Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 4: Earth Thunder (6)

The smell of the smoke is scattered, the smell of blood fills the mouth and nose, the uncomfortable feeling, it is difficult to get used to it all the time.

After the sound of "the rabbit's scorpion retreats" came, Mao Yishan ran with the shield toward the north of the mountain. The killing sound continued on the mountainside there, but soon after, the enemy's temporary retreat was heard. .

"Search the bodies! Give them all the fires!"

Mao Yishan went to the high stone of the commanding height, and in a hoarse voice, he ordered: "How many guns are there?"

"There are three small ones."

"Towing to the north, the enemy rushed forward and gave me the mouth of the fire and the feldspar! Let them stop!"

"Fire as much as possible to the south! Xiao Xue! The golden dog's fire thunder gave me a good position to throw, from top to bottom, the power is good, let's gather together the grenade to see how much!"

“Everyone in the row is a little bit around—”

"First aid - pack first -"

In the middle of the shout, he looked down at the mountain with a telescope. The horses and horses of the Jurchens were in the vicinity of the mountain valley. The hot air balloon rose in the sky. When he saw the hot air balloon, Mao Yishan had some brows.

"His mother -"

Since the beginning of the war, there have been hot air balloons on both sides of the observation work. In the past, when there was a battle of positions, there were several vigilances around each other. However, since the situation on the battlefield has been intertwined and confused, the hot air balloon has become an obvious positional marker. Whoever raises the hot air balloon will inevitably cause scouting, and will soon be swooped by the brigade.

Right now, this group of Jurchen dare to hang up the balloons. On the one hand, they mean that they have to grasp the situation clearly and eat the team of their own on the mountain. On the other hand, or because they still have other plans, so Then take care of the hot air balloon taboo.

In any case, it will not be a good thing for yourself.

Soon after, some people came up to report that there are still 396 soldiers who can still fight.

"... In addition, the cliff on the east side is not good, there is no way to transfer."

"Don't think about the east, people have balloons in the sky."

Mao Yishan looked at the sky, time just passed at noon, and the idea of ​​a breakout at night was also a long way to go. The markers on the simple map also show that there may be no reinforcements around them that can be quickly reached.

He remembered that he met with the staff of the staff department before the call was made yesterday. The other party gave him the order to "go to the white tiger cub before the evening of February 23, and attack with the friendly army of the first division and the second brigade with the permission of the fighter." After pulling out the speed flank troops, the staff member also mentioned: "The main force of the two units of pulling out the speed and reaching the Daxuan is almost at the predetermined position. There is a speculation in the staff. They are likely to carry out large-scale interspersion in the near future and push the front line forward. Once the Leigang and Brown Creek lines pass, there are more flats in front, and the Jurchens will be more concentrated in the large-scale assembly."

"So if you really meet it, remember to stay flexible. The enemy will retreat, the enemy will be bothered, and if you can't eat it, don't be hard."

The remarks were still made yesterday. The staff is expected to take a few more days to come. As a result, Mao Yishan encountered an unexpected large force when he was interspersed.

After the rainwaters smashed the scorpion, the number of Mao Yishan’s group was not much. There were several batches of new recruits and two months of embarrassment. The members have been in the early forty years. The Jurchen team in front of the eyes may be more than two thousand. The scouts will be removed from the side when they hand over Maoshan. Who knows that during the retreat, they happened to be blocked by another slanted Jurchen force.

From the other side's reaction, this may be an extremely coincidental accident, but in any case, more than 400 people were subsequently surrounded by mountains for nearly an hour, and the other side organized a few charges and was later repulsed.

Surrounded by the team of more than 400 people, the Jin Guo army below was also a little excited, and the hot air balloons rose, just to beware of their escape. For Mao Yishan, this is also an experience that often walks by the river and is difficult to wet shoes.

Due to the fall of Huangming County in the first month of the month, Mao Yishan was quickly recalled to the front line after the Spring Festival, thus escaping the scheduled publicity plan. The team he led persisted in the rainwater stream until late in the month of January, and then withdrew from the fog, and then proceeded to a comfortable journey of bullying the other vulnerable forces.

This is an accurate capture of the Jin Guo Luodan troops with the support of the elite scout network. In the first half of February, Mao Yishan played four games, one was an ambush, two won in a charge, and Mao Yishan also killed one who is now in the Jurchen army. The general of the Han army. The rest of the game was run away with a tail, but it was not difficult.

In this fifth game, it was blocked in the middle.

"The enemy is coming up again -"

There is a shouting sound.

"Mother's, it ruined Laozi's new coat!"

