【Ding, you get a rare treasure from heaven and earth——《Creation Yin Pearl》】

《"Yin Pearl of Creation": It contains a trace of Yin Qi of Creation, which can transform the empty soul into a physical entity, increasing the strength dramatically while having unlimited possibilities like living beings.

"What? The creation of Yin Qi?"

"How can there be such a treasure in this Dharma Ending Age?"

Ye Yan was very surprised.

Or should I say pleasantly surprised.

Although he was not a ghost, he had a secret technique that could allow the soul to leave the body and instantly improve three small realms.——《The"Moonlight Transformation Art".

It evolved from the"Ten Thousand Poisons Transformation Evil Art" obtained from the soul-searching sorcerer and horse thief leader Wang Po.

If Ye Yan uses the"Moonlight Transformation Art", his soul will leave his body and his cultivation will be directly improved to the peak of the Jindan stage. If he uses the"Yin Pearl of Creation", wouldn't he have a chance to break through the Nascent Soul stage?

Ye Yan was overjoyed and couldn't wait to try the"Moonlight Transformation Art".

In an instant, Ye Yan's body bloomed with a hazy light, like bright moonlight.

Then, as the hazy light transformed, it slowly rose from Ye Yan's body.

Everyone looked closely and was shocked to find that there was a phantom that looked exactly like Ye Yan in the hazy light.


"Is Master Ye going to ascend to heaven?"


Before everyone could react, a terrifying wave of peak Jindan level swept through the entire Ma Family Ancestral Hall like a huge wave.

All the villagers, including Fei Bao, instantly felt as if they were covered by the huge wave, and their breath was choked.

"The soul...left the body?"

Fei Bao's eyes widened, and he couldn't help but exclaimed.

Although his cultivation was still very low, he knew more about many things in cultivation than his two brothers Wencai and Qiu Sheng.

This was also the thing that Uncle Jiu was most satisfied with Fei Bao after accepting him.

Although he was stupid and his aptitude was average, he was diligent.

He was much better than Wencai and Qiu Sheng, the two guys who knew how to play tricks.

However, the next moment, Ye Yan's operation made Fei Bao unable to do it.

Ye Yan's mind moved.

The soul slowly floated in the air, and then it actually rushed towards the roof that had just been pierced by the thunder.

You know, it's noon now.

Even if Ye Yan is not a ghost, the soul is yin. Is it sure that flying out to bask in the sun will not hurt the soul?

But before Fei Bao could remind Ye Yan, something that shocked him even more happened was born.

Even when Ye Yan's soul came into contact with the sunlight falling from the gap in the roof, it was not forced back by the scorching sun.

Instead, it flew out at an even faster speed.

Fei Bao was stunned for a moment.

How come this is different from what Uncle Jiu said?

Fei Bao really wanted to find Uncle Jiu to ask him clearly, how could he ignore it?

But if Uncle Jiu knew what Ye Yan did, he would definitely say, I'm also confused.

Only when this soul is transformed into a primordial spirit and a primordial infant can it begin to accept short-term sunlight exposure without injury.

But how can Ye Yan's cultivation level be compared to that of a primordial infant?

This is simply not scientific.

Ye Yan was floating above the Ma Family Ancestral Hall at this time, but he was delighted in his heart.

He couldn't help but sigh that this"Moonlight Transformation Art" is worthy of being produced by the"Taoist Scripture".

Although it takes a lot of spiritual power to transform into moonlight to wrap the body in order to withstand the scorching sun.

According to Ye Yan's estimation , with his current spiritual power, he can perform the"Moonlight Transformation Technique" in the daytime without being affected by the scorching sun for at least 1 minute.

Don't look at this 1 minute as if it seems very short.

But it is already something that the general soul-leaving secret technique cannot do.

After all, even if the soul is cultivated in the early stage of the Nascent Soul, I am afraid that the soul can only stay in the scorching sun for 1 minute without being affected.

If Uncle Jiu saw this scene, he would really be scared.

But Ye Yan was naturally not satisfied with this.

He just grabbed the void with his right hand.


The"Yin Pearl of Creation" held in the hand of Ye Yan's body was immediately taken into the hand of his soul by Ye Yan through the air.

