Zhui Xu

: Swallowing fire (on)

Jianye eleven years, December 19th.

The dislocation of time will form a dramatic scene in the mountains that are spreading in the northwest.

The war near the rainwater stream began tentatively from the early morning of the day.

Near noon, Mulliri put a lot of troops into the battlefield and began a strong attack on the front of the battlefield. This action was to cover his intention to lead the pro-arms to attack the gargoyles.

Halfway through the afternoon, the road from the rainwater stream to the Huangtouyan was intercepted by Chen Hao, and the arrow relayed the message back to the rainwater stream. The channel was ordered to make an elite attack from each ramp and counterattacked the entire Yuxi River position.

The gargoyle was blown up, and the killing of the scorpion and Mao Yishan entered a white-hot state in an instant.

At noon, the front line of the Jurchen frontline leader led the highly mobile scouting force to launch a counterattack in the direction of the mountain road cut by Chen Yu, in conjunction with the Daxu Department of Huangtouyan behind the Bingbing.

Yu Yu is thin and thin, scolding the family, wearing a mountain and crossing the ridge as a flat, a pair of iron-arm steel can squat down the rock; Datun is medium-sized but strong, killing people on the battlefield, looking like a huge wild boar. The two women will look at the rugged mountain road, but their hearts have already sunk.

The scouts who traveled to the rear also ran on the muddy and slippery roads. From the time of the ten-mile collection of the handsome man, Yan Zonghan, there is still a distance of nearly 30 miles.

At this moment of the winter rain, the ten miles are still in a lively scene. The original small transit market was occupied by layers of military camps. Even if it rained, the transfer of various materials, the transfer of various troops continued, and a team waiting to start was blocked in front of the camp, waiting for impatience. The generals and soldiers are screaming in the air, and the rain is also a variety of shackles. After the shackles, if the non-Korean companies wait for the pressure of the people, sometimes there will be signs of fire.

This situation has been going on for more than two months.

Zong Han feels comfortable and frowns at this phenomenon. The thing that bothered him was not only the battlefield on the front line, but also the bad road conditions in the middle. The pressure on the back was gradually coming to this side. When the front line opened on the 19th, he received the purchase of Jindi Wusong. Letter.

Wu Hao has been buying a stroke for more than a year. The South Journey of the Jurchen, originally a group of old ministers, is still in the situation, and the Eastern and Western courts maintain the last rational choice of grooming. It is only Zong Fu Zongwang's purpose is to fight for merits. Zong Hanxi Yin hopes to solve the last confidant problem of the Golden State by this expedition - the southwestern Chinese military forces.

The fall of Wu Hao’s purchase was in jeopardy. He was dragged for more than a year in the case of most of his body, only occasionally awake, and his physical condition is now extremely bad. When he was preparing for the war in October, Zong Han had repaired a book and handed it to the country. Wu Hao, who was in the palace, asked the people around him to write a letter in a brief waking time. He wrote this letter to Zong Han, recalling their life. Hummer, I hope that Zonghan and Xi Yin can settle the situation in this world within half a year. Because of the situation in the Jin State, they still need to come back to guard.

In the past few years, Wu Hao’s character has just been soft and his will is extremely strong. He proposed that he should be aware that even if he forced his life, he could only have so much time.

The memories of the past in the letter are embarrassing. It’s already half-white hair, and Yan Zonghan can’t help but feel emotion. The differences between the Jurchen and the Eastern courts, the juniors’ struggle for power and profit, do exist. From October, the Zongfu Ancestral Hall on the eastern battlefield has arranged for the army to have more than 100,000 slaves to return north, and in November there are more than ten Ten thousand people were driven away.

At that time, the land of the south of the Yangtze River had already started winter snow. These Hannu, who were rushed to the north as animals, did not know how many of them could successfully reach the Golden State.

Zong Hanxi Yin certainly understands that these actions by Zong Fuzong are to be dragged to the southwest by the army of the West Road. First, they took the spoils and returned to the country to appease the parties and to reward them.

These actions of the two juniors made Zonghan feel disdainful. Xi Yin proposed some means of coping. Zonghan just did it with him. He didn't want to intervene: just to break the southwest, everything else was settled. If the southwest war is unfavorable, I can't say anything when I go back. I only want to concentrate on the war in the southwest. The rest of the little things are decided by Gu Shen.

He wrote to Xi Yin in this way, and he was unwilling to participate in the proposal by Xi Yin to write a letter to appease and comfort the elderly in the country. At this time, I received a letter from Wu Hao to buy a disease. Zong Han’s heart naturally also has a passion. He and A’s fight for a lifetime, and he established a golden country. At the moment, even when he is late, he does not put the hearts of several children in his eyes. .

He walked out of the big account and patrolled the camp, and it was going to be the day, and the rain gradually closed. The situation of the change in the frontline war situation, only then crossed the distance of thirty miles and passed to the ten-mile episode.

At this time, in the rainwater brook, which is more than forty miles away, blood is collected in the pool, and the body has been covered with hills.

