
The Western zombies roared, the sound was like the roar of beasts, deafening and soul-stirring


"It's a vampire, Ah Zhen, use the purple thunder talisman quickly.……!"

Several young nuns were extremely panicked. When they saw the Western zombie couple coming to their house, they were instantly frightened out of their wits.

They were like a few little rabbits whose rabbit nest was dug up by a lion, leaning on each other and trembling.

Even Ah Zhen, who had been very"brave" just now, was trembling with fear as she held the purple thunder talisman in her jade hand.

Not only that, but the moment the purple thunder talisman was taken out, it was automatically activated as soon as it came into contact with evil spirits.

With a flash of lightning, the purple thunder was violent, breaking through the air in an instant and blasting towards the Western zombie.

However, the next moment.

The Western zombie just waved his cloak and slapped it hard.

Boom~ The violent purple thunder that could instantly blast hundreds of vampire bats just now exploded instantly.

The Western zombie was not hurt at all, as if what was shattered was not the violent purple thunder, but a bubble-like object.

"What? How is this possible?"

"It's over. It's over now."

"They are not even afraid of the mysterious power of the East. We are doomed now."

Ah Zhen and his companions suddenly widened their eyes and were terrified.

They fell into despair again.

"Livlian, they are yours."

The Western zombie looked indifferent and spoke lightly, as if deciding the lives of a few rabbits to be slaughtered.


Livlian's eyes lit up, and she looked at the Western zombie with affection, then opened her mouth and showed her sharp fangs and pounced on Ah Zhen and the others.

The few people were instantly desperate. Facing such a terrifying Western zombie, they had no power to fight back at all.

"Master Ye, where are you? Save us!"

"If I had known there were such horrible zombies here, I would have listened to you and left here."

The aunt nuns wanted to cry but had no tears, and they regretted it so much.

But just when they thought they were going to be killed by Livlian.


In the woods outside the church, flames shot up into the sky, the earth trembled, and a deafening roar of a beast resounded throughout the world.

Several nuns looked closely and saw a ball of fire as big as a hill coming at a high speed, crossing the cool night sky, and directly rushing towards the Western zombie and Livlian.

The Western zombie and Livlian were shocked.

But just as they turned around, they immediately felt a scorching heat coming.


Passing by Skip.

The church wall collapsed.

The Western zombie and Livlian were actually knocked away by this huge flame.

The little nun and the others escaped instantly.

But when they saw who was coming, they were instantly shocked by the scene in front of them. They saw a giant beast about ten feet tall, with flames all over its body, ferocious red scales, sharp claws and fangs appeared in front of them.

From a distance, a huge heat wave hit, making the little nuns sweat profusely.

But the bodies of the few people were so frightened by the giant beast in front of them that they felt like they were falling into an ice cellar, and their bodies couldn't help shivering.

"Oh my god! What kind of monster is this?"

"Dean, this looks like the Qilin, a mythical beast from Eastern legends."

"What? This is really a mysterious country in the East!"

"There is such a terrifying monster?"

"I feel like I'm going back to Bishop's country. I don't want to stay here anymore."

"This place is so mysterious and scary!"

"Even if the great leader comes, he can't preach here and steal the faith!"

The worldview of the aunt sister was repeatedly shattered today, and it was about to collapse.

If she was shocked by Ye Yan's magical method this morning and wanted to introduce him to the church.

Now that she saw that there was such a legendary beast here, she felt that she couldn't control it. She really wanted to escape back quickly.

"Dean, let’s run while there’s chaos!"

"Yes, yes! Although this Qilin is a legendary beast here, it has saved us now." (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"But it looks so scary, I wonder if it will eat us later!"

The four little nuns realized that something was wrong and prepared to run away.

Although the Western zombie was knocked away by the Fire Kirin, it was impossible to let the prey that was about to be caught escape.

Chirp, chirp, chirp~

At this moment, hundreds of vampire bats attacked and directly blocked the way of the four little nuns.


The Fire Kirin received Ye Yan's order to protect the four little nuns, so it naturally turned around immediately, opened its mouth and condensed flames to kill these vampire bats directly.

But at this moment.

Bang, bang, bang~

The Western zombie instantly rushed in front of the Fire Kirin, with corpse energy rolling around it, condensing and casting a bat phantom to blast the Fire Kirin away. The

Fire Kirin landed on all fours of its claws and drew four deep grooves on the ground.

It looked at the Western zombie with a vigilant face.

It could sense that the cultivation of this Western zombie was definitely not weaker than its own.

In addition, there was the Western zombie of the same level, the female Livlian. Even if the Fire Kirin could fight across levels, it would be impossible for them to be easily killed.

At this moment, Livlian made a few unskilled voices from her mouth.

"Hot blood...pure energy"


"Submission... enslavement... Become stronger."

As soon as these words came out, the Western zombies seemed to hear the reminder.

Their scarlet eyes immediately revealed excitement and a hateful evil light, staring at the Fire Kirin, as if they had encountered some delicious food.

This clearly saw the Fire Kirin as prey.

Not only did they want to suck the Fire Kirin's blood, but they also used vampire corpse poison to turn the Fire Kirin into a puppet.


The Western zombie screamed, broke through the air, and killed the Fire Kirin.

Livlian followed closely behind.

The two Western zombies joined forces, and their bodies burst out with a terrifying pressure that was not weaker than the peak of the Jindan stage. Their claws were like knives, their fangs were sharp, and they kept bombarding the Fire Kirin.

However, the Fire Kirin was not a vegetarian.

Feeling provoked, it fought back and instantly engaged in battle with the two Western zombies.


Bang, bang, bang~ metal clashed, sparks flew everywhere.

Fire Kirin relied on its strong defense and the steaming flames around it, standing still like a mountain.

The two Western zombies were not only incredibly fast, but also had amazing corpse qi defense.

The two sides fought for hundreds of rounds in an instant.

The earth was broken, the grass and trees turned into slag, and the power shook the world, but for a moment, the two sides were evenly matched, and neither could do anything to the other.

But at this moment, the Western zombie found an opportunity and rushed to the front of Fire Kirin, his eyes flashed with evil light.

Fire Kirin was actually fixed by his evil magic and was stunned in place for a moment.

Livlian's eyes lit up instantly, and she found an opportunity, and her sharp claws tempered with corpse poison immediately stabbed at the weak point of Fire Kirin's back door.


Fire Kirin's face changed drastically, but he was too late to react for a while.

He could only watch the sharp claws stabbing at the back door.

But at this moment.

The world was surging, and the spiritual power was overwhelming. A terrifying pressure that had just broken through the realm of Dan was sweeping across the world.

The next moment, a middle-aged man with tiger eyes, lion nose, straight eyebrows and a dignified look came galloping. He galloped directly towards Livlian.

"How dare you, bold Western zombie, use such despicable means to hurt our Dragon Kingdom’s sacred beast?"

"Should be punished~"

I said: Hieu Baocot

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