Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 897: 10 years of hurricane frost (6)

It’s like a day, the snow is long, and it’s covered in all directions. The evening of the snowy day came early, and the last time the skylight was about to be immersed in the mountains, the shaman war songs of Canggu were ringing at the bonfire in front of the golden man’s account.

The fire propped up a small orange space, as if it was against the sky.

The snow in the southwest is not a strange sight in front of the Jurchen and Liaodong people from the north. Many years ago, they lived in a period of nearly half-blizzard in a year, braving the cold and crossing the mountains and hunting in the knee-high snow, which is a familiar experience for many people.

Since the defeat of Liao, this experience has gradually decreased.

Thanks to the bonus brought by the war, they were given a warm house, built a new house, hired a servant at home, bought a slave, and in the winter they could rely on the stove instead of facing the harsh snow. The same hungry tiger wolf as in the snow.

Their children can begin to enjoy the pleasant and beautiful side of the snow, and some younger children may not be able to walk the mountain trails in the snow, but at least for the generation before the bonfire, the memories of the past are still deeply Engraved in their souls, it is a story and past that can be told at all times.

- My Baihushan god, howl!

I am a person who is better than 10,000 people and is favored by the sky!


The sun in the southern Jiu Mountain!

The unyielding grandfather of the East!

Look at me -

... The ancient shaman war songs sounded in the mouth of everyone, and Yan Zonghan stood in front of the fire, and the flame set off his tall figure. For a moment, someone dragged the sheep up.

The struggling goat was tied to the pillar. Someone armed with a steel knife, in the battle song, cut off the goat's limbs, the blood was put into the bowl, and the people before the bonfire, Zong Han took the bowl and drank the blood. The rest have done the same.

Bloody suffocating in people's bodies.

"The snow in the south is very fine." Zong Han slowly opened his mouth. He looked around. "Thirty-eight years ago, the snow was ten times stronger than today. The Liao country is now in the sky. Many of us stand here. At the edge of the fire, I would like to discuss against Liao. At that time, many people still hesitated. I agree with the idea of ​​A-Bing."

"The end of the Yan Department, the people who can fight, but two thousand. Now look back, in the past 38 years, your rear, there are already countless tents, these two thousand people across the sky, have already put The world is in your hand."

In the rear of the crowd, the military camps spread, and countless fires loomed in the snow.

After Yan Zonghan turned and walked a few steps, he took a piece of firewood and threw it into the fire. He did not deliberately express the momentum in his speech, and his movements were natural, and he had a quiet and solemn atmosphere around him.

"For more than 30 years, some of you, the old brothers of that year, even if they joined in later, are also part of my big money. I am a big man, full of invincible, is the name you played. Head, you have taken this head forward in your life, and you are proud of it. Happy?"

The hero of Zong Han I was a bit arrogant, but it was not a kind person. At this time, although the discourse was flat, but the defeat was in the front, naturally no one thought that he would praise the people, and all the time was silent. Zong Han looked at the flames.

"In two thousand, against the likes of the Liao Kingdom, and later to tens of thousands of people, overturned the entire Liao Kingdom. To think of it today, it is like a big dream, at first, whether it is me or Agu They all feel like ants. In front of the Liao Kingdom, Jurchen is a small ant. We raise birds for the Liao people. The Liao people think that we are the savage in the mountains! When I became a leader to see the Emperor Tiandi, Scorpio The emperor said, you look very thin, not the same as other heads, then give me a dance..."

"A bones don't dance."

Zong Han said as he sat down on the wooden stake at the back. He waved his hand at random and gestured to sit down, but no one sat.

"I came out at the time, saying that since I was interested, I will give you a performance. The Emperor Scorpio wants to attack, but now people put a bear out. He is in front of everyone, born, The bear was killed. This is a hero, but my Jurchen is still an ant in front of Scorpio. He was not angry at the time. He might think that this ant is very interesting... Later, the Liao angels came over every year and would still The Jurchen is willing to fight, you can kill the bear, he is not afraid."

"When I was a teenager, I was young and aggressive, but every time I saw an Liao angel, I had to squat my head. The brave warriors in the tribe had to squat, no one thought it should not. Those Liao people Although the angel seems to be thin, but the clothes are picturesque and arrogant, it is definitely not the same kind of person as us. When I start thinking about things, I think that my Majesty is right, why? My father gave me the first time to take me out of the city. When I saw the Liao people who were neatly armed, when I knew the Liao people who were rich in miles, I felt that my Majesty should be."

"Rebellion, I don't think that my daughter is born to have the life of the world, just because the days can't go on. When two thousand people started their soldiers, Agu was hesitant, and I was hesitant, but it was like eating a bite when the snow was closed. We have to go to the mountains to catch bears and tigers. In the Liao Kingdom, which is even more powerful than Xionghu, if you don’t eat it, you can only hunt and hunt it."

