Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 8: Return to dust

Booming and banging -

The sound waves accompanied the flames, and they bloomed in the sky for a moment.

The human body was pushed open, blood was shot in the air, the flames of the flames smashed through the faces of the people, and the broken bodies were on the faces of the soldiers. The drums were still ringing. Someone reacted and rushed forward in the shouts. Some people have stunned in sudden changes. The sense of unknown is irritating.

The explosion of twenty rockets gathered into an irregular curve and crossed the army of 30,000 people.

Then there was the hoarse shouts and the hum of the horses.

At the moment of the explosion, it was very powerful in the vicinity, but as the flame rushed out, the hard and hard cast iron bullets sprayed in all directions. In just one less time of breathing, the story about the rocket was finished. Burning on a nearby corpse, a little farther away, and then the extent of the fragmentation.

The soldiers who are still on the road are all spotted blood marks, some because they are stained with flying blood, and some because the fragments have been embedded in the body.

After the rules of physics were destroyed here, the laws of biology took over, and the pain did not rise in the first time of the bombing. Because the explosion happened too fast and too strange, there was no soldier who was mentally prepared. It was only after a while that I found my injury. Someone sat up from the ground, the flame darkened his broken right half body, and the fragment destroyed his hands, feet, waist and abdomen. He slaped with his left hand. The body was black, then the internal organs flowed out... More people screamed around.

For these soldiers who are still on the way, these things are just changes in the blink of an eye. They are still more than two hundred feet away from the front. At the moment when the attack fell from the sky, some people did not even know what happened. This feeling is also the most amazing.

The 3,000-horse team, which is lined up neatly along the bank to the south, is the most responsive. The rockets are close to the distance and burst six rounds in the team. After the cannon joins the battlefield, almost all the horses are After the early training to adapt to noise and explosion, but in this moment, with the flame spray, the results of the training were invalid - the horse team set off a small chaos, the running horses ran into the nearby knights.

The five thousand Yanshan Wei forwards led by the generals have already rushed forward.

In this moment, the 20-shot explosion has not yet caused great chaos in the huge military array of 30,000 people. The Jurchen soldiers in the military array did not have a broad view enough to overlook the battlefield. But for the generals who have experienced battles in the military, the cold and the unknown touch have been like the tide, sweeping the entire battlefield.

In the face of looking back, Yan Yangu stood up in a slightly frightened battle, and turned his eyes to the surroundings. They all happened in the crowd outside his countless, and the keen soldiers had come over. His vision was first a yellow flame, then a black coke, followed by red blood. There is still chaos in the distance.

The cold touch caught him, and at this moment, he experienced the most intense moment in his life.

Quietly around, the heart leaps and leaps, and the blood is counting for him. Raise the telescope, look to the rear, then turn to the front, far away from the field of view, there are still long objects that have been hit by the Huaxia Army and put on the shelf, and the farthest explosion in the rear of the military array has almost exceeded The last soldier, the bridge is at the end of the back.

Yanshan Wei forward is 150 feet away from the Huaxia Army. He is two hundred feet away from the eccentric Huaxia Army.

Among the mountains more than ten miles away, the voice of war is ringing.

This year, Wan Yan obliquely guaranteed thirty-five years old, he is not a arrogant and extravagant person, from the consistent performance on the battlefield, for a long time, he has not lived up to the end of the world's record and blood.

Therefore, the sharp intuition of the wolf in this moment, feedback gave him countless results and almost the only way out.

"The order is to charge the entire army."

With the reins of the horse, he looked at the front and said something like this. The possibility of a horror was boiling in his mind, so that he could not even hear his voice. The next moment he pulled out the sword and shouted a hysterical cry around him:

"Transfer the whole army - charge!"

At a distance of more than two hundred feet, if the two armies are against each other, running at such a distance will allow an army to go straight into the weak period, but there is no other choice.

Next to the I-frame of the Huaxia Army position, ten technicians are quickly writing numbers on the book with a charcoal pen to calculate the angle that needs to be adjusted for a new round of bombardment.

More forward, the artillery captain. The soldiers looked at the Jurchen soldiers who were rushing in front of them, and placed the muzzle of the musket. Some people spit out their breath in a big mouth, stabilized their vision, and heard the voice of the command: "One team is ready!"

In the ranks of the Jurchen striker, the soldiers who pushed the iron cannons were also running hard, but the possibility of belonging to them has been permanently lost.

