Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 893: 10 years of hurricane frost (2)

"...Mao Shu, don't say those. Just say that you killed the scorpion, you guess who can't sit still?"

The sky has entered the night, and the chilly room still reveals some winter chills. When talking about this, Mao Yishan and Hou Wu looked at the young people who spoke, and looked at them again, and they laughed at the same time.

"Roman brothers..."

"Speaking of it, he went to Shandong, and he was mixed with Zhu Zhuzhu. It was also a monk. Maybe he could get a big head in the future?"

"I heard that I killed Liu Guangji."

"That is the boss of the puppet army, do not count. Luo brothers have always wanted to kill women really big heads... lazy? The head of Jurchen East Road left in the Central Plains is called this name..."

Mao Yishan and Hou Wu are not in the ranks of the Huaxia Army. Many things can be clarified if they are to be inquired, but they are focused on war, a message that has been transferred to the logistics direction, and the news is still vague. Not too much research. At this point, Haha said a few words, and now Hou Yuanzhang in the intelligence department has taken over the topic of his father.

"Luo Shu is indeed in the Liangshan area, but I am afraid that there are still some problems in attacking and slacking. They have repelled hundreds of thousands of puppet troops before, and later defeated Gao Zongbao. I heard that Luo Shu took the initiative to grab Gao Zongbao. The head of the people, but the people did not escape too fast, and Luo Shu finally did not take the head down."

Hou Yuanzhang said it was funny: "Not only Gao Zongbao, last year in Xuzhou, Luo Shu also proposed to take the initiative to kill Wang Shitong, the plan is done, Wang Shitong was rebelled. As a result, Luo Shu has only killed now. Liu Guangji, if he heard about the uncle's credit, he must be envious."

Among the five people left after killing Yan Yan's room, Luo Ye always clamored for the ambition to kill a Jurchen general, and the others later learned slowly. Zhuo Yongqing inexplicably cut the dim room, and was read by Luoye for several years. Whoever caught the army occasionally, Luoye often drooled. This incident was initially considered to be a personal hobby that was innocuous, and later it became a talk when everyone was joking.

Of course, jokes and jokes, Luoye was born in a big family, thinking progress, both civil and military, is the backbone of the young generals brought by Ning Yi, led by his majesty, is also the real sharp knife group in the Chinese army, in repeated competitions First, there is no ambiguity in actual combat.

The rumors of the Huaxia military are that the more than 20,000 people trained in Tibetan areas have the highest combat power, but the highest level of this combat is the average. The troops in Daoyang are all composed of veterans. The southwestern forces are crowded with many new recruits. There are inevitably short boards in the place. However, if the troops with the highest combat strength are drawn, the two sides are still at similar peaks.

The representative of this peak, Mao Yishan's a group of offensive and defensive are extremely solid, can be listed, Luoye led the team on the basis of the Mao Yishan group also has a flexible quality, is a stable peak lineup. His capture in each battle will never lose a mountain, but he will not be able to kill any famous big-headed person. In the three years of Xiao Canghe, Luoye always sighs and sighs. Over time, it becomes an interesting one. topic.

At this time, Mao Yishan, Hou Wu, and Hou Yuanzhang couldn't help but laugh, and laughed for a while, Mao Yishan said: "That... what is the situation in Shandong, why do you say that he can't kill lazy? what?"

"It is also an estimate." Hou Yuanzhang's smile converges. "Luo Shu, Master Liu, and Zhu Jun, the one they are in, is too bitter. From the news of the front line, the people's livelihood has basically been defeated, no crops, next year. The seedlings may not be there anymore. People near Liangshan barely hang their lives by the things in the water, but they are all too hungry."

