Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 888: Blood rain

The fire shook and leaped in the wind and rain, swallowing the gray lead and falling into the steel.

In the cold wind, a loud sound of flame sprayed, the iron cannon slammed toward the back, and the iron ball pushed open the obvious lines in the dark rain, and crossed the battlefield.

The burning lead on the shell was immersed in the air by the rain, but the iron ball still fell on the head of the man. The sound of the hit made the shadows fly in the rain, and the splashing blood rolled down the crowd, and the muddy water splashed.

Among the humming sounds, the former Rush Jurchen veteran did not blink, nor did he care about the fall of his companion. His body was stretching in the most powerful way, raising his arms, striding, waving his arms, and his arms were also grayed out. The rain curtain, which has drawn countless raindrops between the heavens and the earth, is more than an iron spear that is longer than the arm, and is flying towards the air.

Accompanied by an iron spear, there are dozens of identical iron spears. They whistle through the battlefield, rushing past the striker's front line, passing the black flag in the rain, some of them are lifting up. Before the shield flew, it also had a heavy inertia, passing through the chest of the Huaxia Army soldiers, and piercing the blood-stained body on the ground.

The blood mixed with the rain in the mountains washed down, and the collision of the iron shields at the position of the two army forwards had become twisted and twisted.

"Open the gun! Change the solid bomb!" Mao Yishan drank in the rain, "two battalions and two companies keep up!"

Another round of spears flew over from the front. The iron gun was tied to the ground in front, and the twists and turns were mixed. The body of the Huaxia Army soldiers was tied there, and the blood in the mouth was overwhelmed. Several warriors in the army held shields to protect the medical officers. But soon After that, the struggling body became a corpse, and the iron spear that was thrown far away was tied to the shield, causing a loud noise, but the soldiers held the iron shield and did not move.

Then there was a reserve team going up and holding a shield, and the loud sound of the infiltration was ringing from time to time.

At the same time, the bases of several cannons were tied in muddy water, and from time to time they fired artillery shells and slammed into the rear of the enemy formation. There are flowering bombs in the Huaxia army, but in principle, the shells outside the shells are ignited by the bombardment of the shells, and the explosives in the shells are delayed by the lead wires. Such ammunitions do not have much lethality in the rain.

At this moment, the confrontation of the front line returned to the square matrix hedging more than ten years ago.

The wall made up of shields was pushed into a piece on the front line of the battle, and the companions in the rear continued to move forward, trying to push each other, and the spears slid toward the enemy along the gap between the shields. Chinese soldiers occasionally throw grenades, some grenades explode, but most of them fall into muddy water - in this valley, the water has been submerged to the knees of both sides, some pushed soldiers fell in the water, even because there is no Can climb up and be drowned alive.

The heavy rain swallowed the power of the bow, and the shells that Mao Yishan could use were put into battle with the grenades that were previously difficult to save. The Jurchen side chose sharp and heavy shots, and the guns crossed the shield and plunged into the battle. In the heap of people, it has become a weapon for harvesting life.

This is the way the Jurchen Susie has already set a strong attack. At the moment when the technical power has not yet opened the decisive gap, the tactics he chose have indeed brought the exchange ratio between the two sides closer.

Just after the squatting of the eagle, the two sides began to officially kill, and the number of casualties on both sides of the war climbed at an alarming rate. The shouts and screams on the front line shudder at the heart, they are all veterans, and they all have a determined will to not fear death.

In the blink of an eye, the companions in the team fell, and the reserve team in the rear had already been pressed up. The response from both sides was equally rapid. But the first to break the deadlock is the warrior on the Chinese side of the Chinese army. Although the shooting of the Jurchen can cause huge casualties behind the shield of the Chinese Army, the grenade is the real weapon, with two lucky grenades in front. On the back of the shield warrior, the Jurchen form is suddenly sunken!

The shield rushed forward, and the sharp knife and gun smashed along the flaw. The Jurchen fighters were truly elite. Some of the soldiers were even wearing scales, but they were also knocked over in the blink of an eye.

There was another round of shooting on the head. The Jurchen’s front line was split on both sides after paying a huge price. The reinforcements behind them collided!

The total number of soldiers is only two thousand. The formation is filled in the valley. The front line of each battle is dozens of people, and the rear companions can only form a hedge of one or two hundred people. Therefore, although the retreat means defeat, it is absolutely There will be no situation in which the formation of thousands of people on the battlefield will collapse and collapse. At this moment, the Lili side paid 20 or 30 people and dragged the front line of the battle into the bottom.

The line of the forward and the line of defense became distorted at this moment, and the killing in front of the battle began to become chaotic. Lou Lili shouted loudly, causing people to hit the side of the front line. The front line of the Huaxia Army was pushed forward by the center, and the forces on both sides were slightly weakened. The flank of the Jurchens began to push. At this moment, they tried to become a cloth pocket and swallow the Chinese army in the center.

"Journey is victorious -"

"Boom them!"

The shells that could be fired hit the mountain wall and smashed down the crowd with stones. Two guns were dumb in this humid environment, and the logistics soldiers ran to inform the grenade of the news. The reserve team of the Huaxia Army descended from the hillside, and the formation of the Jurchen was pressed from the bottom of the valley. The guns roared, the shells roared, and the fierce battle between the two sides was directly pushed to the point of white heat.


Facing the wind and rain in the mountains, the special arrow crossed the sky and made a sharp sound with the air.

