"All heavens chat group?"

"Isn't it a branching system?"

"Do you want me to go to the heavens and the myriad worlds to take a concubine? ? ?"

Ye Yan's face became a little strange.

However, in order to quickly improve his cultivation, Ye Yan still agreed to join the chat group of the heavens.

【The Supernatural World: A handsome brother with many children and good fortune - Ye Yan joins the chat group]

In Ye Yan's mind, the familiar chat interface from his previous life immediately appeared.

But when Ye Yan saw the note the system gave him, he was instantly numb.

Shouldn't he be a handsome guy?

What a handsome brother!!

Also, although he has the branch-spreading system, he still doesn't even have a child.

"The four words"many children, more blessings" are not worthy of the present, and it is easy to be misunderstood.

However, when Ye Yan saw the comments of others, his expression became strange.

The supernatural world: the boy who often pretends to be powerful but is often defeated by the sun - Zhiqiu Yiye.

The martial arts world: the good brother that everyone wants - Li Xunhuan. The high martial arts world: the man with the standard of a strong man - the green man king


Damn, this chat group is too mean!

Everyone is slandering me.

Especially Nie Renwang, whose last name was changed.


What’s even worse is that the treatment of several women in the group is completely different.

In the martial arts world: the cute and beautiful queen - Li Mochou. In the martial arts world: the charming girl in a red dress - Mu Nianci.

In the martial arts world: the charming and lovely girl with long legs and jade feet - Wanwan. In the immortal world: the gentle and beautiful fairy - Nangong Ping’er


However, Nangong Ping'er's profile picture is gray, obviously she is either lurking or offline

"Hey! That's not right!"

"Shouldn’t Li Mochou be a cruel and ruthless old Taoist nun?"

"Why is it cute and gorgeous? And also a queen?"

"Could it be the Li Mochou from the beginning of the 14th edition, who is prettier, more innocent and more lively than Xiaolongnu in Xiaolongbao?"

Ye Yan feels that this is possible


If Mu Nianci is described as charming and beautiful in a red skirt, Ye Yan can only think of the poetic version and the righteous version.

She wears a red shirt and a crimson skirt, with delicate facial features.

She is gentle and shy, with a blush on her face, and her shyness is very cute.

When she is sad, her beautiful eyes are crystal clear, and she is very pitiful.


Wanwan is a more appropriate description.

Charming, cute.

Long legs and jade feet


Nangong Ping'er might be the official match of Han Lao Mo.

This made Ye Yan's heart beat.

In front of people, she is cold and noble, elegant, and the purple veil adds mystery.

Behind people, she has a gentle and lively personality and a stunning appearance.

However, these are not the focus for Ye Yan now. What

Ye Yan cares about is the various good things in the world of cultivation.

After all, other people are either in the world of martial arts or the world of the spirit.

Nangong Ping'er is definitely a world of cultivation, with natural treasures and amazing magical powers.


Zhiqiu Yiye:"Welcome newcomers, newcomers, show your photos, show your cultivation, show your descendants photos……"

"We are both from the demon and spirit world. Just send me a red envelope with cultivation resources, and I will protect you in the future."

Wanwan:"Many children, more blessings? Handsome brother, do you want to have children with your sister?"

"Just take a private photo, no need for an exclusive red envelope!"

Wanwan seems to speak casually and her words are frivolous.

But if most men take her words seriously, you lose.

She is a woman who can only talk nonsense, and she knows her bottom line very well.

Every time she flirts with men, she has her own purpose, and she never lets men take advantage of her.

Green Man King:"Uh, so direct? You flirt with handsome guys when you see them? You are really a goblin."

Zhiqiu Yiye:"You bold goblin, how dare you... why don't you flirt with me?"

Li Mochou:"Why else? You are ugly?"

"@Ye Yan, handsome brother, show me your photos, let's see if you are qualified to flirt with me?"

Li Xunhuan:"@知秋一叶, you are ugly +1."

Green Man King:"@知秋一叶, you are ugly +1."

Wanwan:"@知秋一叶, you are ugly +1, I want to see handsome brother show his photos."

Mu Nianci:"@知秋一叶, you are ugly +1, I want to see handsome brother show his photos"


Zhiqiu Yiye:"Humph! Stop teasing me so vigorously."

"Don't forget, these notes are all scams"

"My notes like"Pretentious" and"Sun" are just random writings!"

"His note is"handsome", which is definitely ugly."

Green Man King:"I agree with this point, this chat group can even write my last name wrong (angry with a knife)/)"

"What kind of strong man is this? What a mess???"

Li Mochou:"I object. I think it's totally fine to make a note. I am indeed a cute queen (proud)/)"

"The handsome brother must be really handsome."

Mu Nianci:"Oppose +1, the charming girl agrees with the cute queen's statement."

"The handsome brother must be really handsome."

Wan Wan:"Oppose +1, the jade-footed girl is bathing by the pool."

"The handsome brother must be really handsome."

Group friend:"Wow……"

I have to say, Wanwan is really a fairy.

The last sentence almost made all the men explode.

It seemed that they all saw Wanwan standing by the bathtub, with her delicate jade feet paddling in the water.

Even Mu Nianci, who is also a woman, couldn't help but blush.

After all, she is thin-skinned, unlike Wanwan who grew up in the Demon Sect and is accustomed to many things. She is also not as carefree as Li Mochou, who has been in the ancient tomb and is ignorant of the world.

Ye Yan was also almost unstable in his Taoism by Wanwan's two sentences.

However, Ye Yan did not immediately bubble up and intend to be teased.

After all, what's the point of"seeing but not eating"?

The purpose of his coming to this chat group is to get some benefits in cultivation.

For example,"The Order to Exorcise Ghosts and Demons" uploaded by Zhiqiu Yiye.

Especially the cultivation method of Nangong Ping'er's world.

If this can be obtained for cultivation, wouldn't it be invincible in the spiritual world?

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