Mao Yishan whispered a word. His beautiful light and warm military coat was given by Ning Yi. When the other side first charged, Mao Yishan did not go up. The second charge was really playing. Mao Yishan carried the knife shield and passed, and the coat was stained with blood. Half of it became a scarlet. He remembered it at this time, and he was so distressed that he had to die. He took off his coat and carefully placed it on the ground, and then he took the weapon forward.

"Attention to the situation, if there is a chance, let us go to the south once, I see the scorpion in the south is weak."

When the battalion commander came over, Mao Yishan said this, the battalion commander nodded and smiled: "Head, if you want to break through, you, your coat will be worn, you are too eye-catching, help you Wear, attract... the attention of the Golden Dog."

"Do you have to come back when you wear it?"

"Look at the head of the team, you don't...not the atmosphere..."


Shouting and killing has spread.


The sun that hangs in the sky gradually shifts westward, not as much as the smoke that floats on the mountains.

The stones gradually became red with blood, and the smoke of the explosion also bloomed. In the afternoon, the Huaxia Army troops on the hills made two breakouts, but they failed. There are more than ten times of the charge.

Biting his teeth, Mao Yishan’s body squats in the black smoke, and the pain of tearing is coming from the right arm and the right side of the face – in fact, this feeling is not accurate, there are several places on his body. The wounds are bleeding at the moment, the ears are squeaking, and nothing can be heard. When the palms are moved to the face, he finds that his half ears are bloody.


He screamed like a beast, and his voice was as if it had been uploaded from a nearby hill. There are other sounds in the smoke. On the grass **** not far away, a Chinese soldier who was blackened by a gunpowder explosion half his body, his leg has been broken, the blood is flowing out, half There were all kinds of bruises on the half of the body, and Mao Yishan saw his hand waving, and then he heard the screams that seemed far away.

The attack that the enemy only initiated, Mao Yishan led the team to fight back with a fierce attack, but the Jurchen fire still caused some damage. At the moment, the enemy has just retreated, and the people around him are looking for it. Mao Yishan rushed over to the wounded and tried to hold the other person up. The wounded face of the wounded had reached the extreme.

Mao Yishan’s head is still ringing, and the shouting sounds distant, fierce and chaotic. He knows that this is the voice of his companion. The other hand reached over his clothes, and Mao Yishan saw his **** eyes bulging out. The mouth was red, and the flesh of the fragment was turned over. It was also red at this time.

"Give me a good time -"

Mao Yishan tried to drag people up, but after listening to it twice, he understood the other party’s words. This words briefly drained his power. He rolled to the ground, looked up, and looked through the smoke to the mountains. Go, after a while, he waved a punch on his head and then approached the wounded.

"What else to explain!?"

"Ah--" the wounded are shouting.

"What else to explain -"

"Head, give me a good time -"

"it is good--"

Mao Yishan shouted out. He looked at the wounded. The wounded who had been screaming and screaming gritted his teeth and looked at him. He was shaking. One second after this pair of sights, Mao Yishan pulled the knife down.

He then stood up from the smoke and went back. Someone followed, and then the medical staff from the group came up to check the wounds of Mao Yishan and deal with his ears. Mao Yishan sat down on the big rock in the mountain and tried to make arrangements while looking at the surrounding situation. On the other hand, the body was shaking with pain.

"Retired twelve times -" the battalion ran over to talk, Mao Yishan shook and looked at him, the battalion commander screamed for a moment, and shouted out, Mao Yishan nodded.

"Not necessarily reinforcements come!"

"Look at the night! Talk about it - maybe there is a way!"

"The rabbit scorpion may have recognized us!"


"Knowing that the old man killed the ——里里-"

"...oh." The battalion thought for a moment. "The head of the team, wearing your clothes at night..."

"Don't think about it -"


Both people are shouting.

The eleventh charge of the enemy arrived.

The battle is still going on. The downsizing on the top of the hill is actually more than half, and the rest are mostly hanged. Mao Yishan understands that the reinforcements may not come. This time, it should be a massive outburst of the Jurchens. The main force of several divisions will focus on the first time counterattacks in several key positions. The Golden Dog will get the site, and this will make him pay the price. .

On his own side, the scouts will not come, and the reinforcements in the vicinity may not be able to survive. According to yesterday's instructions, they should all have gone to the direction of the white tiger, and they just happened to be shackled - if it was not bad luck, it was supposed to run away and return to the team.

In every battle, there are inevitably one or two such unlucky ones.

He remembered the scene when he went back to his wife and children at the end of the year. Others in the army didn't get him so well. They didn't even have a chance to go back and say goodbye to their family. But it's better, maybe because of that. After a trip, he actually felt that... quite disappointing.

