Zhui Xu

: Historical rotation causal extension

The cool breeze in February blew gently, still with a little chill, and the queue of Huaxia Army passed through the river near the Wangyuan Bridge.

The frontal battle near the Wangyuan Bridge has completely stopped.

The captives who surrendered and surrendered were placed in several triangular depressions on the riverside. The Huaxia Army’s rifle array held the outward-facing squad and a small number of troops went to the other side to avoid the captive crossing the river to escape. In the battlefield of the larger area, the banner of the golden man was dumped and chaotic, and the body was the most dense on the front line of the battle. The tragic scene spread toward the river.

When the rocket was ravaged, the fire was extinguished, leaving behind the shocking coke and the explosion, the soil after the burn, and the wounded gold soldiers were still smashing in the wind, and some of the soldiers were driven to watch the face. On, even can see the tears flowing down.

Looking into the bridge, the ground turned into a piece of black.

The accuracy of the "Dilijiang" is still a problem that needs to be greatly improved at the moment. Therefore, in order to block this nearly unique escape route, the reduction of the 30,000 troops of the Golden People is raised to the highest, and the Huaxia Army faces the bridge. More than sixty rockets were fired. A black spot spread from the bridgehead, and the small stone bridge was blown halfway. There was only one hole left by the two people.

Ning Yi took his fist and walked through the battlefield where the cool breeze passed.

By his side, everyone’s emotions were all excitement. Even the Huaxia Army veterans with guns nearby were somewhat surprised by the victory of this battle. Only when Ning Yi looked at the scene around this scene, his eyes looked a little alienated.

"Wangyuan Bridge... How far is it from Zhangzhou?"

"11 miles."

"...oh." Ning Yi nodded.

On September 21, 1860, on the outskirts of Beijing, Bali Bridge, more than 30,000 Qing army against 8,000 British and French troops, fighting for half a day, Qing army casualties more than 1,200, the British and French coalition forces killed five people, injured Forty-seven people.

This is the most humiliating scene of the whole of China in the second Opium War in another history.

Of course, history is more like a little girl with no autonomy. Just like Han Shizhong’s “Huang Tiandang Dajie”, the record of the Battle of Bali Bridge is full of strange places. In the records of later generations, it is said that the king of the 僧 僧 僧 僧 蒙古 蒙古 蒙古 蒙古 蒙古 蒙古 蒙古 蒙古 蒙古 蒙古 蒙古 蒙古 蒙古 蒙古 蒙古 蒙古 蒙古 蒙古 蒙古 蒙古 蒙古 蒙古 蒙古 蒙古 蒙古 蒙古 蒙古 蒙古 蒙古

However, in the end, the Qing army suffered 1,200 casualties, which led to the defeat of the 30,000 army. After returning to China, some French officers screamed the heroes of the Qing army and said, "They have withstood the strong firepower that caused him to suffer casualties... I would rather not step back, bravely persist, and all will be killed in the field", but some people think that it happened in Bali. The bridge is nothing but a "ridiculous war."

What is the truth about history?

At this time it is more like a minor detail that is not important.

Will that period of history die because he came to the world? I don’t think about it.

He circumvented the blackened crater and sighed softly.

The generation of technology seems to be an insurmountable mountain, but it is not necessarily true that it is completely insurmountable. In that period of history, the Chinese nation humiliated and fell behind for more than a hundred years, until the beginning of the anti-US aid pilgrimage that began in 1950, China has always been in a huge backwardness.

In the place called Shangganling, the Americans bombarded the 3.7-square-kilometer position of the area with tens of thousands of shells and explosives for forty-three days. The shells hit 1.9 million rounds and the bombs dropped by the plane. More than a thousand, the granite of the entire hill was cut down two meters.

The volunteers, which lacked explosives, even demolished the dumb bombs that the Americans threw and did not explode, used to dig into the bomb shelter.

At that time, the will of the Chinese who had suffered a hundred years of humiliation and polished with fire had wiped out a larger technological generation and won decades of breathing space for later China.

The world of Wuchao has been humiliated for more than ten years.

The screams of the wounded soldiers continue.

It was a Jurchen veteran who was affected by the explosion in the previous battle. He was sitting in a pool of blood, and one foot had been blown up. He woke up from the fainting, and the great pain made him shout on the battlefield.

Ning Yi walked up to him and looked at him quietly and quietly.

The military coat only swayed slightly in the wind. Ning Yi’s eyes were not mournful. He just quietly looked at the broken-legged veterans. Such a Jurchen soldier must have been a veteran who had experienced battles again and again, and died. The enemies in his hands and even the innocents have long been countless. The Jin Bing who can step on the battlefield of Wangyuan Bridge today is mostly such a person.

The shouts of the Jurchen veteran even stopped in this gaze, and the teeth closed and the eyes did not dare to look at Ning Yi. Ning Yi stepped on the blood and walked toward the distance.

"Liheng... not happy?" The red rapper around him asked softly.

Ning Yi looked back and looked at the scene on the battlefield, then shook his head.


He said.

At this point, the newsletter is spreading in different directions.

Even within the interior of the Huaxia Army, there will be a shocking shock soon...


In the real camp of women, it is another scene that is completely different.

People are waiting for the confirmation of the battlefield news, and they also shouted "This must be a fake..." After Zonghan sitting in the chair, he did not express his opinion again. The scout was called in, and he was also set up. Under the question of the people, everything that happened on the battlefield was described in detail. However, before it was said that it was halfway up, it was lifted out and the horse was lifted out.

