Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 889: Trace killing

The war on the front line has not spread, but as the rain continues, the city of Zhangzhou has already entered the semi-martial state.

Among the military camps near the city walls, the soldiers were banned from going out and were on standby at any time. The rigor of patrol was strengthened on the walls and in the city, and the scouts arranged outside the city were twice as high as usual. For two months, this is the normal state of Zhangzhou City when every rainy day arrives.

The cattle cart transported the materials from the southwest direction. Some of them did not enter the city and were directly taken over by the people and sent to the front line. In the city, after Ning Yi and others patrolled the city wall, new meetings were also being opened.

"...In terms of frontline, the amount of grenades is less than the previous 20%. In terms of shells, Huangming County and Yushui Creek have issued requests for more than ten replenishments. The winter is humid, the impact on gunpowder. We thought it was a little bigger before. The Jurchens have already seen this situation..."

"...when they see it clearly, it is easy to form a set of thinking. According to the plan before the General Staff, at this time, we can begin to consider the issue of taking the initiative and taking the initiative. After all, how much is the Juror How many people can catch up with people, Huang Ming County has more than 50,000 casualties, and there is still desperately coming over, which means they can accept 100% of the loss...but if they take the initiative, they will be clipped together. With two more losses, they have to collapse!"

"...The year is closed, we both know that it is the most crucial moment. The more we want to celebrate the New Year, the more we will find some trouble for the other side. Since we have prepared for the Peace Year, then I think it can be in these two days. Made a decision..."

In the small room, the meeting was opened with the sound of lunch. Li Yi, Han Jing, Ning Yi and other high-level leaders gathered here, and took the food to plan the next strategy. Ning Yi looked at the map ahead and had a meal and thought about it.

"In theory, the Jurchen side will think that we will treat the New Year as a key node."

He paused and shook his chopsticks.

"We will guess the Jurchen's thoughts on the matter. The Jurchens will do the corresponding thing because we have guessed what they think of us... In short, everyone will play the spirit to embank this time. Then, Is it right to consider, from today, give up all active offenses and let them feel that we are preparing. Then... twenty-eight, launch the first round of offense, take the initiative to break their nervous nerves, then, on New Year's Day, For a truly comprehensive attack, I want to cut off the head of Huangming County..."

Everyone thought about it, Han Jingdao said: "If you want them to be suffocated at the beginning of the New Year's Day, the offense of the 28th day will have to be beautiful."

"I have to think about whether the Jurchens will think of us. After all, they are leading the offensive in these two months."

Such large-scale strategic decisions are often made in the initial direction, and will not be discussed openly. Several people hold small meetings and are talking about themselves. Some people run from outside and bring the most urgent battlefield intelligence.

The commander sent the information in. Ning Yi wiped his mouth and rip open it, then pressed it on the table and pushed it to others.

“The rainwater creek, the ‘swallowing’ action of the channel is beginning. It seems that things are developing faster than we think.”

He started the risotto with the bowl, and the news was simple. The rest of the people saw the information and began to step up the speed of eating. During the period, only Han Jing tweeted: "Be a calm, you."

"Stretch, stretch." Ning Yi smiled.

Soon after, the news on the battlefield took turns.

At the end of October of the 11th year of Jianye, the southwest officially began its war. Up to now, two months have passed, and the warfare aspect has been dominated by the Huaxia Army and the Jurchen-led attack.

However, as the war progressed, the contrast between the various armies of the two sides has gradually become clear. With the continuous high-intensity operations, the Jurchen side has gradually become exhausted in the maintenance of the logistics road, and the peripheral warnings have become rigid in some links. So at noon on December 19th, the Chinese army scouts, which had been harassing the back road of Huangming County, suddenly turned their targets to the rainwater stream.

At noon, Chen Hao led three hundred elites to attack sharply, intercepting the mountain roads seven miles away from the back of the rainwater creek, destroying the mountain walls with explosives, and destroying the key roads around them. At almost the same time, on the battlefield of the Yushui River, more than 5,000 people under the command of the channel were headed for a comprehensive counterattack against more than 40,000 people in the camp.