At the side of Wanyan Xiebao, the soldiers responsible for the order blew a huge horn. The sound of "Ang--" swept over the formation of 30,000 people, and the middle-level generals who had fought in the army were also watching. They realized the impact of the unusual explosion, and therefore, the moment they heard the horn, they also understood and agreed with the choice of the oblique protection.

This is an unusual moment beyond everyone's imagination. The first time when the technology of the times came to this land, the first choice of the Jurchen army was to suppress the fear of turbulence and subconsciousness. The third breath after the horn was swept, and the earth shook.

The slanting protection of the horse riding the horse did not charge at the forefront. As he screamed, the soldiers spread from his vision like an ant colony.

People's footsteps ran on the ground, and the crowds of black pressure, such as the tides of the sea, such as huge waves, pressed from the far side of the field of vision. The horses on the river bank on the south side of the battlefield quickly and completely began to try to carry out their assault. The horseman general on this side was named Wensa. He once had a match with Ning Yi in the northwest, and he was killed in the battle. At the moment of Yanzhou City, Wensa was watching the scene under Yanzhou City.

In the years before the battlefield, he could find many reasons to look at the Han Chinese in front with a thin or just equal attitude. In the days before this, in the face of the arrogant move of 6,000 people to 30,000 people, he can also convince himself that this arrogant Han dog is finally crazy, but the object that exploded in the vicinity The battlefield of three hundred feet fell into the middle of the horse team. At this time, the veteran veteran with half of the white hair clearly remembered the indifferent and indifferent eyes of the other side in Yanzhou.

The half-life of the Jurchen commander was resigned by the soldiers of the Huaxia Army on the head of Yanzhou City. Without resigning the marshal, he was still struggling. Ning Yi looked at the soldiers with the inflated eyes and raised the knife. The neck of the Jurchen hero fell, and at that moment they cut down the head of the resignation, in order to pay homage to the Western military generals who would not die.

At this moment, in the telescope's field of vision, Wensa can see that the indifferent eyes have already come to this side.

The horse team is still in chaos. The Huaxia Army formation with a squirt gun in front is composed of a semi-circular arc composed of a series of straight queues. Some people also face the horses on this side, and there are more on the iron frame farther away. The strip of steel was on the shelf, and some of the forwards that Wensa led and could drive started running.

The infantry front line was nearly three hundred meters wide and nearly two hundred meters wide. The generals who were riding on the side of the horse and the side of the horse saw the soldiers of the Huaxia Army drop the torch. The muzzle of the artillery spurted out the flames and the shells flew into the sky.

"Heavenly protects -"

The screaming and shouting, the generals in the charge also shouted, and the sound of the shells fell into the crowd, and the explosion blasted the human body high in the air.

After the artillery was used on a large scale, the power of the formation was gradually weakened. The massive assault of the Jurchen man at this moment could not actually guarantee the compactness of the formation, but it was as long as it could run close. The Jurchen soldier will also throw a ignited fire ray toward the front to ensure that the other party has no cheaper formation. As long as it is less than a hundred feet away, the attack of 30,000 people can engulf the 6,000 Chinese troops in front. .

Some of the soldiers were blown up during the run, and some fell to the ground, stumbling the companions that were rushing – but even so, the soldiers who were disturbed by the pace of the assault were still a minority.

The distance continued to draw closer, over two hundred meters, over one hundred and fifty meters, and some people were throwing arrows in the running. On this side, the hands of the Huaxia military officer holding the flag of the musket array had not wavered, and some soldiers even looked to the side. A glance. The arrow rose to the sky and flew over again. Someone was shot and swayed down.

"Do not move - prepare!"

There is a bloody, depressing taste in the shouts.

One hundred meters, the flag finally fell, and the voice shouted: "Put -"

The soldiers in the first row pulled the trigger, and the flame at the muzzle rose with the smoke rising. The soldiers facing the middle road were a total of 1,200 people. Four hundred iron bullets rushed out of the gun, flying like a barrier to the front. Jurchen soldiers coming.

The blood bloomed, and a large number of soldiers rolled to the ground in the high-speed running, but there were still soldiers on the front line that rushed past the barrage, and the shells roared. In front of them, the first team of Chinese soldiers were smashing in the dust. Next, another team raised the musket in his hand.

"Second team! Aiming - let go!"

Another four hundred rounds of bullets swept over, more people fell in the run, and then another round.

The ruthless but sturdy Jin Guo veteran rolled down to the ground during the run, and he could feel the whistling through his head. This is a Jurchen veteran who has fought a hundred wars. In the same year, he followed the war in the south, and even witnessed the demise of the entire Liao Dynasty. However, at the moment of the battle at Wangyuan Bridge, he accompanied the sudden feeling of powerlessness on his right leg. Rolled down on the ground.

