Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 5: Earth Thunder (7)

Many years later, Master Li often thinks about the 13th year of Wu Chao Jing Han.

That is the eve of the Jurchen South, the warmth and bustling of the memory in the memory, the buildings and eaves in the eyes reveal the atmosphere of peace and prosperity, the tower is in the east of the Imperial Street, the sunset is sprinkled from the end of the street. . Time is always autumn, warm golden yellow, pedestrians in the market and the poetry and music in the building.

Such prosperity is always more profound in memory after the rain blows.

For such memories, Ning Yi has other fallacies.

“It’s all about the pigment.”

Men who don’t seem to have much fun are always convinced: “From ancient times to the present, we can use the colors, but there are not many. For example, building a house, the red and purple pigments are very expensive and difficult. I stayed in the rural areas of the township. In the past, the beam looked prosperous because the house was at least somewhat colored and maintained, unlike the rural areas, which were brick-and-mortar dung... After the industrial development, you will find the prosperity of the beams. In fact, it is not worth mentioning."

Ning Yi, who said this kind of thing, is actually not worth mentioning in terms of aesthetics. He often asked people to brush the wall into a whole white, which made people look like another place that is incompatible with mountains and rivers. He will be poetry, but obviously he does not know how to paint.

The truss in memory is always autumn, and it is always evening, and the big sunset is very beautiful. That was the bustling sunset of the two centuries of the Wu Dynasty. On the other hand, perhaps because the life of Master Li was also at the end. Her days as a squatting man leaning against the window are about to pass, and she hesitates in the future about her future choices.

Did not make a decision.

The wind was always blown away by the rain, and a huge, chaotic era was pushed to her eyes in such a sudden manner, and it was pushed to the front of the Wu Dynasty people who had settled for two hundred years.

She remembered her own time, and also remembered those people who came and went in the tower, thought of He Leier, people in the darkness, the big hand of fate grabbed the line of everyone, and violently tore a hand, since then, Some people’s lines went to places that were completely unpredictable, and some people’s lines were broken in the air.

The moment the line of sight can stop a little, the world has become another way.


If we look at it from another angle, she occasionally remembers the moment when Jiangning and Ning Yi saw each other.

No matter in this world or in her personal life, that name is something that can't be ignored for decades. She once fell in love with it, and later she was confused and even angered and puzzled... In time circulation and changes in the world, people’s personal feelings sometimes seem small, and by the man’s side, she can always See the outline of something bigger.

Recalling the last time in the tower, she was facing the most important choice in life, which is true for many people. The women chose a husband, married with him, and in the next few decades, they were acquainted with each other. If all this goes well, women will have a happy life.

A clear-cut person like Li Shishi always has more autonomy than others. It is not up to them to choose what kind of man the white girl wants to marry. The teacher Li can have some autonomy in this respect, but the corresponding one is that she can't be a big room for others. She may be looking for a person. A gentle and talented man has a lifelong trust. The man may still have a certain status. She can give birth to her child before she grows older, to maintain her status, and to enjoy a life of a life or a lifetime.

There are too many uncertainties in this choice, but everyone has lived through this life forever. In the warmth of the setting sun, Master Li once envied the kind of atmosphere around Ning Yi. She was close to the past and then taken away by the huge things, and she could not help herself.

It is hard to say that it is lucky or unfortunate. After more than ten years, she has seen something deeper in this world. If you choose to choose, there are of course some of these nodes, for example, during her time in Dali, and for example, every time she has expressed admiration to her every time for more than ten years, if she wants to go back Go, let the matter to the men around me to deal with, she always has this opportunity.

When she was in Xiao Canghe, she once quarreled with Ning Yi because of Jing Ping’s affairs. Ning Yi’s words could not convince her. She went to Dali with anger. In the three years of the war in Xiao Canghe, he faced the attack of the Central Plains million army. In the face of the Jurchen, he was always fighting fiercely. Master Li felt that he was such a person, but the news of the death came, she could not help but go out. I want to find a "why".

Ning Yi did not answer her. In the period when she thought that Ning Yi had passed away, members of the Huaxia Army accompanied her from south to north and from north to south. In the past two years, she has seen a human tragedy that has completely different from the Taiping Year. People are crying and crying, and they are easy to eat. It is sad.

