Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 894: 10 years of hurricane frost (3)

Among the several departments of the Huaxia Army, Hou Yuanzhang worked in the General Intelligence Department, and he was well informed. This evening, the Eight Diagrams went to the Eight Diagrams and said that Luoye could not help but mention the current situation of Quqing and Zhuo Yongqing in Changsha.

Things are gathered together, and people are divided into groups. Although the Chinese military is all in one, the atmosphere inside and outside the army is still good, but as long as it is a person, there will always be a small group that is more close to each other for more reasons.

For more than ten years, small groups of political or non-political groups in the Chinese military have occasionally appeared. Every soldier will be more familiar with some people for various reasons and will be more clumped. But the cruel scenes that have been experienced for more than a decade are hard to say. Similar to Mao Yishan, Hou Wu, Luoye, Quqing, and Zhuo Yongqing, because the killing room survived, they approached a small group that almost became a loved one. It’s quite alive when it’s still fully alive.

"... If it is said that Wurui Camp was fighting against gold and defending Xia Village, and then a rebellious brother, living to the present, afraid that... Three thousand people are gone..."

At this time, I had talked to the middle of the night. Mao Yishan leaned against the wall and squinted slightly. On the other hand, Hou Wu shook his head.

"Don't say three thousand, there are no two thousand are hard to say. Not to mention the three years of Xiao Canghe, think about it, just Dong Zhizhen, how many people died..."

"Play another ten years and go to the Golden State." Mao Yishan said, "Do you say we will still be there?"

"I think that you are mostly gone. You are rushing ahead." Hou Wu looked at his hand with a disability and threw a firewood into the fire: "I am different, I am at the rear." You can rest assured that if you are dead, home stone and Chen Xia, I will help you raise it... Otherwise, you can let Quqing help you raise it. You have to know that the guy in Quqing told me one day that he likes big ass. of."

"Hey, Chen Xia that character, you can't stop, the canal can't fall, and, five brothers, this old body, you will fall apart, meet Chen Xia, directly toss you to the end of life, our brother The two can meet in advance." Mao Yishan chewed a small branch in his mouth, tasted the bitter taste, smiled, "Yuan Lan, persuaded you to marry."

Hou Yuanzhang laughed at the fire, not picking up this.

"Speaking of it, Luo Yi and Qu Qing, the two guys, who will be with them in the future, is a big problem."

"You said that Quqing likes big ass."

"I heard that he is a little bit interested in the sister of the husband..."

"Oh? Who is it?"

"Women, the younger sister of Jin Jinnian, who is called Jin Jinrou, became a pro, a widow. Now she is a teacher at the school."

"Oh, big ass?"

"Hey, this I told you, it’s not just talking about the ass, two words: charm..."

The topic of life and death is not a hypothesis for people in the room. For more than ten years, people have become familiar with the means of ordinaryization.

The topic turned a few laps on the third road of Huang Duanzi, and everyone in the silhouette would laugh and laugh.

How long can I live, whether I can go to the end, how many people feel a little sad, but when I get up early the next morning, when the sound of the outside and the sound of morning exercises sound, this thing will be Mao Yishan, Hou Wu, etc. People are left behind.

There has never been a slight warmth in the battlefield. If the battlefield cannot eliminate the fantasies of the people, the tragedy of a massacre will also shape people in the same direction.

After experiencing such a new year, it is more like experiencing the gale on the Gobi, or the blizzard of the cold weather in the thirties. The wind will open the skin of the human being like a knife and tear the soul of the human. Therefore, the military and military personnel who are in line with each other are like gale and blizzard. If this is not the case, people will not survive after all.

Even if there was an injury, Mao Yishan followed a few laps in the crowded, simple playground. After eating breakfast, say goodbye to Hou Wu and his son, step on the mountain road and head to the direction of Zhangzhou.