In an instant, Ye Yan felt a breath that made his soul feel extremely comfortable, and the breath from the"Yin Pearl of Creation" could only enter his soul.

The next moment, Ye Yan was shocked to find that this"Yin Pearl of Creation" not only nourishes him 's soul, enhancing the strength of his soul, and even allowing his soul to transform from a state of nothingness into a physical entity.

Although he still did not feel any body temperature, he was no longer in the state of a floating soul that would be easily blown away by the strong wind.

It was as if he had an extra body all of a sudden.

Of course, as long as Ye Yan wanted, this Yin body could instantly become a state of nothingness. It could still attack the enemy's soul through the physical body at will, just like an ordinary soul state.

There was no need to fly with a sword, and he could freely travel in the sky.

He was like a ghost, coming and going without a trace.

If he was fighting with the enemy, he could definitely fly to the opponent in an instant.

Before the enemy could react, he would directly attack him in the face.

More importantly, now that Ye Yan had obtained this"Yin Pearl of Creation", he did not have to fear the sunlight, whether in a state of nothingness or a physical state.

If this scene was seen by the Yuanying cultivators and ghosts above the Yuanying in this spiritual world, they would definitely be shocked and dumbfounded.

They would call this"Yin Pearl of Creation" a heaven-defying artifact.

Ye Yan had a feeling at this time.

If I encounter a zombie like the Royal Zombie next time, which has an indestructible defense but a weak soul inside,

I don't need the"Shushan Sword Controlling Technique" to forcibly break the opponent's defense.

I just need to use this"Moonlight Soul Transformation Technique" to directly penetrate his defense and destroy his soul.

It is equivalent to 100% ignoring the armor effect in the game.

Thinking of this, Ye Yan couldn't help but look forward to meeting that kind of powerful zombie again to practice.

Ye Yan couldn't help but sigh that today was really a great harvest.

However, what Ye Yan didn't expect was that the benefits he gained today were not over yet.

【Ding, you have successfully transferred the Yellow Grade Ultimate Secret Technique and Skills——《The Soul-Giving Ghost Needle Evil Art" was transformed into the"Taoist Scriptures", and the 8th level of the Dan-forming technique derived a 15% technique】

【Ding,"Soul-Bearing Ghost Needle Evil Art" and"Yin Yang Thunder" merged and advanced to"Yin Yang Ghost Needle", and the grade was upgraded to the middle grade of Xuan level.】

《Yin Yang Ghost Needle: Replace resentment with the power of Yin Yang thunder and lightning, and fuse the ghost with the ghost needle as thin as a hair. When the ghost needle enters the enemy's body, it has both the power of Yin Yang thunder and lightning and the destructive power of the ghost attacking the soul.

Ps: Yin Yang Ghost Needle is not an evil method, and there is no restriction on the evil method to forcibly integrate the ghost into the ghost needle.

So the ghost is integrated into the ghost needle, just for storage.

The ghost can be separated from the ghost needle at any time and improve its cultivation at any time.

Ye Yan was delighted.

The world he is in contact with now is not short of beautiful ghosts, such as Nie Xiaoqian and Yue Qiluo who has an immortal soul.

If they are subdued and added to the ghost needle, wouldn't the ghost needle become a growing attack weapon directly?

Especially, it can allow them to be separated from the ghost needle at any time.

Doesn't that mean that if Ye Yan wants them to attack the enemy, they are weapons.

If he wants to chat with them, they are beautiful women to talk to?

Thinking about it makes Ye Yan look forward to it.

After the experiment of"Yin Pearl of Creation" and"Moonlight Transformation Technique".

Ye Yan's soul returned to his body.

At this time, Ma Linxiang's soul broke free from the dead baby's body.

"Thank you for saving me, immortal"

"I have nothing to repay you, but now I have 20,000 taels of gold as a legacy, please accept it, Immortal"

"Although these are just external possessions and the immortals may not look down on them, these are the only things I can offer."

Ma Linxiang really wanted to thank Ye Yan.

Unexpectedly, Ye Yan was secretly happy when he heard this.

Twenty thousand taels of gold, isn't it equivalent to twenty thousand group points?

He didn't remember that in the original book, Ma Linxiang had so many inheritances.

But Ye Yan didn't take it all away.

After all, he still had some face living in Renjia Town.

