"Oh no, Master Ye, this mummy seems to be flying towards the church."

"The nuns are in danger."

The Taoist Simu's face suddenly changed.

"Master Ye, Uncle Simu, there are so many bats in the sky. Could it be that all the bats in the village are caused by this mummy?"

Qiu Sheng was smart for once and guessed roughly.

"Yes, it is indeed related to this Western zombie"

"Now that the Western zombies have resurrected, it is time to eliminate the trouble forever."

Ye Yan has been waiting for a day and finally saw the Western zombies resurrect.

And this Western zombie has probably bitten the vicious female partner Aju to death.

Sure enough, the next moment

"Help! Master Ye, Taoist Simu, help!"

"My cousin has turned into a zombie!"

Captain Awei ran over in a messy state with several scarlet claw marks on his body.

He looked back every few steps, looking at the figure running behind him with a face full of fear.

That's right, the one chasing Captain Awei was none other than Miss Aju who had turned into a zombie.

"What? Why are there still zombies?"

The Taoist Simu's face changed, and he stepped on the Tiangang footwork, one step three meters, and his figure was graceful. In an instant, he rushed between Captain Awei and Aru.


"Damn Taoist priest, you are here?"

"Where is Ye Yan?"

"I am going to kill you all today."

Aju's eyes were fierce, her fangs were exposed, and she waved her black cloak. The corpse qi condensed, and hundreds of translucent little bats appeared out of thin air. They rushed towards Taoist Simu.

"What? Zombies can talk?"

"Is this the legendary vampire zombie?"

Taoist Simu suddenly looked serious. This was the first time he encountered a vampire zombie. He immediately used the corpse-suppressing talisman, the evil-breaking talisman, the peach wood sword, and the money sword to attack Aju and the corpse-gas bats.

However, bang bang bang~ these talismans had no effect on Aju except for blowing up some corpse-gas bats.

In the end, the purple thunder talisman and the blazing fire talisman appeared, but they only blew up all the corpse-gas bats.

Aju had the Western body-protecting blood-red corpse gas to protect her, so she was fine.

This made Taoist Simu's face change drastically, Wencai Qiu Sheng was so frightened that he dared not move.

Ye Yan watched Aju with interest, to see if he could learn some skills or secret techniques from her.

But the result disappointed Ye Yan.

Perhaps Aju had just become a zombie, and the means of condensing these corpse qi into bats were not mature enough to trigger the"Taoism Scripture" to comprehend the secret techniques.

But Ye Yan's disappointed expression turned into fear in Aju's eyes.

This made Aju reveal a sneer at the corners of her fanged mouth.

For the first time, she felt the benefits of becoming a zombie.

She could actually make Ye Yan afraid of her.

"Ha! Ye Yan, are you finally afraid?"

"Please, miss!"

"As long as you kneel down and beg me to bite you, I don't mind making you my number one male favorite."

"I will love you well in the future."

Aju became more and more excited as she spoke, as if she had foreseen the arrogant Ye Yan becoming her slave and letting her play with him.

However, as soon as she said this, Taoist Simu and Wencai Qiu Sheng looked at Aju with eyes that cared for the mentally retarded.

I mourned for Aju for three seconds in my heart.

No, do you really think that if Taoist Simu's magic is ineffective on you, you can be invincible in the world?

You can deal with Ye Yan?

Sure enough, the next moment, Ye Yan was too lazy to talk nonsense with Aju, and condensed nine talismans in his right hand.

《The Demon-Chasing Thunder and Fire Order was blasted out.

The sea of fire shook the sky, and the scorching heat instantly engulfed Aju.


"How could you use such a horrific method?"

"How is this possible?"

Aju's smile froze, and she felt an unprecedented life-and-death crisis, her face full of fear.

Instinctively, she stirred up the corpse qi to form a shield barrier.

But the next moment.

Boom boom boom ~ a series of violent explosions sounded. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Nine consecutive mushroom clouds of flames rose.

The earth trembled, and the void boomed.

Whether it was the shield barrier or the body-protecting corpse clothes, they were instantly broken.

Aju's body was instantly blasted into ashes.

"I go!"

"How is this possible?"

Captain A Wei was stunned for a moment.

Although he had long known that Ye Yan was a stronger cultivator than Uncle Jiu and Taoist Simu, he did not expect him to be so awesome.

He casually released nine mushroom clouds of fire, which was even more awesome than the most advanced hand grenades in the West.

With one move, even a terrifying zombie like A Ru could be blown into slag.

Captain A Wei could not help but feel scared.

Fortunately, he did not disrespect Ye Yan before, otherwise he would not know how to die now.

Taoist Simu and Wencai Qiu Sheng were not surprised by this result.

A Ru was such a moron, why would he mess with Ye Yan when there are so many people to mess with? He was courting death.[]

However, this scene also made Taoist Simu understand a truth.

Even if the opponent is a Western zombie that is not afraid of magic.

But as long as his magic and cultivation are powerful enough, he can still easily break the opponent's defense.

Thinking of this, Taoist Simu's heart is more eager to break through the Jindan realm.

In his heart, he said all kinds of MMP to Uncle Jiu.

Nima! Senior brother! I hope you can break through successfully soon!

Junior brother, I also want to go into seclusion and practice the modified skills of Master Ye!

"Captain Awei, has anyone else been bitten by a Western zombie? If not, I will go deal with that Western zombie."

Ye Yan was ready to go and deal with the Western zombie immediately.

Although Ye Yan had given several amulets and purple 773 thunder amulets to the two nuns, they would be fine for the time being.

In addition, the Fire Kirin was playing nearby, and once the Western zombie landed, it would be attacked by the Fire Kirin.

But Ye Yan was still worried about accidents.

According to the original work, there is also a female Western zombie waiting to be resurrected in this plot.

Once this Western zombie is resurrected, it will definitely go to resurrect the Western female zombie.

And now the Western zombie is flying to the church with a group of bats, which means that the female zombie should also be there.

If the two Western zombies join forces at that time, plus so many physical bats.

Even if the Fire Kirin No matter how strong he is, it won’t be easy to protect Ah Zhen and the others.

Ye Yan was not overly worried.

After all, Ye Yan had just sensed that the Western zombie had at least the Jindan level of cultivation, and

Fire Kirin’s two fists could not defeat four hands.

If he couldn’t kill the two Western zombies and hundreds of vampire bats instantly.

As long as the Western zombies randomly controlled a few bats to attack a few young nuns, Fire Kirin would need to be distracted to protect the young nuns.

Ye Yan had to be on guard.

Sure enough, on the other side, the Western zombie quickly sensed the whereabouts of his wife’s body and immediately resurrected her with the blood of the corpse.

Soon he sensed the breathing of the young nuns, and immediately showed a greedy expression, and rushed towards the church.



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