Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 2: Earth thunder (4)

In February, there is rain in the world.

On the upper reaches of the river, ice floes flow. The snow in the south of the Yangtze River began to melt.

In Jindi, the mountain roads in the snow are still rugged, but the outside world has gradually awakened from the harsh winter atmosphere. The conspirators have already braved the cold winter for a long time. When the spring is coming, the land that has not yet been won is finally Will return to the Shura field that was killed.

For all this, Lou Shuzhen has been able to take it easy.

After inspecting the warehouse where the seedlings were stored, she took the carriage and went to the direction of Yulin’s main camp. There was still light rain outside the car. The horse-riding king was sitting next to the "eight-armed dragon king" who was holding the copper stick. This made the building Shu Shuo not have to worry too much about the danger of being assassinated, but could concentrate on the car. The information that has been summarized.

After the year was over, she was a little bit fatter, and maybe she was a little more beautiful. The dress was finally able to stand up again. Of course, in front of outsiders, Lou Shuzhen has become accustomed to the unconstrained behavior, which can increase her majesty more. She will show a fragile side only when there is no one.

On this day, after picking up the information and flipping through a few pages, there was a moment of sorrow on her face.

The information collected from all over the country is large and small, and the information that makes her look a little momentary is just a few lines. It reports the number of people who died from starvation to death in a small county in the direction of Jinning in winter. One died due to injury. The name of the nostalgic was also recorded.

That name is called Zeng Yuhuai.

Lou Shuzhen took the information, and the thinking was slightly confused. She didn't know who was the total information, and what kind of purpose the other party had. When did you have to pay attention to this person? Why do you want to add this name deliberately? Because he was involved in the battle against the Jurchens, and later he became a relief worker in the family. So his injury has deteriorated and he is dead. Does the person under the head think that he will be interested in knowing such a person?

Why is this name appearing here?

Her mind turned around for a moment, turned the information over a page, looked at a few lines and then turned it back to confirm the contents of the lines.

Zeng Yuhuai.

Before the war, he was in the general's other industry to blame her for not paying much attention to her own style, and then confided her heart to her. He participated in the battle with Liao Yiren and the Jurchen, and soon lost his legs on the battlefield. She once saw the middle-aged man on the stretcher in a retreat. She was too busy and did not pay any further attention.

......The time is up. After returning to the rear of the home, he broke his legs and his injuries were good and bad. He saved his family and saved the refugees near Jinning this winter. In the uncommon days of the first month, he As the injury worsened, I finally died.

Lou Shuyu's eyes were cold and close to her lips. She held her fist and hammered it twice on the carriage wall.

In front, the carriage of the carriage and Shi Jin both returned, and the history entered the channel: "Large man."


Lou Shuzhen turned the information in his hand over a page.

If it was in Hangzhou more than ten years ago, it was just such a story that would make her tears. But after going through so many things, the strong emotions will be diluted—perhaps more like being crushed by more mountains-like things, and people can't react, they have to invest in other things.

After the information is turned over again, there is news about the Southwestern War. This is the core of the entire world’s smashing campaign. The conflicts between hundreds of thousands of people are violently erupting. Since mid-January, the entire southwestern battlefield has been blazing and chaotic. In the summaries of thousands of miles away, many details, the two sides’ preparations and tricks are hard to distinguish.

Therefore, before the result of the event fell, Lou Shuzhen only looked at the information and felt the heat of conflict. The man in the southwest, the army, is making a fierce struggle to make everyone admire. In the past two or three years, or even twenty or thirty years, Liao, Jindi, Zhongyuan, and Jiangnan are no one. The female army that can stop it, this black flag, is indeed doing a fierce counterattack - it can not be said that it is a rebellion, it is indeed a hedge that is evenly matched.

She once admired and liked the man.

Although it is only a secret obsession, a deformed emotion... She is obsessed with and admired the mysterious, calm and powerful appearance of this man, but to be honest, no matter what criteria she judges, in the past days She did not see Ning Yi as being able to see the existence of the entire Daikin’s positive wrist.