As mentioned before, if the defensive is always taken, the Jurchen side will always suffer 100% of the damage. However, if you choose to take the initiative to attack, according to the previous battlefield experience, the Han army surrendered by the Jurchen side will be defeated in the case of a loss of 18%. Liaodong people and Bohai people can resist more than 20%, only some Jurchen, Liaodong and Bohai people are elite. In order to survive the death of 30% of deaths and injuries.

In this regard, the damage that Huaxiajun can accept is higher.

At this moment, the rainwater creek has already experienced two months of attack. Some of the Hanjun troops that were originally scheduled to continue to attack in the winter rain have been mechanically honed, even some troops composed of Liaodong, Bohai and Jurchen. Feeling exhausted in the cycle of repeated attacks and fruitlessness. The elite of the Huaxia Army has come back from the original complicated terrain.

The resolute and fierce attack under the command of Qu Zhengyan, the first choice was the Jinhan Army on the battlefield. After almost a moment of battle, these troops were defeated in the head-on attack.

This year outside the Jiangning City at the end of the autumn, Zong Fu drove a million troops to the siege, and was once beaten by Junwu into a tragic rewinding bead curtain. Zong Han, who learned the lessons of the battlefield in the east, only used a relatively elite and determined army to raise the number of troops. In the past, they played a certain role, but with the reversal of the offensive and defensive momentum, they failed to be on the battlefield. Stick to it for too long.

Tens of thousands of confrontations have pushed the rain in the mountains.

The news that Yingzuiyan was trapped in Balili was quickly spread to Ganzhou shortly after the opening of the attack.

In the room of the command post, the passing figure ran away and the atmosphere had become warm. There were war horses rushing out of the rain curtain, and thousands of reserve soldiers in the city of Zhangzhou were wearing robes, leaving Chenzhou and rushing to the rainwater stream. Ning Yi slammed his fist on the table and left the room.

Li Yi came from behind: "Where are you going?"

"It’s none of my business. I lost my battle. Come and tell me. If you win, just celebrate, don’t call me.”

He sent away Li Yi, and then sent away the most accompanying security guards around him. He only called the red reminder and said: "Let's go, let's go out and take risks."

The red-eyed eyes were slightly puzzled, but after all, they did not ask questions. The two men dressed in robes and left the command post, heading for the direction of the city.

After passing through the military martial law area, there were not many residents left in Zhangzhou. Secondly, it rained again in the sky. Only pedestrians were seen on the road. Ning Yi took the red hand and walked through the gray road, bypassing the secluded monument named Du Fu Caotang, and stopped before a lavish courtyard.

"Li Weixuan's other court." Ning Yi stood in the street and looked around. "The rich people, local local tyrants, people ran away when we attacked the state. We left two old people to watch the house." The nursing home, and later the old man was sick, and was taken away. I thought about it before, so I can go in and see."

Red reminded me for a moment, and could not help but laugh: "You can just tell people directly."

"How can it be more interesting than stealing." Ning Yi smiled. "We are two couples, and today we will play the male and female thieves."

I have been with each other for more than ten years, and I naturally know that this kind of publicity often has naughty and outrageous behaviors. When I was in the early years, I often ignored them. The two of them had been chased by the wolves in the night at Luliang Mountain. Ning Yi pulled. She went to the wilderness... In the years after the rebellion, there were children around, and Ning Yi was mostly stable, but occasionally organized activities such as outings and picnics. Unexpectedly, he moved this weird mind.

When the Huaxia Army entered Zhangzhou, most of the local tyrants had gone to the building, and some houses had been thieves. As the war approached, the Chinese army had screened several times in the city of Zhangzhou, and the ordinary emigrants had already Was cleared out of the city. The small courtyard wall could not stop the martial arts high-powered couple. Ning Yi climbed the wall and walked directly on the top, then went to the roof and looked at the inner court.

