【Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the bridal chamber and obtaining the five internal organs strengthening——《The indestructible kidney》……】

【Ding, congratulations to the master for obtaining the first-class elixir——《Regenerating and Rejuvenating Pills*12……】

【Ding, congratulations to the master for obtaining the first-class top-grade elixir——《First Transformation Yellow Dragon Pill》*12……】

《Vajra Indestructible Treasure Kidney: A powerful weapon that can provide the host with continuous power.

Ps: No cooldown, unlimited ammunition, no wear and tear

《Shengji Huiyuan Dan: A miraculous medicine that can be applied externally or taken internally, which can quickly stop bleeding and regenerate tissue, and can instantly restore vitality when taken internally

《First Transformation Yellow Dragon Pill: It can improve the foundation building or the training speed of warriors.

As soon as the system Xiaobai finished speaking,

Ye Yan instantly felt a warm current flowing through his waist.

The soreness caused by fighting all night disappeared instantly.

An indescribable feeling of comfort flowed through his body, and the fatigue was swept away.


Ye Yan was refreshed and felt that he was doing well again.

Attribute panel:

Name: Ye Yan

Age: 22

Cultivation qualification: Top-grade spiritual body——《Qinglei Spirit Body" (ps: practicing thunder-related skills can achieve twice the result with half the effort, and blood is also the favorite of evil creatures and evil practitioners)

(Physical fitness level classification: treasure body, spirit body, divine body, holy body... and there are 4 grades: low, medium, high, and extreme.)

Skills: None

Cultivation: None

Special ability:"Vajra Indestructible Treasure Kidney"

Items: A fortune,"Growing Skin and Rejuvenating Pill" * 1 bottle,"One-turn Yellow Dragon Pill" * 12

Wife: Ren Susu

Offspring: None……

"I didn't expect that I was actually the legendary"Blue Thunder Spirit"》"

"Doesn’t that mean that I will have the opportunity to practice various legendary thunder magic skills in the future?"

"《Five Thunders Law: Thunder in the body, kill the evil spirits immediately"

"《Lightning Thunder Fist: Invoke the thunder of heaven, slay ghosts and ward off evil spirits."

Ye Yan's eyes lit up, and he felt a little excited.

Now, as long as he could make Ren Susu pregnant, he could get more rewards.

If he could obtain a thunder-attributed technique, or a magic weapon... wouldn't he be able to take off right away?

"With this system, why did we still need to worship Uncle Qiu Jiu?"

"I wasted a month of my time."

Ye Yan was excited and couldn't wait to continue working hard to expand.

Especially at this moment, looking at the beautiful and charming woman in his arms.

The long white legs and the bright red wedding quilt formed a sharp contrast, and the fragrance filled his nose. The visual and olfactory impact made Ye Yan feel a little restless.


Susu, let 's continue.……

""Brother Ye Yan, I…I…it still hurts!"

Ren Susu’s pretty face was slightly red, and at the same time she was pleading, her beautiful eyes were misty, and she looked pitiful.


Ye Yan was stunned.

But he quickly realized what happened, and he couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

He was too impatient and didn't know how to be considerate of the beauty.

But Ye Yan had a solution.

"Su Su, take this"Regenerating and Rejuvenating Pill" and you will get better soon."

Ye Yan suddenly understood why the system sent the"Regenerating and Rejuvenating Pill" at this time.

He could only say:"System, you are worthy of it."


The magic pill... the size of a jade bead, crystal clear, like a bright black pearl.

The fragrance of the pill is refreshing, and just smelling it can make people feel refreshed.

The magic pill melted in her mouth, and Ren Susu was immediately surprised to find that the place where she was originally aching was warm, and the wound healed rapidly.

At the same time, the magic pill entered her stomach and turned into countless warm currents flowing through her limbs, and her originally tired body was full of energy again.

Ren Susu's beautiful eyes were like stars, flashing with surprise.

"Brother Ye Yan, what did you give me to eat? It's amazing."

Ren Susu couldn't help but be curious.

"This is... a secret~"

Ye Yan tapped Ren Susu's nose with his finger, and raised the corner of his mouth slightly, keeping it a secret.

But in his heart, he exclaimed that the pill given by the system... Awesome (broken voice)……

However, if Uncle Jiu knew that Ye Yan actually used such an awesome elixir to do such a thing, he would definitely howl to the sky and call it a waste of God's gift.

Are you kidding me!

Even Uncle Jiu can't come across a top-grade elixir, even if it is a first-grade elixir.

But if you take one in a life-and-death battle with ghosts and monsters, you can definitely recover most of your injuries and spiritual power instantly and kill the monsters.

It is equivalent to having an extra life. But

Ye Yan just used it to"play"?

Isn't this a waste of God's gift?

However, Ye Yan said he didn't care.

Are you kidding me!

Now that I have this branching system, in the future, let alone the first-grade top-grade elixir that even Uncle Jiu would envy, even second-grade and third-grade top-grade elixirs will definitely be in stock.

I can afford it, so I can make as much as I want and eat as much as I want.


After that, everything went its natural way.

…… it is more than words


The following omitted a full million words... a million words


After more than half a month,

Ren Susu almost finished a whole bottle of"Shengji Huiyuan Pill".

Every day, except for eating and sleeping, she basically took healing elixirs.

Ren Susu felt very happy at first, but in the end she was a little scared.

Even with the"Shengji Huiyuan Pill", she couldn't stand it!

But fortunately, at this time, something happened that made Ye Yan extremely happy.

【Ding, congratulations to the master's wife, Ren Susu, for starting to conceive her first child.

You will receive 3 novice gift packs. Do you want to open them?】

"Oh my god! Three newbie gift packs at once?"

"If I could find a technique, a magic weapon or some heaven-defying elixir, wouldn't that be a great gift?"

The more Ye Yan thought about it, the more excited he became.

He couldn't wait to open all the novice gift packs.

But at this moment, the sweet reminder sound of the system Xiaobai sounded again.

【Ding, new system function——《"Family Prosperity", if the master helps family members or beauties with a beauty score of 90 or above to improve their cultivation, they can get cultivation feedback~】

【Ding, the chat group of all heavens is detected and is connecting……】

【Ding, the connection to the Zhutian chat group is successful, do you want to join? 】

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