In the ups and downs of the forest, the cautious quarrel of the Jurchen scouts perceives such movements, and the eyes pass through the gaps to determine the direction. The scout that climbed to the heights was alarmed. After looking at the surrounding mountains, after a sound disappeared, another sound flew out from the woods outside, and it was a moment. The message of this arrow is indirect to the direction of the rainwater stream.

This afternoon, Qu Zhengyan received a message.

Among the gaze, several positions guarded by the Fifth Division are still suffering from the constant impact of the Jurchen force, which is dominated by the manpower.

"The time for counterattack is here."

Under the complicated landscape of Yushui River, a reserve team is running through the path in the rain and heading for the battlefield.


A few miles behind the rainwater creek, in the wounded camp.

The arrow hit the sky.

In front of Zou Hu’s eyes, the green forest Dahao named Ren Hengchong’s foot suddenly made a force, his body was like a shell, and he slammed the cold rain. The mud water splashed at his feet and opened into a lotus flower in the rain. . In a blink of an eye, it extends to the camp that has opened blood.

Near the wounded battalion, there will be no shortage of soldiers. After the arrow flies out, the ones left for them are just the reaction time of this moment. But the goal has been incorporated into the field of vision, and the power of the cross-cutting rushed to the peak.

The master of the master is arrogant and horrible. Zou Hu’s scalp was numb, so it’s so loud, and it’s so exciting. At this moment, his body is also **** and arrogant.

As long as I can take the boy in a moment, the wounded battalion is nothing but old and weak.

A group of people can still escape.

At the moment when he turned this thought in his mind, he ran out two feet toward the front. The young man who rushed out of the tent at the far end of the field of vision smashed the first three people in the blink of an eye, and the cross was like a storm. The last one The distance of Zhang, his arm caught, the hurricane broke through the wind and rain, the young man's body was short, the sword wind waved, and actually changed with Ren Hengchong.

The swinging palms slammed into the tent, and the entire camp was swayed. The half tent was torn in the air. Ren Hengchong also ran too fast, stepping on the ground, and smashing a semi-circular inertial trajectory in front of the tent, the arm would have to catch the boy.

At this moment, they neglected the difference between the injured soldier and the minor and serious injuries.

At the rear of Ren Hengchong, a pair of arms suddenly propped up the contours of the swallowing ground on the piece of cloth. Before the inertia of the rushing rushing had not completely disappeared, he covered his face and covered his face.

The whole tent was shackled by Ren Hengchong. This green forest Dahao is like a shark that is caught by the net, and punches in the bag. The boy named Ning Ji turned back and threw a short knife for surgery. He did not manage the cross-cutting, but took the ancient sword to Zou Hu and others to kill. Behind Ren Hengchong, a man with a knife raised his knife and brushed the brush. The person who was wrapped in the tent was crazy and slashed. In the blink of an eye, the blood was dyed red.

Ren Hengchong tears open the piece of cloth, half of his body is bloody, he opens his mouth and screams, and one hand slams out from the side, holding his face and slamming him into the mud, slamming One foot stepped on his chest. The knife-bearing man wearing loose clothes next to him took a knife on the neck of this green forest.

This first wave was awakened by the ringing arrows, all wounded.

Zou Hu's sole is soft and he turns and runs.

More wounded figures broke the rain curtain and rushed over with the soldiers...


Eagle mouth rock.

The fierce battle lasted for half an hour between the narrow valleys, and there were several shield battles in the first half of the hour, but then there was only a continuous and crazy squadron confrontation, Jurchen. Once again, the Huaxia Army rushed down again and again.

The cannon is no longer ringing, and the Jurchen side is still throwing a gun. The Chinese soldiers will shoot and shoot, also pointing to the direction of the Jurchen. Blood and sacrifice are pushing up every moment.

Both sides of the war have a reason to win at this moment.

Lili was worried that the reinforcements of the Huaxia Army had finally arrived, so that they could not stand here. Mao Yishan was also worried about the fact that the female real reinforcements continued to climb in after the gravel. Several times of the two sides have already pushed the blade to the front of the other generals. In the middle of the battle, the soldiers have been killed in the mud, and Mao Yishan has already put the reserve team in front of the battlefield.

The sky is cloudy and cold like a cold night, but it seems that the endless winter rain is still falling. The human body quickly loses its temperature in the mud, the wet valley, the long knife crossed the neck, the blood flies, and there are countless flaws in the ear. Mao Yishan waved the shield and hit the Jurchen in front, and walked in the muddy water without knees.

"Come to me -"

"Journey is victorious -"

There was a sharp spear that almost wiped the neck past. www.wuxiaspot.com~ The muddy water in front of it rushed because of the warrior's running. Some companions came over, Mao Yishan erected a shield, and there was a long knife slamming down.

With a bang, Mao Yishan's arm was slightly bent, his shoulders pushed the shield, and the steel knife slammed out of the shield. The knife of the other side slammed again, and the two steel knives slammed into the air. All around is the sound of killing.

The Jurchen holding the long knife took two steps back. His companion shoved four shields with a long gun and carried it over. Mao Yishan sipped: "Knot Shield -" The companions around him came up, and the little shield was stunned. Forming, "rush!"

The footsteps of both sides pushed open the waves, the shields slammed together, some people tried hard, some people slashed and slashed, some people slipped under their feet, and many people on both sides of the shield fell into the mud. Mao Yishan dragged his companion, propped up the iron shield and swayed it all the way. He even slammed the knife with a knife. He stood firm and held the knife with his hands. This is a mountainous shape, and the horse is like a mountain. So solid, the eyes behind the shield, intertwined with each other.


In the rain, in the mud, the crowds rushed into the collision! Please read the latest domain name when reading this site.

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