Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 9: elegy

The air is full of smoke and blood. The flames on the ground are still burning. The corpses are falling on the ground. The hysterical shouts, screams, running sounds and even crying are mixed together.

The horses who no longer dared to circle the arc rushed to the wall of the Huaxia Army. In front of them, the entire row of smoke rose.

The horse fell off during the run, and the knight immediately fell to the ground. The heavy horses smashed the knight's body, the bones broke and squeezed the flesh and blood, and the blood rushed out of the popping membrane. The companions in the rear fell down one after another.

In the moment of a full-scale confrontation, Ning Yi is looking at everything around him on horseback.

If it is in the film and television works of later generations, at this time, perhaps there should be a loud and tragic music ringing, music or the name "The Twilight of the Empire", or "The History of Ruthlessness"...

Haidong Qing, who could not find the owner, flew in the sky.

Wensa fell in a pool of blood.

He was indirectly tripped by the second round of the rocket. The armor fell to the ground, causing him to faint for a moment. When he woke up, the countless sounds of his cockroaches turned in his mind.

The horse with a broken leg was struggling on the side, and there was a scene in which the horse was blown up in the distance. The residual flame even burned on the ground. The wounded horse and the injured person staggered and stood up... He turned his head To the end of the battlefield, the raging horse team rushed to the position of the Huaxia Army, and then it ran into the waves of the reef. The horses in front of the horse fell down like mountains, more like scattered waves, rushing in different directions. go with.

His brain didn't even flash a specific reaction, and even the "finished" cognition didn't come down at this time.

As a female realist, he has experienced countless battles, experienced victory, and experienced failures. The experience of climbing up in the body of a companion has already existed, but at this moment it seems to be true and illusory. Feeling, he has never experienced it in his life.

The Han, named Ning Yi, opened his incredible cards, and Daikin’s 30,000 elites were pressed by his palms.

This kind of cognition is actually mixed with more faint things that can be perceived. Before the war, there is a possibility of swindling for Ning Yi. The people in the army are not unaware – but at most, they will Only 30,000 people were defeated, and they regrouped after retreating.

The 30,000 women's elites were swallowed up by the six thousand black flags. Even in the worst of the imagination, no one would discuss such a possibility with their companions.

But what if it is true?

The vision of smoke and flames and congestion has made him unable to see the situation on the side of the Huaxia Army, but he still recalls Ning Yi’s indifferent gaze.

This Han Chinese killed the Han Chinese who had lost their command in the northwest. On this day, they turned it into reality.

Then what happens next?

He flashed such a thing in his brain, and then he was blood-stained and he made a "ah--" screaming sound toward the front. After the protection of the Dagang, they ravaged the world, the same cry, Wensa heard many times in the opponent's mouth. Some come from the battle against the battlefield, some from the prisoners who have failed in the war, and those who are covered in blood and have tears and despair in their eyes can always let him feel their own strength.

This moment is the first time he has issued the same, hysterical cry.


The wall of the man continued to advance in front of the bullet and turned into a corpse stripping. The flame of the bombing once formed a barrier, and a crowd of burning places in front of the eyes was cleared out of the crowd. The shells bombed the human body into a twisted shape.

On this day's Wangyuan Bridge, it cannot be said that the Jurchen troops participating in the war lacked courage or chose how to deal with them wrongly. If you look at it from the back, it is a wrong choice to choose a fighter from Ning Yi to cross the river. However, in the case of 30,000 to 6,000, the concession of Wan Yan’s protection can only be considered as a non-conformity. The sin of war.

Faced with the scientific and technological progress that has crossed a threshold, no matter who it is, there will always be someone who will put this knife on the top of the head. Faced with a huge change, the first time of the judgment and reaction of the oblique protection is enough to meet the standard of the famous, he can not make the first command to make the 30,000 people turn around, the only choice is to be fast Play fast, break through the weird barrier of the other side.

The middle and lower generals of most of the Golden Soldiers also received such a sense of urgency in the first time when the horn sounded.

