Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 3: Earth thunder (5)

Where the cumulus of the sky is, the spring thunder sounded.

There is fog flowing between the mountains, and Haidong Qingfei is flying in the sky, silently patrolling the land in the fog, and the trees are looming in the field of vision, occasionally showing traces after the killing.

The blood flowed on the ground and turned into a semi-viscous liquid. The mountain fell on the ground in the early morning, and there were traces of explosion on the grass slope. The smell of gunpowder was scattered, and the human body was inserted in the long gun.

A small team of people passed through the body.

"The head of the group has gone to the east, and finally finds one..."

"Jurchens come over at any time, and they are withdrawn without the wounded..."

"Like there is no living person."

In the process of rummaging through the wounded, some people took out the fire to lightly illuminate, and in the light of the beans, the voice of the conversation occasionally sounded.

"The captain of the group has played well in this fight. Most of them are people from the Golden Kingdom..."

“It looks like a monk, this piece is hundreds.”

"It is the cooperation between Luo and the four divisions. On the other side of the fourth division, I heard that Chen Hao personally led the team. After one fight, the fourth division turned to the next one. Luo Tuanchang chased a paragraph forward... ..."

"You blow again, how do you know so clearly?"

"When I first met with the three teams, the wounded soldiers were saved by them. We went all the way..."

In the middle of the conversation, the eagle's eyes flashed in the night sky. For a moment, a figure came and ran: "Haidongqing, the Jurchen came from the north."

"Two less... call you here..."

"When it’s not nonsense, I will say it later." The sly figure twisted his neck and shook his wrist, making him very good at speaking. The adult next to him grabbed him.

"Old Yu, you go south. Second, what are you doing, you go together."

"I didn't finish talking, Zheng Shu, there are not many Jurchens, a small scout team, may be the striker to explore the situation. I have already observed people, we ate it, Jurchen eyes in this piece of the eyes." At least one or two days, isn't it?"

"I want to eat me to eat, I promised you to swear..."

"No, I am not very old, and I am good at it. So I have already seen people. You don't take me. I will see them all at once. There is not much time. Don't take your mother-in-law, Yu Shu, you first transfer, Zheng Shu, you follow. I am coming, pay attention to concealment."

The young man who spoke was like a muddy hand, and his hand swayed and turned and slid out. He is half-length in camouflage, and he has some bark and moss on his body. His limbs swing very little, such as spiders and turtles. If he is far away, he can hardly see his existence. Zheng Qi’s life had to catch up with everyone.

This young man running in front is naturally nudity. Although his behavior is somewhat sloppy, his eyes are all solemn and vigilant. He slightly tells the other people the position of the female scout, and the figure has disappeared in front of the bush. In the middle, Zheng Qi’s life was bigger and he sighed and sneaked to the other side.

In a short time, the killing began in the dense fog of the dawn.

The Jurchen's scouts are not easy to follow. Although they are slightly scattered and quietly close, the rest of the people are already alert when the first person falls. The figure fluttered among the trees, and the knife was lighted overnight. Ning avoids the trigger of the handcuffs and then rushes to the opponent who has already been eyeing.

The actress scolded her body and swayed, avoiding the shackles and slashing her sword. In the dark, the body shape of Ning was shorter than the average person. The steel knife passed over his head, and the knife in his hand had penetrated into the lower abdomen.

The girl was scouting in soft armor, and the clothes were thick. The knife that was rather bogged was not deep in the meat. Only the bang, the Jurchen man explored the knife back, and the other hand slashed back. Release the handle and turn to the enemy behind the body.

The Jurchen man screamed and his body was turning, but the body of Ning was more rapid. In the blink of an eye, the ape was like the other's back, and one hand caught the other's head. The actress screamed for a thousand babies, and her body leaped and slammed into the back ground.

At the moment of turning around, I would rather put my hands together, hold each other's head, and pick up the body to make a defensive posture. Just listening to the bang, he landed on the back, muddy water, but the head of the Jurchen is being held in his arms.

The next moment, the blood is shining in the darkness, preferring one hand and the short knife in the hand to open the other's neck.

Haidong Qing swooped down from the sky, and the feeders on the ground were still struggling. The eagle rushed to the teenager who was taking its owner's life, clawing and shovel biting. For a moment, the young man caught Hai Dongqing from the ground. He grabbed the eagle's neck with one hand and grabbed its wings with one hand. In the fierce struggle of the beast, he slammed it to his hand.

When the body of Haidongqing was thrown away and wanted to help other people, the fight in the woodland was over. At this time, the first moment he rushed out, but only four or five times of breathing time, Zheng Qiming has rushed to the front, according to the ground is still smashing scouts and then smashed a knife before asking: "Nothing? ”

"Nothing..." Ning boo spit out the blood in the teeth, and seeing that it is already quiet, just said, "Ha Dongqing... See me killing only Haidongqing. We..."

"Liu Yuanzhong knife..." At this moment, there was a low-pitched voice coming. On the other side of the field of vision, there was a figure licking the lower abdomen, slowly sitting on the side of the trunk, preferring to glimpse a little, then ran towards it over there...

The killing on the battlefield may be wounded at any time, and it is possible to witness the fall and leave of the comrades at any time. These days, the neglect of the military medical team has become accustomed to such things.

The time progressed to mid-February, and the battlefields on the front line were intertwined, encircling and escaping, assaults and anti-raid attacks, which occurred every day in this mountain.

