Li Xun Huan:"What? My Little Li Flying Dagger has also become a method of cultivating immortality?"

"Oh my god! It’s actually true"

"I now have a little more spiritual power in my Dantian, the power of my flying knife skills has increased by more than ten times?"

Green Man King:"Hahaha! Immortal cultivation method? Now the power of this"Ao Han Liu Jue" is definitely far more powerful than the complete version of my Green Family's ancestral ancestor."

"I'm green... Bah... My Nie family is going to rise"

"Do you know what I just did?"

"I razed the three-mile bamboo forest to the ground with one strike."

"Although my sword energy is still blue-silver, its power is definitely not weaker than that of gold."

In the world of Fengyun, in the small bamboo forest, the Green Man King couldn't help but laugh heartily.

Although he had always wanted to retire to the mountains with his wife and children, and live the carefree life he imagined, no longer practicing martial arts, and no longer caring about the world.

But after being treated like this by Ye Yan, his originally calm heart once again regained the passion and heroism of his youth. He was almost unable to suppress it and wanted to find his old rival to fight again.

However, when he thought about giving his wife and children a stable living environment, the Green Man King still forced himself to suppress the restlessness in his heart.

Little did he know that his wife Yan Ying, a woman known as the standard of a strong man, never wanted such a stable life.


As for Zhiqiu Yiye, it was a rare opportunity to grab a red envelope, and he was so excited.

Although he did not obtain the improved skills of Ye Yan, he was originally a cultivator, and this low-grade spirit stone directly made his cultivation soar again.

Ye Yan and Nangong Ping'er were a little surprised when they heard the conversation between the few people.

Ye Yan did not expect that the martial arts secrets improved by the"Taoism Scripture" could actually refine spirit stones. It's simply too heaven-defying.

You know, even in Nangong Ping'er's world, the boundary between mortals and cultivators is quite clear.

People without spiritual roots cannot sense spiritual power in their lifetime and cannot practice immortal cultivation skills.

At most, they can only practice martial arts secrets and cannot achieve immortality.

This is also the reason why the female supporting role, Miss Mo, became so unhappy.

Nangong Ping'er naturally knew this, so she was even more shocked at this time.

She just sent out the spirit stone red envelope unintentionally, forgetting that the warriors in their world could not refine spirit stones.

But before she reminded everyone that these spirit stones were useless to them.

But she heard that the martial arts secrets improved by Ye Yan could actually be directly transformed into immortal cultivation skills.

She was shocked to the point of numbness. It completely overturned her cognition.

If the martial arts secrets can really be turned into immortal cultivation techniques to refine spiritual energy.

Doesn't that mean that mortals without spiritual roots in the immortal world can also practice?

How did Ye Yan do it?

At this moment, Ye Yan's image in her mind became more mysterious and taller.

If she didn't have so many low-level techniques, her main technique"Su Nu Reincarnation Technique" is currently a Xuan-level technique, and she can't send exclusive red envelopes and can only upload it for trading.

Nangong Ping'er will definitely send them all to Ye Yan.

Nangong Ping'er:"@Ye Yan, wait, I'll go to the sect's Sutra Pavilion and exchange all the Huang-level techniques."

Nangong Ping'er couldn't wait to break through the air, turned into a long rainbow of sword light, and flew towards the sect's main mountain Sutra Pavilion.

She realized that this was definitely the moment when the Bi Yue Sect was going to rise.

Are you kidding!

As long as Ye Yan upgrades all the skills to a higher level, even if he can only trade yellow-level skills now, it will definitely double the combat power of many low-level disciples and even the foundation-building elders of the outer sect.

After all, the skills modified by Ye Yan are only simplified, and the core theory of the skills has not been changed.

As long as these disciples practice the simplified version of their own skills, they can easily master them without having to practice again.

Improving combat power is simply too simple.

Even Nangong Ping'er is a little bit looking forward to it.

As long as the chat group is upgraded, once the Xuan-level skills can be put in the red envelope and sent out, she will definitely be the first to send"Su Nu Reincarnation Skill" to Ye Yan to upgrade the grade.

At that time, her combat power can also be quickly improved.

Ye Yan was naturally overjoyed when he heard this.

Are you kidding!

The skills in the Sutra Pavilion of a low-level sect in the Xiuxian world cannot be described as massive.

There must be dozens or even hundreds!

Even if many of them are common goods circulating in the market of the Xiuxian world.

For example, the"Eternal Spring Skill" that Han Lao Mo started with was at most a lower-level yellow-level.

But as long as the number is large enough and all are integrated into the Dao Sutra, will Ye Yan still need to worry about not having any follow-up skills to practice in the short term?

Just thinking about it makes Ye Yan look forward to it.

Li Mochou:"Sister Nangong is indeed a big boss of the sect. She sent out five red envelopes for skills, and there are still some?"

"No, I'll hurry up and help handsome brother find the cheats"

"@Ye Yan, handsome brother, I have left the ancient tomb now, and will go to other sects to find secret books for you."

Wan Wan:"Handsome brother, I also want to find more powerful secret books for you."

"Soon, once she successfully ascends the throne of the Saint, she will be able to obtain the entire"Secret Book of the Heavenly Demons", as well as more magic skills, all of which will be given to you."

Mu Nianci:"Help handsome brother find secret books +1."

Li Xunhuan:"Help Boss Ye find secret books +1, I will tell my cousin right now, and I will go on a long journey to find some secret books for you."

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Me too, help Boss Ye find secret books +1."

All of a sudden, the whole group became busy, and everyone wanted to help Ye Yan find secret books or skills.

Ye Yan was overjoyed.

It was as if he had already seen the mountains of secret books and skills in front of him.

And at this moment, a reminder sound that made all the group members even more excited rang out.

【Ding, the activity of the Zhutian chat group has reached the advanced level 2 group conditions】

"Great, we're upgrading to level 2."




Thanks to 6821... for the rewards and the flowers and evaluation votes.

I plan to add another chapter today.

More data and more motivation. Thank you all brothers!

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