"Congratulations, Master Ye, may you have a baby soon."

"I didn't expect that after not seeing you for a few days, you would marry the most beautiful woman in our Renjia Town."

"Uncle Jiu, I wish you good luck. Please come in..."

"Master Ren, Uncle Nine is here……"

"You still call me Master Ren, you should call me Brother-in-law……"

"Right, right, right, it was a slip of the tongue. I will drink three cups of wine as punishment.……"

Renjia Town.

At the gate of the Ye family's mansion.

The house is decorated with lanterns and filled with guests.

Today is the day when the two major families in Renjia Town——"The day of the marriage between the Ye and Ren families.

Ye Yan married the daughter of the Ren family.

However, the bride was not Ren Tingting.

Ren Tingting was still a 13-year-old little girl.

Ye Yan married Ren Fa's sister, Ren Susu.

She looked a bit like Ren Tingting when she grew up.

But her temperament was more pleasant. She was in her twenties, well-educated, gentle and charming, with a graceful figure... She was the most beautiful woman in Renjia Town.

Many prominent people from the surrounding towns and villages came to congratulate the newlyweds. The Taoist priest with eyebrows, Uncle Jiu, and his two apprentices.

Captain Awei.

Father Wu.

The businessman, Huang Baiwan... were all among them.

Even the townspeople who were not familiar with each other came to get red envelopes, wedding candies, join in the fun, and send blessings.


"I lived two lives, but I didn't expect that I had no house, no car, and no wife in my previous life."

"In this life, I have a house and a field at home, and my life is full of joy. Tonight, I have a beautiful wife to meet me.……"

Ye Yan was dressed in a festive groom's suit, looking very handsome.

He was indescribably happy to see such a lively scene in front of the door.

That's right, Ye Yan was a time traveler.

A month ago, he was still a otaku in the future, reading novels until midnight every night before going to bed.

But when he opened his eyes that morning, he found that he had traveled to a zombie world.

Ye Yan was so scared that he was worried about accidentally seeing a ghost.

He immediately asked the old housekeeper to prepare gifts, and he wanted to find Uncle Jiu to become his apprentice.

But Uncle Jiu had always refused Ye Yan for some reason.

Ye Yan had failed to become his apprentice several times, so he naturally didn't force it.

After all, in this supernatural world, besides Uncle Jiu, there are many equally powerful Taoists.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Ye Yan had this idea, the system necessary for time travelers"delivered on time""

【Branching system】

【As long as you expand the family

, you will be rewarded. 】How could Ye Yan wait for such a good thing?

On the same day, he asked the old housekeeper to find a matchmaker and go to the Ren family to propose marriage.

So there was this scene now.

Ye Yan married his childhood sweetheart, Ren Susu.

Instantly, all the men of the right age in the entire Renjia Town were shocked.

They were envious and jealous.

Especially Wencai Qiu Sheng.

Originally, they were still waiting at the gate of the charity cemetery, waiting for Ye Yan to continue to send gifts to become his apprentice.

At one time, they imagined that they would become"small rich" by constantly blackening Ye Yan's gifts, and then go to the Ren family to propose marriage.

Unexpectedly, what they waited for was the news that Ye Yan was going to marry the goddess in their hearts.

Damn it~

Nima! Ye Yan, the sixth brother, said that he would keep sending gifts to show his sincerity to become his apprentice, so why did he marry Ren Susu?

You have no martial ethics!

Wencai Qiu Sheng wanted to cry but had no tears, but he also knew that he could only envy, jealousy and hatred.


Soon, a series of tedious procedures were completed, including worshiping in the hall, toasting, and making a fuss in the bridal chamber. Ye Yan, who was a little drunk, finally got the time to be alone with Ren Susu.

In the festive wedding room.

Ren Susu was wearing a red silk veil, sitting on the edge of the bed.

She was wearing a phoenix coronet and a bridal veil, but her graceful figure could not be concealed. Hearing the footsteps of Ye Yan coming in, Ren Susu was still a little nervous even though she and Ye Yan were childhood sweethearts.

Especially when she thought of what was going to happen next, Ren Susu's pair of soft jade hands clenched her dress because of nervousness.

Her pretty face flushed under the red veil

"Madam, you are polite."

Seeing Ren Susu like this, Ye Yan felt a different feeling in his heart.

Looking at Ren Susu's graceful figure, which could not be concealed by the phoenix crown and bridal robe, he felt even more unbearable.

""Mr.... Sir, you are polite."

Ren Susu spoke with a trembling voice, showing her nervousness and shyness.

But her voice was like a yellow warbler, pleasant and melodious, adding a touch of moving flavor. This made Ye Yan a little restless.

After all, it was the first time for Ye Yan to marry and spend his first wedding night in his two lives.

And this was the most beautiful woman in Renjia Town.

It was impossible for him to say that he was not happy and looking forward to it.

""My wife, let me take a good look at you."

Ye Yan picked up the jade ruyi on the table and lifted the red veil.

The bride's beautiful face came into Ye Yan's eyes.

Bright eyes, white teeth, cherry-like lips, and fair skin, like a beautiful jade.

Coupled with the shy smile on her face, she looked like a delicate person waiting for you to pick her, and Ye Yan's eyes lit up.

"My lady, you are so beautiful tonight.……"


"My dear, a night of spring is worth a thousand gold. Let's take a rest.……"

Ye Yan's restless heart could no longer be calmed.

After the wedding wine, he completed an"evolution" between two lives."


Ten thousand words omitted here


Ye Yan finished in 33333 seconds.

A sweet loli voice immediately rang in his mind.

【Ding, the branching system is successfully activated】

【I am your system assistant——Xiaobai, I am happy to serve you……】

【Get the big gift package of"Branching Branches and Leaves", do you want to open it?】

"Hey! There's a reward before you even have a baby?"

"System, you are worthy of it"

"Open it immediately."

Ye Yan felt a surge of anticipation.

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