Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 898: 10 years of hurricane frost (7)

"The one opposite you, the group of people, they killed the emperor of the Wu Dynasty in the most out of date! They cut off all the retreats! Enemies with this whole world! They face the million army, have not followed Anyone begged for mercy! For more than ten years, they have come out and smashed out! You haven't seen it yet! They are the ones we used to be-"

The fire and the rising room reflected the veteran lion-like figure, his voice echoed in the snow before the big account.

The rest of the people were solemn, but when the bonfire burned and the snow fell, the camp was silent for a long time.

Zong Han and the generals were standing there, until the night saw that the military camp had completely fallen, and the fire in the snow-stricken military camp was a little more, and then he spoke.

"For more than 30 years, there have been countless battles in the battlefield, but who among you dare to say that you have not lost one time? I can't do it, the diverticulum doesn't work either, and the bones are reborn, and I don't dare to say it. The defeat, the loss of the rainwater stream, the loss is there, but it is just a defeat - some people are scared to blame others, but I think it is a good thing!"

"Where is it? First, the battle of the rainwater stream, let you carefully see clearly, the black flag army opposite, what is the color. Full of invincible? Million army surrounded Xiao Canghe for three years They can do it too! It’s his fault, not his fault! Rainwater Creek played for two months, he seized the opportunity to take the guards up, such things, I do Over, you have done it too!"

"Hui Lili has been with you for more than 30 years. He is a rare warrior. He died in the rainwater stream. He is still a warrior. He died of greed? No."

Zong Han shook his head: "His death is due to the fact that he did not regard the black flag as an opponent who is evenly matched with him. He regarded the black flag as a Liao and Wu Dynasties, and he was defeated after a dangerous attack. You still take it today. The black flag became such an enemy, thinking that they made a trick, thinking that they had dragged their hind legs, and you will die under the sword of the black flag in the coming days. Zhenzhu, Baoshan, I am talking about you! Give me a knee--"

His gaze suddenly became fierce and majestic, and the sound came out. The bonfire on the other side of the bonfire was also a glimpse of the brothers and the sacred brothers, and then squatted on the ground.

"Don't think that I don't know what you said in these few days! As a general, you will dare to smash your colleagues who have fought each other! If you don't know what's wrong, the king killed you personally!"

"- The arrogant tiger is easy to die! The longest living in Lin Haili is the wolf."

Among the sons of Zonghan, the horses and the oblique guards were the generals of the leading party when they attacked the Liang. At this time, the oblique protection was over 30, and the horse was nearly forty. For the brothers, Zonghan has been fighting in the past, but such things have rarely happened in recent years. He finished the words one word at a time, slowly turned to the side of the woodpile and picked up a piece of wood.

The thickness of the wood bowl was supposed to be two and a half, but the root was not opened and there was only one crack in the upper part. Zong Han took a look out of his hands, and the sound of the raft was split in half in his hand, and the hoarfrost broke open. Zong Han threw the wood into the fire.

"Brighten your eyes. This is one of the benefits of the Battle of the Rain Creek. Second, it takes your measurements!"

"It's a measure of the world and the world!"

"With 2,000 people playing the world, there are 2,000 people playing, relying on 20,000 people, and playing 20,000 people! But today, there is no 20,000 people behind you. My Jurchen is rich in four seas. Billionaire! To be cured with the people of the world, you can live forever."

Zong Handun paused: "Zong Fu and Zong Yi have shortsighted views. The land of Jiangnan drives the Han army to a million miles around Jiangning. The small prince of Wu Dynasty has a life, and millions of people have collapsed like a flood. Instead, let Zong Fu and Zong Yi Since the beginning of the Battle of Southwest China, Gu Shen has taught you to live with the Han army, and to have a heart on the battlefield, this battle can be finished. Why? The Han people will be the people of Dajin, they want Be your brother! Without such temperament, you will continue to fight for the next 20 or 30 years? You are not stable, your children and grandchildren are not stable!"

"The snow in the south is fine." He looked up at the snow blowing. "The Han people who grew up in the Central Plains and grew up in the south of the Yangtze River have a long history and have no fighting power. But is that true? You force people to think." When you die, there will be a black flag army, and there will be a little prince who will kill Jiangning. If someone is thinking to me, they will slowly become like us."