Perhaps the relatively close distance has erased the mystery to a certain extent. Ning Yi's calculations and operations have made the scalp numb and stunned. Until now, when Lou Shuzhen entered the enemy's position, he felt helpless. But in any case, these things always have traces. The use of conspiracy to explain that his own strength is not strong, there is always a flaw, so the sword is slanted. He is angered by the things of Qin Yuyuan, and is considered by many to be Rush, lack of consideration.

In the final analysis, his power has many limitations. If he is really strong enough, he will not fall into Hangzhou in the past. If it is really strong enough, the Su family will not be slaughtered by Liangshan. If it is really strong enough, he It is possible to keep Qin Qinyuan not to watch Qin Qinyuan die. It is precisely because this series is not strong enough that after a roaring of the monarch, Ning Yi can only rush to the northwest, and finally bear the three years of killing and fleeing of Xiao Canghe.

In fact, in the final analysis, his power has a specific trace. But the power of the Jurchen is the strength of the whole world. Therefore, in the past, people always feel that the Chinese army is worse than the Jurchen, but until this time, many people - at least the Lou Shuzhen side, have seen clearly, in the southwest battle The Black Flag Army is an opponent who is equal to or even has the same level as the Golden State West Road Army, and throws an irresistible punch in the other side.

If such an attack falls on one's own body, it may not be able to pick it up on its own side.

From the end of January to the beginning of February, in the information that was sent, only a general outline could be seen.

Originally in the public's predictions and projections, the Chinese military forces with inferior strengths took the defensive in this war, and compensated for the shortage of people with the addition of fortifications. The blockade of Huangming County and Yushuixi once confirmed this speculation. If such a policy continues, after Huangming County is broken, the Chinese military will pin the possibility of winning in the city defense of Zhangzhou. In the process of the Jurchen people marching, they will continue to harass and take advantage of the small amount of elites. It is the best policy.

However, there should be no large-scale field operations, because even if the terrain is superior, the Huaxia Army's offensive will be slightly superior, but the battle of the field is not as good as the defensive war. In a few attacks, once the other side grabbed a flaw and bite a bite, for the Huaxia Army, I am afraid it is an unbearable loss.

However, in the information that was sent, from the middle of January, the Huaxia Army chose such an active mode of operation. There are still 50 miles from Huangming County and Yushui River to Zhangzhou. Since the Jurchen army crossed the fifteen-mile line, the first wave of offensive raids has already appeared. Over the 20-mile period, the troops of the Huaxia Army Rainwater Creek are squatting. The fog disappeared and retraced, and began to interspersed with the speeding department on the offensive road.

The Jurchen army’s army is moving forward. In fact, the distance between each army is increased. The troops in front are trying to stabilize and clean up and familiar with the nearby mountain roads. The troops in the rear are still coming, but the Huaxia Army’s The troops began to attack the troops that were slightly placed in the mountains.

At this time, the two road networks of Huangming County and Yushui River began to merge, and the ramps around the mountains began to increase. In late January, the Huaxia Army launched an attack with the fog and ramps in the mountains. In ten days, The battle between the Jurchen and the Jurchens was over six times. Three times, the Jurchen forces were successfully defeated and the enemy was more than 6,000. There was a retreat that was almost impossible for the two sides to fight a large-scale positional battle.

Even on January 27th, the three divisions of the Huaxia Army even showed their intention to sneak into Yanshanwei. However, due to the rapid response to the speeding up, the Huaxia Army, which once exposed the clear movement, was close to 20,000. Dashingly chose to retreat - the information on the information is an understatement, but it is conceivable that if the speed of pulling out the speed is a bit slow, such as leaving the Huaxia Army for more than half a day, they are likely to have to go to Yan Yan The commanding squadron launched a partial decisive battle.

Lou Shuzheng can't think of it anymore. Huaxia Army showed such confidence and relied on what it was.