The two-month battle of Yushui Creek was the first time for the Chinese Army to launch a comprehensive counterattack. The fourth division led by Qu Zhengzheng and the fifth division led by Yu Zhongdao had a total of more than 14,000 people involved in the battle.

When the Huaxia Army commanded by the canal was rushed out of each mountain road, the Han army forces everywhere in the battlefield were first defeated by this counterattack. Part of the Jinbing Brigade consisting of Jurchen, Bohai, and Liaodong people persisted in fierceness in the chaos of the chaos, but as the casualties expanded to 10%, these troops also showed a declining trend. After that, either crashed or chose to retreat.

For the current battle, in the two months, the channel is secretly observing the attack mode of the scorpion, recording the problems that the various units of the rainwater stream have repeatedly repeated between successive rotations, and has been prepared for a long time. But the so-called first step of combat, after all, is still ready for the hard power of the hammer to touch the iron felt.

Just this afternoon, the forces of frontal combat between the two sides were officially put on the balance of the sky in a fair collision.

The initial battle, the casualties are also the most tragic.

In order to cover the attack of the scorpion rock in the scorpion rock, several positions on the battlefield of this day suffered a large-scale attack, and the Jurchens waved in the mud. In the most fierce attack, the No. 2 position near the Yingzuiyan, the defensive Huaxia Army was once even broken through the defense line, and almost no longer able to take back the position.

With the slamming of the righteous force of the channel, the Han army who participated in the attack may be slightly timid, but the main force of the Jinjun who was bored in the two-month offensive setback only felt the excitement of the opportunity.

The troops that will be brought out by the scorpion will not be afraid of a positive decisive battle. In the eyes of the middle-level generals in the army, as long as they face the opponent's attack, they will be able to settle all the problems.

The rainfall was accompanied by the muddy infiltration, and the terrain of the rainwater stream was complicated. In the initial attack of the Zhengzheng Department, the Jinbing troops welcomed it and formed eighty-nine small and medium-sized confrontation points on the huge battlefield in the square. The two sides may be stable or urgent, or attack or defend. The shield wall front line composed of more than ten people and dozens of people will collide in a blink of an eye.

The gold and iron crossfire sent a shuddering muffled sound in the rain curtains of the mountains, killing and roaring to the surrounding mountains. On the front line of the battle, killing the life like a machine that is like a meat-smashing, the soldiers who rushed forward have not fallen down, and the companions have already kept up. People are **** in their spit. In the hedging of each other, the Huaxia Army is the same, and the Jurchen soldiers are also the same.

There is not much fancy in this kind of weighing. In the past two decades of this world, in every past such a hedge, the Jurchens have almost won.

But this time, the Jurchen form is back.

Such a hedge, the first time to show the power is fierce and embarrassing, but the subsequent changes are particularly rapid and obvious in the eyes of many people. Later, the group moved a little later, and some of the Jurchen’s middle-aged and murderous middle-level strategists will attack with their ties. Their collisions have boosted morale, but not long after, these generals and their veterans are also smashing meat. The front line was swallowed up.

From the time of confrontation to the time when one side collapsed, people’s hearts were either fearful or boiling, and many thoughts did not even turn a result in their hearts. The Jurchen Generals personally invested in the program according to the schedule - because in the past positive battles, this choice is the best. By the time they were swallowed up, the front line was trembling into an avalanche, and the changes did not leave much trace in people's minds. Then the survivors can only run away with the running soldiers.

The battlefield is like this. Individual ability is often unable to influence the development of the war situation. People are wrapped up, and the heart is actively doing what they should do. The passive person can only follow the companion step by step. In the moment of a head-on confrontation this afternoon, both sides suffered huge losses, and the position of the Jurchen side was torn open in the near future.

Retreat, kill, and fight, then rushed to the nearby mountains and valleys like the tide.

The terrain of the rainwater stream is not open after all. The main force of the Jurchen is pushed hard in this fierce attack, and the Han army is defeated more thoroughly. Although their number is not much in the entire battlefield, but because many mountain roads are narrow, a large number of squadrons have formed a reel-like curtain in the crowd, and their defeat has blocked some of the main channels of the Golden Army. Later, the Jinren decisively slashed and slashed. In some places, the Jinren set up a shield wall, which not only defended the attack that the Huaxia Army might launch, but also prevented the escape of these Han troops.

This is a fierce battlefield like an oven. In a blink of an eye, it becomes a nightmare for the weak.

A part of the defeated Han army was crushed and killed by Huaxia Army and Jin Bing. Some people chose to take a relatively empty place and hold their heads after they were intercepted. At this time, the fifth division soldiers who had been guarding the position also participated in the full-scale attack. Qu Zhengzheng led the staff of the staff and quickly collected the Han army who surrendered in the heavy rain.

"...The road from the rainwater stream to the Huangtouyan has been cut off. It is impossible for Daban’s army to stand firm in Yushuixi within ten days and a half. Jurchen, including you, has 50,000 people on the front line. I split and defeat! Today, when the rain stops, I will knock on the Jurchen camp! Some people will be stubborn, and some will resist! We will bury them in the rainwater stream at all costs!"