"...Gu Shen did not force the Han army to go forward. He clearly rewarded and set the rules. He just wanted to repeat the mistakes of the Jiangning War? No, he wants the Han army of the Ming Dynasty to step forward to me. In the army of Daikin. There are always people in front and others in the back. This is the preparation for calming the world. I sigh that most of you don’t understand the heart of Gu Shen. You fight side by side but treat it as a foreigner! Even so, Yushui Creek In the battle, is there really only the Han army who surrendered?"

"A storm in the rainwater creek." Zong Han said in a word, "There are nearly two thousand Han troops among the remaining 7,000 people. They have never surrendered from beginning to end. Han Fangquyan has been fighting under the command. Some people do not believe. He, he bound the subordinates to stick to one side. After the battle was over, I heard that in the rainwater stream, some people said that the Han army was not credible, and called to transfer the Qufangfang to the rear, or let them go to the battle. Death. People who say this are foolish!"

His snoring spread out, among the generals, Dabiao was close to his brow, his face was not good, and he and others were somewhat embarrassed. Zong Han took a breath and waved his hand toward the back: "Qu Fang Yan, come out."

After the voice fell for a while, the generals with armor came out in the big account. He walked over to Zonghan, his eyes were reddish, and he bowed his head. Zong Han received his dagger and bowed his head: "Qu Fang Yan, the defeat of the rainwater stream, why don't you reverse, don't fall?"

"The little minister...the father of the last will, died in the hands of the black flag...the handsome..."

Zonghan nodded, held up his hands and lifted him up: "Understood." He said, "The battle of the southwest, the king will give you a word, you will be avenged for your father, but you must also give this king In a word."

"Please, please ask the coach..."

"This hatred, you personally report. From today, you are no longer a tactic of only 3,000 people, this king will give you a good errand - not only in the southwest. The world is divided into different parts, Wu Zhaoqi Counting up, this world is due to Daikin, but in the future, the place where the Han people are located will also be governed by the Han people. This is the king’s expectation for you, you remember."

In the mouth of Qufang Yankou, he said that he was grateful for his words. He wanted to worship again. Zonghan grabbed his arm: "Rectify the man, don't make a woman's demeanor, you go in." His arm waved toward the bonfire. "From now on, you are with them!"

Qu Fang continued to hold a fist and walked over there. He was originally a minor in the Han army, but at this time, which one is not the hero of the Golden Army in the world, he took two steps and hesitated about where to go. Gao Qingyi waved his arm: "Come." He was called to stand by.

When he walked past the Korean company, the Korean company first reached out and patted him on the shoulder.

Zong Han nodded.

"With the Han people, Satan is doing very well. I am very pleased. Han Qixianqing and Gao Qingzhou Qing are also exemplary. You, take the arrogance, look at them and learn from them!"

"As for the rainwater stream, it is not a big deal, but it is not a big deal! For more than 30 years, if you are a rival of a chicken and a dog, the king must feel a bit boring! The battle of the southwest can meet Such an opponent is very good."

"I think you will feel good too."

The snow fell.

For the battle of the rainwater creek, Zong Han said a lot about it, but it was a far higher thing outside the battlefield. For the facts of defeat, but the two are very good, this time calmly said, many people have their own pride.

Yes, in the face of a small defeat in the district, in the face of evenly matched opponents, the world’s more than 30-year-old Jin Guo army, in addition to a "very good", what kind of emotions should there be?

The snow was still flowing down, and before the burning fire, the Zonghan had announced the rewards and punishments for many generals.

After the rewards and punishments and transfer were announced, Zong Han waved his hand and let everyone go back. He turned into a big account. Only the end of the set of horses and the end of the Yan Bao, always linger in the snow, before the campfire, Zong Han did not order, they did not dare to get up at a time.

After the meeting, some generals came one after another, and Zong Han was alone in the big camp. When the night passed, the body was covered with a layer of snow, and Zonghan walked out of the account. He took the wooden pile in front of the two sons and sat for a moment. Then he got up and sighed: "Come in."