At the beginning of February, the Jurchen army surpassed the mid-line of Lizhou’s twenty-five miles. At this time, the Jurchen troops made three heads to advance forward. The 30,000 people who came down from the rainwater stream were presided over by Daban and Sabal. In the middle and the down road, there were also 30,000 horses rushing to the front. The revenge army led by Yan Yanshibao with Yanshanwei came over nearly 20,000 cores. More troops are still chasing after the rear.

The trailing mountain road cut the Jurchen troops to a certain extent. Although the three heads echoed each other, they still chose the strategy of camping and sticking to the camp. They used the camp as the core to release their troops and scouts, and they were familiar with and mastered the terrain of the surrounding forests. However, once the troops of a small scale are marching forward, they are struggling. The troops that first came forward from here could hardly stand on the farther roads.

When the information from the southwest was sent to Jindi, it was still in early February. It was only on the seventh day of the seventh day that two Jurchen pioneers were attacked by the Huaxia Army in the process of advancing. When the intelligence was issued, There is still a 3,000-year-old Jurchen in front of the Huaxia Army cutting on the mountain road to block the back road, is being aided by the perimeter...

The situation is blazing, but it is glued. Lou Shuzhen could not estimate its direction. Even if the Huaxia Army is brave and good at war, how can it last for a long time with his slap in the face of a Jurchen face in this way? What is Ning Yi thinking about, will he be so simple? What about Zonghan in front of him?

"...pretending to be a ghost... I don’t know how much is true."

After holding the information for a long time, Lou Shuzhen whispered to himself.

Her mind can stop for the battle in the southwest, but it is impossible to put too much energy into pursuing the development of thousands of miles away. After a while, Lou Shuzhen took the spirit to read the other reports one by one. Among the Jindi, there are things that belong to her, and they are going to be dealt with.

It was close to the evening, and the carriage arrived in Yulin’s camp. The atmosphere in the military camp was a bit solemn. Lou Shuzhen and others walked into the camp and saw Yu Yulin, who was listening to the report shortly.

This overview of the Jindi military pivot power, it can be regarded as a general battle of the generals frowning, his eyes reveal an ominous atmosphere. Lou Shuzhen went forward: "What happened to Jixian? Did Li Guozhen find it? Is it against the water?"

"Ji County was slaughtered..."


Lou Shuzhen’s eyes widened for a moment, and then gradually picked up: “Liao Yiren... Really tired of the whole family? Li Guozhen? How many thousands of people are there, what do I give him, all feed the dog?”

"Li Guozhen died, his head was cut, and he was hanging in the county. Also, he said that things were not done by Liao Yiren."

"The head has been cut, maybe it is Jinyu shelling." Lou Shuzhen frowned, relative to other things, this moment she first focused on the possibility of betrayal. Of course, after a while she calmed down: "What is going on?"

"... find some people who are lucky enough to survive, say that there are a bunch of businessmen, who come from other places, can get a batch of seedlings in their hands, and contact Li Guozhen. Li Guozhen enters the county, about dozens, after entering the city. Suddenly, I killed Li Guofan on the spot and retired the guards around him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Kaichengmen... How many people did not know how to go in, only know that the county had been slaughtered for three days, and the report did not run. Come out." Yu Yulin said here, a slight pause, "The living people said, look at the dress of those people, like the barbarians in the north... like the people of the grasslands."

Lou Shuzhen thought for a moment: "Dozens of people win the city... Ban Dingyuan?"

Yu Yulin said: "Under Liao Yiren, there is no such person, and General Li has opened the door. I think he is sure that the other party is not Liao Yiren, and he really wants to do this business - he knows that we are lacking seedlings."

"...and then check." Lou Shu said, "If the Jurchen really gives him another reinforcement, it will not be too much, or he will find a helper in the winter... he can afford it, we will Can beat him."

In her eyes, her anger gradually calmed down: "If Li Guozhen did not defect, we must always give him this hatred."

There was still light rain outside the tent, the sky was gloomy and the wind was cold. Almost at the same moment, Liao Yiren, hundreds of miles away, saw the head of Li Guofan.

This is the beginning of this year, the promotion of the land.

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