At this moment, if Mr. Feng Shui was still there, he would definitely be scared silly by Ye Yan's lightning arc electric clothes.

After all, in front of Ye Yan's lightning arc electric clothes, Mr. Feng Shui's body-protecting corpse clothes are just like paper.


Ye Yan's lightning arc electric clothes seem violent and not real, but in fact, they are indestructible like Mr. Feng Shui's body-protecting corpse clothes.

It is difficult to be hurt by ordinary swords.

If Ye Yan had this lightning arc electric clothes when facing Mr. Feng Shui before, he would not need to activate the"Extreme Yin Thunder" to attack. He could just crash into it and burst the corpse clothes defense and electrocute Mr. Feng Shui.

Of course, if this scene was seen by Uncle Jiu, Zhiqiu Yiye or even Nangong Ping'er, they would definitely widen their eyes.

They shouted:"It's so terrifying"

Damn! The spiritual clothes for protecting the body at the peak of foundation building that I have seen are not as awesome as your fourth-level foundation building.

Ye Yan also realized this at this time, and he was so happy in his heart.

"Yes, I didn't expect that this protective spiritual clothing cultivated from the"Tao Sutra" not only presents the attributes of the"Blue Thunder Spirit Body", but can also incorporate the thunder method I practiced.���able"

"If I learn more powerful thunder techniques in the future, this lightning arc electric clothing will definitely be more powerful."

Ye Yan looked at the Yin-Yang divine thunder covering his body, and he was secretly delighted.

You know, the spiritual power cultivated by the"Taoism Scripture" should be regarded as spiritual power without attributes.

After the foundation is established with this kind of skills, the body protection spiritual clothing condensed is also without attributes.

It is even more impossible to add the lightning arc of"Yin-Yang Extreme Thunder".

Just like the Feng Shui master before, although he also practiced"Yin Thunder", he himself practiced the corpse method, so the body protection spiritual clothing condensed by the foundation is all corpse gas.

Even if the"Yin Thunder" and the corpse gas attributes are compatible, it cannot be presented.

Thinking of this, Ye Yan couldn't help but sigh that this"Taoism Scripture" is really awesome.

But this is not over yet.

The next moment, something happened that made Ye Yan even more excited

【Ding, congratulations to the master for being able to draw inferences from"Blue Thunder Spirit Body" and"Taoism Scriptures" and mastering"Yin Yang Extreme Thunder Strike" and reaching the entry level.……】

【Ding, congratulations to the master……《Yin and Yang Thunder》……, reaching proficiency level……】

【Ding, congratulations to the master……《Yin and Yang Thunder》……, reaching the small level……】

The system Xiaobai's sweet reminder sound suddenly sounded

"Oh my god! Is there such a thing?"

"Is my"Blue Thunder Spirit Body" so powerful?"

"It can actually help me automatically comprehend thunder attribute spells?"

Ye Yan realized at this moment the extraordinary nature of his"Blue Thunder Spirit Body".

No wonder Feng Shui Master was willing to waste 15 years to guard his body before.

Buzz buzz buzz ~

Just as the sweet reminder sound of the system Xiaobai fell.

Ye Yan had the mysterious information about"Yin Yang Extreme Thunder" in his mind, which immediately gathered into a violent picture of flashing lightning.

It directly pulled Ye Yan into consciousness again.

4 black and 4 white, eight violent divine thunders merged in the void and turned into four black and white thunders, just like the Yin and Yang Thunder Dragon descending to the world, carrying the mysterious power of Yin and Yang divine punishment to tear the void and purge the world of evil.

Zizizizi ~

Ye Yan's mind was blessed, and his consciousness returned to his body.

The power of the violent thunder in his body seemed to have found an outlet, and condensed black and white violent lightning arcs in Ye Yan's hands.

Crackling ~

Two terrifying black and white divine thunders passed through the window and struck the night sky.

Boom boom!

The divine thunder exploded.

A hundred feet of sky was filled with sonic booms and violent winds.

It was as if a cannonball exploded in mid-air, and the terrifying shock wave swept across the sky within a radius of ten feet.

The thunder sounded throughout the area within a radius of ten miles.

It was deafening.

Ghosts and demons from all directions were frightened and the spirits and monsters died. Even Uncle Jiu and his three disciples, who had just been shocked by the Yin thunder, were once again startled by the sudden and terrifying thunder sound.


"It's not raining again!"

"Why is there such a terrifying thunder sound?"

"Is it thundering during a drought?"

Wencai Qiusheng's face was full of doubt and shock.

He looked up at the sky, which was dotted with stars and not a single cloud.

But Uncle Jiu discovered something and his face changed drastically.

"This isn't a drought thunder."

"It's Leifa"

"The aura is very similar to the Yin Lei aura of the Ye Mansion, and it is even more powerful."

"The person who just caused the spiritual energy within a hundred miles to boil was also Ye Yan."


"Master, are you kidding?"

"Were these terrifying spiritual fluctuations and heavenly thunder all caused by Ye Yan?"

"Could he be the legendary Thunder God?"

Wencai Qiu Sheng sucked in a breath of cold air, and was shocked to the extreme.

Originally, he was shocked by the scene of Ye Yan killing Old Master Ren in one second tonight.

Now he is back to the charity cemetery, more than ten miles away, and Ye Yan showed off again.

It's just a monster.

Fortunately, I didn't offend Ye Yan to death before, otherwise I don't know when I would be struck by lightning.

Uncle Jiu was even more shocked at this time.

The power of this thunder method is to catch up with the eldest brother a few years ago-Shi Jian.

But you have to know that Ye Yan is only 22 years old now, and he can actually have the strength of Shi Jian, the first genius of contemporary Maoshan, who is more than 40 years old.

It's so terrifying!

But if Uncle Jiu knew that this lightning was only half of Ye Yan's strength, he would definitely be scared silly.

But at this time, Uncle Jiu has become more suspicious that Ye Yan is an evil cultivator.

Otherwise, how could Ye Yan's cultivation speed be so fast?

Thinking of this, Uncle Jiu quickly gave up the idea of looking for Ye Yan to find out.

He was ready to gather a few brothers to help first.


Compared to Uncle Jiu's expression of being ashamed of his ancestors' death, Ye Yan was in a good mood.

He uploaded the upgraded skills to the chat group.

【Ding, Ye Yan uploaded the yellow-level top-grade skills——《Changchun Finals", get 45 points】

【Ding, Ye Yan uploaded the yellow-level ultimate technique——《"Small Yin and Yang Hehuan Jue", get 60 points】


【Ding, Ye Yan uploaded the Xuan-level middle-grade technique——《"Blocking Moon and Stars" earn 300 points】


【Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding……】

Ye Yan directly threw all the upgraded skills from the Dao Sutra into the Group Mall.

In an instant, group notification sounds continued to sound.

Ye Yan's group points skyrocketed.

350, 400、……550...2000...5000...

In just a short moment, Ye Yan actually directly obtained more than 8000 group points.

This made Ye Yan happy, and the whole group exploded instantly.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my god! There is actually such a trick!"

"Cheating, cheating."

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