The mountain in front of Chenzhou is too complicated, and the Huaxia Army divided the army into a regiment to carry out the mobilization and the highest efficiency. Ning Ji also follows the battlefield and keeps moving. Although he belongs to the military medical team, it is likely that during several times the army will move to the front line of the battlefield, or it will be connected with the Jurchen’s scout team. At this time, Ning Ji will smash the Zheng Qiming and others around him to harvest the fruits.

Although there are not many people in Zheng Qiming, most of them are guards who have been with Ning Yi in the past, and their combat power is excellent. In theory, the life of neglect is very important, but in the atmosphere where the frontline war is heated up to such an extent, everyone is struggling to kill. For the Jurchen team that can kill, everyone can’t sit idly by.

In this way, by mid-February, Ning Bo had participated in the hunting of the Jurchen Scout and the soldiers three times, and added several lives to his hand. One of them met the old Jin Guohun, he almost In the middle of the knife, I thought about it and I was quite scared.

After fear of human nature, if he is really a brother in the greenhouse, it is likely that he will never dare to fight with people because of such things twice. But on the battlefield, there is a good medicine to resist this fear.

When witnessing the posture of the Chinese soldiers on the battlefield, the heroic people are struggling with pain, or when they sacrifice the cold bodies on the battlefield, they are afraid of Will be pressed to the bottom of my heart. In such a battle, almost everyone is moving forward, and he dare not step back.

The stab wound of his companion Liu Yuan is not fatal, but it will not be possible to get better after a while. After the first round of emergency treatment, everyone made a simple stretcher and two of his companions carried him away. Ning booed the dead Haidong Qinglan back and said: "To eat chicken tonight." Then also show off, "Let's have been with the Jurchen Scout for so long, Haidongqing did not kill a few?"

When he was strangled with this big bird, his body was also scratched and wounded, one of which was still hurt on his face. But compared with the situation of the dead on the battlefield, these are small scratches, prefer not to touch the potion, not much care.

"I heard that the eagle blood is very supplementary?"

"Is it almost like chicken blood? It’s been a while, who wants to drink?"

No one said that I would rather not intend to drink. At this time, the morning sun has passed through the fog and sprinkled from the forest. The air is moist, and I would rather go shopping with Zheng Qiming and chat.

"Zheng Shu, I said, there are always some people in this world, who are true geniuses. The foreigner of Liu’s family was passed down as the first master of the world. He was very picky. You were accepted as an apprentice. Is this a genius?"

"If you say the talent of the knife, we have a few brothers, it is not bad, but the best talent should be your money eight uncles. You are also very good, if you talk about martial arts, she and Chen Fan two, we can not catch up. ""

"Well, then... Zheng Shu, what do you think of me? I have recently felt that I should be such a genius. You see, instead of being a military doctor, I feel that I am a better scout, but I promised me before. ......"

"Ning bogey..."


"The one who can survive is the true genius."

"... um, but Zheng Shu..."

"You said."

"You have to beat the whole game to win, so that someone can survive."

Ning Ji is in the age of pure blood, and some words may still be called children's words, but in any case, this sentence has made Zheng seven lives difficult to refute.

He looked at the teenagers who were walking around. The battlefield was in crisis and changed rapidly. Even in this conversation, Ning Ji's figure always maintained a vigilant and concealed posture, and he could avoid or break out at any time. The battlefield is the Shura field, but it is also the occasion to hone the master. A warrior can practice half-life and fight with opponents at any time, but very few people can maintain natural vigilance every day and every hour, but rather I quickly entered this state.

In this case, the exercise for a few months can surpass the practice and sentiment of the number of years.

Everyone went all the way, and the whispered whispers occasionally sounded.

"Hey, you said, this time, where is the time of the decisive battle?"

"The staff is looking for a good opportunity..."

"I heard that the main thing is that Yan Zonghan has not officially appeared yet."

"Sabai is his best dog. The road that came from the rainwater stream was Daxie at first. Later, I didn't say that I saw Zonghan at the beginning of the first month of the first month. Later, I was led by the Eighth Army. I see Zong Han is there."

"Zonghan has been playing for a lifetime, but if he is imaginary, he will not understand it. If he is, he will not be."

"Hey, you will be a big man and a big man. I see, Zong Han probably guessed that you think so..."

"So, this time we are not defending the state, what is the idea of ​​directly killing Zonghan?"

"It’s no wonder that Zonghan hasn’t taken the lead yet..."

"Hey, I thought about it... I said at night school and mobilization meeting, our most powerful, called subjective initiative. It is said that our people, broke up, and know where to go, there is no head opposite. It’s awkward. In the past several times... For example, after killing Yan Yan’s room, it’s the first to fight, and to make a pot of porridge. Everyone is running around, our chances are coming, this time is not like this...”

"Then you said where to go after we have dispersed?"

"...Go to kill Zonghan."

"It is because of this, Zong Han will not come out after the second day, who should kill this?"

"His son is safe."

"Why don't you pull out the speed, for example, ah, now it is more difficult to kill, the speed is better to kill, the staff decided to kill speed, you go to kill the diagonal, this subjective initiative, is not useful Up..."

"Yao Shubin, you are lifting the bar..."

"Mr. Ning said, the bar is fine..."

"Bamboo bars become fine..."

"Ha ha ha ha..."

"No, let's talk about it. What if it's really scattered? Ning boo, if you want to comment..."

"I... I don't know... but this time it should be different."

"Okay, I think this time..."





In the slight morning light ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The companion who walked in the forefront explored a gesture far away. The people in the team each have their own actions.


"what happened……"

"Look, somebody..."

"Golden dog..."




"... Yao Shubin, you have a crow mouth."



"……Oh shit."

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