Hou Yuanzhang sighed: "Our third division played well in Xuzhou. It also collected tens of thousands of horses. But before the Yellow River, the grain supply will bottom out. The situation on the Yellow River is even more embarrassing, and there is no room for it. After crossing the river, many people have to starve to death, so the recruited people can't bring them in the past. In the end, they still talked with Jindi, asking the grandfather to tell her grandmother to borrow some food, so that the main force of the third division can smoothly reach Liangshanpo. Defeat Gao Zongbao. Later, they robbed some logistics, but they were just enough. Most of the materials were used to pay the debt of the woman."

"So difficult?" Mao Yishan muttered.

Hou Yuanzhang nodded: "Liangshan that piece of land, the people's livelihood is difficult, more than ten years ago, the people did not talk about life. After ten years of down, the situation of eating people every year, the year before the Jurchen south, lazy to the Central Plains and scrape Once again, he just pointed out that people are not going to live. So now is the situation. I heard a few friends from the General Staff said that the best form for starting next spring is to borrow seedlings from Nongjin and fall to the fall. The energy may be able to recover a little, but there is another problem in the middle. Before the fall, Zong Fu Zong’s East Road Army would have to go back from the south. Whether it can block this wave is also a big problem."

Hou Yuanzhang took Chai Zhi and drew a simple sketch on the ground: "The current situation is that Shandong is very difficult to see and it seems that it can only be played out, but it is not realistic to play it out. Master Liu, Zhu Jun, plus that person. The military martial arts led by Wang Shanyue and his family members did not have much to eat. There were hundreds of thousands of puppet troops that were also not eaten. These puppet troops did not eat, they could only bully the people, and occasionally gave Luo Shu. They add some chaos, to say that they can fight, Luo Shu can beat them a hundred times, but what if they are defeated? There is no way to compile because there is no food at all."

"It’s lazy to keep Datong. From Liangshan to Datong, how is it going to be a problem, logistics is a problem, and playing is also a problem. The frontal attack is definitely impossible to attack. Let’s play tricks and tricks. Lazy people are cautious. In the battle of Damingfu, he was constantly changing, and he almost wished the captains all of them to die. So now, the situation in Shandong is probably the most difficult piece next. The only hope is After the break of the Jindi area, can you let the woman meet one another?"

In the Huaxia Army, such as Hou Wu and Mao Yishan, the style of the veteran warriors, the mind is not meticulous, more is to do things through experience rather than analysis. However, in the young people, due to the deliberate guidance of Ning Yi, it is quite fashionable to talk about the current situation and exchange new ideas when the young warriors gather.

At this time, I saw Hou Yuanzhang’s talk about the situation. Although the two had different opinions in their hearts, they were quite pleased. Mao Yishan said: "That is still ... rebellion at the end of the year, when Yuan Zhen went to Xiao Canghe, it was only twelve years old, I still remember... Now it is really good..."

Hou Wu smiled and shook his head: "Young people, shortcomings and impulses, since there is no other way to go, it is a conspiracy to fight conspiracy. Maybe the Shandong gang is already playing the same idea."

Hou Yuanzhang also laughed: "Hey, this is not the case. Lazy people do not leak things when they do things. When people are bent on keeping their hearts, it is necessary to underestimate the enemy."

"That must also try, or wait to die." Hou Wudao, "And you a child, always thinking of relying on others, Jindi Liao Yiren, the gang of traitors, but also lost, and asked a woman to help, If you don't pay attention to it, according to your analysis, I estimate that the danger of Datong must still be taken."

Although he felt that his son had done a good job, it was an instinct to be a father. After knowing this sentence, the expression on Hou Yuanzhang's face suddenly became a wonderful three-pointer, and he sat happily.

"No, no, hey, Mao Shu, this is your old fashioned, I don't know, Mr. Ning and the woman, have a leg..." He made a wretched action with both hands, and quickly put it down, " ... there is a story."

"what story?"

"Mr. Ning and Lou Shuzhen of Jindi, in the early years...when they haven’t fought, they will know each other. It’s still the time when Hangzhou Fangla was rebellious. You don’t know... the woman who was in Xiao Canghe. On behalf of the Tiger King, they came to do business, but their story can be long... Mr. Ning killed Lou Shuzhen’s father and brother..."

