"Ma Linxiang, the daughter-in-law of the Ma family, passed away at a young age. As an elder, I feel very sorry for her."

"Don't be too sad, it's not good for the baby in your belly"

"These are the burial objects and lists that Old Master Ma left for his descendants. Click on them."

The middle-aged village chief in a silk and silk jacket was accompanied by a dozen young men.

Several camphorwood boxes were opened, and inside were all exquisite porcelain, bronze lions, bronze phoenix lamps and other products.

Although these were rare things for ordinary families in this era, compared to the Ma family, whose inheritance was more than 100,000 taels, which was almost equivalent to one or two small goals in the future, it was really nothing.

What was strange was that Li Yueying, who was about to have an inheritance of more than 100,000 taels, couldn't help but brighten her eyes when she saw these burial objects. It seemed that she saw some treasure. Even behind her, there was a man who had been silent all the time, and whose facial features were similar to those of Qian

Taoist Hu, the catfish who looked very similar to Taoist He, became alert instantly.

Ye Yan noticed this scene and was very surprised.

After all, Ye Yan remembered that in the original book, Ma Linxiang's burial objects were not very valuable.

Li Yueying and the evil Taoist monk didn't even look at them.

They just wanted Ma Linxiang's inheritance of hundreds of thousands of taels of silver.

Ye Yan immediately opened"The Treasure Pupil of Delusion Breaking" and saw a bead emitting a faint glow in the belly of one of the bronze lions.

Although Ye Yan didn't know what it was now.

But he felt that it was definitely a treasure.

And at this moment.

Fei Bao just obeyed Ye Yan's instructions, stood up and said:

"Wait, village chief, don't believe them."

"They definitely killed Ma Linxiang"

"Ma Linxiang is incompetent and it is impossible for him to have children."

"If you don't believe it, you can go to Yihongyuan and ask the madam and Xiaocui to come and testify."

"Two years ago, Ma Linxiang went to Yihongyuan and asked me to accompany him to boost his courage, but he ate more than a dozen Tiger, Deer and Bear tonic pills and there was no reaction."


When Fei Bao said this, everyone was shocked.

After all, they knew that there were witnesses to this kind of thing, and Fei Bao was usually honest and could not lie.

Everyone chose to believe Fei Bao.

This made Li Yueying and Taoist Zhong's faces change, and their eyes flashed with cold light, and murderous intent was revealed.

However, Taoist Zhong thought of something, and immediately suppressed the murderous intent in his heart and winked at Li Yueying.

Li Yueying understood, and immediately pretended to be pitiful and weak, and her tea art exploded, and she started crying.

"Feibao, it's a pity that Ma Linxiang made me look for you when I was in trouble before he died."

"He said you were his good brother and the person he trusted most in his life."

"Don't you know that the last thing he wants people to know in his life is that he has no ability?"

"You actually said it in front of everyone now, and you still have the nerve to say that you are his good brother?"

Li Yueying shed two lines of tears, looking pitiful.

But when she said this, everyone at the scene was stunned for a moment.

Then they all looked at Fei Bao with scrutiny.

Li Yueying's words touched the hearts of all the older men at the scene.

Which man is willing to make public something he is incapable of?

Not even if he dies.

Even Fei Bao was stunned when he heard this, and for a moment he actually felt a little guilty.

Ye Yan exclaimed,"Wow."

This Li Yueying is not only a master of tea art, but also has an extraordinary ability to turn the tables.

However, this is not over yet.

"That's right, the baby in my belly is definitely not Ma Linxiang's flesh and blood."

"I was insulted and had this child. I was planning to commit suicide by jumping into the river."

"Fortunately, Ma Linxiang saved me, felt sorry for me, and married me without looking down on me because I had a child."

"Although we were not married, he was very kind to me, and I was determined to serve him for the rest of my life."

"Unfortunately, he suddenly became seriously ill. In order to repay his kindness, I decided to bring his remains back and leave his children to inherit the Ma family."