But between the heavens and the earth, if people really do not have the will to resist, the animalistic nature of bloodthirsty, it is impossible to live without pity. The song and dance of the tower is just an emperor's embellishment. The sad little girl can only become a dead bone that freezes and dies.

How many people need to be awakened and resisted to prop up this world? Ning Yi’s answer once made people feel very naive: “It’s best for everyone.”

Master Li of the year understood: "This is impossible." Ning Yi said: "If not, what is the meaning of the world?" Does the world without meaning let everyone die? Should someone who doesn't mean to die? Ning Yi’s slightly scornful answer was once angered by Master Li. But then, she gradually realized how deep anger and helplessness in this statement.

When a person puts down his burden, this burden must be taken up by those who have already awakened, and the rebellious people die in front of them. After they die, those who do not resist are squatting and dying. In the past two years, she has seen such scenes with Lu Junyi, Yan Qing and others.

She still did not fully understand Ning Yi, after the battle of Damingfu, she returned to the southwest with Qin Shaohe's widow. The two have not seen each other for many years. In fact, there were some strangers when they met for the first time, but fortunately, both of them were open-minded people. Soon after, this stranger was solved. Ning Yi arranged some things for her, and also told her something bigger.

"There is nothing remarkable in the tower." Sometimes it seems clever, and sometimes Ning Yi, who is not particularly talkative, was so sorrowful at the time. "There are not many people in this world who read books, and there are few people in the world." Generally speaking, it is actually boring. Men have created a brothel for their own enjoyment, let some women who read and read literate, sell ... the feeling of love. But I think that between the two independent people, these things You can come by yourself."

Ning Yi said that these are not big words, at least in the view of Master Li, Ning Yi and Su Taner, Nie Yunzhu and other family members are extremely enviable, so she did not refute this.

"In the future, both boys and girls can read and read literacy. Girls see more things. They know that the world outside, communication, and communication. Naturally, you can no longer need a watchtower. The so-called equality of all people, of course, can also be equal."

"Of course, don't be too happy. The basis for equality between people and people is actually to take responsibility. Those who can't afford the responsibility can't actually get any power. Women must be equal to men, provided that They have their own abilities, and after the conditions are met, there will actually be a process of proving ability and fighting for power."

"This process is now being done. There are already some female officials in the military. I think you can also consciously strive for women's power to make some preparations. You see, you are well-informed, have seen the world, have done a lot of things. Now, I am now responsible for diplomacy and other matters. You are a good example of women who are not worse than men or even better."

This is what the teacher said when he was going to talk to her in Ning Yi’s hand.

The division took up many things to discuss and exchange with the people of Sichuan and Chongqing.

People in this world sometimes get closer and closer, sometimes they drift away. Of course, the standards of far and near are not as clear as people think.

I want to convince the taxis and people around the country to stand together with the Huaxia Army. Many times they rely on the combination of interests, coercion and lure. There are also many times when they need to argue and explain the world. Since then, the division has had many conversations with Ning Yi, about the administration of the Huaxia Army, and about its future direction.

In the face of these specific questions, Ning Yi talked with her more carefully, and the teacher finally understood everything about the Huaxia Army. This is the communication she had never had when she left Xiao Cang River several years ago. .

"...people are born with equality, or we believe that people should be equal in the end. But idealized equality needs to be supported by practical conditions. Can a smart person be equal to a stupid person? A hard worker Is it equal to lazy people? Is a scholar equal to an illiterate person? We must try to get the prerequisites as close as possible..."

"...The technology of the object has already given us the possibility of popularizing books. People get wisdom from books, popularize books, and popularize the most basic literacy education. Everyone has the possibility to improve themselves. We also need to improve education. The way, not only the people who are eager to read, but also the education and enlightenment methods suitable for the public as much as possible, the more rational way to let more people understand..."

"...The way of the things may have limits, but for the time being it is still very far away. The guy who raised the grain and food is very smart, and he is quite right. He pulls too many people into the workshop, and the people who plant the land Not enough... On this point, we have already calculated it in the early years, and those who study agriculture have already had certain eyebrows, such as the chicken farms that have been built in the past, and then the breeding of the species as mentioned before. ......"

