Zhui Xu

: Nothing today, ask for a monthly ticket (Farewell to 2,018, we will see you in 19)

I finally felt that this title is best for 2018.

Thanks to all the bookmates who have been crazy about this book in the past year, we won the monthly ticket in May and broke the record of the monthly ticket from the beginning. This record may still be maintained. This is something I never thought I would get in the writing process of "赘婿".

I often go through the background subscription to see the status of this book. "赘婿" has so far set a high-order platform of 90,000, all of which are set for 39,000, and 24 hours for subscriptions. That is to say, the break has become this state, and there are still 11,000 people waiting for the first time to see its update. The seven years are almost eight years old. When it was put on shelves, it was eight thousand, and then it was once to ten thousand. Today, there are more than 11,000 people.

The only regret is that I can't know from this number who is who.

I occasionally think of some of the friends I met when I first posted on the Internet. Some friends who just used the pen name "Anger Banana", I think, how many of them are still here today? Today, the one thousand people, where will we go together?

This is an interesting fantasy. I have always told people that I am a selfish person. I have seen the "perfection" in literature since I was in my teens. I have never let it go. I have written this article for the rest of my life. It is to go to a certain extent and take a look. Everyone may expect such a thing, maybe it doesn't matter, I think it will be a minority when I go to the end together.

Imagine, when I was fifty, I was talking about the process and sentiment since I talked about this road. What would the readers who have been watching or suddenly coming back to look at?

We are used to recording a stage with the number of each year of each year. Recently, there was an interview. The reporter asked you what is the key word for 2018? I said it is Calvin. In fact, 17 years is also the same, 16 years is also... The interview mentioned many problems. The reporter even asked, at this age, you have this result, will you feel that your experience is a "legend". My face is red.

I am a person who likes to write books. I liked it from the fourth grade of elementary school. I wrote it on the draft. One day, I suddenly had a network. I sent the contents of the draft to the Internet, and one day, the payment mode suddenly appeared. Someone is willing to spend money on what I write, so I have supported myself. But from beginning to end, things about writing, from the fourth grade of primary school, have not changed in my case.

Of course, when I was in the fourth grade, I was more likely to have a sense of pleasure. I was just getting started. The skills I mastered were zero. I could improve my score every time I tried. However, the more I progress, the more likely I am to regress. I may be on the wrong road. Some of the hardships that may need to be broken are because I have broken through the easy breakthrough. I often feel the joy of progress in a month or so.

In real life, I occasionally get something, such as the first monthly ticket, but it is an accidental added value. I sometimes think with wishful thinking that everyone spends money to raise me a rice bucket that can only write books. I am obliged to take everyone to a rare place to have a look and see if this craft can finally do it. What is great about it.

There are still sixteen years.

It’s not surprising that in the past eight or eight years, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Cavan, Calvin, and Calvin, there is nothing new in writing. In fact, I have been adjusting my writing status throughout the process. Time can be successful, sometimes not.

At the end of the year, I changed a new way – and of course it was a long-term brewing to a point – and the results were not bad, so you saw these days of updates.

I hope that I can have a good start in the past 19 years. I hope that I can finish the "赘婿" with great enthusiasm. I also have inspiration for the new book, and I have many ideas. Sometimes I will write some manuscripts and sometimes overthrow them. So stop, but writing is always happy.

Before the completion of "赘婿", there should be no more fun of the monthly ticket. Of course, if I have time, I will come out to talk to you, essays, because writing is always happy. .

I hope to see you on the first day of the 19th year.

I hope that by 2035.

(End of this chapter)

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