This is the drawback of the high frequency of information exchange led by Ning Yi. A group of young people who are interested in exchanging information and excavating the clues are gathered together. The military secrets may not be released. On the gossip level, many things are inevitably fascinated. These things, Mao Yishan, Hou Wu and others may have only heard a few clues, and it has become a legendary story of the **** lyrics of Hou Yuanzhang’s generation.

The two middle-aged people will be suspicious at first, but later, although they only listen to the story, they can't help but dance.

"...this is not what I deceived. In the same year...the battle of Xia Cun has not yet arrived. When you and Mr. Mao did not see Mr. Ning at all, Mr. Ning already knew the red mention of Luliangshan. Madame... At that time, the lady had a well-known name in Luliang, called the Blood Bodhisattva. The killer was much more than the killing of Mao Shu..."

"I have this thing, I have heard of the name of the blood bodhisattva..." Hou Wu touched his chin and nodded.

"... At that time, Mr. Ning planned to train troops in Luliang Mountain. On that side, the **** behalf of the Tiger King went to Qingmu Village for the first time... I am not saying, many people know, now Shandong Zhu Jun was responsible for protecting Mr. Ning at that time... and the people who saw this thing with his own eyes, Yu Wen, who taught the shooting, Yu Wenfei..."

"Yu Wen instructors did follow Mr. Ning very early..." Mao Yishan’s shadow nodded.

"... So, this thing is what Yu Wen instructor said to someone, and someone confirmed it... The **** the floor, see Mr. Ning again, is a small room in private. When I meet, the woman is tempered, take it. With a teacup pillow, what Mr. Ning had thrown, the outside person still heard... She cried and said to Mr. Ning, you are a dead ghost, why don’t you die... Hey, I am not saying...”

"You said you said..."

"...So the industry in Jindi, we are not someone looking after it... When the Tiger King wanted to kill Shu Shu, the big treasurer Dong Fangxian went, hey, did the tiger king... Hey, Mao Shu, You still don’t know the inside story. At that time, Mr. Ning was not pretending to be dead here. In fact, he personally went to the Jin Dynasty. When the Jin Dynasty was in trouble, Mr. Ning was there, inquired about... Mr. Ning, Dong’s treasurer In the big lineup, how can the Tiger King survive?"


"...so, the General Staff said that the girl is a person..."

"I am also telling you about this with Auntie and Mao Shu..."

"...Ning’s face is thin, this thing is not allowed to say, but it is not a big deal...”

"...So what do you have to do with the food in the Jin Dynasty?"


"Cough~www.wuxiaspot.com~ That's not the case." Among the silhouettes of the fire, Hou Wu touched his chin and couldn't help but teach his son the truth of life. "Open this mouth with your own woman, after all, A little bit no face."

"The five brothers said a bit reasonable." Mao Yishan echoed.

"What's the embarrassment of this." Hou Yuanzhang frowned, looking at the two old and old-fashioned, "...this is all for China!"

The three people said such boring gossip in the room, and the winter night with the cold wind became warm. At this time, the oldest waiting five has gradually become old. When he is gentle, his face is no longer awkward. He used to be very murderous. Now he smiles like an old farmer. Mao Yishan has a bandage on his body and his body is strong. He has killed many enemies in these years. He has no hesitation when facing the enemy. When facing his relatives and friends, he is already an exceptionally reliable elder and backbone.

Hou Yuanzhang is already twenty-four years old. His eyes are still a little tender in front of his father, but he has a beard under his jaw. In front of his companions, he can already set foot on the battlefield as a reliable comrade. Over the past ten years, he has experienced the development of the Xiao Cang River. He experienced the years of his father’s hard battles and experienced the great transfer of the hustle and bustle. He experienced the depression, desolateness and ensuing of the three counties. Great construction, experienced the heroic when jumping out of Liangshan, and finally, came here... Please read the latest domain name when reading this site.

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