【Ding, you use the"Shuangquan Hand" to extract the memory of Li Aniu, a small fish in the world, and obtain the"Big Ring Sword Technique"》】

【Ding, you have successfully used the inferior sword technique——《The Great Ring Sword Technique was transformed into the Daoist Scriptures, and the 7th level of Jindan Kungfu derived 15.05% Kungfu progress】

【Ding, you... have obtained the Qingsong Sword Technique》】


The progress of the 7th level of Jindan is 15.12%】


【Ding, ding, ding……】

Suddenly, the sweet reminder sound of the system Xiaobai kept ringing in Ye Yan's mind.

This made Ye Yan very happy..

"Sure enough, it works."

Although these small fry have rubbish martial arts, each of them can only make the"Taoism Scripture" progress by a few tenths of a percent.

But the advantage is the quantity.

Three or four hundred people, excluding many of the same secret books, finally directly contributed about 20% of the progress to Ye Yan.

This is equivalent to the advancement of one-fifth of the"Eighteen Palms of the Dragon Subduing".

You know, there are rubbish martial arts, but there are only a few martial arts of the same level as"Eighteen Palms of the Dragon Subduing" in the entire"World of the Condor Heroes".

It is precious.���

In comparison, the martial arts of these hundreds or thousands of small fry in the martial arts world are actually easier to obtain.

This allowed Ye Yan to instantly find a way to deduce the subsequent skills of the"Taoist Classic" more quickly. How could he not be happy?

If possible, Ye Yan wanted tens of millions of people to deal with Li Mochou.

After all, in this way, Ye Yan would be able to instantly obtain the skills to break through to the Nascent Soul level.

But this is actually unlikely. Even if there are really millions of martial artists in this"Condor Heroes World".

But it is impossible to have millions of rubbish skills.

At most, there can be tens of thousands of them, which is already a lot.

But this is also a large number. It would be nice if Ye Yan could get them all.

But now Ye Yan is most looking forward to Wu Santong's One Finger of Sun.

Sure enough, the next moment

【Ding, you... got"Yang Finger"》】

【Ding, you have successfully integrated the"One Yang Finger" into the"Taoism Scripture", and successfully derived the 7th level of Jindan Gongfa, and the 8th level of Jindan Gongfa has 10% of the progress of the derived Gongfa】

【Ding,"One Finger of Sun" merged with"Yin Yang Destroying Claw", and advanced to"Yin Yang Breaking Claw", the grade is still the middle grade skill of Xuan class.】

《"Yin Yang Claws": The strongest Yang energy of the index finger bursts out, breaking the surface with a point, breaking the air defense, and the five fingers exert strength, and the Yin Yang lightning suddenly appears, which is invincible, easily destroying the enemy's bones and destroying the five internal organs with lightning.

Ye Yan was delighted.

Although the grade of this"Yin Yang Claws" has not been upgraded.

But the power has been improved a lot.

After all, the Yin Yang lightning burst out from the five fingers to break the defense before.

Now the defense is broken directly with the strongest Yang energy of the index finger, so that the Yin Yang lightning of the five fingers can burst out with stronger power and directly break the enemy's defense.

Ye Yan feels that if he had this"Yin Yang Claws" when facing the royal zombies before, maybe one claw could directly break its defense.

There is no need to make the Fire Kirin fight so troublesome.

"Brother Ye Yan, I...I already want...……"

Ye Yan was still immersed in the joy of acquiring new skills and techniques, while Li Mochou in his arms had already flushed, breathing rapidly, and her entire body seemed to be on fire, almost melting.


Linger:"Hey! What happened to Sister Mochou?"

"Are you sick with a fever?"

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Fuck! The exciting moment is about to begin."

Zhao Linger:"Uncle Zhiqiu Yiye, you are so heartless! Sister Mochou seems to be sick, and you don't care about it, but you actually said something about the exciting moment is about to begin?"

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Uh... this……"

Zhiqiu Yiye was instantly numb and didn't know how to explain.

Mu Nianci:"Sister Ling'er, you can't watch Zhiqiu Yiye's nonsense, get off the line."

Zhao Ling'er:"Ling'er, why can't I watch it?"

"Is it because fever and illness are contagious?"

"But that’s not right!"

"We are all in a chat group now, separated by several worlds, so the virus shouldn't be transmitted to us."

"Also, why can you watch it but Ling'er can't?"

"Could it be that Ling'er is still young and has a weaker resistance?"

"It may also spread illness and fever?"

Zhao Linger asked several questions in a row, which directly confused Mu Nianci.

How to answer this?

Others were also confused and didn't know how to answer Zhao Linger.

Is this something that can be said to a child?

Nangong Ping'er:"@Ye Yan, didn't you see Sister Ling'er talking?"

"Why don't you quickly disconnect sister Mochou?"

Ye Yan reacted this time and quickly asked Li Mochou to turn off the live broadcast.

Li Mochou was shocked and quickly used the last bit of her rationality to turn off the live broadcast.

But this made Zhiqiu Yiye numb. She finally got the opportunity to learn.

But it ended before it even started?

On the way to Cihang Jingzhai, Wan Wan subconsciously opened the live broadcast room.

Seeing this scene, she instantly became Emo.

Although she knew that something like this would happen when Li Mochou opened the live broadcast room just now, she was still instantly numb when she saw it with her own eyes.

She was the first female group member to flirt with Ye Yan, and now she is actually the last one.

How can she accept this result?

At this moment, she really wanted to say, Lanshouxiang Mushroom.

But even so, Xianxian was not discouraged.

Instead, she was more determined to go to Cihang Jingzhai and capture Shi Feixuan's heart.

She just didn't believe that she and Shi Feixuan, one charming and the other pure, one enchanting and the other dignified, two beauties with extreme styles were placed in front of Ye Yan, and Ye Yan could not help it.

If Ye Yan knew what Xianxian was thinking at this time, he would definitely be shocked.

Nima! Who do you think I am?

Am I the kind of person who can't move when he sees a beautiful woman?

I am a gentleman, how could I be the kind of person you think.

Xianxian, you really disappoint me.

Well, I want to practice with Fairy Mochou... I didn't catch Shi Fei... Bah, that's not right, I didn't encounter a life-and-death crisis, don't call me


But before Ye Yan practiced, he naturally had to kill Wu Santong and the others.

Are you kidding!

He was not performing, he didn't need an audience. He immediately pointed his right hand into the air.


Crack, crack, bang, bang~

As Ye Yan finished speaking

, a fist-thick lightning bolt exploded in the rolling dark clouds, turning into hundreds of lightning arcs as thick as little fingers, breaking through the air. They accurately covered the heads of everyone in the audience.



Whether it was Wu Santong, Lu Zhanyuan, or the hundreds of dirty martial artists who had just coveted Li Mochou, they were all killed instantly by Ye Yan's move.

This scene frightened the beautiful He Yuanjun who was standing beside her.

But Ye Yan only glanced at He Yuanjun.

Although He Yuanjun was also a great beauty, eighteen years old, graceful, lovely, and with beautiful eyes.

But Ye Yan didn't have the heart to care about her now? He directly sacrificed the"Little Yin and Yang Divine Mansion" and took the almost melted Li Mochou to practice.

Soon, the moment that shocked Ye Yan arrived.


Oh my god , isn't the effect of this"Small Yin and Yang Palace" too strong?".

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