The eyelids were wet for a moment. He gritted his teeth and swallowed the pain on his ears and his head. He then lifted the knife forward.

The accident, in the most intense moment of this round of killing, suddenly broke out -

On February 23, one of the troops that took the Maoyishan group to the road in the southwestern part of the hillside was an elite unit composed of Han Chinese in Liaodong. The general of the army is named Yin Khan, and the total number of hands is more than 1,500.

On the other side of the mountain, there are two teams of gold soldiers close to 3,000.

The resistance of the more than 400 Huaxia Army on the mountain was quite tenacious, which is not beyond the expectations of the two attackers. The terrain of a mountain is relatively narrow, and it is difficult to break through at one time. Secondly, shortly after the outbreak of the battle, people recognized the number of the Huaxia Army on the mountain. Other Jurchens may not understand it, but the Chinese army killed it. After the squatting, there was a certain propaganda. Among the Jin Bing, some people recognized it.

This is a big credit and must be won.

After doing this, the sieges initially chose to completely block the way around the hill, and gradually increased the intensity of the offensive.

More than ten attacks were carried out in succession. On the thirteenth attack, Yin Khan revealed flaws.

His flaws did not face the mountain.


On the other side of the mountain, more than 20 people, such as Zheng Qiming and Ning Ji, who have traveled to this side, have already spent a small half of the time in the bush.

They had only a dozen people at the beginning. From the early morning of this day, they met the Jurchen army. The team that carried the wounded then ran away, catching up with the Jurchen Scout, and converging a seven in the middle. The squad of the people, until the afternoon found the battle on this hill.

"What happened to the Jurchen?"

"There is a big move."

"Why are we meeting today today..."

"We are too far ahead..."

"The Jurchen has a conspiracy..."

Along the way, everyone talked about it, and after the battlefield, they stopped. They pointed to the number of people around them and knew that this was an extreme adventure. Some members also had concerns about the existence of Ning, but they were determined to participate in it.

"Kill people, I don't drag everyone's legs? Just a few people, one more, one more chance, look at the mountains, save people is the most important, isn't it?"

The opportunity appeared on the day of the three-day application (4:30 pm). Yin Khan exposed the slightly weak back to the front of this small team.

"Kill it."

Everyone bursts out.

Even though it is the weak point of the military array, the number of people around Yin Khan is still more than this small unit where Ning Bo is located, but this is the best chance.

At this moment, the Ning Bo under the mountain or the Mao Yi Shan on the mountain are all concentrating on fighting for dozens and hundreds of lives in front of them. Not many people realize that what they experienced before is The starting point of the biggest change in this southwestern battle.

In Zhangzhou, at noon on this day, Ning Yi has received news of a large-scale change in the Jurchens. The former enemy headquarters concentrated their forces in the first time and greeted the other soldiers.

Ning Yi did not confess this news. Some things have been faintly detected in the early days. Even earlier, he knew that there must be a certain moment when certain things should be fully operational. On this day, he I have already prepared for some things.

In the city of Zhangzhou, not many troops are gathering, and some things are being removed from the military reserve.

The first line of Leigang and Palm Creek is the invisible line in front of the city of Zhangzhou. After this line, the mountain forest begins to decrease, and the terrain suitable for the large army group will begin to appear. The Jurchens will regain their strength advantage.

After this line, they have to return to the Jianmen Pass...

- It is even harder.

Ning Yi, walked to the playground of the army.


Zheng Qi Ming, Ning Ji killed the army array where Yin Khan was.

The sniper's gunshot sounded, at the same time, trying to complete the dagger.

For a moment, someone on the hill noticed the change in the military array in the south.

Someone rushed to Mao Yishan and shouted. Mao Yishan raised his telescope and glanced.

The battalion commander rushed from his side: "Fast! Breakout -"

"One battalion... three battalions ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ have! South side - charge -"

On the other side of the mountain, the soldiers on the hot air balloon also discovered the change here, and the Jurchen army was madly assembled.

"Two battalions and two companies! After I broke off -"


Mao Yishan does not have a mother-in-law, the soldiers on the mountain are like a fierce tiger, rushing toward the mountain, Mao Yishan ran out for a while, and turned back: "Hey-"

There are soldiers nearby, and on the other side of the mountain, the Jurchens are rushing up. Above the hill, the battalion commander stood there and waved at him. In his hand, he carried the coat of arms that Mao Yishan had forgotten.

The battalion commander looked at Mao Yishan and put on his comfortable and beautiful military coat. Not to mention, after wearing it, it was really a little sultry.

"I am broken."

For the rest of his life, the battalion commander returned no more to his general coat.

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