At least in the first time of the battlefield confrontation, Jin Bing started a charge that could be called a united one.

However, the fear of some people, after a second round of rocket bombing, has also been produced.

The second round of the rocket's saturated launch, in groups of five. In the seven groups, a total of thirty-five rockets were shot and grown in a short period of time on the central axis of the 30,000 people. The rising flame even overwhelmed the sound of the Jurchen army, and each group of rockets will almost always A curve is drawn on the ground, the crowd is emptied, the human body is smashed, and the crowds at the rear will suddenly stop, and then form a squeezing and pedaling.

A group of rockets fell into the artillery ammunition pile of the Golden Man, forming a more violent chain explosion.

The central axis of the charge suddenly formed chaos.

Some people are even subconsciously frightened.

On the front line, more than 4,000 shots of the musket were absorbed by the full blood. In a short time, thousands of people were shot, and nearly 2,000 people fell over and fell. It was also like a dam. The magnificent scene of the embankment and floods. Such a scene is accompanied by huge smoke, and the people behind it are pushing in the blink of an eye, but the entire line of assault has actually been distorted.

Generally speaking, people who have been through the field will get used to a saying. On the battlefield, the average army will collapse if it loses 10%. If it can withstand 20% of the damage, it will be a soldier. If it can withstand more than 30% of the damage without collapse, it will be a strong army that can cross the world. But such a statement actually has his scope of application.

The difference between 10%, 20% and 30% is mainly the loss that the army can bear in a certain period of time in a battle. The ordinary army that lost 10% of the troops can continue to fight after the gathering. In the continuous whole battle, this proportion is not applicable. In front of the eyes, this revenge army led by the oblique insurance is a strong army that can lose more than 30% of the normal combat in the ordinary combat. However, in the battlefield, the measurement method cannot be applied.

The damage of the first time is too big.

The courage that was provoked in the first time of the battle will temporarily forgo the fear and launch the charge desperately. But of course, there is a limit to such courage. If something is photographed in the peak of courage, or if the soldier in charge suddenly reacts, the seemingly infinite courage will suddenly fall to the bottom.

Three rows of muskets were fired in one round, followed by another round, and the rushing army was in danger of falling like a raging wheat. At this time, 30,000 female real people carried out the charge of six or seven hundred meters. When they reached the front line of 100 meters, the speed had actually slowed down. The shouts were spread in the sky, and the soldiers who had not responded still remained. There is a strong fighting spirit, but no one really enters the line that can fight with the Huaxia Army.

The Jurchen generals wearing heavy armor may still be behind, and the soldiers wearing thin and soft armor are actually unable to resist the penetration of the rifle after crossing the 100-meter line, or the 50-meter line.

The musket was mechanically fired several times. A small number of soldiers were injured in the flying arrows. There were also several muskets that were blown up during the shooting. Instead, they injured the shooter himself, but the others in the queue only mechanically loaded the bullets. , aiming, shooting. Since then, the third round of rocket launches, dozens of rockets on the 100-meter line of the Jurchen charge, drew a twisted line.

Fear can no longer be suppressed.

Some soldiers who fell to the ground began to pretend to die. Some of the soldiers in the crowd stopped softly. They looked around and even looked to the rear. The chaos had begun to spread. Finished the slanting slashing knife and shouting the generals around me: "Follow me to kill the enemy -"

Later, someone shouted: "The stop is dead -" This kind of cry has played a certain role, but in fact, the charge at this time has no constraints on the formation, and the military law team has not had the margin of law enforcement.

Among the positions of the Huaxia Army, Ning Yi directed the square of the rockets: "Prepare the three groups, draw them on the back road and tell them that they can't go -"

Since then, some of the Jurchen generals and the soldiers have launched a round of assaults toward the position of the Huaxia Army, but it has not helped.

