Ye Yan:"@知秋一叶, I'm not that stingy. It's not that I won't give you a special red envelope."

"It's you who has already reached the top grade of Yellow Grade"Kunlun Qigong". You can only upload it for trading."

"If you want, you can buy it in the system mall."

Ye Yan was not talking nonsense.

He was not that stingy.

Although Zhiqiu Yiye did have the intention to cheat him just now, if Zhiqiu Yiye could become stronger, he could also help him find other skills.

This would be good for him.

In this regard, Ye Yan could only upload the"Kunlun Qi Training Art" which had been upgraded to the yellow grade to the"Group Mall".》

"Oh my god! It’s actually true"

"800 points? I can’t afford it!……"

Zhiqiu Yiye widened his eyes, and when he saw the words"Yellow Grade Supreme", he was instantly shocked.

Even Nangong Ping'er, who had always pretended to be cool and submerged, was shocked.

Are you kidding!

Only the two cultivators knew how exaggerated this was.

To be able to do this, at least one needs to be at the level of a Nascent Soul Transformation Master.

It also requires a very high level of comprehension, and the ability to thoroughly understand"Kunlun Qigong", not just simply learn it.

Otherwise, how to point out the shortcomings of"Kunlun Qigong" and modify and improve it?

And how long has Ye Yan been able to get"Kunlun Qigong"?

More than two hours? In more than two hours, he directly learned and understood a method that could be practiced to the peak of foundation building, and even pointed out the shortcomings and improved it.

This operation completely subverted the cognition of Zhiqiu Yiye and Nangong Ping'er.

Is the world where Ye Yan lives really a spiritual world of the end of the law?

Why can there be a person like Ye Yan who is more against the sky than the legendary spiritual master.

At this moment, even the aloof fairy Nangong Ping'er"discovered" at this moment that Ye Yan might be a big shot who was beyond her reach.

Thinking of this, Nangong Ping'er finally"understood" why Ye Yan asked Zhiqiu Yiye for martial arts.

It was not because there was no martial arts to practice!

It was obvious that he really wanted to gather the strengths of the martial arts in all the heavens and worlds to create a new heaven-defying martial arts.

How much courage and ability does it take to be qualified to do such a thing?

Nangong Ping'er felt that it was time for her to show up.

Nangong Ping'er:"@Ye Yan, I have a few martial arts books that I got from killing enemies in my early years. I wonder if they can be of use to you?"

【Ding, an exclusive red envelope from Nangong Ping'er】

【Ding, an exclusive red envelope from Nangong Ping'er】


【Ding, an exclusive red envelope from Nangong Ping'er】


Ye Yan was delighted that this cold and sultry fairy finally took the bait.

Moreover, Nangong Ping'er was indeed a Jindan elder in the world of cultivation, and gave him 5 exclusive red envelopes right away.

Ye Yan couldn't wait to see what good skills were inside.

When the group members saw this scene, they went crazy.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my god! What a living Nangong?"

"Boss Nangong, I also need the skills of cultivating the immortal world, and I want the same exclusive red envelope."

Green Man King:"Boss Nangong is really online, please give me some advice, and I want the same exclusive red envelope +1.""

Li Xunhuan:"Greetings to Boss Nangong, please give me some advice, and I want the same exclusive red envelope +1.""

Nannan:"Greetings to Boss Nangong, please give me some advice, and I want the same exclusive red envelope +1.""

Li Mochou:"Greetings to Boss Nangong, please give me some advice, and I want the same exclusive red envelope +1.""

Mu Nianci:"Greetings to Boss Nangong, please give me some advice, and I want the same exclusive red envelope +1.""

The moment Nangong Ping'er came online, all the group members became excited.

After all, this is a real big shot in the world of immortal cultivation.

Anything that slips through his fingers is enough to increase their strength.

But they didn't have much hope for red envelopes.

After all, Nangong Ping'er is usually aloof and basically invisible. She has no intention of playing with the Green Man King and the others. If they wanted to give them the skills, they would have given them long ago.

However, the Green Man King and his men did not feel unhappy with Nangong Ping'er.

After all, even they would not contact those ordinary people under normal circumstances.

It's not that they look down on them, but they simply have no common topics.

It's like a college student who generally doesn't play with elementary school students.

What they didn't expect was that

【Ding, a group red packet from Nangong Ping'er - 12 low-grade spirit stones】

【Mu Nianci obtained"Low-grade Spiritual Stone"*2】

【Wanwan obtains"Low-grade Spirit Stone"*2】

【Li Mochou obtains"Low-grade Spirit Stone"*2】

【The Green Man King obtains"Low-grade Spirit Stone"*2】

【Ye Yan obtained"Low-grade Spiritual Stone"*2】

【Zhiqiu Yiye obtained"Low-grade Spiritual Stone"*2]

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Hahaha, I finally got the group red envelope."

"It turned out to be a low-grade spiritual stone. Thank you, Nangong."

Zhiqiu Yiye was still the slowest.

If it weren't for Nangong Ping'er getting 6 red envelopes, Zhiqiu Yiye would have cried again.

Mu Nianci:"Wow! Is this the legendary spiritual stone from the fairyland? So beautiful! Thank you, Nangong sister"

"I finally have a chance to buy a cultivation technique to practice."

Mu Nianci knew that cultivation techniques required spiritual energy to practice, but she didn't know whether there was spiritual energy in the martial arts world.

In addition, they had just joined the group a few days earlier than Ye Yan, and had no points.

So until now they have not obtained the cultivation technique to practice.

But now with this spirit stone, they only lack the cultivation technique to practice.

But at this moment.

Wan Wan:"Huh! This spirit stone seems to be filled with some kind of power?"

"Oh my god! The"Demon Secret Book" improved by the handsome brother can actually draw the power of the spirit stone into the body for cultivation?"

"Other people's internal strength, no, it seems that there is a little extra special power in their dantian?"

"Could this be the legendary spiritual power?"

Wan Wan's eyes widened in shock.

Li Mochou:"It's actually true"

"The original"Jade Girl Kung Fu" cannot refine spirit stones, but the technique modified by this handsome brother can actually do it?"

"Could it be that handsome brother has turned all our martial arts secrets into techniques for cultivating immortals?"

"Doesn't that mean we don't need to buy immortal cultivation techniques and start over?"

"What? The secret book turned into a method of cultivating immortality?"

"Oh my god! That’s awesome!"

The entire group went wild again at this moment.

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