"No way! Are these bats really controlled by Western zombies?"

"But these Western zombies have turned into mummies, and they can actually control these bats."

Ye Yan was surprised that he didn't find the evil cultivator.

But he was more interested in the Western zombies that were about to be born.

After all, this one has only been dead for so long, and he can control the existence of bats even in the state of a mummified corpse.

If he can search his soul, maybe he can get a secret technique to easily control everything.


In the afternoon, Taoist Simu and Wencai Qiusheng had gone back, leaving behind a large number of villagers and security guards digging wells.

Captain Awei, as the security captain, naturally had to be on the scene to direct the work.

But in fact, Captain Awei coaxed Aju and took her to an open space not far away to practice riding a bicycle.

At this time."One seven seven""Captain, we seem to have unearthed cultural relics."

A security guard reported excitedly.

You know, in this era, no one cares about these unearthed cultural relics. Whoever finds them owns them.

"Cousin, it looks like we're going to be rich this time."

"Doesn’t your dad like antiques very much?"

"I'll go down and take a look first, maybe I can get something encouraging that even your dad would be excited about."

Captain Awei tried his best to please Father Aju.

Without saying a word, he immediately sat in the hanging basket and entered the pit.

As expected, just like in the original book, he saw a mummy with scarlet eyes and fangs.

But just when Captain Awei was startled and was about to run away.

The mummy's scarlet eyes actually flashed a red light and shot into Captain Awei's eyes.

Captain Awei felt a flash in front of his eyes, but when he reacted, he saw a fist-sized ruby on the cross on the chest of the mummy. It was more than 10 times larger than the ruby in the original book.

Such a large ruby, even the richest man in Renjia Town can't get it.

It is priceless.

Captain Awei was so excited that his heart was about to jump out.

But if Ye Yan was here, he would definitely find that the gem on it was at most the size of a little finger.

Although it is not small, its value is definitely dozens or hundreds of times smaller than what Captain Awei saw.

Captain Awei didn't know that he was under the evil spell of the mummy. He was so excited that he quickly took out a piece from his arms. The handkerchief tied the ruby.

Then someone pulled the mummy up.



The moment the mummy came to the ground.

The monstrous evil spirit rolled up into the sky, instantly changing the color of the sky and the earth, with wind and clouds, lightning and thunder.

The rain poured down.

Captain Awei didn't pay any attention to this. Instead, he ran to Aju excitedly and told her that he had found a fist-sized ruby.

Even though Aju was the daughter of the richest man in the village, she was instantly excited when she heard that there was such a big gem. When the body was moved back to the village, Taoist Simu happened to find something wrong and immediately suggested burning the body.

Captain Awei and Aju were naturally unwilling, and while everyone was not paying attention, they swapped the bodies.

After preparing to finish the banquet in the evening, they went back to the room and slowly sawed off the ruby.

Seeing Ye Yan's meaningful eyes at the banquet, Captain Awei, who was guilty of a thief, was directly scared.

Aju was still angry with Ye Yan because of what happened in the morning.

A pair of triangular eyes looked at Ye Yan with a vicious look, and I don't know what vicious plan he was planning in his heart.

"Miss Aru, Captain Awei, I see that both of you have dark spots on your foreheads. You'd better not do anything bad recently."

"Otherwise, you will die a miserable death."

Ye Yan kindly reminded them.

Captain A Wei believed in Ye Yan's ability and his face changed instantly.

A Ru was furious instantly.

"I want you to mind your own business"

"It's none of your business to manage my affairs"

"Let me tell you, we are not done with what happened this morning. You will see what happens next."

Captain Awei was shocked by Aju's words. Are you kidding me?

Who is Ye Yan? He can release lightning to kill zombies. Aju actually scolded him directly. Isn't that courting death?

Wencai Qiu Sheng was furious when he heard that Aju dared to treat Ye Yan like this. He was ready to teach Aju a lesson.

But what surprised Captain Awei and Wencai Qiu Sheng was that when

Ye Yan heard this, he just smiled indifferently and finally found a place to sit down and eat.

This made the three of them look confused.

"Master Ye, you can't be so arrogant! You can do this?" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Yes! Just cast a lightning spell to kill that unruly lady..........."

Wencai Qiusheng followed Ye Yan to find a seat and sat down, filled with righteous indignation.

Ye Yan leisurely picked up the bamboo shreds that were placed under the steamed lobster and soaked with the delicious lobster soup. While eating, he said calmly:

"I won't argue with a dead person."

"It's hard to persuade the damned ghost with good words"

"Since they want to die, I don't bother to care."

Wencai Qiusheng was shocked, feeling that something terrible must be happening.

Ye Yan didn't say anything else. Since this Aju wanted to die, let her help revive the Western zombies and then study them for himself!


Sure enough, that night.

Captain Awei accidentally broke his nose while cutting the ruby on the cross, just like in the original novel.

His blood was absorbed by the mummy.

When Aju saw the ruby fall, she wanted to keep it for herself, so she asked Captain Awei to go out and find something to stop the bleeding.

However, Aju was sucked dry by the resurrected Western zombies and turned into a vampire zombie.

"Ye Yan, you made me like this, I will suck your blood dry"[]

At this time, Aju had green eyes and fangs, a ferocious face, and resentment in her heart.

The only obsession in her heart was to bite Ye Yan to death.

The Western zombie was too lazy to pay attention to Aju, roaring to the sky, with its cloak spread out, red eyes and fangs 3.0, rising into the sky like a giant bat.

As if summoned by some mysterious force, it rushed towards the church where the aunt nun was.

"What's going on? Such a strong evil spirit"

"Master Ye, I suddenly have a bad feeling.

Although Taoist Simu could not hear the Western zombies howling, he suddenly had a bad feeling.

But at this moment, the Western zombies, like giant bats, flew across the sky. This made

Taoist Simu's face change drastically.

"Oh no, what the hell is that?"

"Why does this thing look so familiar to me?"

"Oh no, is that the mummy?"

"Wasn't the mummy burned? Why did it come back to life?".

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