""Ha! You want to hurt me with this dagger?"

Ye Yan's face was full of contempt.

Facing the dagger that Li Yueying suddenly stabbed at him, he was not afraid at all.

Sure enough, the next moment, when the dagger hit Ye Yan's body, the blood splattering in everyone's image did not appear.

Instead, the dagger in Li Yueying's hand made a sound of metal clashing and was directly shaken away.

This scene made Fei Bao and all the villagers couldn't help but exclaim.

"Holy shit! Iron skin and iron bones?"

"Is Master Ye so awesome?"

None of the villagers had ever dreamed that a young man like Ye Yan could have such a terrifying method.

Li Yueying was also a little shocked.

On the contrary, the Taoist priest surnamed Zhong sneered.

"Ha! I thought he was some tough guy, but it turns out he is just a one body cultivator?"

"I, Zhong, love to torture you guys who have strong limbs and simple minds."

You should know that the most powerful method of Taoist Zhong is to use the ghost needle to penetrate the acupuncture points.

No matter how strong the defense is, he can use the Yinsha ghost needle, which is thinner than a hair, to penetrate the weakest acupoint of the opponent's body.���, enter the human body and kill it.

It can be said to be killing without being seen.

On the contrary, ordinary cultivators have protective spiritual clothes and protective spiritual armor.

Once his golden needle touches the opponent's body, he will either dodge it with his agile body skills, or be pulled away by the opponent's spiritual power.

On the contrary, physical cultivators generally don't waste time practicing body skills, and they don't have spiritual power to pull away his Yin Qi Ghost Needles. They will only be a warrior or even a tank who can resist the Yin Qi Ghost Needles.

Moreover, physical cultivators have strong blood and are excellent materials for him to nourish ghost needles.

Therefore, Taoist Zhong likes to deal with physical cultivators the most.

However, the next moment, Taoist Zhong couldn't laugh anymore.

Ye Yan didn't give Taoist Zhong and Li Yueying a chance to be shocked. He slapped Li Yueying's chest.


Before Li Yueying could react, she vomited blood and flew backwards, knocking down several boxes of burial objects.

Blood flowed between her legs.

"my child"

"Brother Zhong, please save our child."

Li Yueying suddenly felt an unbearable pain in her abdomen. She was terrified and looked at Taoist priest Zhong for help.

"Oh! Your child?"

"Your so-called child has long been used by your brother Zhong to refine a tool to seal Ma Linxiang's soul."

"Do you think he could have been born?"

"Even if the baby can be born in the end, it is not certain whether it will be a human being after birth."

Ye Yan had roughly guessed at this time that the Taoist priest surnamed Zhong had sealed Ma Linxiang's wronged soul in the baby.

He must have refined some evil magic.

When the child is born, it will definitely be a ghost baby.

Sure enough, at this moment, a strong yin energy overflowed.

It actually froze the blood flowing out into ice.

At the same time, a roar full of resentment came from Li Yueying's belly.

"Let me out, let me out"

"Li Yueying, you bitch"

"I was told to pretend to be dead so that I could get the inheritance left by my old man."

"Then you and your Taoist lover killed me."

"This stinky Taoist priest even sealed me into your stomach when you weren't paying attention"

"I am being torn apart by the soul of the fetus in your belly all the time. I am in so much pain and hate it so much. I want to kill you two dogs."

"What? This is Ma Linxiang's voice"

"It turns out that what Young Master Ye said was true. Is Ma Linxiang really trapped in this bitch's belly?"

"Bitch, I'll kill you."

Fei Bao was so angry that he grabbed a chair and rushed towards Li Yueying.

"Humph! Fatty, you want to get my blood ghost needle? You're looking for death."

The Taoist priest surnamed Zhong snorted coldly and flipped his right hand.

Two dark golden ghost needles as thin as hair broke through the air, with cold light everywhere. A hideous and painful human face even appeared on them. They rushed towards the temples of Ye Yan and Fei Bao respectively.


The dark golden ghost needles look delicate, but the materials are made of various other tough gold and iron, and then twisted into a unique"Breaking Hard Talisman" by the living soul ghost.

It has unparalleled sharpness and can easily penetrate steel, gold and silver.

As long as it is inserted into the major acupoints of the human body, gold, iron and living soul ghosts will be easily broken. The ghost directly enters the human body.

It causes double damage to the body and soul.

It can definitely make people die unclearly, or even appear to be uninjured, and ordinary people cannot find the cause of death.

It can be said to be the Taoist priest Zhong's signature killer move.

Ma Linxiang died from this move.

And he refined Ma Linxiang's soul into the fetus in his wife's belly.

He wanted to use the extremely yang soul of Ma Linxiang, a real boy (because he had no ability, not even Ye Yi), to be devoured by the soul of his own blood baby.

In this way, a yin and yang ghost baby can be refined.

·· ········Request flowers··· ········

Such a ghost baby is definitely extremely ferocious when it is born, and has abilities above that of the Nascent Soul.

The Taoist priest surnamed Zhong can use the power of his own bloodline to easily subdue such a terrifying Yin-Yang ghost baby, and let it be refined into a Yin-Yang Nascent Soul ghost needle.

At that time, even a cultivator in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul would not dare to take the Yin-Yang Nascent Soul ghost needle head-on.

His cultivation can also be fed back and directly break through the Nascent Soul realm.

As for the strange bead that Ye Yan just found in the bronze lion's body, it is also a treasure that can be used to enhance the Yin-Yang Nascent Soul ghost needle.

According to the Taoist priest surnamed Zhong's estimation, if he can get this bead, then his Yin-Yang Nascent Soul ghost needle can deal with even the peak of the Nascent Soul.

If so, then from now on in this zombie world, he will be an invincible existence below the God Transformation stage.

Of course, Li Yueying knew that the Taoist priest surnamed Zhong had obtained this evil magic.


But Li Yueying didn't know before that her beloved Zhong Lang would actually use this evil magic on herself.

But even so, after knowing that Ye Yan came to deal with their monks, Li Yueying still chose to suppress her anger and deal with Ye Yan together.

This is why Li Yueying and the Taoist priest surnamed Zhong tore each other apart before, and finally took the opportunity to attack Ye Yan.

Unfortunately, no matter how good their acting skills are.

Ye Yan can see it at a glance.

In the end, Li Yueying was seriously injured by Ye Yan.

Although the Taoist priest surnamed Zhong is angry that Ye Yan seriously injured Li Yueying.

But now as long as Ma Linxiang's soul does not run out, and then the blood of Ye Yan, a body-refining monk, is fed to the ghost baby in Li Yueying's belly.

Not only will this ghost baby not be harmed, but its qualifications will be able to go further.

So now the Taoist priest surnamed Zhong looked at Ye Yan standing there in a daze, and immediately thought that Ye Yan definitely did not notice his ghost needle as thin as a hair.

The corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise slightly.

It seemed that he had foreseen the scene where Ye Yan, the"self-righteous" body cultivator, was pierced by the ghost needle, his head was smashed, and his soul was seriously injured.

But in the next moment.


Ye Yan casually threw two"Yin Yang Extreme Thunder".

Bang bang~

The ghost needles that were about to approach Ye Yan and Fei Bao's bodies were instantly annihilated.

The living souls wailed, the sound was shrill. The souls flew away instantly.

This scene directly scared the Taoist named Zhong silly.

"What? You are practicing both the Thunder Body and the Lightning Body?"

"You have a thunder spirit body, but you still waste time on body training?"

"You are sick!"Little.

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