"Help! There are zombies!"

In the mountain forest church, it was dark and silent.

Several beautiful little nuns were resting together in their fluffy pajamas.

But at this moment, little Sister Ah Zhen suddenly sensed something in her dream and was immediately awakened.

Several little sisters and the aunt nun were instantly awakened.

"Ah Zhen, you must be confused because of a nightmare! I was scared to death."

"That’s right, there are no zombies here."

"Ah Zhen, don't disturb others, go to sleep quickly, we still have to continue to rebuild the church tomorrow."

Everyone complained to Sister Ah Zhen.

But the next moment.

Chi Chi Chi~

Bang Bang Bang~ a series of sharp bat calls and the sound of hitting the window sill came.


"Dean, what should I do? I don’t want to be bitten by a bat!"

"Disfigurement is horrible.

The four little nuns were immediately horrified and screamed.

"Calm down, it's just a bat, what's there to be afraid of?"

"I have closed the doors and windows. As long as they can't get in, we'll be fine."

It must be said that this aunt nun, a woman who brought four little nuns all the way here to preach, is quite capable.

Seeing the dense swarm of bats outside the window, she was not panicked and closed the window directly.

She even dared to kill a lone bat with her bare hands.

Although she was also scared to death and her heart was beating very fast at this time, she still had the courage to be the backbone.

However, at this moment.

It seemed that the aunt nun's mouth was opened.

Bang bang bang~ clatter~

The impact noise became louder and louder, and the glass window was actually broken by the crazy bats.


Dozens of bats with sharp claws and fangs filed in, and without saying a word, they rushed directly to the aunt nun and the four little nuns.


The auntie sister collapsed at the sight of this.

Just now, a bat ran in and almost frightened her, and now so many bats ran in. It was almost like she was going to die.

Ah Zhen and several other little nuns were also extremely desperate.

With so many red-eyed fanged bats coming to kill them, let alone weak women like them, even Wencai Qiu Sheng would be desperate.

However, just when they thought they were going to be bitten to pieces.


The moment the three leading bats pounced on Ah Zhen and Ah Shan, a magical scene happened. A golden light suddenly bloomed from the two of them, wrapping their entire bodies, making them look like they were wearing a translucent protective suit.

The three bats were actually bounced back by this layer of golden light.

Although the three bats were not hurt at all, they surprised Ah Shan and the two little nuns.

"Is this... the amulet that Young Master Ye gave us?"

"Can it really protect us?"

"Great, Dean, we are saved."

"Dean, here are a few more amulets given by Master Ye."

Ah Zhen and Ah Shan cried with joy.

They all found that the golden light on their bodies came from the amulets they kept close to their bodies, which made them immediately realize that all this was the magical power of Ye Yan.

They admired and were more curious about Ye Yan.

They immediately gave the remaining amulets to the aunts and nuns.

This was also done intentionally by Ye Yan.

After all, Ye Yan knew that according to Ah Zhen and the other two's innocence and kindness, if he only gave them two amulets, they would probably give them to others at the critical moment.

Now they each have one, it will definitely be no problem.

"What? The few pieces of paper given by Master Ye actually have such magical powers?"

"Is this the mysterious power of the East?"

"It's so magical!"

Sister Aunt and the other two young nuns had already put on amulets. Seeing that they were also protected by such magical golden light, they were so surprised and excited.

It was Sister Aunt. Although she had long realized that Ye Yan's ability was extraordinary (to read the exciting novel, just go to Faloo Novel Network!), she didn't expect that a few pieces of ordinary-looking talisman paper could emit such magical power.

At this moment, Sister Aunt's three views were shattered again.

Even her belief in God began to crumble.

At the same time, Sister Aunt was very glad that she didn't get angry and snatch the talisman from Ah Zhen's hand and throw it away.

Otherwise, today... They will definitely die today.

But they are too happy too soon.

Chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp~

At this moment, more and more vampire bats filed in through the windows. They were so dense that they almost covered the entire bedroom.

It was dark and filled with evil spirits, making the originally cold stone bedroom even colder throughout the night.

The vampire bats were still fearless and attacked the aunt and the nun like crazy.

Even though they had amulets on their bodies for protection, they were still knocked unstable and retreated step by step.

Moreover, the spiritual power of the amulets was also consumed rapidly, and the golden light surrounding their bodies began to fade.

At this moment, even the aunt and the nun felt despair again.[]

Ah Zhen and Ah Shan thought of something and took up their courage to stand up.

"Dean, we have other talismans that may be able to deal with them."

At this moment, Ah Zhen's mind rang with the tall figure of Ye Yan. Even when facing the densely packed bats, he felt very reassured. He immediately took out the purple thunder talisman given by Ye Yan.


The purple thunder talisman was activated immediately when it came into contact with the evil spirit emitted by the vampire bats.

The lightning arc bloomed, the electric light was dazzling, and it illuminated the entire bedroom.

The next moment.


The purple thunder hummed, deafening.

It was like a thunder from the sky, and the violent thunder and lightning were launched instantly, sweeping away all the evil.

Bang bang bang~

A series of violent explosions sounded.

In an instant, most of the vampire bats that covered the entire bedroom were killed.

This scene directly made several little nuns excited and exclaimed.

"Oh my god! Master Ye's purple thunder talisman is so magical, so (Qian Zhao Zhao) powerful"

"I love you so much."

Ah Shan was so excited that she couldn't help dancing.

This was the joy of seeing hope in a desperate situation. The aunt nun was once again shattered by Ye Yan's talisman.

"Ah Zhen, come again, destroy these damn vampire bats"

"Eliminate them"

""Okay~ Turn."

Sister Zhen had never thought that she could master such a magical power. She was extremely excited and her panic was swept away. Without saying anything, she took out two purple thunder talismans and threw them at the remaining vampire bats.

But at this moment.

Boom boom~

The window wall was blasted by a terrifying force, rocks flew, smoke and dust rolled.

The next moment.

A pair of blond and blue-eyed, ferocious fangs, and blood still on the corners of their mouths appeared.


Several little nuns were so scared that they screamed.

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