His hand pressed on his knees, his eyes fixed on the flame, and it took a long time before he smiled.

"From the time of the incident, A-bashing, I am also good, and everyone who stands here today, every battle must be first, great. I later learned that the Liao people love the feathers, but also the people who are afraid of death, In the south, the Wu Dynasty was even more unbearable. When it was time to fight, what to say, the son of Qianjin was not sitting in the church, and Wenyu did not know what the **** meant! So two thousand people defeated tens of thousands, and 20,000 people defeated hundreds of thousands of people. Many people who followed the assault have already died. We have lived to the present and remembered it. It is really amazing. In the past two years, Gu Shen told me how many people can achieve our achievements through history. I think about it. Everyone is really amazing."

His eyes crossed the flames, crossed the crowd, and looked at the camp that was stretching backwards, and then moved to a farther place, and then recovered.

"I think today, as long as you can fight every battle, you can do this. Because of this world, there are too many people who are afraid of the dead. Everyone who is here today is amazing. We have been rushing in these years. On the battlefield, I didn’t see much, that’s it. The two thousand people of that year swept the world. Thousands and thousands of people were swept away by us.”

"You can sweep the world." Zong Han's gaze swept away from the face of a famous general. The gentleness and calm gradually became harsh and worded. "But, some people say that you are not sitting in the world!" ”

"Every battle must be preceded, and you are not afraid of death. You can put this world in your hands. You can sweep away the Liao Kingdom and drive the Zhou family of the Wu Dynasty away from this place. But you can sit still." This is the world! Agu hits when he said that it is not the same thing to fight the world and sit in the world! Today, I have said three times and five times, to share the world with the people of the world - look at the world behind you!"

Zong Han’s voice was like a tiger’s mouth. For a time, he even suppressed the whistling of the surrounding snow. Some people looked toward the rear. The distance of the military camp was the rolling hills. The farther of the mountains, it was spent in the darkness of infinity.

"Your world, where is it?"

"Is it a military camp for tens of thousands of people?"

"Is this barren hill that you can see today?"

"Is all the places you have seen and seen in this life?"

"-Your world, women really are in the world, bigger than the ones you have seen. We have destroyed the Liao Kingdom and destroyed the Wu Dynasty. Our world is full of all the world! We have hundreds of millions of subjects! Have them?? Do you have them in your heart!?"

Zong Han’s voice roared with the wind and snow, his hands pressed on his knees, and the flame shone out of his sitting figure and swayed in the night sky. After this speech, it was quiet for a long time, and Zong Han stood up slowly. He took half a piece of firewood and threw it into the campfire.

"You think that I am convening you today, I want to tell you that Rainwater Creek has lost a battle, but don't be discouraged, give you morale, or talk to you and say something bad in the..."

He was silent for a moment: "No, what the King is worried about is that you have no arms in the world."


"After I went to leave, I have had several times and talked to me."

In front of the campfire, Zonghan’s voice sounded: “We can use 20,000 people to get the world, is it also to use 20,000 people to rule the world?”

"The emperor or the present is good, including the gods who are respectful, and these years have been exhausted, that is, such a thing... Among the people in the room, there are monks, Bohai people, Qidan people, and also The Han people in Liaodong, who have fought together for many years, today are all golden people, why? Today, you are the same, you are the same, this world, is also the world of you, not only the real world."

"There are women in the real mind ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You will share the world with Jurchen; whoever has a heart, who will become the world!"

Zong Han looked at everyone: "After more than ten years ago, I took the Liao Kingdom and treated the Khitan equally. Therefore, the members of the Khitan became part of my big money. At that time, I had no spare time to take the Wu Dynasty, so from Wu Dynasty The Han people brought back are all slaves. After more than ten years, I have gradually gained the strength to conquer the Wu Dynasty. I will order it today, and I will not kill the Han slaves. I must treat the Han people well. You are now the fourth Nanzheng. The Wu Dynasty has died. Do you have to take it and sit on the arms of the Wu Dynasty?"

He waved his hand and glanced over the sternly: "I don't think you guys!"

"The rainwater creek failed, I saw you pushing around! Complain! Look for an excuse! Until now, you haven't figured out what kind of enemy are you standing opposite? You haven't figured out What is the reason why I and the Valley God have abandoned the Central Plains and Jiangnan to destroy the Southwest?"

"The one opposite you, the group of people, they killed the emperor of the Wu Dynasty in the most out of date! They cut off all the retreats! Enemies with this whole world! They face the million army, have not followed Anyone begged for mercy! For more than ten years, they have come out and smashed out! You haven't seen it yet! They are the ones we used to be-"

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