Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 6: Overlooking

From ancient times to the present, based on the objective attributes of human beings, in order to pursue a better life, people have laid out various rules for themselves.

From customs, to the law, to all kinds of self-evident basic ethics, people set limits for themselves and demarcate one boundary after another that should not be easily crossed. It can be said that these borders protect the foundation of people's lives. People who weaken their individual strength will not easily suffer damage, but they can just use the power of each weak individual to gather into a tower and eventually create a powerful and powerful Brilliant country and civilization.

From this upward, the rules created by mankind will gradually lose its scope of application. Between the large groups of countries and nations, the nature of the jungle will begin to show its fangs more clearly. It will remind us of the most essential truth of the world. It will clearly tell us that the basis of mutual respect between people lies in only two essential laws:

First, people can use each other.

Second, there is deterrence between people.

When a certain rule between two models is out of balance to a certain extent, all man-made rules, everything that seems to be natural and good, can be dislocated and gone. The war has arisen.

That is the true expression of human society. All customs and morals can't stop it from smashing. Everything that is allowed by physical rules can happen in front of the eyes. It widens the gap between people to the scale of emperors and beasts, and makes countless people vain their wives. Ion dispersion makes people realize that human beings are a place more horrible than hell.

But it also exhausts people's imagination in the other direction. It forces people who want to survive to keep moving forward. It reminds people that all good is not God's giving but people's creation and defense. It reminds people of self-improvement. It is necessary, at some point, to promote the old world of the world.

In the first year of Wu Zhenxing and the Golden Heaven Society, fifteen years have passed, and the years have changed alternately in the war for dozens of years.

There have been wars that have determined the rise and fall of the world and the trend of history. In the past few decades, these wars have determined that the Golden Man has become the most prominent role on the stage of the world. It also promotes history. The wheels crushed the future of countless people.

At the end of February, such a war was about to erupt in a place called the Wangyuan Bridge on the front line of Zhangzhou. At this time, the Jin Guoxi Road Army and the Huaxia Army had been in the southwest for four months. People realized that there would be such a node, it will appear and then put a temporary punctuation for everything.

It’s just that when it comes up, the whole battle process is so amazing.

It is true that at the macro level, the overall situation of the Southwest War during the Battle of Wangyuan Bridge is full of grand and **** pictures. Everyone is trying their best to compete for the victory in the front line, but when the whole battle comes to a close, people I found out that it was so simple and smooth, even simple and surprising.

This war is on the surface of the battle level, and there is not even any speculation. At first glance, it seems that the two armies went straight to the other side after a brief move, and one side rushed to the other side and fought so hard until the end of the battle. A lot of people didn't even react at all, so that they were so stunned that they couldn't breathe...

Of course, within the entire war, there are naturally more intricate causes and effects. If we want to see this, we need to cast a macroscopic view on the entire battlefield on the day of the turning point on February 23.

Taking February 23 of the southwestern year as the node, the Jinjun army of the Nanzheng, which is more than 20 miles ahead of Chenzhou, has been divided into five bundles, which are actually steadily sturdy. Pour south.

At this time, the Jinjun is located in the front line of the five major forces of about 150,000, the most south of which is the revenge army led by Wanyan oblique insurance with 20,000 Yanshanwei as the main body. More than a thousand direct troops led by the former resignation, although they were slightly behind, but two months passed, the army gradually sent thousands of horses from the rear, and made up for the transportation when the mountain road was rugged. Use, but as long as they reach the flat terrain near Chenzhou, they can once again exert the greatest destructive power.

Responding to Yanshanwei, it has always been walking in the middle of the road, and the footsteps are steady. The core of his army is more than 20,000 people, but the scouts and the forces of life are the most. The Jurchen general who had broken through Huangming County looked a bit cruel and arrogant on the battlefield. He did not put his life in his eyes, but the whole method of using soldiers was actually the most stable, and the Huaxia Army who liked to fish in troubled waters was the most troublesome.

Pulling away from the rapid army and going slightly north, the Daban and Sabal troops coming down from the rainwater creek were the largest force groups in parallel. Because there were too many troops - there were more than 50,000 people in the whole group - their pace was somewhat bloated. After the first month of the month, Yan Zonghan, the coach of the Western Expedition, who once appeared in the rainwater stream, disappeared. Some of the Huaxia Army staff members speculated that he was walking in the army with the most used right-handed arm.

Of course, there are also some staff members who believe that Zonghan may be in the middle of the position. It is proved that this speculation is correct afterwards.

Further to the northwest, there are still about 30,000 Han troops, which are interspersed to the sidelines of the battlefield. Soon after the army passed the Yushui River and Huangming County, the Jinguo troops finally completed the reintegration of the Central Plains and Jiangnan. The stripping of the Han army. Either it is defeated on the battlefield, or it is sent to the sideline where it is not important.

Today, this 30,000-strong force is led by Han Li Li. The Jurchens’ expectations for them are not high, as long as they can attract the attention of the Huaxia Army to a certain extent, distract the forces of the Huaxia Army and not to retreat to the main battlefield.