"If there is an assassin around, this may be staring at you at this time." Red looked alertly around.

"What you are saying is also, to be low-key."

Ning Yi was reminded by her, going down from the roof, from the inside of the courtyard, while looking at it while moving forward.

Under the darkness of the haze, the courtyard where people have not lived for a long time seems dim, old, quiet and desolate, but many places can still see the traces of previous human settlements. This is a large-scale courtyard group. There are several vestibules, backyards, residences, gardens, and weeds have grown up in a yard. Some of the yards have accumulated water and turned into small pools. In the courtyard, things that have not been taken seem to be telling people before they left. Ning Yi even found rouge gouache from the drawers of some rooms and curiously visited the world where the women were living.

Red is following Ning Yi all the way. Sometimes I will look at the space of human settlements, the paintings and paintings hanging in some rooms, the small objects left in the drawers of the study... She walked through the rivers and lakes in the past and also secretly explored them. After some people’s homes, but at these time the courtyards went to the sky, the couple had a long time to peer into the clues before the master left, and the mood was naturally different.

She also gradually understood the idea of ​​Ning Yi: "You lived in Jiangning, and you lived in such a courtyard."

"The pattern is almost the same. Sujia has money. He first bought the old house. Later he expanded and renovated. He entered the yard and lived for a few hundred people. I felt very troubled at the time. Everyone had to say hello. I felt that Some annoyance, thinking at the time, still leaving, not staying there better."

Ning Yi smiled. They stood on a walkway on the second floor and could see a quiet, quiet courtyard nearby: "However, sometimes it is more interesting. After the meal, one yard. I just lit the lamp and looked at it in the past. It was very smouldering. Now the fireworks are gone. At that time, there are some small things around, Taner handles things, sometimes with a few hoes, come back later, think about it. Just like a child, it’s not far from knowing you, I’ve seen them, you’ve seen them at the time.”

Red laughed and did not speak, Ning Yi leaned on the wall: "Jiang Wu was killed after Jiangning, Jiang Ning was slaughtered. Now it is a big event, but sometimes I feel that occasionally live in a small matter, compare Interesting. You look at it from here, some people live in uninhabited yards, and more or less have their little things."

He said this, he sat down against the wall on the side of the walkway, the rain was still down, infiltrating everything in front of the gray, gray. In the past in memory, there will be a girl who laughs and laughs through the 阆苑, and the sly children run and fight. In the distance at this time, there is a war going on.

Under the collapsed eagle-nosed rock, the knife and the shield collided and killed in the muddy water. People collided together and the air smelled like blood.

The knife waved open the flesh, the long gun pierced the man's belly, some shouted, someone screamed, someone fell in the mud, someone pulled the enemy's head and slammed into the hard rock.

Mao Yishan's body blood poured out, crazy killing ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He lifted a shield in the muddy mud, licked the knees in the squat, the body in the squat leaned forward, punched Waving on his cheek, Mao Yishan's body swayed, and the same punched out, the two entangled together, at a certain moment, Mao Yishan in the big drink will lift the whole body in the air, bang With one click, both figures slammed into the mud.

讹里里 was struggling in the water, and Mao Yishan slammed his fist and kicked him. When he stood up from the mud, he had to rush forward. Mao Yishan also rushed up in the mud, holding a shield from the water, waving like a bow to the limit.

There was a horrible whistling sound in the wind and rain. The half of the face in the squat was torn apart by a shield. The two rows of teeth were presented with the flesh and blood of the mouth. He was a few steps and his eyes were still locked. Mao Yishan, Mao Yishan has been running from the muddy water, and the two big hands are like a tiger, holding the head of the scorpion.

In the back of the arm, the two arms were stepping back in the mud, and Mao Yishan pressed his back to the blue stone. Next, pick it up, kneel down, and hit it three times in a row.

In the dim light and shadow, the figure was still smashed everywhere. Mao Yishan took over the knife handed by his comrades and took the head of the scorpion on the bluestone. Please read the latest domain name when reading this site.

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