"You! As a Han Chinese! Raise your knife to your compatriots! Huaxia Army will not tolerate such a big sin. In the southwest, you only have to be thrown into the mountains to mine! Some of you will be publicly tried." Why? I regret it here? I regret that I have thrown away the knife so quickly. Our Huaxia Army is not afraid of you having a knife! Even the most ferocious Jurchen force, today, we are fighting him! You are not surrendering, we are fighting you! But you put down your knife. On the battlefield today, I will give you a chance!"

"Only this one opportunity!" Qu Zhengyan yelled in the rain. "Some of you can pick up the knife and return to the Jurchen's military camp! Take the Jurchen's head and redeem your past sins! The other of you Some people, we will also give you a knife, on the hills around, at this moment, still running away, still those who are recalcitrant, I want you to take them! It’s a man, earning a for himself. Life!"

The staff who were doing more detailed work walked through the soldiers, took out some of the leading officers, registered information, and served them on the spot. Some soldiers were re-issued with guns.

At this time, the battles in the mountains were not stopped, and some of the Jurchen soldiers were forced into the mountains to resist. On this side, the voice of the channel is ringing, "...we are not afraid of you and the snake! Not afraid that you will fight with us again! Today, when the rain stops, our cannon will make the position of the rainwater river no longer exist! We will be with you at that time. A liquidation of today's account! No other way to go! Pick up the knife, be an upright Han Chinese! Be an upright man! Otherwise, give me death here-"

In the third moment, there were the first batch of Han soldiers who were rebelled in the woods near the rainwater stream and joined the team of counterattack Jurchens. Due to the attack, the Jurchen army chose the attack for the first time in the face of confrontation. At this time, most of the combat troops still failed to set foot on the road to return to the camp.

——Because of the terrain of the rainwater creek, the Jurchen camp here is not placed in front of the city like Huangming County. Because of the attack in several directions at the same time, the female real camp is placed outside the Sanli. On the hillside of the hill, the rear is guarding the road leading to Huangtouyan.

In this low-lying distance of less than four miles, the actual terrain is complex and varied, and the Huaxia Army, which has already calculated the operational steps, has selected several key points. For example, the first group of the second brigade of the 4th Division, which is the most burdened, was led by the head of the company, Shen Changye. After easily blocking the interception of two parallel cargo units, it directly entered the most critical valley in the way of the Jurchen withdrawal.

On weekdays, there is no name in the valley where the mountain is still quiet. Shen Qianye’s thousand people group opened the defense line in the rain. When he came in, the Jurchen on the battlefield did not carefully consider the idea of ​​retreating, but this soon In the afternoon, Shen Changye’s troops suffered as many as eleven attacks in the canyon.

The bodies were piled up into hills in the canyon, and the thick blood stained the water under the feet. After this day, the canyon was named "Greek of the Gorge".

The first group of the Second Brigade, which was under the jurisdiction of the canal, also became the most under-removed unit in the entire battlefield. Nearly 50% of the soldiers were sleeping in this red valley forever.

At the time of Shen Shi (3 pm to 5 pm), the rain has gradually stopped, and the voices of the mountains have become smaller. At this time, the news of the death in Bali has spread throughout the rainwater stream. The passage from Daying to Huangtouyan has been destroyed, which means that the reinforcements of the rear Daban are difficult to reach. The two main passages of the battlefield returning to the military camp are Huaxia Army. After repeated competitions with Jurchens, some people fled back to the camp on the path. Many of the troops were forced into the Jedi. Some powerful Jurchen troops set up their formations, and a large number of surviving troops chose to surrender.

Including the main force of the Golden Army, the Han army, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The number of Jinjun directly killed and injured in this battle is approaching 8,000. In addition, about 15,000 people have been captured on the spot, and the weapons are released. Going to the rear.

The Huaxia Army also suffered a lot of damage, but as the rain gradually subsided, the canal was dragged to the last cannon to go to the mountains. Some of them would be used to deal with the jealousy of the ruthless, and some were dragged to the Jurchen. Big camp.

The load-bearing Hummer dragged the dry firewood through the **** battlefield. After arriving at the periphery of the Jurchen Camp, the channel was commanding the soldiers to pick up a pile of bonfires at the upwind. After the fire broke out, join the wet wood, and a piece of black smoke climbed up the hillside towards the Jurchen camp.

This Jurchen battalion was not attacked in the two months after it was completed. Many of its structures are still intact, wooden fences, cannons with gunfire, but the channel is not afraid, fighting in the rainwater creek In the most intense time, some of the "slumping soldiers" have already returned to the big camp to "go back", and with the smog of black smoke, the horse team carrying the explosives package has come one after another.

As long as the Dalai reinforcements can't arrive, the fear of this night will be fermented in the military camp ahead. Today, at night, at the latest tomorrow, he will have to knock on the wooden wall and extend the Jurchen to the rainwater stream. Snake head, slammed down, thoroughly! Please read the latest domain name when reading this site.

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