At noon, the countless smoke rising above the plain on the southern tip of the Wangyuan Bridge, the Huaxia Army's firearmsmen began to march forward, and the officers shouted "Falling and not killing" toward the front. Rockets flew from time to time and landed in the fleeing or attacking crowd. A large number of soldiers began to retreat to the river. The position of the Wangyuan Bridge was set by rockets, and most of the Jurchen soldiers did not know the water. And can't escape from the river.

A group of people on the plains threw away their weapons and smashed them down. More people tried to flee around. The horse team composed of more than a thousand people led by Han Jing has already reinforced their support here. Although the number is small, it is used. It’s a good thing to hunt down the squad.

The Yan Yingshibao heroic charge did not have much impact on the battle. In fact, his only chance to bet was only the choice of “attack” or “escape” at the beginning of the war. After seeing the situation collapse, he did not choose to flee for the first time - he must at least make an effort.

Maybe - he thought - there is still a chance.

Many years ago, the still weak and innocent Jewish army began to fight against Liao, and Agu hit in the out of the river shop to win 7,000 people with 3,700 people. In fact, they have to fight against more than 7,000 people. After that, he won the battle with 20,000 in the Guardian Dagang, and the Jurchen at that time had a grasp of victory.

"If you are not sure, you have to die."

The women really have been brilliant for many years, and they all came this way.

He prayed to the battle song in his heart, and the light shone on the army of the charge. In the process of assault, the warrior of the oblique protection was first killed by the flying bullets. He himself fell to the ground and then fainted. A lot of guards tried to save him, but many people were shot on the way to the charge.


My white tiger god, howl!

I am a person who is better than 10,000 people and is favored by the sky!


He then woke up once, broke free from the support of the people around him, and screamed with a knife: "Chong--" and then the bullet that was flying hit the armor and fell to the ground.

Stumbled, he remembered his father, he remembered the country and ethnic group he was proud of, he remembered his hemp...


The sun in the southern Jiu Mountain!

The unyielding grandfather of the East!

Look at me -


The soldiers of the Huaxia Army came over and grabbed him. After some inspections, they dragged him forward and leaned away, and the blood in his heart faded a little. He thought of the possible consequences in the situation he had never tried before. He Struggling to get up and start shouting hysterically. The soldiers of the Huaxia Army dragged him through a blast of black smoke, and tilted his head up. A man in a long military coat came over here.

This is Ning Yi.

This is also the first time he faced the devil in the Han Chinese. His face is like a scholar, only his eyes are bright.


Look at me -



Slanted screaming!

"...I killed you! You make evil laws! This is witchcraft-"

His hands were tied behind him, his mouth was full of blood, and he spurted out of his head. His face was twisted and smashed. His legs jerked hard, and his head rushed toward the other side and bite. At this moment, even if he is dead, he will also scare the devil in front of him and let him understand the blood of the Jurchen.

The white tiger **** and the ancestors are singing for him. However, there was no change in the look of Ning Yi’s face on the head. His pace is still coming out and his right hand is raised.

Almost in the next moment of the oblique protection, Ning Yi’s heavy punches roared out and slammed into the side of the oblique protection.

The singing in the brain stopped. The body of the oblique protection turned over in the air, and fell to the ground, the teeth in the half mouth fell, and there was a chaos in the mind~www.wuxiaspot.com~ difficult to turn, Ning Yi stood in front of him Looking at his face in a cold, Chinese soldiers came over and dragged him from the ground.

"Don't let him die, I will execute him on the spot in front of Yan Zonghan."

Before the oblique insurance struggled again, someone unloaded his chin and then tied him up.

The battle of Wangyuan Bridge began at noon and three o'clock on the day of February 28th. The battle of the main body has actually come to an end, and the subsequent cleanup of the battlefield took one or two hours. After the passage of time, Zonghan and others received the first information from Wangyuan Bridge in the Shiling camp. Wan Yan set up and shouted: "This must be a fake, tied the messenger!"

Confirmation of the information does not actually take long.

Next, it is a taste that has never been experienced before.

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