"Damn it, you are a thunder spirit, with such good talent, but you don't concentrate on practicing thunder magic."

"You actually went to practice physical training?"

"What did your master teach you?"

The Taoist priest surnamed Zhong couldn't help but complain about Ye Yan.

After all, he just thought that Ye Yan was just an ordinary body cultivator.

That's why he underestimated the enemy. He only sent out two ghost needles made with the soul of the initial stage of Jindan.

Of course, his complaints were really from the bottom of his heart. After all, as he said, the Thunder Spirit Body is famous for being extremely talented in cultivation.

It was because he didn't have such an excellent physique that he became an evil cultivator.

But Ye Yan now doesn't cherish such a good qualification and work hard to cultivate, but instead distracts himself from body cultivation.

This made the Taoist priest surnamed Zhong feel like he hadn't had a drop of water for a few days and was extremely thirsty, but he saw someone using mineral water to water the flowers. It was even more uncomfortable than killing him.

Hearing this, Ye Yan smiled maliciously.

"How do you know that it takes a lot of time for me to cultivate my body?"

"My method of body training is called"Thunder Refining Vajra Sutra"》"

"My lightning spirit and lightning attribute spells all come from the same lineage."

"As long as you are struck by lightning, you can break through instantly"

"It doesn't take much time at all"

"If you don't believe me, I can show you one."

Ye Yan just happened to sense a small rain cloud in the sky not far away. He immediately summoned it and used lightning to attract lightning.

The thunder from the sky fell, blasted through the roof of the Ma family ancestral hall, and poured into Ye Yan's body.

Although it did not allow Ye Yan to really break through the body refining cultivation, it directly made Ye Yan's physical body and blood stronger.

"What? This is impossible."

"Absolutely impossible."

The Taoist priest surnamed Zhong's eyes widened instantly, his face full of disbelief. He was almost hit to the point of vomiting blood.

Ye Yan's move was absolutely murderous.

The Taoist priest surnamed Zhong obviously envied Ye Yan for having a thunder spirit body and good aptitude.

But now he realized that in front of a genius like Ye Yan, he could learn anything quickly.

And the scene of Ye Yan causing the thunder to fall directly shocked everyone in the Ma family ancestral hall.

"Oh my god! Master Ye can actually trigger the thunder?"


Everyone saw Ye Yan's extraordinary ability again and couldn't help but exclaimed

"Damn it."

Taoist priest Zhong saw that the situation was not good, and immediately sent all 9 ghost needles on his body to Ye Yan.

Chi Chi Chi~

Ghost needles split the air, Yin Qi filled the air, and ghost faces were ferocious.

It was as if there were 9 evil ghosts at the peak of Jindan with bared fangs, rushing towards Ye Yan.

In addition, the sharp defense-breaking power attached to the ghost needles, even ordinary Yuanying early stage cultivators dared not take it head-on.

However, Ye Yan was still not afraid of this.

With his current cultivation strength, even the Yuanying early stage cultivators would have the strength to fight.

If Taoist priest Zhong had already taken Li The Yin-Yang ghost fetus in Yue Ying's belly was brought out, and trained to be able to deal with the ghost needles of the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and it could also pose a threat to Ye Yan.

But now the Taoist priest surnamed Zhong is just an evil cultivator in the late stage of the Core Formation, and the Core Formation ghost needles he flew out?

It would be strange if Ye Yan was afraid. He didn't even need to sacrifice the"Golden Thunder Bamboo Flying Sword", but simply performed the"Yin-Yang Extreme Thunder" twice in succession.

Crack, crack, crack~ eight black and eight white, sixteen Yin-Yang lightning bolts broke through the air, easily blasting the nine ghost needles directly.

After that, there were still two Yin-Yang divine thunders left, which blasted towards the Taoist priest surnamed Zhong


"How can you, a cultivator at the 7th level of Jindan, instantly kill the ghost needles transformed from my nine souls at the peak of Jindan level?"

"How is this possible?"

The Taoist priest surnamed Zhong was really shocked this time.

Is this the difference between the Thunder Spirit Body and an ordinary cultivator like him?


Taoist priest Zhong dared not make a sound.

His body was struck by two Yin-Yang divine thunderbolts, and the protective Yin armor was broken.