"...but most importantly, Mr. Gong Sun’s laboratory for studying explosives has had some interesting results in the near future. We have made some fertilizers, and may be able to increase the production of rice several times... We said that we have not found the possibility of mass production, but at least there is a certain direction in the agricultural side... In fact, it takes time and a peaceful environment. These things can be done with peace of mind. We are lacking in human hands now..."

"...The problem of imperial power not to go to the county must be changed, but for the time being, I don’t want to catch all the big households like the old bulls. I don’t care if they are unhappy. The highest hope in the future is the law. They can have a house in the local area, but as long as there is a bullying behavior, let the law teach them to be human, let the education take their roots. There will of course be a transition, perhaps a long transition or even a repetition, but Since there is an equal declaration, I hope that the people themselves can seize this opportunity. What is important is that what everyone has seized can take root..."

Ning Yi's words, some she can understand, some do not understand.

The change of the times, the vast soup, flowed from the people's side, and in the more than ten years after the sunset of the truss, it was extremely chaotic—even desperate—the enemy's power was so powerful and unstoppable. It is like a giant wheel that inherits the will of heaven, and crushes all the profitable people in the past.

In the teachings of Daguangming, people say that they are too comfortable in the days of peace, and they are extravagant and extravagant. Therefore, it will be possible to restore the light of thirty-three great disasters in heaven. This kind of discourse seems so reasonable. Even if some of the rebels are full of desperate struggles, they will eventually become embarrassed and powerless.

In the memory of Master Li, the two periods of mood were finally able to be grouped together in the first spring after the Wu Jianzhen dynasty was completely gone.

The Southwestern War is also a busy and chaotic period for Master Li. In the past year, she has been lobbying for the Huaxia Army. Sometimes she will face ridicule and ridicule. Sometimes people will disdain her identity as a prostitute, but with the support of the Chinese military, She also naturally summed up a set of ways to deal with people to negotiate.

Ning Yi’s wife named Liu Watermelon gave her a lot of help. Some of the soldiers and shackles in Sichuan and Chongqing were presided over by the wife of Ning Yi, who was also “equal” in the Chinese military. "The most powerful caller of thinking. Of course, sometimes she will be annoyed for being Mrs. Ning Yi, because who will give her a few faces, then she will let the other party retreat in various things, more like a bonfire from Ning Yi, and Not like her own ability.

For this reason, watermelon is very envious of Li Shishi, on the one hand, Li Shishi is very literary temperament, on the other hand, she has no identity problems. During the year, the two got along well, and the watermelon once treated the teacher as his "military division".

After the end of autumn, the chances of cooperation between the two will be even greater. Due to the attack of Jurchens, some of the homesickness forces in the plains of Chengdu who had been shrinking their heads and waiting for change began to show their stance. Watermelon took people around and chased them. From time to time, they also let the teachers come forward to threaten and lobby some swings, or There is a persuasion of the possible priests, based on the Chinese righteousness, to abandon the dark, or at least, not to mess.

The work of watermelon is partial to force, and more runs outside. The teacher even saw the cold eyes of the round-faced lady who was bathing in the blood more than once.

The teacher's work requires a lot of intelligence and literary cooperation. She sometimes goes to Chenzhou and Ning Yi to contact. Most of the time, Ning Yi is also busy. If they are free, they will sit down and have a cup of tea. Most of them are jobs.

The killing of the front line is extremely fierce. Many times, the teacher can detect what he has hidden in Ning Yi’s words—she used to do this in the past—and the fierce frontline caused by Ning Yi is actually a huge pressure. Ning Yi seems calm.

In such a time, the teacher wanted to play him a pipa or a guzheng, but in fact, he did not find such an opportunity in the end. Men who focus on their work and take up huge responsibilities are always fascinating. Sometimes this will remind the teacher of the emotional problems again. Her mind will think of stories that have been heard in the past. When the generals went out The woman’s dedication, or the faint feelings... that's it.

But she didn't say it, not because she didn't expect it anymore. In the small, small time gap about herself, she still looked forward to stories like this. However, at the moment of contact with Ning Yi, she suddenly realized that the woman’s dedication during the general’s expedition was because for women, this was the greatest incentive and help for the other party.

Now she has more practical things to do.