Four months after the war, the main force of the Jurchen can be sent to the front line, probably the look of the 120,000, plus the injured soldiers in the back, staying behind, the total strength may be improved a lot, but the rear force has been difficult Pushed forward.

On the other hand, the Chinese army was the main force of the four divisions of more than 50,000 people. Later, it also joined the recruits of about 20,000. At the end of February, the remaining number of the first division was about 8,000. The second division experienced the defeat of Huangming County. Later, it added some wounded soldiers. At the end of February, there were more than 4,000 people left. The four divisions were still carrying 7,000 people, five divisions and eight thousand, and then In addition, the commander of the army, He Zhicheng, directly belongs to the special brigade, the cadre regiment and other living forces of 6,000. The front line of Palm Creek and Leigang participated in blocking the opponent's 150,000 troops. In fact, it is more than 34,000.

Watermelon was squatting in the back and received a special combat unit on hand. Actually, there were not many. After entering February, Ning Yi finally pulled out the originally prepared man. The six thousand people in his hands include the police corps, the squadrons, some special operations personnel involved in frontline operations, and a small number of technical soldiers.

More than 34,000 people gathered in the front line are actually not concentrated. Relying on the rough roads of the brown creek and the hills before Leigang, the characteristics of the big corps can not be opened, a large number of troops were released and dispersed.

On the morning of February 23, several Jewish troops had launched a large-scale interspersed raid. After the Huaxia Army responded, the first time it was assembled was about 15,000 troops. The three groups of 4,000, 5,000, and 6,000 people greeted the slanting insurance, pulling off the speed, and spreading all the weak forces under the squad, and the battle started in the mountains from noon.

The power of the Huaxia Army is still being mobilized.

Ning Yi’s departure from Chenzhou and the Jurchen’s choice are a point in time for “unanimity”. But with this step of his actions, the day of February 23, for the entire Southwestern War, there is a very different meaning.

Everyone knows that the battle has reached a very critical node. But not many people can understand what Ning Yi is motivated to make this choice.

For the Jurchen, the main force when entering the Jiange is 200,000 troops. Today, there are only 120,000 fronts. The Han army that can be used is almost exhausted. Historically, it is extremely embarrassing. But the war does not follow the simple exchange ratio. It takes tens of thousands of people to consume the Jinbing. The Huaxia Army is under greater pressure. When the strength is gradually reduced, it will collapse at some point, more likely it is now. There are only 40,000 Chinese troops left in the fight.

For the purpose of the Huaxia Army’s initiative to smash the water on the mountain road, the Jurchen certainly understands part of it. The defending city war needs to be abandoned by the attacking party. In the wild sports, you can choose to attack the other's head. For example, on the most complicated mountainous terrain here, you can attack Zonghan, or pull out the speed, Sabal, and oblique. As long as you defeat a main force, you can get the results that the defending city can't easily win, and even cause the other party's early defeat.

In order to cope with this possibility, Zonghan even chose the most cautious attitude, and did not want Huaxia Army to know where he is. At the same time, his eldest son, Yan Yan, did not appear on the frontline.

The bait that was actually released was only Yan Yan, and the son of Zonghan was known for being reckless in the outside world. However, in fact, his heart was delicate. The revenge army led by Yan Shanwei was second only to the entire Jinbing. The strong army of Tu Shanwei, even if the chamber died for many years, this unit that has been trained under the shame of shame is also the core force of the Jurchen attacking the southwest.

If the Huaxia Army wants to carry out a beheading, the oblique protection is the best goal, but if you want to beheaded, you need to take your life.

The Jurchen has gone very hard and lost a lot in the past more than a month, but there have been no fatal errors in general. In theory, once they crossed the Leigang and Brown Creek, the Huaxia Army had to turn back to Zhangzhou to fight a reluctant city war. At that time, a large number of troops with low fighting power - such as the Han army, Jurchens will be able to drive them straight forward, and spoil the rear of the Huaxia Army in the Chengdu Plain.

This will make the Huaxia Army very difficult, but the other party must choose this way - of course, Zong Han and others have once predicted another possibility of crossing the Leigang and Palm Creek lines, that is, Ning Yi realized that it is just waiting for the state to stay in Zhangzhou. Then the strong man broke his wrist and gave up the Chengdu Plain. He returned to Liangshan Mountain and continued to be his mountain king. That is also a way of coming to the end of the Southwest War.

No one thought that Ning Yi came out.

The strong man broke his wrist to this extent? Once the line has passed, it will start a full-scale operation with 40,000 people?

Zong Han, who knows the story of the sorrowful sorrow, is also known, but in the immediate situation, such a choice seems irrational - even ridiculous.

Because of this confusion, the night of the 23rd to the 24th of the Jurchen Army was extremely unsettled. The high-level generals made a front-line transfer on the side of the predecessor, and discussed with the core command group on the side of the speeding off. .

Daban, Sabal, etc. naturally think that there is fraud. Wan Yan oblique insurance began to push forward in accordance with his "set", making a gesture to seize the first-time fighter, and more than 10,000 troops that have already gained momentum in the rear are also rapidly rushing over. Gao Qingshi once rumored: "Ning Yi this person is desperate, the calculation is inevitably very unusual, it is better to order the king of Baoshan to stop quickly, and send another army to test."