On this day, the weather was overcast. Although there were quite a lot of pedestrians on the mountain road, Mao Yishan was brisk. In the afternoon, he overtook several teams of escorted prisoners and arrived at the ancient city of Cangzhou. It’s just that there is no time when the clouds in the sky gather. It may take a while to start raining. Mao Yishan looks at the weather, some frowns, and then goes to the headquarters to report.

Soon, someone led him to see Ning Yi in the past.

The crowd in the command line went in and out, noisy, and when I saw Ning Yi in the small yard behind, there were several officers of the staff department who reported things to Ning Yi. Ning Yi poured a cup of tea to Mao Yishan. After sending the officer, I just laughed and chatted with Mao Yishan.

"Is there a problem with injury?" Ning Yi asked at the door.

The two were not the first time to meet. After the killing of the room, Zhuo Yongqing was the protagonist, but Mao Yishan fought fiercely. Later, there was a lot of intersection with Ning Yi during the Xiao Cang River War. After being promoted to the head of the team, as the fifth division's main force, Mao Yishan and Luoye, who are good at steady and steady, are also common with Ning Yi. During this period, Qu Qing served in the General Staff, although Hou Wu went to the rear, but also A trustworthy officer. The five people in the killing room are actually the elites in Ning Yi’s eyes.

A few simple conversations, Ning Yi asked the question of the Eagle Mouth Rock, and then it was not a guest: "You are not all well, I know that there are not many fakes, I will not leave you. You His wife, Chen Xia, is currently working in Chengdu. She is going to take her back and accompany her children. I have prepared a new year for you and arranged a carriage to Chengdu. Yes, there is a coat here. Your clothes are a little thin, this coat is for you."

Ning Yi picked up his new coat in the room and sent it to Mao Yishan. Mao Yishan made a remark, but finally he couldn’t stand Ning Yi’s insistence. He had to put on the military coat. He looked at the outside and said: "If it rains, the Jurchen may attack again. There are too many prisoners on the front line. Mr. Ning, in fact, I can go to the front line again. The people under my command are all there."

Ning Yi shook his head: "There are many guys in the Jurchen who have made a decisive decision. There is also the possibility of a bad strike immediately. But this time the possibility is not high. The tension of the command is a routine, the front line has already Highly preventive, there is no shortage of you. You go back to the people who have the propaganda mouth to look for you. Just take the road for a year. Don’t think it’s very easy. At the beginning of the third day, you will be asked to come back.”

Mao Yishan hesitated slightly: "Mr. Ning... I may... don't know much about propaganda..."

Ning Yi haha ​​nodded: "Do not worry, Zhuo Yongqing's image was good at the beginning, but also suitable for propaganda. This is always to let him cooperate with this. You are the brave man on the battlefield, will not let you run this all day. Bragging with people... But in general, the southwest war, including the channel Zhengzheng’s plan to swallow the fire, our strength is also very hurt. You killed this thing, you can be very excited People's hearts are good for recruiting, so if you cooperate properly, you don't have to have any conflicts."

There are many people in the Huaxia Army who are simple and honest. In fact, for most of the people of this whole era, there is nothing to boast in private. It is normal to encounter such big things as "propaganda". Ning Yi Comforting people are very helpful. Mao Yishan got his promise, and at this time he also let go of his heart.

After that, the man led him to the outside to take a ride. This was the carriage that had originally scheduled to transport the goods to the Nanxun Station of Zhangzhou City. At this time, the goods were transported to the station, and Maoshan was taken to Chengdu in the morning. The imperial hunter was originally anxious about the weather, but after learning that Mao Yishan was killing the hero of 讹里里, he rushed to talk to Mao Yishan while driving. Under the cold sky, the carriage drove away from the city.


When he sent Mao Yishan, Ning Yi stood outside the headquarters and watched the head of his age for a while.

Mao Yishan's appearance is simple and honest, with many small and broken scars on his hands and face. These scars record the journey he has traveled in these years.

