Wanwan:"What? A handsome man can actually improve the grade of the secret book?"

"Let me see"

"Oh my god! It's actually true! Is this really the"Demon Secret Book"?

"I feel it is much more exquisite than before"

"Handsome brother, did you change this?"

"You are too awesome!"

Yinkui Sect.

Wanwan, who was paddling in the water by the pool, looked at the more exquisite contents of"The Secret Code of the Heavenly Demon" in her beautiful eyes, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

You know,"The Secret Code of the Heavenly Demon" can be said to be one of the best exercises in the world of"Double Dragon". It is exquisite and unpredictable. Those who practice it can become one of the best masters in the world.

But even for these geniuses of the magic sect like them, it is extremely difficult to practice.

But Ye Yan was able to modify and improve it in such a short time.

If this matter were to spread, it would definitely shock the entire"Double Dragon World".

Ye Yan:"Yes, these exercises have indeed been modified by me by a billion points"

"If you have other skills, please send them to me."

"It just so happens that I want to combine the strengths of all the martial arts in the world to see if I can create a new martial arts."

Ye Yan did not deny the origin of the martial arts.

He couldn't tell them that these martial arts were automatically optimized by the"Taoist Scriptures".

They wouldn't believe it, and it would be troublesome to explain.

But as soon as Ye Yan said this, the whole group exploded.

Li Mochou:"Oh my God! Could this handsome brother be the legendary martial arts master?"

"Can it also gather the strengths of all the skills in the heavens and all the worlds?"

"Handsome brother, so awesome (/happy hug)~"

"I'll go find other skills right away."

Li Mochou absolutely believed that Ye Yan was not bragging.

After all, the perfect version of"Jade Girl Kung Fu" in her hand was the best proof.

Ye Yan was not only a mysterious immortal master like Nangong Ping'er, but also a martial arts grandmaster with extraordinary comprehension.

Otherwise it couldn't be explained at all.

At this moment, Li Mochou was ready to take this opportunity to leave the Tomb Sect and find more skills for Ye Yan.

Li Xunhuan:"Oh my god! My flying knife skills can actually be used like this?"

"Ye Da Lao is awesome, he is worthy of being a martial arts master, please accept my knees."

Green Man King:"Oh my god! Is Ye Da Lao really a rubbish supernatural world?"

"How can he be more awesome than Zhiqiu Yiye from the demon world?"

"Shock +1, Admiration +1, sir, please accept my knees."

At this moment, even Li Xunhuan and the Green Man King were shocked and excited after seeing the skills in their hands.

The two were once again refreshed by Ye Yan's ability.

How could this sir, Ye Yan, come from some weakling spiritual world? He is clearly many times more awesome than Zhiqiu Yiye from the demon world.

Even the most mysterious cultivator in the group - Nangong Ping'er may not be as good as Ye Yan.

Wanwan:"What? Handsome brother, you are actually a martial arts grandmaster?"

"Handsome brother, you have deceived Wanwan so much!"

"Sad, seeking comfort, wanting a hug~"

Come on, Wanwan started flirting again, and getting bolder and bolder.

She even secretly sent Ye Yan a private photo, with a pair of perfect jade feet paddling.

Her beautiful eyes were crystal clear, as if she was in tears, like a beautiful woman who had been wronged, charming and cute.

Who can resist this!

But Ye Yan also knew that this little goblin was so open because she was in the chat group.

In addition, Wanwan saw Ye Yan's amazing behavior.

If it was Zhiqiu Yiye, Green Man King and others, Wanwan would never do this.

But at this time, compared to everyone's excitement.

Zhiqiu Yiye couldn't help but wail:

"Where is my exclusive red envelope? Why am I the only one who doesn’t have an exclusive red envelope?"

""Brother Ye, have you forgotten me?" (/crying)"

Zhiqiu Yiye waited for a long time, but found that Ye Yan had no intention of giving him a red envelope.

He felt abandoned instantly.

Mu Nianci:"Hehe! Who let the handsome brother take a fancy to your martial arts just now? You actually bargained with the handsome brother."

"You deserve it that the handsome guy ignores you."

Kanan:"Agree +1, who let you take advantage of the handsome guy."

Li Xunhuan:"Agree +1, who let you take advantage of the big guy."

Green Man King:"Agree +1, who let you take advantage of the big guy."

Li Mochou:"Agree +1, who let you take advantage of the handsome guy."

Zhiqiu Yiye:"I was wrong, big guy, give me a chance!"

Zhiqiu Yiye was actually mumbling in his heart.

He wanted to refute several people.

But he knew that he was in the wrong, and he didn't have the eloquence to argue with a group of scholars.

After all, he did take advantage of Ye Yan just now.

He exchanged the 300-point technique for Ye Yan's 400-point"One Turn Yellow Dragon Pill".

He missed the opportunity to make friends with Ye Yan.

Now even if Ye Yan doesn't give him an exclusive red envelope, he can't say anything.

After all, it's a matter of giving is a favor, and not giving is a duty.

Now Zhiqiu Yiye is so regretful in his heart.

If he had known that there was such a heaven-defying existence as Ye Yan in the spiritual world, he would not have relied on being a cultivator in the demon world to show off to Ye Yan.

Now he can only lick Ye Yan's face and kneel down to lick his face, asking Ye Yan to give him some benefits.



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