Wan Yan set up the same cautious attitude, but Zong Han did not make a decision for a time, and he continued to do his steady work as always - making the middle army calm forward, even if there is anything, it will not be Completely out of touch with the oblique protection army.

"...Ning Yi's six thousand people have come out, even if the fighting power is amazing, what will happen next? What is his purpose? To all the troops who have stepped out of Leigang and Brown Creek to attack him? Can he beat a few people?"

In the middle of the night, Zonghan and others continued to perform on the map, but the results could not be released. The day has not yet been fully illuminated, and the messenger of the oblique protection has also come, bringing the letters and submissions of the original.

"... Our 150,000 people attacked, and the son took 20,000 people to go out to Leigang and Palm Creek first. Even if the Huaxia Army is stronger, it will welcome the total number of 40,000. If so, even if the son is in the lineup, the rest of the army will be It has been concluded that the southwestern war situation has been fixed... If the Huaxia Army can’t meet with 40,000 people, but only Ningyi’s six thousand troops, the son’s fear and the worst, he defeated his son 20,000 with 6,000 people, and his son gathered the army. Fighting with him is..."

"...The two armies fought, the warplanes were fleeting, and Ning Yi was arrogant of his combat power. It was the time when his son rushed to the head. The only thing that could be considered was that Ning Yi lured the enemy with 6,000 people and assembled a positive team. First of all, the policy of encircling the whole army is swallowed up. It is just a matter of hurting the fingers, but it is not difficult to deal with this matter..."

Ning Yi’s arbitrarily killing, the biggest possibility is nothing more than seeing Lei Gang and Brown Creek are unstoppable. I want to concentrate on the strength of one of the 150,000 troops before they come out. But this is a bad thing. In the battle, I am not afraid that the other party has an attempt, and I am afraid that the other party does not, then it is elusive. Therefore, Baoshan Road, Ning Yi wants to eat, I will die for him.

As for the rear, as long as the army of the people who pulled out, the squad, the squad, and the other people pressed against the Huaxia army in the mountains, so that he could not withdraw many people, the attempt to take the chestnuts in the Chinese arms was not very likely to be realized. It is also incredible to be able to withdraw troops.

On the other hand, if Ning Yi leads 6,000 people and says that he wants to eat the two or three thousand main forces in the oblique protection, the response of the oblique protection is not to "let him eat, please eat it," the woman Real people don't have to fight for the world anymore.

Even four to five times the strength of Ning Yi, the one who led one of the strongest army of Jurchen has also made a plan to defeat. At most, it is "to gather the army and fight him again". In fact, the Jurchen population is opposite to the army. The title has also been unknowingly changed from "Black Flag Army" to "Huaxia Army". This is also the respect that the Huaxia Army has made on the face of Jurchens in the past four months.

Twenty-four, Zonghan made a decision and approved the plan for the oblique protection. At the same time, the army that pulled the speed was steadily pressed forward, while at the north, the troops of Daban and Sabal maintained a conservative attitude. It was deliberately responded to the speculation of the Chinese army "Zonghan and Sabai".

It is worth mentioning that after obtaining the father's approval, the oblique insurance has speeded up the speed of the road, although on the front line, he just kept a quick posture, and the team tried to invest as much as possible with the Huaxia Army. In one battle, the time for all the troops to pass through the Brown Creek was stretched for one day.

20,000 people still feel that he is not safe enough, so he wants to assemble 30,000 troops, and then rushes to Ning Yi - this action is also testing the true purpose of Ning Yi, if the other party is really trying to fight with 6,000 people, Then he should wait for himself.

In the early morning of the twenty-sixth, the first team of the oblique protection stepped through the brown creek. He thought that he would be attacked by the other side, but the head-on attack did not come. Ning Yi’s army was still gathering in a few miles away – he looked It seems to be the main force of the Jurchen in the middle of the battle, and moved to the side, posing a deterrent posture.

- Deterrence you paralyzed!

At this time, in the middle of the detachment speed, Zonghan’s handsome flag has been played, and the main force of the Huaxia Army on the front line is oppressed. The killing between the mountains has been further upgraded, and the offensive and defensive warfare has been played into a positional mode~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Huaxia Army has been steadily taking advantage of the blockade of the Yamaguchi, but the Jurchen is also determined to die. The main force of the Huaxia Army is that it cannot leave. In fact, everyone is waiting for the next change in the war situation, and Ning Yi’s reaction here is quite strange.

Twenty-eight, the strength of the slanting insurance close to 30,000 has been gradually assembled, and even pulled three thousand cavalry. Ning Yi moved to the front without hesitation, and the oblique protection also moved to the front. He always thought that the other party should be tricky at a certain moment, but it has never been. The interaction between the two people seems to be two. The child’s shouting.

"There is a kind of you cut!"

"I chopped!"

"You cut it!"

"I chopped!"

"Not cutting is a grandson -"

Always cut a knife, otherwise it will become a Sima.

On the afternoon of the 28th, the mountains in front of the battle were in full swing. Near the Wangyuan Bridge, Wan Yan obliquely cut a knife.


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