Both legs were numb, and they followed suit step by step. They went down to the big account and Zonghan pointed to the chair next to him: "Look for a chair and sit down, don't swear. Drink hot tea, don't break your knees. ""

The two brothers stood up again, sat down and took a few mouthfuls of hot water on the small ones, and then resumed their lives. Zong Han sat at the back of the table and had a good time before he said: "Why do you know why the father beat you?"

Wan Yan set a horse and bowed his head: "It is not appropriate to smash the general who has just died. And if it is defeated, the father and the handsome beat the son, and the other people will be shocked."

"Superficial!" Zong Han's eyes are cold, "The Battle of Rainwater Creek shows that the Chinese military's combat power has not lost to us. You will be smart again. In the future, you will be underestimated. In the southwest, you will send the white hair to the father." Brunette!"

"...Yes." Finished the setting and the horse turned, hesitated for a moment, finally bowed again.

At this point, the side of the Yan Yan oblique protection station got up, arched: "Father, the son has some words, do not know when asked improperly."


"The battle of the rainwater creek, the message before and after, the generals in the army, many people know that the cleverness of Gao Qing, Han Qixian, etc., I don’t know where the war is. They have not said it, but they still let the army The people in the middle talk about the problems of the Han army. This is because the Han army is really unable to fight. The father-in-law is now cheering up the morale of the Han army. Can you really let them... participate in this war?"

I was a little hesitant to ask about Yan Yan, but I thought it was obviously well thought out. Zong Han looked at him for a while and smiled with approval:

"You seem to be reckless, and there are fine things in the rough. It's not a bad thing. These days you took the lead in the military to talk about 讹里里, is it a plan that you have already thought about it?"

Diagonal Bao Dao: "Responding to the father and handsome, Lili Li with a thousand guards against the Eagle's mouth rock eight hundred black flag is invincible, although the guardian of the mouth is also one of the most powerful teams in the black flag, but still illustrates the black flag This battle, this thing, only the father and the handsome said today, can be uplifting the effect of everyone, the son is that ... the pot must have someone back, 讹里里, Han army, always better Everyone thinks that the black flag is worse than us."

"Why then, what you chose is to smash the scorpion, but it is not the incompetence of the Han army?"

The oblique protection slightly smiled: "The father knows what to ask, and the rainwater stream is finished. The Han army in front is really only 2,000. But with Huangming County and the road above it, the Han army is nearly ten. Ten thousand people, it took us two months to put people in, to say that they can't fight, and then withdraw, the southwest war does not have to be played."

He paused: "Just even then, the children do not understand why they are so dependent on the Han people. Of course, for the future, it is true that they should be rewarded. But if you want to drag on the battlefield, My son still thinks... Southwest is not where they should come."

Zong Han haha ​​laughed. The face of the face is rough and rough, and the words in front are all cautious. Only in the last sentence, there is a faint ambiguity in the world. Zong Han perceives this point, and he is so relieved that he smiles for a long time and then gradually stops.

He sat in the chair and silenced for a while, until he was quiet in the big account and almost made people hear the auditory hallucination. He also heard the words of him and the oblique protection.

"The Han army is a policy of the gods of the valley. It is useful. Since you still have some cleverness, you will have a good relationship with Han in the coming days. In addition, give me a good look at the channel!"

Listening to the name of the **** of the valley, the two men's minds have settled a little, and they all came together to lead the life. They also set up the road: "Does the father handsome feel that this is a swindle?"

"All the Han army has fallen. He alone has not fallen. With the help of the demons, who can know? The heart of the defender is indispensable." Zong Han finished, waved his hand.

"Let's go on."

The moonlight was covered in thick clouds, and the wind and snow blew through the vast mountains.

From Jin Guo, to the Central Plains, to the south of the Yangtze River, the snow covered everything that was in sight. This is the most serious year for the Han people in the world. The city that was burned down has not been rebuilt. The refugees who brought the family with their mouths fell in the whistling wind, and the hungry people exchanged children and divided them. Many people who lost their families, and soon after, also embarked on the same path as their families.

Hope, just like the spark of the scorpion.