"This is a spoiler of my army!"

It’s also a slap in the face, and the speed of pulling out is also added: “Maybe it’s true.”

Waiting for the second round of news, Zonghan walked in the room and looked at the map on the side of Wangyuan Bridge. Then he whispered a sentence: "There is a thin and thick, even if Ning Yi is guilty. If you are attacked, you will not be able to cope."

He also nodded: "The father is right."

After the camp was quiet for a long time, Zonghan said, sitting back in the chair: "I only worry that although the oblique protection is smart, there is always a arrogance in the bottom of my heart. If it is retreat, it is difficult to decide, and it will cause disaster."

He also did not speak.

At the second moment of Shen Shi (4 pm), more detailed information came. The scouts hiding in the distance of Wangyuan Bridge elaborated on the chaos on the entire battlefield. Some people fled the battlefield, but there was no oblique insurance. Fashion is not known, and the rest has come to the front. Zong Han listened to the scout's description. The hand caught on the railing of the chair was slightly trembling. He set up the road and said: "Zhuzhu, you go to the front to see."

After the departure of the horse, Zong Han let the scout continue to talk about the scene on the battlefield. He heard the scouts say that the king of Baoshan finally led the team to the front, and finally the flag was dumped. It seemed that he had never been killed. Zong Han stood up from the chair. The handrail that was gripped by the right hand was broken, and Zonghan threw it on the ground.

The scout still described the horrible firearms bombing the bridge at the bridge of the distant bridge. The flames and explosions caused a large number of soldiers who ran to the bridgehead to pass. Some soldiers were on fire and screamed to run in the crowd. The people were thrown into the still icy river in the shore. The northerners were not good at swimming, and most of the soldiers who drowned the river drowned.


Zong Han interrupted the description of the scout. The scouts are there, and they are chilling.

But after a while, he heard Zong Han’s voice come: "You - continue to talk about the firearm."

Scouting this will dare to speak again.

At about three o'clock in the afternoon (about 4:30 pm), people from the mouth of the soldiers who had escaped from the front line of the Wangyuan Bridge gradually learned that the heroic assault and life and death of the Yanyan slanting insurance were not enough. Captive.

At this time, the offensive and defensive battles of the entire Shiling battlefield have stopped in the orders of the two sides, which proves that both sides have already known the shocking results in the direction of Wangyuan Bridge.

Most people can understand the meaning of the fruit.

Six thousand Chinese military soldiers, in the case of carrying a new type of firearms to participate in the war, in half an hour, the front defeated the 30,000 gold army led by the oblique insurance elite, thousands of soldiers as death, more than 20,000 people captured, escaped Hey. There are only a handful of casualties in the Huaxia Army.

Most of the time, in fact, both sides are confirming whether this is like a heavenly book. On the other side of the Chinese military, before and after Zhong Zhongdao, the commander confirmed the source of the three intelligences and accepted the reality. The righteousness of the channel was sitting on the ground with intelligence, and it was silent for a long while, and then let people make a certain decision. As for the staff, Chen Hao After receiving the message, I first laughed: "This is who is playing me, it must have been me before..." Then I reacted and burst into anger: "No matter what, you can't make a joke with the military."

People accept the entire message in a variety of ways.

In the afternoon, Ning Yi has already merged with Han Jing, pulling some of the big cars loaded with the "Dijiang" rockets and launchers to the Shiling front. While riding on horseback, Ning Yi reopened the entire battlefield with Han Jing, several technicians and staff officers.

"The intensity of the guns has always been a problem. The first few rounds were better. After the third round, we noticed that the bombing situation is improving..."

"After three rounds, the paper shell of the ammunition is stuck..."

"It is cheaper to deal with cavalry. The Jurchen originally wanted to go slowly to the south. We launched in advance, so they were not prepared, and later they had to speed up. It was already late... We noticed that the second round of launch In the middle, the head of the Jurchen cavalry was affected, and the remaining cavalry did not go around again, but chose a straight charge and just hit the gun... If the next enemy is prepared, the speed of the cavalry may still cause us Threat..."

"The loss of rockets is not as much as expected. They will collapse when they are scared. Now they can play a few more games..."

In the discussion of people's embarrassment, they also talked about the good use of rockets. Others said that the name "Dijiang" is mighty and domineering. "Shan Hai Jing" said that the emperor is like a yellow sac, red as a fire, no wings, and most importantly, it will dance. Jiang is the name, and it is really vivid. Mr. Ning really will name and have profound connotations...

Han Jing came close to this side and supported me: "Although... is a big happy event, but the word Emperor will not be appropriate, let's kill the emperor..." He saw it with his hands~www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It looks like it’s the head of the crowd in the air, but it doesn’t go on.

Ning Yi turned his head: "Dilijiang..."

"Yeah, Dijiang."


"Jiang... is Jiang." Han Jing chewed for a long time, and the horse kept up. "What do you mean?"

As the sun sets, the front line of Shiling is near.


Master Li also received the first round of the report after Ning Yi left. She sat in a simple room, silenced for a long time at the table, and then cried out with a mouth open. There is a smile in the cry...

For many years, she once questioned whether Ning Yi’s act of killing Zhou Wei at the Golden Temple was sensible. Now it is completely unnecessary to ask. At the most critical moment of the battle that almost determined the survival of the entire ethnic group, he led the troops on the sixth day of the attack and easily destroyed the troops five times their own.

The sunset came from the window of the hut and sprinkled in...

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