Li Xun Huan:"People like Wu San Tong are out of their minds!"

"Boss Ye has walked out of the void, how do they think they can kill Boss Ye?"

Zhao Linger:"Yes, yes! These people can't see how powerful Brother Ye Yan is?"

"How dare you join forces to deal with Brother Ye Yan?"

"Let's see how Brother Ye Yan tortures them to death."

Huang Rong:"Look forward to Brother Ye Yan beating these hypocrites to death."

Mu Nianci:"Look forward to Brother Ye Yan killing these scum who have bad intentions towards Sister Mochou."

Green Man King:"Look forward to +1."

Yotsuya Miko:"Look forward to +1".


Zhiqiu Yiye:"I look forward to seeing Master Ye detoxify Fairy Mochou... Bah, no, I mean help Fairy Mochou detoxify."

Yue Buqun:"Damn it! Zhiqiu Yiye, don't explain, I don't know you."

The hypocrite Yue Buqun stood up to discredit Zhiqiu Yiye.

But he actually wanted to see it too.


Ye Yan ignored Zhiqiu Yiye and Yue Buqun.

Are you kidding!

That scene, are they allowed to watch?

But Ye Yan could still meet other people's requests.

In fact, Ye Yan wanted to come and do it himself to kill these hypocrites.

But Ye Yan disagreed with what Li Xunhuan said just now.

Although these people knew that stepping into the void was the method of the immortals in the legend.

But they did not think of themselves as so-called immortals.

After all, immortals are too far away for people in their martial arts world.

So in their view, rather than being an immortal, it would be better to say that he was a quack who could use illusions.

Otherwise, after knowing that he was in the same group as Li Mochou, how could he dare to come up?

Sure enough, when Lu Zhanyuan saw that some people had concerns, he immediately shouted

"Don't be fooled by this guy."

"He's not some god."

"He is just like this witch, both are charlatans."

"This young master also has this ability to turn a living person into a living person."

"This kid is so young, and he can use the same tricks as me. He is definitely not as good as that witch Li Mochou.¨ˇ "

"Maybe he doesn't know martial arts like me."

"Everyone, come together, we must not let this witch and this boy get away"

"Otherwise, they will definitely seek revenge on your entire family."

"Kill them, and you will have a chance to become famous. Kill them!~"

"Master Lu is right, kill them."

Instantly, some people who were still waiting and watching were ignited again, and rushed towards Ye Yan and Li Mochou like crazy.

Seeing this, Ye Yan's face was instantly full of helplessness.

Originally, because Li Mochou needed to be detoxified, he didn't want to care about the life and death of these minions.

Now that this is the case, we can only fight quickly. Otherwise, Li Mochou, whose face is flushed, will definitely be very uncomfortable.

Ye Yan's mind moved, and suddenly he sensed that there were actually a lot of thunderclouds ten miles away.

He immediately performed the secret technique of"Yin Yang Leading Clouds to Lay Thunder".

The next moment, a scene that shocked everyone on the scene happened

"Wind Comes~"


""Thunder and lightning are coming~"

Buzz buzz buzz~

The sky suddenly became windy and cloudy.

Suddenly, hundreds of dark clouds rolled in, covering the sky and the sun, with lightning and thunder.

The bright day that was originally sunny suddenly turned into a thunderstorm and dark night. It was pitch dark, and the terrifying pressure made people feel suffocated.

"What? Call the wind and call the clouds?"

"How can this be?"

"Witchcraft, is this witchcraft?"

"This guy is not human!"

"Spare me!"

"We were forced by Lu Zhanyuan and Wu Santong, it's really none of our business!"

Everyone thought Ye Yan was an idiot when they heard him raise his hands to the sky and shout such a childish line. But before they could laugh at Ye Yan, the sky suddenly changed.

The majestic power of heaven enveloped everyone, and in an instant, everyone felt as if they were being crushed by a mountain, and their breath was suffocated.

Even the people who were chatting were shocked when they saw Ye Yan's ability to call the wind and clouds.

Li Xunhuan:"Oh my god! What kind of magic is this?"

"Could it be another heaven-defying magic that Master Ye has just mastered?"

Zhi Qiu Yi Ye:"Definitely."

"The chat group mall does not have this spell"

"It must be Mr. Ye's latest realization"

"Ye Da Lao is awesome"

"Ask for red envelope"

"This spell is amazing, I also want to learn it!"

Green Man King:"@知秋一叶, do you want Bilian?"

"Boss Ye has worked so hard to comprehend the magic, and you just ask for it for free?"

"Please upload new spells"

"I, Nie, will buy it."

Yue Buqun,"Me too"

"How many group points? I also bought it."

"If I could learn this magic, I would definitely scare Zuo Lengchan silly, become the invincible Dongfang, and unify the martial arts world."

"Revitalize Huashan Sect, hahaha~"

Huang Rong:"Brother Ye Yan is getting better and better, Rong'er really admires him."

Mu Nianci:"¨ˇ Brother Ye Yan is so awesome, Nianci really admires him."

Yotsuya Miko:"Brother Ye Yan, I want to be as awesome as you, I want to learn this method and kill more evil spirits."

"Give Brother Ye Yan more"Evil Spirit Crystal"》"

Zhao Linger:"Brother Ye Yan, Linger also wants to learn, Linger must become stronger and stronger, Linger must defeat the Moon Worshiper as soon as possible and rescue mother."

Nangong Pinger:"Not bad, Ye Yan, I like this secret technique too."

Ye Yan:"Okay, don't worry, I will upload this secret technique after I deal with them."

Li Xunhuan:"Looking forward to it."

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Looking forward to it +1."

Mu Nianci:"……+1."

Zhao Linger:"……+1"


Ye Yan looked at the hundreds of people who were so scared that they collapsed on the ground, and suddenly remembered something. He suddenly raised his eyebrows.

With his left hand, he performed the"Immobilization Technique".

A blue light burst out from his right hand, turning into countless tiny blue tentacles, falling towards the top of everyone's head.

That's right, Ye Yan suddenly thought, although these people are all small fry in the world.

But because of the diversity, each of them has different martial arts.

It is a good opportunity to acquire various skills.

Of course, what Ye Yan wants most is Wu San Tong's inheritance.

One Finger of Sun.

This is a peerless martial art that can compete with the"Eighteen Palms of the Dragon Subduing".

As long as it is integrated into the"Taoist Scriptures", it will definitely allow the"Taoist Scriptures" to deduce more subsequent skills.

Thinking of this, Ye Yan was looking forward to it.

"Ah! Why can't I move?"

"What are you going to do to us?"

"Why do I feel like my brain is being ripped open?"

"No! Don't kill us!"

"Monster, you must die a miserable death!"

Everyone was terrified, but some people were frightened and begged for mercy.

Some people insulted Ye Yan.

But Ye Yan didn't bother to pay attention.

He searched the soul with all his strength. The next moment, the moment that made Ye Yan extremely happy arrived.


I said: Hieu Baocot

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