"Now that you have made everything clear, the Ma family's incense cannot be inherited, and I will not live anymore."

"I will take the child with me and continue to serve Ma Linxiang in the underworld."

After saying that, Li Yueying glanced at the Taoist priest named Zhong, and before the others could react

, she immediately headbutted a thick beam next to the Taoist priest named Zhong.

""No, stop her quickly."

The village chief's face changed drastically and he shouted.

Taoist priest Zhong was quick-witted and immediately grabbed Li Yueying.

That's why there was no bloody scene.

Then several of Taoist priest Zhong's men pretended to step forward and quickly grabbed Li Yueying's arms to stop her from hitting the wall.

The few of them cooperated closely and completed the task in one go, and they were definitely the best actor and actress.

It directly moved everyone at the scene.

In his heart, he praised Li Yueying as a good woman with affection, righteousness and loyalty.

He was greatly impressed by Li Yueying's move.

Even Fei Bao was a little shaken at this time. Did he come to the wrong place today?

If Ye Yan hadn't known the truth long ago, he would definitely be fooled by this group of people.

Seeing this, Taoist priest Zhong and Li Yueying looked at each other, their eyes full of imperceptible... A triumphant smile.

They planned to take the opportunity to stay, and when no one was on night watch at night, they would follow that breath and find the bead in this pile of funerary objects.

That's right, the purpose of their coming here this time was to find the bead that Ye Yan had just seen with the"Treasure Pupil to Break Delusion".

However, they did not have the"Treasure Pupil to Break Delusion", so they could only sense a trace of the breath of the mysterious bead through secret methods.

But there were so many funerary objects, and they would not know for a while which funerary object the breath of the mysterious bead was emitted from.

This is why they have not turned against each other until now.

But at this time, Ye Yan did not intend to watch their acting anymore.

Pa pa pa~

A few crisp applause echoed throughout the ancestral hall.

This made everyone, including Fei Bao and Li Yueying, look at Ye Yan in unison.

Mr. Zhong said���Li Yueying frowned, having a bad feeling.

Sure enough, the next moment.

Ye Yan said lightly:"Not bad, not bad"

"Li Yueying, you two and your men have really good acting skills."

"Let me see a good show"

"But I have a question, why did you seal Ma Linxiang's soul into the fetus in Li Yueying's belly?"

"But what kind of evil practice is this?"

"What? Ma Linxiang's ghost is in Li Yueying's belly?"

"What's going on?"

Fei Bao, the village chief and others were extremely shocked.

Even Li Yueying looked at Taoist Zhong with horror and anger.

This surprised Ye Yan.

It seemed that Taoist Zhong had kept Ma Linxiang's soul in Li Yueying's belly without telling her.

He was obviously using Li Yueying and the fetus in her belly to practice some evil method.

"You are actually practicing that evil method, and you are using me and the baby in your belly?"

"You have a cruel heart"

"I gave you everything, why are you doing this to me?"

"I will fight you."

Li Yueying was like crazy, questioning Taoist Zhong while constantly tearing him with both hands. She looked like she was deceived and angry.

This sudden change caught everyone off guard.

It was a dog-eat-dog fight?

Everyone was angry at being fooled. At the same time, they were waiting to eat melons.

However, Ye Yan did not have the expression of eating melons. Instead, he looked at the two people tearing each other with a little caution.

Because although the two were tearing each other, they were approaching him without leaving any trace.

Sure enough, the next moment

"You little bastard, prepare to die."

Li Yueying moved her sleeves in Ye Yan's blind spot, and a dagger with evil spirit appeared.

She was ready to hit Ye Yan in the face.

""Oh no, Master Ye, be careful."

Fei Bao noticed something was wrong and quickly reminded him.

But Ye Yan just sneered at this.

He had been prepared.

"Humph! How dare you show off your skills in front of me?"


"Um, sorry for saying the wrong line".

I said: Hieu Baocot

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