Most of his body was burnt black, and blood and flesh were blurred.

He fell directly to the ground.

If he was not a Jindan cultivator, he would definitely die now.

But now he can only exhale but not inhale, and he is not far from death.

And all this is actually due to Ye Yan's mercy.

However, Ye Yan did not want Taoist priest Zhong to experience pain before his death.

Instead, he was interested in his evil magic. He searched his soul directly.

Are you kidding!

Even if it is a vicious and evil magic, it can improve the progress of the deduction of the Taoist skills in the"Taoist Scripture".

How could Ye Yan not want it?

【Ding, you use the"Shuangquan Hand" to extract the memory of Taoist Zhong and obtain the"Soul-Restoring Ghost Needle Evil Spell"》】


【Ding, you... got the"Yin Yang Ghost Infant Refining Method"》】

《"The Evil Art of Living Souls and Ghost Needles": One of the evil techniques passed down by the White Lotus Demon Sect, divided into two volumes.

The first volume records the vicious methods of refining living souls and controlling them.

The living soul is to torture the target in various ways for 49 days, so that he is extremely resentful, and then forcibly extract his soul.

Because it is like skinning alive, the soul is extracted while the opponent is still alive, so it is called a living soul.

The living soul is extremely painful and resentful before death, and the resentment is very deep, and when the soul is extracted, all the yang energy in life is extracted.

Therefore, it is more terrifying and more powerful than a ghost.

If there is no secret method to control this living soul, there is a great possibility of being bitten back by it...........

The second volume records how to use the terrifying souls to refine the evil ghost needle secret method

"Holy shit! So this is the living soul?"

"What a vicious method."

Even Ye Yan felt cruel when he saw the introduction of the soul refining.

At the same time, it also made Ye Yan understand.

Why did this Taoist priest surnamed Zhong become different from the original book.

It turned out that the inheritance of the White Lotus Demon Cult was behind it.

Fortunately, Uncle Jiu learned to be smart and let Fei Bao come to find him.

Otherwise, according to Uncle Jiu's current early stage of Jindan cultivation, he would definitely be completely defeated by this Taoist priest surnamed Zhong.

It would even lead to the inability to destroy the opportunity for Taoist priest surnamed Zhong to refine the Yin-Yang Yuanying Ghost Needle.

Because according to the memory that Ye Yan just got from Taoist priest surnamed Zhong's mind.

As long as Li Yueying is about to give birth, he can use his blood connection with the ghost baby to easily refine the Yin-Yang Yuanying Ghost Needle.���Infant Ghost Needle.

Even if Ye Yan noticed it, there would be countless casualties in Majia Village.

However, now that Ye Yan has killed the Taoist priest Zhong, this will naturally not happen.

"Brother Zhong, you can't die!"

"How can I live without you?"

"You little bastard, if you kill my brother Zhong, I will become a red-clothed ghost and will never let you go even if I die."

"And you, Majia Village, you all have to die."

Li Yueying looked at Ye Yan and everyone present with a face full of resentment.

It seemed that she wanted to sacrifice everyone's face and turn them into evil spirits to come back for revenge after death.

This scene directly frightened Fei Bao and the village chief and his group.

But Ye Yan sneered at this.

"Ha! You're a ghost and you won't let me go?"

"You think too highly of yourself"

"Do you think I will give a vicious woman like you a chance to become a ghost?"

Ye Yan didn't say anything nonsense. He lifted the dagger on the ground with his right foot and killed her.

The soul flew out and was directly annihilated.

This scene shocked Fei Bao and his group again.

At this time, the eyes looking at Ye Yan were full of respect and fear. He was simply a wolf.

He must not be offended, otherwise he would not even have the chance to become a ghost after death.

Ye Yan was too lazy to pay attention to the awe of the crowd, and looked directly at a bronze lion scattered on the ground.

He had a hunch that the mysterious beads in it must be of great help to him. He immediately exerted force with his arms and actually tore the bronze lion in half.

This method once again scared everyone's eyes out.

But at the moment when the mysterious beads appeared.

A strong yin energy suddenly attacked, and instantly made the Ma family ancestral hall on a sunny day become like an ice cellar

"Hey! Could this be a bead?……".

I said: Hieu Baocot

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