Li Xun Huan:"Hey! Xianxian, why haven't you been online since yesterday?"

Huang Rong:"Yes! Did something happen to Sister Xianxian?"

Zhi Qiu Yi Ye:"The first rule of the chat group is that you can't chat in a group. If you don't do anything, it will either cause trouble or be interrupted by Boss Ye.……"

"Oh my god! Is it Kanan's turn this time?"

"Looking forward to seeing Mr. Ye and the demon girl……"

Li Mochou:"……Zhiqiu Yiye, what's in your mind?"

"I want to see this kind of thing all day long."

Li Xunhuan:"Zhiqiu Yiye, if you really can't be a Taoist priest, just return to secular life and get married!"

Mu Nianci:"Zhiqiu Yiye, it's not easy to be a single dog, you'd better get married and have children as soon as possible.".

Yotsuya Miko:"……+1."

Huang Rong:"……+1."

Nangong Ping'er:"……+1."

When Ye Yan saw this, he instantly had the illusion that he was being urged to get married by a group of aunts and uncles in the future.

If Zhiqiu Yiye knew what a marriage scene was, he would also shout to everyone at this time.

Do I need you to tell me if I can do it?

But Ye Yan didn't have time to pay attention to Zhiqiu Yiye at this time.

He just wanted to see if Kankan was really in trouble.

If so, that would be great.

Yes, Ye Yan actually wanted to find Kankan and see Kankan's various novel clothes.

But he was worried that if Kankan encountered any danger after he went there, he would not be able to go there because he was in the cooling-off period of time travel. But if Kankan was really in danger now, then according to the plot, she would not be in danger in a short time.

So Ye Yan could go there immediately.

But at this moment, something happened that shocked Ye Yan and the whole group.

Kankan:"Zhiqiu Yiye, you, the crow mouth, are wrong this time."

"Hey! Maybe it's not my destiny with Brother Ye Yan yet."

"I haven't encountered any danger yet."

"Brother Ye Yan, I really miss you, can’t you come and see me now?"

【Ding, a private photo of Kankan that shows her pitiful appearance.

Ye Yan clicked it subconsciously.

Kankan half-knelt in front of the camera, her beautiful eyes full of pitiful looks, as if she was being bullied, coupled with her peerless face that was cute yet a bit charming.

Seeing this, Ye Yan couldn't help but feel a little guilty, and he wanted to go over and comfort Kankan, this little vixen.

However, when Ye Yan accidentally saw the white area, his nose almost bleeds.

He said that he was almost fooled.

How could this vixen be really pitiful?

She was clearly pretending to be pitiful, and by the way, she got something for him to see, so as to attract him over.

Ye Yan:"Kankan, I'm not going over now.々ˇ "

"Why are you hiding in the bushes for no reason?"

"Who are you ambushing?"

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Ambush?"

"Could it be that what Kanan said before was true?"

Yotsuya Miko:"Curious? What did you say?""

"Did I miss something?"

Huang Rong:"Who is Sister Wan Wan going to ambush?"

"Are there any enemies?"

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Don't you remember that before, Kankan said that she wanted to capture the saint girl from Cihang Jingzhai to be the wife of Boss Ye?"

"Want one good and one evil, one pure and one charming to serve Boss Ye and attract him over?"

Green Man King:"Oh my gosh! Is there such a thing?"

"When was that said?"

""Zhi Qiu Yi Ye, you can't have imagined it!"

Zhao Linger:"It's probably not an imagination. Linger seems to remember that the barrier of Qian Qian did say this."

"Cihang Jingzhai seems to be Senior Sister Wan Wan, the first sect of the righteous path"

"That saintly lady's name is Shi Feixuan."

Li Xunhuan:"Oh my god! It's actually true?"

"I checked the chat history"

"This is what Ye Da Lao and Mo Chou Fairy said at the critical moment when Xianxian seemed very unconvinced."

Mu Nianci:"I remember that at that time we were all annoyed by the interruption of the live broadcast and ignored this sentence."

Yue Buqun:"Xianxian is still good at playing."

Nangong Ping'er:"Xianxian, it would be wrong to force her."

"Ye Yan doesn't like to force others."

Yoshitani Miko:"Yes, forcing is wrong, although I really want to be with Ye... No, it's me and I who look down on this kind of man."

"Just like in the movie, they clearly mentioned flax... but they kept saying……"

Li Xun Huan:"Sister Jian Zi, we don't understand what you said. What about flax?"

Zhi Qiu Yi Ye:"Yes! And what did you miss?"

Mu Nian Ci:"Same question"


Li Mochou:"Curious."

Upon hearing this, Yotsuya Miko didn’t know how to answer for a moment.

At this moment, she seemed to have her little secret discovered by others, and her cute little face was full of shyness.

Ye Yan heard something from Yotsuya Miko’s few words.

But it is also possible that he was overthinking.

After all, Yotsuya Miko is a student, how could she watch that kind of movie?

Green Man King:"Is it some specialty of your country?"

"¨‖ Oh, there seems to be a plant called flax, which can be used to weave various shoes and mats.

Yotsuya Miko:"Yes, flax is used to weave mats.""

"Sister Xianxian, don’t go catch that saint girl, you are already very attractive to Brother Ye Yan."

Xianxian:"Don’t worry, Sister Nangong, don’t worry, Sister Jianzi, don’t worry, everyone, why would I do such a thing?"

"Even if I really did it, Brother Ye Yan would definitely not agree"

"I just simply want to show Brother Ye Yan what the saintess of the righteous sects in our world looks like."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this.

After all, they were all representatives of greatness and justice, so how could they do such a despicable thing?

However, what Kankan said next made everyone completely numb.

Kankan:"I believe that even the pure-hearted Shi Feixuan would definitely be tempted when she sees a handsome and powerful man like Brother Ye Yan."

"Then it won’t be forced anymore."


When everyone heard this, they immediately felt that there was something wrong with what she said.

(Qian Li's) feeling is still forced.

But it seems that there is no coercion.

Ye Yan:"Xianxian, so you are now ambushing Shi Feixuan outside Cihang Jingzhai?"

Ye Yan was a little expectant at this time.

But he was not expecting to find Xianxian to happen. Instead, he was expecting to see Shi Feixuan in that world. Is she as fresh and refined as in the original novel, with bright eyes, white teeth, and exquisite and charming figure?

Xianxian:"This is not Cihang Jingzhai. I went to Cihang Jingzhai two days ago, ready to kill in and kidnap Shi Feixuan."

"But when he heard that Shi Feixuan was out, it seemed that she was going to stop Li Tang and Li Xiuning from opening the tomb of the evil king and obtaining the secret of immortality."

"So they are rushing over now, ready to see if they can come up with a trick to snatch the secret of longevity and give it to Brother Ye Yan."

Ye Yan was stunned when he heard this.

Li Xiuning, this is also a great beauty.

She will be a real princess in the future. Bah! No, what I am concerned about now is the secret of longevity.

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