The snoring at this time is different from the heat war of the later generations. The knife is not as deadly as a musket. It often leaves more marks on the veterans who have fought in battle. There are many such veterans in the Huaxia Army, especially in the late three years of the Xiao Cang River. Ning Yi has also been on the battlefield again and again. He also left a lot of scars on his body, but there are people around him who care about protection. What is really shocking is that the Chinese soldiers who have fought in the battles have taken off their clothes and scars on summer nights. The most scarred people have a simple "I won" smile, but they can make people's minds tremble. .

Even if these people die early, they will be very painful for the rest of their lives.

Of course, many of them are already dead.

During that time, Ning Yi liked to talk to these people about the prospects of the Huaxia Army. Of course, more is actually the prospect of "going things". At that time, he would say some "modern" scenes. Airplanes, cars, movies, music, tens of stories of buildings, elevators... a variety of desirable lifestyles.

At that time, the Huaxia Army faced the encirclement of a million-strong army. The Jurchens were aggressive. They ran around in the mountains. Many times they were hungry because they saved food. Ning Yi is unscrupulous when facing these warriors with no culture.

Sometimes he will also bluntly say the injuries of these people: "Okay, so many injuries, now it will hurt after death, rheumatism, pain in your bones, know, don't think what it is Good things. I will build more hospitals to take over you in the future..."

I heard that the warrior said that he didn't care. If he can really go to the "future", it is already a very good thing.

"But there is no way. If you lose, Jurchen will do something about the whole world. Everyone has seen it..." He can only cheer for everyone.

Many of them have no future, and now they don't know how many people will come to the "future."

Mao Yishan may have been one of the warriors who heard him describe the prospects. Ning Yi always vaguely remembered that in the mountains at that time, they were sitting together, but the specific things naturally could not remember.

When Mao Yishan left the city of Zhangzhou with a carriage, a small team was also flying towards this side. Near the evening, Ning Yi walked out of the bustling headquarters and received a Taner from the direction of Chengdu.

In the year of Jianye’s eleventh year, Ning Yi originally planned to return to Zhangcun before the younger year. He would like to communicate with the people who stayed in Zhangcun to pay attention to the things that should be paid attention to. The second is to meet with the wife and children in the rear. Face. This time, due to the breakthrough results of the Battle of the Rain Creek, Ning Yi was watching out for the sudden madness and desperation of Zong Han, so his return became a comeback.

Nominally a simple meeting.

After meeting, Ning Yi opened his hands and hugged Tan, and said: "I found a place, ready to take you to explore."

"Ah?" Taner gave a slight glimpse. For more than ten years, she has managed many things, and she has always been serious and majestic. At this time, although she saw her husband laughing at www.wuxiaspot.com~, the expression on the face is quite formal, and the doubts appear. serious.

There is still a breeze in the sky, immersing in the cold atmosphere in the city, Ning Yi carrying a parcel, leading her through the city of Zhangzhou, in the poor way of overturning the wall into the uninhabited and gloomy garden. Ning Yi took the lead through several courtyards, and Su Taner walked behind. Although these years dealt with a lot of big things, but based on the woman's instinct, this environment still makes her feel a little scared, but the face is exposed. It’s a dumb face: “What’s going on?”

"Li Weixuan's other court, people are gone, I found a place very good."

"That doesn't have to go over the wall..."

"There are many people who come here."

The cold wind blew through, and the air was filled with the smell of rot and odor. The sandal brows were slightly stunned. After a while, the two talents arrived at the small building in the depths of Bieyuan. Ning Yi led her to the corridor on the second floor. on. The sky is already a bit dark, the wind chokes in the corner, Ning Yi put down the parcel, said: "You wait for me for a while." Trail down the stairs.

Tan's hands clasped to his chest, turned around and looked around this vacant no-man's house, such as a haunted house... Please read the latest domain name when reading this site.

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