He was already a wealthy man. If he took away all the inheritance, even if he was an immortal in everyone's mind at this time, it would be a bit self-destructive.

Ye Yan took only 10,000 taels of gold as a reward for eliminating the cause and effect with Ma Linxiang.

Let the village chief leave 10,000 taels of gold to build bridges and roads for Renjia Town and neighboring villages. Anyway,

Ye Yan is now the richest man in Renjia Town, and he usually does these things.

In this case, now nominally he didn't take all the money, but in fact it was no different from taking it away.

The village chief and the people of Majia Village couldn't help but give Ye Yan a thumbs up, calling Ye Yan worthy of being an immortal.

Kind-hearted and regards money as dirt


After returning home, Ye Yan immediately opened the chat group

【Ding, Ye Yan uploaded 10,000 taels of gold and obtained 10,000 group points】

【Ding, group administrator Ye Yan refused the temptation of group points and did not give the obtained"Yin Yang Ghost Infant Refining Method"》、《The evil spells such as the Soul-Giving Ghost Needle Evil Spell should be uploaded to the Group Mall to prevent them from spreading to the heavens and the worlds and harming all living beings.】

【Get 1000 group points】

【Ding, Ye Yan uploaded the Xuan-level mid-grade secret technique——《Yin Yang Ghost Needle》Get 300 group points】

【Ding, ding, ding……】

The notification sound of Ye Yan's continuous group points continued to sound.���The group members online immediately exploded.

Yue Buqun:"Oh my god! Another ten thousand taels of gold?"

"Ye Da Lao is rich and inhumane"

"Please give me some gold, Boss Ye!"

Green Man King:"No, Yue Buqun, aren't you a hypocrite?"

"When did you become so shameless?"

Li Mochou:"That's right, as the head of a sect, you actually have the nerve to ask for money?"

"With your guts, you still want to unify the Five Mountains Sword Sects?"

Yue Buqun:"The main reason is that Boss Ye has a lot of gold."

"Last time I got one or two tons of gold, now I got another ten thousand taels"

"I am really poor."

"I don't have any travel expenses to go far away."


In order to raise money to go to Zhenyuan Escort Agency to get the Sword Manual of Exorcism for Mr. Ye to revise, I almost plucked all the vegetables planted on the back hill of Huashan."……No way! Are you from Huashan or the Beggars' Sect?"

"So poor?"

"Come on, don't say I won't help you"

"This money is for you"

【Ding, an exclusive red envelope from Zhiqiu Yiye】

【Ding, Yue Buqun gets a penny. 】

Yue Buqun:"Fuck! Zhiqiu Yiye, how dare you insult this master?"

Li Mochou:"Puff! Zhiqiu Yiye, Master Yue, Zhiqiu Yiye has given you money, how can it be considered an insult to you?"

【Ding, an exclusive red envelope from Li Mochou】


【Ding, an exclusive red envelope from Li Xunhuan】


【Ding, Yue Buqun gets 2 coins】


【Ding, Yue Buqun gets 5 coins. 】

Yue Buqun:"……"

Yue Buqun felt like he would really thank you.

You really think I'm a beggar?

However, when Yue Buqun looked at the more than 30 copper coins in his hand, his expression instantly became strange.

30 coins were enough for a few days of food for more than a dozen people in Huashan.

Yue Buqun suddenly felt that being a beggar was not so pleasant.

He immediately put on a sullen face and begged in the group regardless of everyone's ridicule.

He got more than 50 coins again.

This made Yue Buqun very excited.

Until Ye Yan said,"Master Yue, what's so exciting about a few dozen coins?"

"Don’t you know that group points can be exchanged for gold in the Group Mall?"

Yue Buqun:"What?"

"Holy shit! Is this true?"

"2 points for one tael of gold?"

"So you can get 1 tael of gold if you sign in for 2 days???"

Yue Buqun was instantly stunned.

He was actually begging for mercy in the group just for a few dozen coins?

I am not living like this.

Li Mochou:"That's right! Uncle Yue, don't you know? People think you like being a beggar?"

Zhiqiu Yiye:"That's right, Uncle Yue, didn't you like begging just now? Hahaha!"


Zhiqiu Yiye couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Yue Buqun was instantly numb. Are you guys doing this on purpose?

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