The shield in his hand flew far away, the body rolled on the ground - he tried not to hurt himself with a steel knife in his hand - after rolling two laps, he clenched his teeth and tried to stand up, but the whole leg of the right leg was Feedback over the feeling of pain and powerlessness. He grabbed his thigh and tried to see the injury on his calf. Somebody fell on the ground in his field of vision. It was followed by the companion of the charge. Half of his face burst open, and the red and yellow colors were on his head. Splashed on.

The Huaxia Army’s shells are still flying, and the veterans think about the situation around them. Among the chaotic figures, countless people are falling down, rolling, corpses or wounded soldiers spreading across the grass. Only a small number of striker soldiers and the Huaxia Army's wall were pulled closer to a distance of ten feet, and the wall was still holding a rifle.

At the same time, more horrible things flew over his head.

This time, the entire land has burst into a dense roar.

Still at three o'clock in the afternoon, the fear of being pressed down briefly finally bloomed in the hearts of some Jurchen soldiers.


The second round of rockets was first installed, facing the three launchers in the direction of the cavalry led by Wen Sa, this time is full of fifteen. At the same time, the remaining seven launchers were calibrated at different distances between the 30,000 Jurchen Army Roads and 30 feet.

At this time, the distance between the cavalry and the Chinese military position that tried to circumvent the front line of the Huaxia Army had been shortened to 150 feet. However, in a short period of time, they could not pull apart each other, and fifteen rockets successively Crossing the sky, it fell into the slanting line of cavalry.

The flames and swells swept the ground, and the smoke and dust rose. The shape of the horse was bigger than that of the people. When the fragments of the bomb swept out, the nearby six or seven horses rolled down like the harvest, and were closer to the explosion. On the horse, the blood hole hit by the shrapnel is as dense as the flowering. At the moment when the 15 rockets fall, about 50 rides fall down in the first time, but the area where the rocket falls is like a barrier. Over one hundred cavalry formed a chain to roll and trample, and countless horses screamed on the battlefield. Some horses ran into their companions, and the chaos spread in the huge smoke.

In the direction of the infantry, more, black-pressed soldiers rushed toward the distance of two hundred meters, and countless shouts shook loudly. At the same time, thirty-five rockets under the name of “Dilijiang” carried out a round of saturated launches towards the Jurchen Infantry. This was the first round of saturated launch, and almost all Huaxia military technicians were smashed. The sweat and the flames of the flames are criss-crossed, and the smoke is filled with dust, almost making them unable to open their eyes.

Thirty-five rays of light are like the fireworks of the later generations, and they are thrown into the blood-stained tide of the Jurchen. The next scene, everyone sees in the eyes.

Three thousand people rushed in the hysterical cry, the scene of black pressure and the shouts of the tremors made people rise in the back of their minds. Ning Yi participated in many battles, but after the Huaxia Military City, it was done on the plains. The large-scale rushing confrontation is actually the first time.

The flash in his mind was the battle that was experienced outside the city of Liangliang many years ago. The Jurchens rushed over, and hundreds of thousands of Qinwang troops collapsed in the wilderness outside the city of Liangliang, like the tide. No matter where they go, they can watch. No one has ever been troubled by the Jurchens, no matter where they go.

Today, it is 30,000 such as the Jurchen, who has come down hysterically from the moment.

"...you said, what are they calling out loud?"

"Kill your family."

"...Oh," Ning Yi nodded ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After this round of shooting, let the two launchers align with the handsome flag of Yan Xiebao. He wanted to go and killed him. ”

The blast of the explosion is spreading out on the ground. Under this formation of all-armed assaults, each rocket can almost take away the combat power of more than a dozen Jurchen soldiers - they either die on the spot or are seriously injured and roll on the ground. ——And the simultaneous launch of thirty-five rockets, in the Jurchen Sea, formed a piece of blood and vacuum.

Wan Yan oblique insurance has fully understood what has been said before, what does it mean? He does not understand why the second round of the other party’s launch did not come to his handsome flag, but he did not choose to escape.

Just as the entire striker of the 30,000-strong army entered the 100-meter range, and during the time when the Chinese military guns were fully sounded, the Yan Yan was guaranteed to be ready to die.

He is a Jurchen, the son of a hero. He wants to capture the vitality of this world like his father.

At this time, on the mountain battlefield named Shiling, more than ten miles away, Yan Zonghan was waiting for the first round of the battle report in the direction of Wangyuan Bridge...


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