Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 7: I have known

February 28, at noon, on the southwestern sky, the wind is rolling.

There are a number of hot air balloons rising above the foothills. The largest blocking battle took place in two places called Xiukou and Shiling. The Chinese soldiers who have gathered together rely on artillery and mountain roads to resist the Jurchen pull-up speed. The two divisions of the Ministry and Sabal have attacked. The smoke and flames raised by the war are clearly visible in a few miles.

Ten miles southeast of the Shiling battlefield, there are small hills and undulating views in the field of vision, but most of them are flat land, and a small river formed by a stream passes by. After leaving Luzhou, passing by here, after crossing the stone bridge into the mountains, they are all rugged roads. Merchants are transporting the outside materials to Zhangzhou through Jianmenguan every year and then, and then transporting the objects of Sichuan and Chongqing out of this mountain. Therefore, the stone bridge on the river is named after the distant view.

Both sides of the war have gathered on the south side of the stone bridge.

Ning Yi, who only counted 6,000 people, did not play tricks. Therefore, the oblique protection of the 30,000-strong army must move forward. His army is already on the bank of the river, with 30,000 people, three thousand cavalry, and flags. Looking up, it is a rare sunny day at the end of February in Southwest China.

On the opposite hill, six thousand Huaxia Army is in front of him, including the person who has heard it for a long time - the heart of the devil, and is standing on the hill in front. Wan Yan obliquely took a sigh of relief, 30,000 to 6,000, he did not intend to let this person have the opportunity to escape.

"The grass around it is very new. It doesn't look like it was dug. It may not have mines." The deputy came over and said such a sentence. Diagonal nod and nod, recalling the past collection of Ning Yi intelligence, the most outstanding characters of the Han people in the past 30 years, not only good at strategizing, but also the most out of the battlefield, Bo life. A few years ago at a gathering in the Golden State, Gu Shen commented on the other side, once said: "View its intrinsic, similar to Baoshan."

Six thousand people, out of life, Bo lifeline ... standing on the opposite side of this stupid behavior, oblique protection can also feel a huge insult while confused, he is not a delay.

Of course, this insult also made him extra calm. The correct way to fight this kind of thing is not to be angry, but to attack the other person with the strongest attack, so that his backhand can't play, kill him, slaughter his family, and after that, he can face him. Skull, spit a slobber!

Following the oblique protection, there are currently four generals. Yan Lie, and Yan Yangu, the two men who were originally under the war of the gods, and the chambers, Yanshan Wei will be dominated by these two generals. In addition, the two survivors of Naco and Wensa who were resigning were also the survivors of the Battle of the Northwest in the past. Nowadays, they are able to lead the infantry, and Wensa leads the cavalry.

The army of His Majesty, the memories of humiliation and shame have been engraved into the bones of the people, with white as the flag, representing their determination to never retreat but surrender. In the past few years, the training of soldiers has been to face the shameful mouse of Ning Yi and to bury the Huaxia Army completely.

On the early morning of this day, I realized that the generals who had already met in front of the show had asked for the dress of the two coaches of the past, and 30,000 people were silent towards the dress. Then they were tied to the white towel and they came to the opposite side of the bridge. Ning Yi refused to cross the river. It is okay to put the battlefield on the side of the river. They can fulfill him.

At the moment of the noon, the army with the white towel on their foreheads is no less powerful than the army that guarded the post more than 20 years ago.

The generals ran in front of the line, but did not shout, more need not be detailed.

"So the most critical... the most troublesome thing is how to teach children."

"I think it will be fine."

"So you guys... don't understand education. This is a very stressful thing. What should I do if I break it? The child is also self-respecting. What should I do if I have left a psychological shadow? What should I do if I run away from home? Just play it, it will have an impact on their future..."

"Two of my family, okay..."

"My home is also."

The wind blew gently from the mountain. After receiving a message, Ning Yi was quietly talking to the other side of the killing.

The atmosphere of the battlefield will make people feel nervous. In the past few days, intense discussions have also taken place in the Huaxia Army, including Han Jing, Qu Zhengyan and others. They also have certain doubts about the whole operation.

"Six thousand hits 30,000, what should I do if there is a problem, you are the backbone of the Huaxia Army. If this defeat, the Huaxia Army will be defeated."

Or is it:

"Even if you have a certain degree of certainty, it is a waste of money on the body of Yan Yanshibao. Otherwise, when Zonghan is completely out, he will have a face-to-face battle. After all, it is not necessarily full of protection."

