Zhiqiu Yiye:"@Green Man King, fuck! Dog food, absolute dog food."

Zhiqiu Yiye hadn't noticed Yan Ying's abnormality yet, but felt like he was unexpectedly fed a mouthful of dog food.

After all, there were four men in the group, and he was the only single one.

Not to mention seeing that Green Man King was actually a rough guy, but standing next to him was a peerless beauty like Yan Ying.

Zhiqiu Yiye instantly felt jealous and numb.

Damn! I'm so handsome, but I can't compare to Green Man King, a rough guy?

This is not fair.

Li Xunhuan:"Old Green is awesome, although my sister-in-law can't compare to my cousin Shiyin, she is also a peerless beauty."

"No wonder you want to live in seclusion in the mountains, it turns out you are afraid that your sister-in-law will be kidnapped, haha!"


Everyone was envious, blessing, and jealous.

Only Ye Yan had a strange look on his face when he saw the photo.

He remembered that the Green Man King was cheated on. He was hesitating whether to tell the Green Man King.

Kankan and the others didn't know about this yet and were still discussing it fiercely. Kankan

:"Surprise +1, I didn't expect that the Green Man King, who looks like a rough guy, is actually a family man."

"He lives in seclusion in the mountains for his wife, envying the mandarin ducks instead of the immortals!"

"@Ye Yan, if someone can give up everything for me in the future, I will definitely be very touched."

Ye Yan:"……"

Could this little goblin Wanwan be any more obvious?

You envy others, why are you @ing me?

Are you flirting whenever you get the chance? This is too much.

Ye Yan felt"fully provoked".

He made up his mind that he must find a chance to go through the"network cable" and let this little goblin know how powerful he is.

10,000 points are needed to travel through.

Ye Yan has almost collected enough points.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"@Wanwan, no, you are posting dog food too?"

"Are you going to let people live?"

"Can't I confess my feelings to the boss in private chat?"

"Please take care of me, a single dog! Oh oh oh~"

Zhiqiu Yiye was instantly numb.

She didn’t expect that she just saw the Green Man King showing off his love, and then she saw Wanwan, the little devil, confessing her love?

This is bullying.

However, this is not over yet.

Li Mochou:"@Ye Yan, I envy my sister-in-law so much for being able to retire to the mountains with her beloved!"

Li Mochou was speaking from the heart.

After all, she is a love-brained person in the original novel.

Mu Nianci:"@Ye Yan, I envy my sister-in-law so much for being able to retire to the mountains with her beloved!"

After Mu Nianci sent this message, her little face flushed.

Although she already knew that most of the time, people in the chat group just talked, but she still took a lot of courage to send this message.

Of course, it was also because she had a good impression of Ye Yan.


Ye Yan:"@Green Man King, although it is abrupt to say something, I feel it is necessary to say it"

"Maybe I can save your fate"

"Do you know your group note, why is it called Green Man King?"

Green Man King:"Boss Ye, we are all children of the world, just say it directly if you have something to say, there is no need to be abrupt."

Green Man King didn't understand why Ye Yan suddenly brought up this.

But even though he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart, he still wanted to solve the confusion for a long time.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"@Green Man King, does this need to be said by Boss Ye?"

"Does Green Turban know?"

"It's your wife who cheated on you."


A stone stirs up a thousand waves.

Zhiqiu Yiye said this purely out of jealousy, wanting to disgust the Green Man King.

But he didn't expect it to be a coincidence.

Green Man King:"Asshole, Zhiqiu Yiye, you dare to slander Yan Ying, I'll tear your mouth apart."

The Green Man King was instantly furious.

If it wasn't for the 10,000 points required to enter the world of other people, the Green Man King's Snow Drinking Mad Blade would definitely not be able to hold back.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"What what? Isn't it?"

"Then can you explain to me why the chat group automatically puts a"green" button on you?"

"@Dear members, tell me, is my interpretation of"green" wrong?"

"Even if my sister-in-law didn’t have an affair, the word"green" means that she has an affair.……"

Li Xunhuan was speechless for a moment.

In his world, there was indeed a green turban.

It was just that he had never associated this matter with the Green Man King.

But now that Zhiqiu Yiye had said this, it seemed that this was the real explanation.

But could he say it?

Li Mochou:"No way, no way!"

"Could it be true?"

"No wonder there seemed to be no smile on my sister-in-law's face."

Wanwan:"Now that you mention it, I really found that the sister-in-law in the photo just now had a face full of resentment."

Mu Nianci:"Oh my God! It's actually true, my sister-in-law really looks unhappy"

"@Green Man King, if you don't believe me, check it out for yourself"


The Green Man King was shocked.

Even though Ye Yan didn't say anything, the Green Man King was instantly panicked by what everyone said.

No way!

I just sprinkled some dog food, but I got a"green hat"?

The Green Man King was stunned.

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