The number of troops of the Huaxia Army has been very tense. At the end of December, the biggest wave of rebellion appeared. This is not just a spontaneous rebellion. More in fact, there are premeditated Jurchens. Manipulating and provoking - Watermelon led the soldiers to squash and suppress, and some of the troops in Zhangzhou were also divided. The division, along with the intelligence department, analyzed several forces that were likely to lobby for rebellion, and prepared to come forward to them. Persuade and give up resistance.

The analysis of these forces, the division has participated from beginning to end, because the danger is likely to be higher, the Ministry of Intelligence originally did not intend to let the division personally come forward, but the division has chosen two of the Confucianists to sit down, her persuasion Potentially effective forces are placed on their shoulders.

On the third day of the first month, she persuaded a large family to rebel into the mountains, temporarily laying down their weapons and no longer playing against the Chinese army. In order to succeed in this matter, she even made a promise to the other party on behalf of Ning Yi. Once the Jurchen retreats, Ning Yi will have a fair argument with this Confucian scholar in the face of the public.

After the matter was settled, the division went to Ganzhou and reported to Ning Yi. It’s already late in the evening, and there are people coming and going in the command. The wars of the news are coming and going. This is a sign of the emergency of the front line. The teacher saw the busy Ning Yi from afar. She left a knot and turned and left.

She hopes to save time and solve the second home at the fastest speed. The carriage leaves the city overnight, and after half an hour left in Zhangzhou, the accident happened.

The attack on the carriage was sudden, and there seemed to be people shouting outside: "Tied Ning Yi's gimmick -". Followed by the division's guards and the other side, the other side has a good hand to kill the carriage, driving in a carriage and rushing forward. The carriage was bumpy, and the teacher took a look at the curtain on the window. After a moment, she made a decision and she rushed out in front of the carriage.

This is a full-fledged impact. The division flew to the snow on the side of the road with the murderer who had robbed the carriage. The murderer climbed up and rolled up, and the division climbed up and jumped into the road. In the leeches where the river is narrow and the water is flowing.

In the winter, the river is icy and cold, and when the water is at the moment, the teacher feels that the heart is violently received, and the brain is dizzy. The river rushed down, and when it got to a corner, the division’s body slammed on the stone, and she woke up for a moment and struggled. She was struggling to move ashore on a pebble-filled beach. The body felt that it was not her own. The mind wanted to stop.

But she did not stop. I don’t know how long it’s been, it’s like something that is not her own is in control of her – she has seen disabled soldiers in the military camp of the Huaxia Army, and she has seen **** in the camp of the wounded. Scene, sometimes Liu watermelon walked up to her with a big knife. The poor child starved to death on the roadside. She only flashed these things mechanically, and the body was mechanically looking for it by the riverbed. Firewood, firelights.

The stone wall in the depression on the edge of the riverbed saved her life. She found some dead branches, folded some firewood, and took out the flint with a trembling hand. She took off her clothes and put it on fire. On the grill, the mountain winds in the night, until the dawn, when the Chinese soldiers looking for two times back and forth found her in the blind spot of this vision.

She was taken to the wounded battalion, checked and rested - the cold has been found and she has to rest. On the other side of the watermelon, she sent a letter to her, so that she would raise a good life. In other people’s complaints, she also knew that Ning Yi had heard about the news of her attack and sent a small team of soldiers in a very urgent situation. Come find her.

This should have been the most recent death and most worthwhile experience in her life, but after thinking about it, I don’t think I have anything. In the past year and a few years, the dealings with watermelons and other people have made the teacher's physique very good. In mid-January, she recovered from illness and went to a state. Ning Yi met her and asked. That night, the teacher just shook his head and said, "Nothing."

She also contacted the watermelon and intelligence department and returned to the work she was responsible for.

Participating in the entire large and complex work of the Chinese Army, sometimes the teacher can feel that a seemingly uninformed plan seems to be invisible. Every little problem in the Chengdu Plain can have a little more life force to invest in the front line of Zhangzhou.

In late February, the work at the rear seems no longer as tricky as before. The division came to Ganzhou with a team of soldiers. When it arrived in Zhangzhou, it was the morning of February 23, and the city of Luzhou was as usual. Martial law, murder. Since Ning Yi had no time, she went to the wounded battalion to visit a medical officer who had earlier had a relationship. The other side suddenly realized: "If you come over, you will say that there is a big move..."


"...you don't know?" The other party groaned. "That's it, look at it yourself."

