trees.

The Huaxia Army sneaked into the Jinguo army, and the scouts of the Golden State sometimes raided the Huaxia Army.

The chaotic road stretches for fifty miles. On the battlefield in the south, a small town named Huangming County is swaying in front of the land, and the corpse is smashing. The shells are smashing the land, and the scattered slingers leave traces of residual marks on the ground. The wreckage of the siege equipment, and even the iron cannon, was mixed in the body and extended forward.

Several huge siege shields capable of resisting shelling collapsed throughout the battlefield. The shield looks like a right-angled triangle with a high wall. The front is a thick, shell-resistant surface. The **** of the rear bevel is enough for the people. The siege soldiers push it to the wall and attack the soldiers. It is possible to climb the city in groups from the slopes to develop the advantages of formation. Today, these shields are also scattered on the battlefield.

In the past more than a month, Jurchens have relied on various instruments to fight the city several times, but it doesn’t make much sense. The squadrons will be set by the Chinese soldiers in the city, and they will only go up in groups. Encounter the grenade thrown by the other party.

Before the death of the Huaxia Army soldiers on the wall, it was a completely unrealistic attempt to fight in the city and then win. From this time on, the only real damage to the defenders on the city wall seems to be only bows, fires, slings, or iron guns forcibly pushed to the front wall, but the Huaxia Army still remains in this respect. Has an absolute advantage.

For the speed of arranging the war on this side, there are more crashing things happening ahead.

The attack on Huangming County began at the beginning of November. In the process, the hot air balloons of both sides are watching the movements of the opposite positions every day. The attack was just beginning, and the soldiers in the hot air balloon reported the changes in the other city to the speed of separation. In the small city, a new wall was built dozens of feet behind.

Huaxia Army organized a large number of engineers to demolish the buildings in the city at a jaw-dropping speed – some preparations were already done well, but they were camouflaged with the buildings in front – they quickly erected iron and wood The frame, the foundation is built, and the earthwork and stones that were originally removed from other houses are poured into the gray “mud”... In just half a month, the front of Huangming County is defending against the Jurchen’s turn. After that, it was convenient to build a new wall with a gray height.

In the process of constructing a new city wall, the head of the Huaxia Army, named Ning Yi, even appeared on the construction site several times, and participated in the construction of some key places.

For the speed of pulling off, this is a very slap in the face.

But this also made the female real name sink and gave up many fantasies. He exchanged a large amount of life and materials for life and materials on the city wall. By mid-December, the first city wall of Huangming County had been beaten and swayed, and pulled away from the speeding hands to participate in the offensive. The team suffered as many as tens of thousands of injuries, and the Jurchen casualties, which were regarded as the main force, also broke 5,000.

The tactics of adding oil to the wall of the city will lead to higher casualties. However, if the manpower advantage continues and the saturation turns off, the exchange ratio will be narrowed. In a month and a half, I pulled out the speed and organized several rounds of attack for up to eight or nine days. He spread the battlefield with the Han army scattered troops, and reduced the efficiency of the other shells as much as possible. The Han min prisoners were driven out, and the black-flagged army on the wall of the city was completely unable to relax.

The black flag army on the wall in the early stage of the war was obviously high-spirited, but when it arrived, the city head gradually became silent, and it was subjected to the attack of speeding up and down. Under the premise of the Jurchen’s huge casualties, the number of people killed and injured in the city’s head is also rising. The speeding up of the artillery array and the catapults occasionally set fire to the city, and then ordered the soldiers to win the city, but every time they also Was taken back by the Chinese soldiers.

The battlefield of the rainwater stream in the north is relatively low-lying. At this time, the offensive position has already turned into a muddy battle. The Jurchen's offense often has to go over the **** mud to kill the Chinese army, but the nearby forest is relatively easy to pass. Therefore, the front line of defense is stretched, and the rhythm of attack and defense is somewhat strange.

The defense here is not based on the wall without flaws, but on several high grounds that have occupied the key points. They control the main road leading to the rear, and there are three lines of defense before and after. There are actually many small roads in the nearby streams and forests. The vicinity of the positions has not been completely sealed. However, if you do not care about the forced breakthrough, you will be trapped in the narrow mountain roads and step on the mines, and then you will be attacked by the Huaxia Army. Faster.