On the first two days, Zong Han appeared in the speeding army. The righteousness of the channel also raised the idea of ​​whether to revise the strategy. Ning Yi considered it for a while and rejected it. The appearance of Zonghan is to distract attention from the oblique protection. It will rush to the forefront. It is always the unit of the oblique protection. If he does not fight, Zonghan will not give another ideal fighter.

In the course of these arguments and doubts, another thing has always made Ning Yi feel a little worried. From the beginning of the 23rd, the frontline has temporarily lost contact with Ningbo, although there are many teams that have temporarily lost their connections in the first wave of Jurchens, but if the key moments are rather in the hands of the other party, then It’s really a **** thing.

He has worried about and calculated a lot of things, but he did not think that there will be such a critical loss of the situation. Today, the news came from the front line. I would rather wait for the Liaodong generals Yin Khan to save the Mao Yishan group. After a few days, I went to the mountains to look for fighters. The day before yesterday, I attacked a Han army team. I also connected the message.

In these days of rumors, it is said that Ning Yi’s heart is black, and he has killed two enemy generals... This is really a **** and troublesome news. The family is a 13-year-old. What the child is like.

To end this battle quickly, or the family will have a murderer...

His mind was put down in the big direction, and he put the news of confirming peace and safety into his arms, and spit a sigh of relief: "But it is good." He looked up and looked at the opposite 30,000-strong army. "Even if I die here today, at least the children at home will continue to go."

"The two children in our family have been playing since childhood, playing in the dead, and now it is the same. Sensible..."


The short conversation ended in Ning Yi’s helpless look. He asked about the time. At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the drums roared. On the opposite side, the first 5,000-strong army in the Jurchen army, who was the temptation task, began to move forward. The infantry was in front and the artillery was on the side. On the other side, three thousand fine rides slowly circumvented toward the south side of the battlefield.

The rear of the army, also marching forward.

The movement of 30,000 people, the earth is like thunder.

Ning Yi raised his hand and ordered, and the army advanced at the same time.

At this moment, the distance between the two sides is 1200 meters, the huge military array of 30,000 people is postponed, and there is a width of nearly one mile.

The limit range of the bow and arrow is two hundred meters, and the effective damage is to be within 120 meters. The distance of the artillery is similar. One hundred and twenty meters, the speed of running for adults will not exceed fifteen seconds.

There are also strong bows made by the bed and the generals, and the killing is up to 300 meters.

Generally speaking, the distance of Baizhang is the first line for a big battle to prepare for blood. And more methods of operations and military use are also fluctuating on this line. For example, they will advance slowly, then suddenly press forward, or choose to split and stick, so that the other party can react relatively. Once you get closer to the hundred feet, it is the moment when the battle begins.

At a distance of one kilometer, in the case of arrays, the two sides still have some time to make adjustments and preparations. The battlefield of 30,000 people has gradually expanded in the field of vision. The front line of the Huaxia Army has grown into a long line in front, and the array of three rows and three rows are interlaced with each other. The hands are all long strips of muskets, the forefront. The musket was equipped with a bayonet, and the soldier without a bayonet had a big knife behind it.

There are a total of more than 4,500 people who have firearms. In the queue, there are iron guns in parallel.

On the side of the queue, a group of muskets guarding the front line is the team with the banner of “China’s First Military Industry”. The main body of the team has more than ten box-shaped four-wheeled vehicles. Now the chief engineer of Huaxia Army is the chief engineer. Lin Jingwei and Gongsun Sheng are all in it.

The team is a technician, a soldier, and a worker. Many people have dyed the ancient yellow on the hands, body, and military uniforms. Some people have signs of burns and corrosion on their hands and faces. .

Huaxia Military First Military Institute, Rocket Engineering Research Institute, in the long and difficult days after the establishment of the Huaxia Army, Ning Yi’s support for this institution is the biggest. From another perspective, it is also directly controlled by him. And the institution that guides the research direction. Many of the technicians are veterans.

Ning Yi had long turned to some of the soldiers with strong hands-on ability and strong thinking ability in the generals. This is not enough at the grassroots level, and the manpower is also tight. Now, let the soldiers involved in the manufacturing process operate by themselves. To a lesser extent the loss of training newcomers. Of course, if the situation is tight, they will be further involved in the battle.

Ning Yi followed this team forward. When he was 800 meters away, he was surrounded by Lin Jingwei and Gong Sunsheng. He was the deputy chief engineer of the rocket. This is a hair mess and volume, the right head is still Because the explosion of the burn left a bald-headed pure technician, the nickname "curly baldness" - turned over and said: "Poor, almost."

The car stopped.