The new emperor of Wu Dynasty and the former Prince were carrying the army and refugees south. On the south coast, the long princess landed near Putian and contacted the nearby army to seek Fuzhou.

In the New Year's Eve, Mao Yishan and his wife led the children back home, cleaned up the stove, posted the blessings, and started the rushed but warm and tiring dinner.

Liang Shan, for the sake of the year, Zhu Yu, Liu Chengzong and others gave the people in the army three times the food share of the weekdays. The military camp also set up a stage, and began to perform at night. I wish you and everyone to eat and drink, while talking about the southwestern war, choreographed Ning Yi and the gossip of the people in the southwest, a group of thin people laughed and leaned forward, no heart and no lungs.

Has been ruined, and was praised as a couple of Wang Shanyue who was born and lost. He also came and sat for a while this day: "The Southwest War has been going on for two months, and I don’t know if Ning Yi can’t support it. "Talk about something like this, Wang Shanyue said: "Maybe you have already died in Zong Han's hand, and your head is kicked by the ball? Save this world, we have to come to Wu Dynasty."

"Since the ruin, the face is not like his own." Zhu Xi and the people around him teased him, "dead sissy, self-destructive, haha..."

Liangshan's Huaxia Army and the Guangwu Army fought side by side, but in nominal terms belonged to two camps, and now they are used to each other. Wang Shanyue occasionally said that Ning Yi’s bad words, he is a crazy neuropathy; I wish you a chat or talk about the Wu Dynasty’s temperament, saying that Zhou Yu’s yin and yang people are badly ass, and both sides have already adapted.

Who can still have a glimpse of general knowledge - both sides think so.

Jindi, Lou Shuzhen and others organized a simple yet grand dinner.

Since Liao Yiren’s defeat and even the prestige of Weisheng, the various horses and the army of the Jindi have come to vote. They or dozens or hundreds of people have come to visit the legendary woman.

Under the advice of Hua Xia Jun and Shi Jin, Lou Shuzhen cleaned up a group of horses with significant misdeeds. For those who are interested in joining and relatively innocent, they are also required to be dismissed and unconditionally accepted by the superiors of the military. Only those with leadership skills will retain their job descriptions.

Even after such a strict elimination, the banquet of the year is still open to the weather of the Quartet. Some people even regard the female phase, Yu Yulin and others as the future emperor.

Of course, over the years, Lou Shuzhen, who has experienced so many bumps, is not so fluent. Even if Liao Yiren was completely cleaned up, holding half of the Central Plains, the possibility of catastrophe is always waiting for them in front. Others don't say that only the return of the West Road army led by Zong Han and Xi Yin, whether they win or lose in the southwest, will be a difficult test for the Jindi.

She did not swear, but frankly shared this prospect with everyone.

"...I used to be the daughter of the rich merchants in Hangzhou. Since I was in my 20s, Fang La broke through Hangzhou and nowadays, I often feel that I am living in a nightmare that I can’t wake up."

On the dinner party ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ holding a glass of wine, so everyone said.

"When I was young, I read history. I often saw that there was a turmoil in the past thousands of years. I was tens of hundreds of people, and I was hungry and eager to eat. In the past, these were all in the book. I have been understating for a hundred years. I passed by... Today, I have seen these things. Many times I think about it, I still can’t figure out how people can be here for decades.”

Her words were solemn, and everyone was somewhat silent. When it came to this, Lou Shuzhen stretched out his tongue and licked his lips and smiled. "I am a woman, so sentimental, and I laughed. I have been playing for more than ten years. For the rest of the year, I don’t know if I can be a head, but except for the past – unless I’m in the past, I can’t think of any other way to go. You’re a hero, you’ll understand it.”

"This year's year is better than some. There is still a big battle next year. Then... whether it is for oneself or for the children, let us carry it, let it go... kill it!"

Her previous words were calm, only to lift the glass at the end, add a sentence "kill it", the face showed a bright smile, she lowered her head, this moment of smile is like a girl.

At the meeting, Yu Lin, Wang Juyun, An Xifu, Shi Jin, Zhan Wu... and many other officials also smiled and smiled and raised their glasses.

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