【Ding, you have successfully mastered the Yellow Grade Ultimate Technique——《The"Bi Yue Bei Dou Jue" was transformed into the"Tao Jing" and successfully derived the 4th level of foundation-building skills. 】

As one skill after another was integrated into the"Tao Jing".

The ten-zhang golden Taoist scripture in Ye Yan's mind finally appeared with countless obscure and mysterious words on the second page.

Although Ye Yan had never learned every word and didn't know it at all. But at a glance, it was like falling into a starry sky derived from various mysteries of heaven and earth, as if various mysteries of heaven and earth kept approaching and automatically entered Ye Yan's mind, making Ye Yan enlightened.

Ye Yan could understand these words instantly and deeply engraved them in his mind.


At this moment, Ye Yan's body immediately entered a mysterious state.

It was as if he was directly communicating with the world in all directions.

Suddenly, the spiritual energy within a hundred miles of Renjia Town boiled, as if a flood encountered a low-lying gap, and it continuously gathered towards Ye Yan's location.

The entire Ye Mansion was instantly surrounded by spiritual mist, hazy, with thriving vegetation and lush grass and trees, like a fairyland on earth.

Thanks to Ye Yan, everyone in the Ye Mansion felt refreshed and indescribably comfortable after a small baptism of spiritual energy.

Although all diseases were not completely cured, fatigue was instantly eliminated and physical fitness was slightly improved. Fortunately, it was midnight, otherwise this scene would definitely make the whole Renjia Town a sensation.

However, even so, Uncle Jiu, who was about to return to the charity cemetery, and the monsters and ghosts within a radius of ten miles had already sensed the strange phenomenon in the Ye Mansion.

They were shocked.

They thought it was some kind of opportunity sent from heaven and could not wait to rush over to grab it.

But the next moment.


The hazy spiritual mist that originally enveloped the Ye Mansion was pulled by a powerful suction force in Ye Yan's body, and instantly poured out like a river, forming a powerful spiritual power vortex. The pure spiritual mist turned into spiritual liquid and continuously poured into Ye Yan's body.

Boom boom boom~

Peak of Qi training~

First level of foundation building~

Second level of foundation building~

Third level of foundation building~


Ye Yan's cultivation level continued to increase rapidly.

The rolling spiritual power could not be suppressed at all, like layers of huge waves sweeping in all directions.

Shocking ghosts and monsters in all directions, and monk Jiu Shu.

However, this strange phenomenon came quickly and went away quickly.

When the spiritual power vortex formed by all the spiritual energy within a radius of dozens of miles was swallowed up by Ye Yan.

There was no trace of spiritual charm overflowing from Ye Yan's body.

It was as if the perfect body of an immortal in the legend, the spiritual energy and the flesh had become one, and would not dissipate at all, so that no one could see Ye Yan's cultivation level from the spiritual energy emitting from Ye Yan's body.

As the saying goes,"True immortals are like ordinary people" refers to this state.

Of course, this is just a perfect state, not to say that Ye Yan has become an immortal.

And this is why, before Ye Yan did not bring the"Bluestone Gem Jade", Mr. Feng Shui still could not see Ye Yan's cultivation level.

It can only be said that the practice of"Tao Jing" is too against the sky

"what happened?"

"Such a violent fluctuation of spiritual energy, how could it disappear just like that?"

Uncle Jiu was shocked, looking at the peaceful sky above the Ye Mansion in the distance.

The night sky immediately fell into peace because of Ye Yan's stable cultivation.

It was as if nothing had happened.

If Uncle Jiu and the ghosts and monsters from all directions had not just experienced it, they would definitely think that the scene just now was an illusion.

However, at this time, the ghosts and monsters from all directions did not dare to rush towards the Ye Mansion where Ye Yan was like crazy.

After all, the terrifying spiritual power that Ye Yan had just broken through had already made these ghosts and monsters tremble, and they dared not go there even if there was a chance to get a treasure.

Even a powerful ghost like Dong Xiaoyu was afraid of Ye Yan, and even if they wanted to come to Renjia Town to do evil, they dared not act too recklessly.

Uncle Jiu couldn't wait to rush back to Renjia Town. He wanted to know what happened?

Who broke through a foundation-building stage and made such a terrifying noise?

And then.

Something that shocked Uncle Jiu was about to happen.


The lightning arc shook the sky, and a thunder attribute breath that Uncle Jiu felt very familiar with spread out.

"The breath of thunder?"

"Could it be that Ye Yan is breaking through the foundation?"

"How can this be?"


On the other side.

Ye Mansion

"Is this the power of the third level of foundation building?"

"All the spiritual mist in my Dantian actually liquefied into a river?"

"Now the spiritual power in my body is at least ten times stronger and ten times more powerful than before."

"Even if only the Yin Lei Zhi is used, Mr. Feng Shui and Old Master Ren can be easily killed."

Ye Yan woke up from his meditation and found that his body and Dantian had undergone earth-shaking changes, as if he had endless strength in his body. He was so excited. His breathing became rapid.

At the same time, he submerged his consciousness into his body and immediately found that the Dantian, which was originally filled with hazy spiritual mist, had a clear and transparent three-meter-wide pool of water like a mirror.

It contained endless spiritual power.

At the same time, it seemed that because Ye Yan himself had a thunder spirit body, there were actually arcs of lightning in the spiritual power pool, like a pool of thunder in the sky, containing infinite thunder power.



The original spiritual power turned into thunder spiritual power and surged all over the body.

Ye Yan's body was immediately tempered by the pure power of thunder and lightning.

Lightning arcs surrounded him, removing his hair and washing his marrow.

Black impurities overflowed from his 48,000 pores and were immediately burned by the surface lightning arcs.


The smoke dissipated, leaving only the pure body of the Thunder Spirit.

Its skin was as delicate as a baby's, but it was full of infinite power.



Lightning arcs covered his entire body, forming a lightning arc electric suit, making Ye Yan look like a celestial god of war wearing a lightning suit, giving people a feeling of being invincible.


Moreover, since Ye Yan practiced thunder magic, he was surprised to find that this lightning arc electric clothing could actually add the Yin thunder and Yang thunder he practiced.

With a thought, the lightning arcs around his body shone with dazzling white light, which was extremely strong and yang.

With a change of mind, the white lightning arcs turned into dark black, which was extremely yin and pure.

This was also the reason why Uncle Jiu could sense the breath of yin energy.

The source of shock.

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