"Is it sure?" Ning Yi, who looked at the front with a telescope, couldn’t help but ask a question.

"Complete, after all, the test is not enough. According to your statement, according to your teacher, in theory, we...we still have a problem. You, Ning, Ning, you stand far, far, if... ...if the most unexpected situation arises, one percent of the possibility, suddenly bombed, fried, and fried here..."

"Okay, stop, understand."

Ning Yi’s expression was sloppy, and the palm of his hand was pressed in the air. Some people even laughed out, and more people are doing things step by step.

Five four-wheeled vehicles were dismantled. Each of the two wheels was equipped with a grille-shaped iron shelf, which was placed obliquely on the ground in front. The workers used poles to prop up and fix them. The other five carts On the top, the long iron cylinders of up to three meters were lifted one by one and placed on a type of launcher with several grooves.

The battlefield is still advancing, and Ning Yi is moving forward. Many of the people around him are members of the Huaxia Army he is familiar with.

For this war, Ning Yi has been preparing for more than ten years and has been suffering for more than ten years. For more than ten years, there have been many comrades like Huaxia Army soldiers who died at this moment. From Xia Cun, to Xiao Canghe for three years, and now, he has buried many heroes who should have lived. He himself is not sure.

As a better, more intelligent and more powerful person in the world, he should have more sense of superiority, but in fact, only in front of these people, he does not have much superiority, these ten Many people like Li frequency in the past year think that he is arrogant and capable but does not save more people. However, the people around him who are trying to save, after all, are dead one by one.

When Xiao Canghe was buried, he buried countless comrades-in-arms. In the southwest, many people were hungry, and the fat was sent to the institute to refine a small amount of glycerin. The soldiers in front were killed in the battle. These people, who were killed and injured by the explosion, are also infrequent. Some people died of chronic poisoning, and more people were poisoned by the skin.

In an explosion accident, a soldier was blown up and his legs were broken. He fell in a pool of blood and his skin was gone. He finally said: "Enough for them..." He pointed It is a Jurchen. The soldier, the whole family, is already dead under the knife of the Jurchen.

Now everyone is quietly putting these results on the shelf.

In the process of scientific research promotion, Ning Yi first wanted to break through the nitroglycerin. After the success of the laboratory method, he wanted industrial mass production, the foundation could not be reached, and even caused many accidents. Later, the direction chosen was bitter acid, but it still has not paved the way for a large number of industrial production.

The whole volume and manpower are still too small.

Then I had to slowly improve and explore the manual method. After it was made, he chose to use the rocket. In fact, the basic design ideas of rockets have already existed in the Wu Dynasty. In another history, the Song Dynasty rockets turned into India and later were modified by Europeans to become the Congrave rockets and Ning Yi’s improved ideas. In fact, it is similar. Better explosives, longer range, and more precise paths.

In the past few years, the day that Wangyuan Bridge and Wanyan Xiebao played against this year, the iron rocket with a three-meter balance bar, the total output is 617, part of which uses tnt explosives, part of it. Fill with bitter acid. The finished product was named "Dilijiang" by Ning Yi.

The strikers of the two armies were seven hundred meters apart. They looked at the telescope and saw the shelf: "I know they have a conspiracy..." But no matter what the conspiracy, what awesome thing, this moment, he can have the choice It’s just that the 30,000 army is pushing everything on the other side.

At the same time, the 30,000 female real people on the entire battlefield have been completely immersed in the incident.

The front line pushed by the Jurchen people entered the 500-meter line~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The 30,000-yuan line also entered the range of about 600 meters. The Huaxia Army has stopped and arrayed in three rows. The soldiers in the front row smashed their hands and feet. They are actually warriors who have fought in battle. But it is the first time that everyone uses firearms on a large scale in actual combat. Although there are many trainings, can they produce huge They are not clear enough.

In the sky, shallow clouds and white clouds, Wangyuan Bridge, twenty-eight, three o'clock in the afternoon, some people heard the whistling sound of the wind coming from behind, and the light swept through the sky in the side. The red tail flames carried heavy black smoke and slammed into the sky.

Each of the I-shaped launchers has five launch slots, but in order not to be surprised, the crowd chose a relatively conservative launch strategy. Twenty rays of light flew in different directions. Seeing the moment of the light, the scalp was numb, and at the same time, in the forefront of the five thousand military array, the generals waved the sword.


There are two rays of light falling into this army. The main body of the explosive is the newly prepared bitter acid. The moment the tail flame penetrated into the crowd, the roaring explosion slammed into the crowd with a high-temperature flame of more than three thousand degrees...


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