In the military for a long time, there will be some secrets, but there are also some things. If you look carefully, you will be able to detect the clues. After leaving the wounded battalion, the division noticed signs of the assembly of the city's army and then learned other things.

In the afternoon, she had already reached out to the Ministry of Intelligence and the General Staff. She met Ning Yi, who was wearing a military uniform, and the headed army was passing from the street outside.

"They said that you are here, have a look. Haven't you been in danger recently?"

"...Do you want to go to the battlefield?"

"Zonghan is very close, it is time to go to meet him for a while."

"Decisive battle outside... They said... not very good, we have fewer people."

The division racked their brains and recalled the military news that was heard during the past time. Before that, no one had ever thought that this war would be played in front of the city of Zhangzhou. Ning Yi is going to throw all the troops into it...

"Well, it’s just a plan that you can’t think of. You don’t have to worry about it. Xiao Canghe also stayed on the front line for a long time.” Ning Yi smiled. “I’m not killing myself.”

"I always think that you are the best poetry..." She said something like this, and she felt that the words were not satisfactory and the tears would come out. At this moment, she felt the feeling of the devotee's dedication before the general's expedition - much better than speaking.

"Haha, poetry..." Ning Yi smiled, but the teacher in the smile also did not understand. The silence between the two continued for a moment, Ning Yi nodded: "That... go first, it is time to teach them."

"Ning Liheng... Liheng." The teacher stopped him. She always had a big forehead, but she was very temperamental. At this time, she had big eyes, and many thoughts seemed to be in the eyes. For the sake of substance, fear, anxiety, and complexity, I feel anxious for my words not satisfied... Her lips trembled a few times.

"That... I... If you... died on the battlefield, you...hey, don’t you have anything to say to me? You... I know you have to write and write a suicide note on the battlefield, you give it to your family. I have written it... I am not saying, that... I mean... your suicide note is for your family. We have known each other for so many years, if you are dead... do you have anything to tell me? I, we all know each other for so many years..."

She couldn't find a better way of expression. When it came to this, the tears flowed down. She could only lean over her head. One hand forced the skirt on the thigh, and one hand held it on the table next to it. I just bend my knees slightly and don't squat. Tears fell down.

Ning Yi looked at her, her eyes were complicated, her fingers were unconsciously tapping on her legs. After a long time, she said, "If I can come back... let's discuss this, okay?"

After a moment, I wanted to turn around, and I felt that this sentence was a bit unlucky. I reached out and knocked on the table: "Do not worry... how big... I will be able to come back."

So, turned and left.

This is February 23 in the memory of Master Li. At least at that moment, the future is uncertain, and the fate of the destiny is here. It is rolling up the tragic and strong atmosphere of the wind and the wind.

At this moment, all the resistances facing the southwest, the world, including the Jurchen in the past 30 years, are coming to an end. If it fails, it should be the end of the world.

When the division came out of the room, the soldiers who were not many in the entire battlefield were walking through the city gate in thin daylight.

Due to the relationship between the pigments, the momentum in the picture is not full. This is the early spring when everything looks pale.

The first year of Wu Zhenxing and the golden age of the Golden Heaven Club~www.wuxiaspot.com~February 23.

Among the mountains in the southwest, several troops participating in the Nanzheng’s pull-off speed, Wanyan Sabai, Daxie, and Yanyan’s protection department suddenly launched a large-scale interpenetration in mutual agreement, trying to break The war situation that has become chaotic due to terrain in the resistance of the Chinese military.

At the same time of interweaving, the Huaxia Army Command in front of Chenzhou responded by concentrating the troops on a large-scale segmentation and interception of the weak line of Jurchens, trying to react before the strong line of Jurchens. Swallow a certain victory. The two sides carried out a day of killing.

On the night of February 23rd and the morning of February 24th, a message was sent from Ganzhou. After various routes, they were successively passed to the main camp of the frontline Jurchens. This news even interfered to some extent with the subsequent attitude of the Jurchen army. Daban and Sabai chose a conservative defense, and the speed of pulling out was not too slow. The revenge army of Yan Yan was suddenly speeding up, pushing forward crazy, trying to break through the mine in the shortest time. Gang, Brown Creek line.

On February 23, Ning Yi pro-elected more than 6,000 elite troops and stepped out of the city gate of Zhangzhou.

- Press the front line.

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