Because of this situation, the nearby hills are like a huge ecstasy. The Chinese army often has to take the time to take the initiative to attack and create the results. The Jurchens can choose more and more tactics. For more than a month, both sides came to me. The Jurchen ate several losses, and also pulled out a position on the front line of the Huaxia Army.

Responsible for guarding this position is Yu Zhongdao, the fifth division of the Fifth Army of China. At the beginning of December, the two sides fought in the muddy and cold muddy waters, and the casualties were not small. The four divisions of the four divisions led a group of less than 500 people to cross the mountain to carry out anti-assault, and went straight to the outside of the military camp of the Jurchen River in the rainwater stream. At that time, the Jurchen general who led the operation of the rainwater stream was the mainstay of the Jurchen general. The man raided, was intercepted by the righteousness of the channel, and almost killed the other side on the spot.

The movement of the rear incident spread to the front, the Jurchen front line was in chaos, and the casualties were heavy. The canal said that it could not kill the squat, and immediately directed the soldiers to rush into the direction of the Yushui River.

His sudden advancement was extremely determined, and he got a head in his hand and shouted: "There is already dead in the middle! The front and back clips have killed them!" Thousands of Jurchens who wanted to rescue the Lord from the front line, but look at this attack The posture, I thought that I was attacked before and after, and I was a little hesitant, and I was exiled from the center of the team.

The smell of blood permeates the air in the winter, and the killing and hedging are still spreading between the mountains every day.

Rainwater Creek and Huangming County will go southwest again. On the road between the mountains, you can see the stretcher team and the reinforcement team that have ran from time to time. The Hummer carries the supplies and pulls the shells, gunpowder, grain and other supplies, and every day is sent to the battlefield. Built in the wounded camp in the foothills, there were screams and shouts from time to time. The hot air and black smoke from the shacks roamed the sky above the camp. It looked like a strange fog.

Ning bogey out of the tent, pour the blood in the tub into the ditch on the side of the camp, without any rest, then turn to the shack to pour boiling water into the tub and run back. The wounded battalion behind the battlefield is theoretically not safe. The Jurchen is not a soft persimmon. In fact, it is not impossible to suddenly collapse the frontline battlefield, and even the possibility is quite large. But Xiao Ningbo came here dead and stalking.

In a sense, this is also the bottom line he can accept.

Not far from the wounded barracks, there are also prisoners’ camps that have been extended. In November, the prisoners’ camps were mostly those who survived on the battlefield. When they arrived in December, the Han army that had suddenly entered the rainwater stream was surrounded. After the blockade surrendered, it was sent here.

These people are not trustworthy. They can be selected by Zong Han to join the Han army of this war. They are either superior in combat power or relatively "reliable" in the view of Jurchens. They are not taken to the mountain during the Cang River war. The kind of team in the middle is basically unable to absorb in a short time.

These people can't stay in the vicinity for a few days, and the biggest reason why they can't transfer them quickly is because of road problems. The Huaxia Army staff responsible for guarding them will conduct a round of rapid review of them, and the mission work will be carried out in the first place. Hou Wu, who had already left the main army to participate in the post-security work, was one of the leaders here. At this time, Hou Yuanzhang, who was involved in the battlefield intelligence management work, was able to come and see his father several times.

The tortuous road extends to Zhangzhou and southwest of Chengdu Plain in the middle of the road to unfold ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Winter in the Chengdu Plain, the clouds are extremely low, looking into the sky like a cover with a suppressed lead. A family's workshop is working full of power in a city. Large and small blast furnaces are swallowing the flames under the hazy sky. People who drive cattle carts, push wheelbarrows, and even carry heavy loads are constantly putting all kinds of supplies. In the direction of Zhangzhou and Jiange, this is a scene similar to the transportation of materials outside the Jiange.

This is also the scene of two giant beasts killed in the winter sky...

December 19, the young year has not arrived, the rain is continuous.

For more than a month, every rain has brought the most tragic killing, because the Jurchen side believes that the rain will take away the gap between firearms, and now they are the best time they can take advantage of.

In the direction of the garbanzo rock near the rainwater creek, the road is not spacious. In the direction of the olecranon rock, Mao Yishan has a hot air in his hand and clenched his fist. In the field of vision, the black pressed figure is advancing towards this side.

A decisive battle will break out at this moment... Please read the latest domain name when reading this site.

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